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How To Do A Paper Cutter Choke From Side Control

Are you looking for a simple, effective choke from side control? Are you having trouble finding submissions from side control? The Paper Cutter Choke is a simple and high percentage choke from Side Control.

Side control is a very common position in BJJ, especially when you start rolling from your knees, but it can be frustrating if you don’t know side control submissions. The Side Control Paper Cutter Choke is one that every Brazilian Jiu Jitsu player should know.

In this video, Evolve MMA’s Eduardo Novaes shows how to complete the side control paper cutter choke by moving to north south, establishing a collar grip below your opponent’s neck, moving back to side control, and submitting your opponent with the choke.

Start: Side control top

Step 1: Wrap your opponent’s far side arm high on the tricep

Step 2: Grip your own collar with high side arm to secure arm wrap

Step 3: Block opponent’s hip with free hand

Step 4: Walk on toes to North South Position

Step 5: Wrap opponent’s other arm and grip their collar

Step 6: Give up far arm wrap and return to side control

Step 7: Grip opponent’s collar and slide wrist under their chin
(if opponent turns into you, use your knee to turn their head and neck into your wrist)

Step 8: Extend top-side leg and shift weight to that side

Step 9: Drop elbow to mat for choke submission

End: Submission via paper cutter choke