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Filmjitsu – BJJ in Four Christmases

Every once in a while, Jiu-Jitsu finds its way into popular culture in a way that leaves BJJ geeks pointing at the screen and going “ooh ooh I know that one!” (Insert meme of Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at screen). This is the first entry into a recurring (maybe) segment. 

In four christmases, Vince Vaughn’s character Brad is forced to visit his family for Christmas (a horrible fate I wouldn’t wish on anyone but my worst enemies, people who see that a toilet paper roll is getting low and don’t wipe as much as they normally would so that they won’t have to replace it). Seconds from walking through the door, Jon Favreau’s character Denver jumps a rear naked choke on Brad (née Orlando) and Tim McGraw’s character Dallas grabs what looked like a gift wrap position. 

Minutes later, after Brad acts like a dummy twice and calls MMA human cockfighting (shoutout to the late great John McCain for that immortal sound bite) and then insults Denver’s wife using spray cheese as if Easy Cheese on Ritz isn’t a delicious treat, his brother pulls him into a diamond position and taunts him by turning the arm the wrong way for an arm bar (but keeping the diamond position, because position before submission) before possibly switching to a wrist lock for the tap.

In the end, the Four Christmases proves that art imitates life and the brother who practices Jiu-Jitsu (Denver) is happier, healthier, and has a rich home life filled with love while the brother who judges BJJ is fundamentally unhappy and is about to see his personal life fall to pieces in front of his eyes.

Image via Four Christmases Theatrical Trailer on YouTube