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How To Do a Half Guard Lockdown Calf Slicer in BJJ

The half guard lockdown is a great BJJ position that secures half guard, preventing your opponent from passing while allowing you to work on submissions and sweeps. By simply wrapping your feet around your opponent’s shin, you can prevent their movement and they have to work on passing your lockdown before they can think about passing your half guard. That extra step gives you a chance to work on submissions from half guard lockdown. 

If you’re unsure of how to get the lockdown position in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, check out our writeup How To Do the Half Guard Lockdown in BJJ.

A calf slicer is a brutally painful submission in BJJ that put the shin of your leg into the calf muscle of your opponent, causing immense pressure. This move is illegal to use in gi BJJ competitions but is legal in nogi BJJ and MMA, but this submission can do serious damage so be careful training it in your gym.

Start: Halfguard with lockdown

Step 1: Dive inside hand under opponent’s opposite armpit and sit up so that they are on all fours and your top half is clear of their body on the side of their trapped leg

Step 2: Grab opponent’s trapped shin with your inside hand

Step 3: Abandon the lockdown and figure four your legs with the outside foot on your inside knee

Step 4: With both hands, pull opponent’s foot towards you

Finish: Submission via half guard lockdown calf slicer

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How To Do a Half Guard Lockdown Arm Triangle Choke in BJJ

The half guard lockdown position in BJJ is a strong option to turn what can be overlooked as a transition position into a brutal attack position. With the half guard lockdown, your feet wrap around your opponent’s leg at the shin and prevent them from passing your guard while also limiting their movement so they are unable to prevent your attacks. (check out our writeup on How To Do the Halfguard Lockdown in BJJ here).

The arm triangle choke is a simple yet effective choke that involves wrapping your opponent up and pitting the geometry and strength of both of your arms against the strength of one of their arms (just like the halfguard lockdown).

Start: Half guard bottom with lockdown, opponent has an arm under your head to control your movement

Step 1: Wrap your arm on opposite side of opponent’s controlling arm around opponent’s head

Step 2: Gable grip your hands together

Step 3: Figure four arms with your wrapped hand in the elbow of free arm

Step 4: Grip opponent’s forehead with free hand

Step 5: Squeeze

Finish: Submission via arm triangle from halfguard lockdown

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How To Do the Half Guard Lockdown in BJJ

Half guard is a powerful position in BJJ. Because your legs are intertwined with your opponent’s, half guard opens up a lot of options for sweeps and submissions. On the other hand, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu half guard doesn’t provide the same ability to control your opponent’s hips as the full guard or mount does, so it can be a tougher position to work from than those and is easier for your opponent to escape from.

The half guard lockdown in BJJ offers an option to stop your opponent from moving their trapped leg while in your half guard, stopping them from escaping. The lockdown wraps both of your feet around your opponent’s leg, preventing them from moving anywhere without dragging you with them in exactly the same position (and just tiring themselves out in the process).

Start: Half guard

Step 1: Step outside foot over opponent’s leg to inside their legs

Step 2: Lace outside foot under inside calf

Step 3: Weave inside foot under opponent’s shin

Step 4: Extend outside leg to inside ankle and press into opponent’s shin

Finish: Half guard lockdown

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How To Do An Inverse Buggy Choke From Half Guard Bottom Or Side Control Bottom

bjj instruction video buggy choke from half guard bottom side control bottom

Half Guard Bottom can be a frustrating position in BJJ. Unlike mount of side control, you have some options for sweeps from side control bottom, but that can make opponents nervous. Sometimes nervous opponents will insist on pinning you rather than trying to execute their own passes or submissions. Luckily for you, even if your opponent has decided they are just going to smash their weight into you and stall, there is an option for na very slick choke from side control bottom.

This is called the inverse buggy choke and it’s a very cool choke that involves wrapping yourself into a bizarre yoga pretzel and makes you look like a ninja.

Start: Half Guard Bottom

Step 1: Shrimp away from opponent

Step 2: Shoot top-side arm out between his head and shoulder

Step 3: Grab your top-side leg as high as possible with top-side hand

Step 4: Use your bottom-side hand ton secure leg and drive top-side arm as high as possible on your leg

Step 5: Push bottom-side hand against his hip with a straight arm to bring yourself higher on his body and his trapped arm away from his body

Step 6: Bring the inside of your elbow to the inside of your knee

Step 7: Turn away from opponent and squeeze arm for choke submission

BONUS: Completing the Inverse Buggy Choke from side control bottom

Sometimes in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you don’t get a chance to use your favorite moves. if your opponent passes from half guard to side control, you can still execute the inverse buggy choke from side control bottom.

Start: Side control bottom

Step 1: Shrimp away from opponent and turn onto your inside hip to free your outside leg up

Step 2: Grab your outside leg with your outside hand and create a connection as high as possible on both with the goal of meeting your inside elbow to your inside knee

Step 3a: If opponent drives towards you, use your inside arm to post against his hip and squeeze your arm to complete the choke

Step 3b: If opponent does not push towards you, use your inside leg to push against your outside arm and leg and squeeze your arm to complete the choke