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How To Escape The Half Guard Lockdown in BJJ – 3 Lockdown Escapes

The lockdown position in half guard is a very powerful way to secure your opponent when you are in half guard bottom. Getting the lockdown from half guard bottom opens up sweeps, submissions, and prevents your opponent from passing to mount or side control. Getting stuck in the lockdown can be frustrating and like many positions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, spazzing and trying to muscle your way out of lockdown can lead to injuries.

These are three great ways to use Jiu-Jitsu to escape the half guard lockdown safely.

Half Guard Lockdown Escape 1: Lift Off

Start: Half guard top, opponent has lockdown

Step 1: Shift weight as low onto opponent’s hips as possible

Step 2: Switch hips and face towards your trapped leg, posting free foot at an angle and pinching free knee in to trap opponent’s free leg

Step 3: Lift trapped heel up and towards your butt

Step 4: Post formerly trapped foot out away from opponent’s legs to prevent them from restoring lockdown

Finish: Half guard top

Half Guard Lockdown Escape 2: Knee Cut

Start Half guard top, opponent has lockdown

Step 1: Get arm underhook on lockdown side and overhook on other side

Step 2: Switch head to free side of opponent’s head and sprawl out, flattening yourself onto mat

Step 3: Use free foot to pry opponent’s inside leg down and away from lockdown

Step 4: Pull trapped knee forward past opponent’s knee into knee cut pass

Step 5: Slide knee over opponent’s thigh and past their half guard

Finish: Side control top

Half Guard Lockdown Escape 3: Donkey Kick

Start: Half guard top, opponent has lockdown

Step 1: Shift weight as low onto opponent’s hips as possible

Step 2: Tilt to free side and shoot free-side hand through underneath opponent’s thighs

Step 3: Grips hands together and pinch opponent’s knees together

Step 4: Move hips back and sprawl free leg out

Step 5: Sprawl or kick trapped leg back

Finish: Scramble

Curious about the lockdown? Check out How To Do the Half Guard Lockdown in BJJ, How To Do a Half Guard Lockdown Arm Triangle Choke in BJJ, and How To Do a Half Guard Lockdown Calf Slicer in BJJ.

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How To Do a High Elbow Guillotine in BJJ

The guillotine choke is an incredibly powerful choke that is both easy to do and hard to escape, making it one of the most popular choke submissions in BJJ, MMA, and real world street fighting. The high elbow guillotine is one of the many different guillotine variations for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that is available when you have access to your opponent’s head and neck but have not secured control of their arm. For variations with the arm secured, see the arm in guillotine or D’Arce choke.

This great video by John Danaher has a lot of details for getting the guillotine from half guard, but the high elbow guillotine can be reached from several positions.

Start: headlock position with opponent’s neck exposed

Step 1: Grip opponent’s chin with strangle hand (non-high elbow side hand) over their head and neck

Step 2: Slide support hand in between opponent’s shoulder and head alongside their neck and grip your strangle hand with your support hand palm on the back of your strangle hand

Step 3: Push your strangle side shoulder forward into your opponent’s creating space for the guillotine submission

Step 4: Bring your support side elbow back to your body to prevent opponent from securing control over it while shifting your head over toward strangle side

Step 5: Drag both hand up and to support side inside opponent’s clavicle, then turn support side elbow forward and onto opponent’s back

Step 6: Secure opponent’s body and rotate towards strangle side, raising support side elbow towards sky

End: Submission via guillotine

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How To Do a D’Arce Choke in BJJ

The D’Arce choke or inverted arm triangle choke is named after American grappler Joe Darce, who made the choke famous in the early 2000’s thanks to its brutal and efficient effectiveness. 

The D’Arce choke, which like the arm triangle involves a figure four of your arms around your opponent’s neck and one of their arms, is a great submission from a common position in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The D’Arce choke is a great addition to any BJJ practitioner’s arsenal since it is simple and effective and is a great answer to a takedown attempt. Even if you are unable to finish the D’Arce choke, the position allows you to stop your opponent’s takedown, allows you to pour your weight onto them and force them to turtle, and threatens them enough that they may hesitate or even decide not to attempt a takedown. 

Not just limited to a single position, the D’Arce choke is effective from half-guard top, side control, mount, turtle, or even knee-on-belly. It is a truly utilitarian submission.

Here is great teacher Stephan Kesting’s guide to landing the D’Arce choke submission from half guard top.

Start: Half guard top

Step 1: Get whizzer overhook on far-side arm

Step 2: Reach arm with whizzer overhook through until hand reaches past opponent’s neck

Step 3: Hold behind opponent’s head with both hands and clinch their head forward and in towards you

Step 4: Keeping opponent’s head clinched, figure four arms and reach near-side hand towards far-side shoulder

Step 5: Drive weight forward towards opponent

Finish: Submission by D’Arce Choke