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How To Do A Kimura From Side Control in BJJ

The kimura is a legendary submission in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Made famous by Masahiko Kimura when he sunk in the shoulder lock on Helio Gracie during their super fight, the kimura is such a strong submission that Helio’s arm broke when he refused to tap. The Brazilian was so stubborn that his brother Carlos Gracie had to throw in the towel and charge onto the mat to stop the fight.

The kimura from side control that broke Helio Gracie’s arm is not a complicated, hard to master trick submission that comes from left field and surprises people, it is a simple, basic BJJ submission that is still effective at any level.

This video by Bernardo Faria and John Donaher has the basic instructions for the kimura from side control along with a lot of details and explanations that are important to understand in order to actually land the kimura from side control in a BJJ roll.

Start: Side control top

Step 1: Grab opponent’s far-side wrist with your top-side hand by snaking the hand under opponent’s bicep

Step 2: Walk your hips up towards opponent’s head, putting your body at the eleven o’clock position relative to opponent’s body

Step 3: Grip your top-side wrist with your bottom-side hand

Step 4: Pull opponent’s wrist up along the mat towards their head

Finish: Submission via kimura

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How To Do A Far Side Armbar From Side Control – By Demian Maia

The armbar is one of the most iconic (and dramatic) Brazilian jiu jitsu techniques, and side control is one of the most common positions in BJJ. Because these two techniques are both so popular, you might be asking ‘how do I finish an armbar from side control?’

UFC legend and world-class BJJ grappler Demian Maia shows his technique for the far side arm bar from side control in this quick video.

Start: Side control top with opponent’s far side arm between your head and his legs

Step 1: Grip his elbow with your low-side hand and pull towards you while rolling his elbow to the sky

Step 2: Stand up on your top side foot and drive your weight towards his far side hip with your shoulder, straightening his arm out and weakening it

Step 3: Step your top-side foot around and under his arm pit with your knee up towards the sky

Step 4: Pivot and sit back, then extend your hips to complete the arm bar

End: Submission via armbar