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How To Do A Bow And Arrow Choke in BJJ

The bow and arrow choke in BJJ is an essential submission for every Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter to have in their quiver (pun intended). This choke submission from the back is very strong and is a great option for when an opponent is very good at defending the rear naked choke. Being able to switch submissions between the bow and arrow choke and rear naked will keep your opponent on the defense and prevent them from working on escaping your back control, keeping you in charge of the roll.

Start: Back control with seatbelt control

Step 1: With top-side hand, grip opponent’s opposite lapel with a thumb in grip

Step 2: Step feet over so that side with grip is on outside of opponent’s hip and other side is across their body

Step 3: Shoot free hand underneath opponent’s arm and fall onto your back, letting free foot float up toward opponent’s head

Step 4: Grip opponent’s pant leg with free hand and cross feet

Step 5: Pull with both hand while pushing down with both legs

Finish: Submission via bow and arrow choke