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How To Do The Ghost Side Control Escape

The Ghost side control escape is a 10th planet jiu jitsu technique that uses one of the fundamentals of BJJ – using your opponent’s energy against them. The Ghost escape starts like a normal side control escape, using your forearms to protect your neck and keep your opponent from getting too close. Then, you threaten a traditional guard recovery side control escape and when your opponent reacts, you use the space they create to slip away like a ghost.

Bonus: check out the Mortal Kombat intro music and try to stop yourself from saying GET OVER HERE like scorpion. If that doesn’t make you want to do some ninja stuff and choke someone out in a cool way, you’re dead inside and nothing can help you.

Start: Side control bottom

Step 1: Establish forearm blocks with T-Rex arms

Step 2: Shrimp away from opponent and face them

Step 3: Use inside hand to stiff arm or pimp hand and block opponent’s hip.

Step 4: Switch outside hand to whizzer overhook

Step 5: Attempt to step outside foot over opponent’s bottom side leg

Step 6: When opponent reacts, reach inside arm through under their body and between their knee and arm

Step 7: Swing feet away from opponent and punch inside arm through to spin around to all fours as you rotate away from opponent

Finish: Scramble

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How To Escape Any Side Control in BJJ – By Xande Ribiero

How to Escape Any Side Control in BJJ by Xande Ribiero

Xande Ribeiro is one of the best grapplers in the world. Having won the World Jiu Jitsu championship open weight division twice and the heavyweight division five times, he has rolled with the best grapplers in the world and come out on top. So when he says his diamond guard side control escape will show you how to pass any side control, you should listen to what he has to say. 

This diamond guard takes a lot of abdominal strength, and Xande talks for a while in the video about his workouts and how he keeps his abs in shape. He also mentions that his guard has not been passed in competition since 2005, so while this side control escape might be tough at first, it is proven. 

Start: Side control bottom

Step 1: Wrap outside arm around opponent’s back, holding tight and maintaining a constant pressure so that you move with any pressure and when opponent pushes into you, it creates space between opponent’s hips and you

Step 2: Bring inside knee and elbow together across opponent’s waist

Step 3: Push off opponent’s hip with inside arm to create enough space to move inside leg into half guard or full guard