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How To Do A Twister in BJJ

The BJJ twister is an absolutely brutal submission. The twister in BJJ involves twisting your opponent’s shoulders and hips in opposite directions, wringing their body out like a wet towel. Add in a crank to their neck to finish the submission and the pain is quickly too much. 

The twister BJJ submission is not allowed under IBJJF rules, but it is a legitimate submission in MMA, many no-gi grappling tournaments, and of course in a street fight (and what better way to win a street fight than a cool looking, utterly devastating and demoralizing BJJ submission like the twister?)

Start: Back

Step 1: Get one leg hook in

Step 2: Without a hook, figure-four the other leg over you hook-side leg’s ankle and hook that ankle under opponent’s trapped ankle

Step 3: Hook under opponent’s non-trapped side arm with your same-side arm (similar to the bottom of a seatbelt position)

Step 4: Weave your opposite-side arm underneath opponent’s hooker armpit

Step 5: Swim arm around top of opponent’s head and chain-grip hands together

Step 6: Pull opponent’s head in

Finish: Submission via twister