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which of the following statements about copperhead democrats is accurate?

It prohibited any state from denying citizens the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. In this instance, though, prejudice outweighed reason. They had no love for the Republican Party, which had absorbed the nationalists who had rallied against them in the 1840s and 1850s, and which also contained a number of temperance advocates whose crusades against alcohol targeted a centerpiece of both cultures. B. nationalist KMT had suffered massive casualties during WW2 by japan In the West, Union General Ulysses S. Grant finally broke the Confederate defenses that for weeks had protected Vicksburg, Mississippi, from his siege. 33 (Pasadena: Historical Times, 1985), 82729; ibid., ser. Which of the following parties supported federal spending for internal improvements to foster economic growth? Democrats met in Chicago for their national convention at the end of August. This word contains the Latin root -mort-, which means "death." The country was, from that point on, irrevocably committed to a dual policy of unconditional surrender and emancipation. After the meeting, Raymond delivered the grim news to the president: If the election were held that day, he would lose the key states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. (2) Suddenly, violent waves come out of nowhere and submerge the whole shoreline, pulverizing almost everything in their way. Border states would outlaw slavery. [8], Pressure was building on Lincoln to drop emancipation as a condition for peace and to negotiate an end to the war. Another way to fill the armys maw was to accept black men into the ranks, which the army also did. A group of Northern Democrats who were against the American Civil War were called the Copperheads. By March 1863 the situation was so dire that the government was forced to take a more direct approach to raising men. When opposition to the war was fiercest, in the summer of 1864, Lincoln was under incredible pressure to stop the war at any cost. For a complete account of the case, including full transcripts of the trial and the Supreme Court decision, see Samuel Klaus, ed., The Milligan Case, Civil Liberties in American History (New York: Da Capo Press, 1970). Which statement about marriage among slaves is accurate? He was an advocate of states' rights and territorial expansion. b. Slave life expectancy. In addition, groups opposed to conscription and emancipatione.g., the Irish population in New York City, who feared that freed Southern blacks would come north and take jobs awaybacked such Peace Democrat leaders as Horatio Seymour, Fernando Wood, and Clement L. Vallandigham. When Lincoln issued the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, the Copperheads were apoplecticalthough it did give them the satisfaction of saying I told you so. The Emancipation Proclamation confirmed their worst suspicions of what they thought was the true agenda of Lincoln and the Republicans: freeing the slaves. Raymonds plan was the primrose path. Clement Vallandigham was the best-known Peace Democrat in Ohio. In that environment Peace Democrats became bolder and more vocal in their complaints about Lincolns handling of the war. What issue did the John Quincy Adams camp raise in the election of 1828 in an attempt to discredit Andrew Jackson? By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. No deal, Davis told them. On July 30, he had his men torch Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, when it refused to pay a half-million dollars in protection money. , ted States refused to support the Nationalists On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions below. Almost exactly a year earlier, Lincoln had written a public letter in which he acknowledged the crucial role black soldiers were playing in the war. They did not realize that the men of the Union armies had turned hard against the Peace Democratsand the Democratic Party in generalearlier in the year. 22"A Pennsylvania Judge Views the Rebellion: The Civil War Letters of George Washington Woodward," in. Nearly all Copperheads were Democrats, but most Northern Democrats were not Copperheads. Not much had changed since colonial times. Then, on a given signal, Confederate sympathizers throughout the North would rise up, cut telegraph and railroad lines, spring rebel soldiers from other prison camps, and try to take control of governments across the Northwest. Their positions were mutually exclusive. They were the ones who wanted to prevent the independence of American slaves. I am not oversanguine in my temperament, but really it does look just now as if we would carry everything before us, like a whirligust. With victory seeming ever nearer, the summer of 1864 ended.[17]. For nearly all of the war, African Americans could not join because of the Militia Act. They now began actively to undermine the war effort, encouraging draft dodging and desertion. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Wood Gray, The Hidden Civil War: The Story of the Copperheads (New York: Viking Press, 1942), 18182; Oscar A. Kinchen, Confederate Operations in Canada and the North: A Little-Known Phase of the American Civil War (North Quincy, Mass. Lincoln decided to risk the latter. At the same time, Lincoln agreed to allow two men to go on an unofficial mission to Richmond to find out President Jefferson Daviss thoughts on a negotiated peace. Copperheads or Peace Democrats were people who opposed the North's attempts to reunite the nation during the American Civil War. Dissidents, most notably newspaper editors who differed with the administration, were being thrown in jail. Democrats around the country were elated. His jaunt was not over, though. Sending a commission to Richmond would be worse than losing the Presidential contestit would be ignominiously surrendering it in advance, he told Raymond. But they can not be expected to suffer that such massacres as this at Fredericksburg shall be repeated. In Boston, an attorney wrote, My confidence is terribly shaken. Accepting the Copperhead name, many opponents of the war began to use the portrait side of copper coins as badges and tokens for identification and promotion of their cause. Which of the following was a goal of the Confederacy in the Civil War? 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Washington. Battle of Fredericksburg begins. It quickly turned into a race riot, and it remains the most deadly civil disturbance in American history. The Confederate government once again financed the operation and gave the secret societys leaders enough cash to cover arms and transportation costs. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A. a Which of the following used popular sovereignty to decide whether to allow slavery? They had become increasingly powerful that summer as more Northerners had joined their call for an end to the war. The most common report was that Confederates based in Canada were teaming with Copperheads to overrun a prisoner-of-war camp near one of the Great Lakes (Johnsons Island, near Sandusky, Ohio, was most frequently cited), free the prisoners, and lay waste to the nearest metropolis. 32, part 3, 246. In the 1860s, the Copperheads also known as Peace Democrats , were a faction of Democrats in the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. The president had employed extraordinary and dangerous powers that the Constitution never granted the executive branch, the platform said, hinting at the standard Copperhead charge that Lincoln was a tyrant. The most controversial and ultimately damaging plank pronounced the war a failure and called for immediate efforts to end hostilities, including a peace convention. 2. They had good reason to be optimistic: Lincolns chances of reelection appeared to be nil. Northerners received no comfort from the other armies. After the fall of Fort Sumter and the outbreak of the Civil War, civilian supporters of the Union and the Confederacy alike wanted their respective forces to advance slowly and cautiously to avoid an early defeat and to spare as many American lives as possible. In Ohio, many of the men in blue threatened to come home and beat up or kill their neighbors who supported the peace movement. The copperhead is a poisonous snake, which is what Republicans meant by the word. 9. Detroit Free Press, September 1, 1864; Harpers Weekly, The Chicago Convention, September 10, 1864. In the South, a man could get out of being drafted by, In late 1864, Gen. Sherman took 60,000 troops on a __________ through Georgia in order to. Copperheads also drew strength from the ranks of those who objected to Lincolns abrogation of civil liberties and those who simply wanted an end to the massive bloodshed. In the 1860s, the Copperheads also known as Peace Democrats , were a faction of Democrats in the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. Indeed, he might lose every state. First were Southerners who had moved north, or whose families were Southern. Which of the following statements accurately describe the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on the Civil War? the experience of the military leadership Part of the success of the Confederacy during the Civil War was due to the ability to fight a defensive war the vast majority of the time Southerners during the Civil War liked to compare themselves to those fighting the British during the American Revolution Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. They lived in the North and openly sympathized with the Confederacy. The rebels bankrolled Dodd in exchange for a promise to cooperate with the Southern army and free Southern prisoners of war. Lincoln thought about the strategy and then adopted it. More than 180,000 black troops enlisted in the Union army, approximately 80 percent of whom were from the South. Had warnings gotten through, many people could have escaped to higher ground, and countless lives could have been saved. The peace wing seemed entirely oblivious to the damage they had done to their party and their nominee. Common sense suggests that this would be a relief to antiwar men because it reduced their chances of being drafted. Three days before Raymond pitched his plan, Lincoln had sworn again he would not abandon the freedmen to sue for peace, saying that he would be damned in time & in eternity if he did. So many men were away fighting the war in the South that the home front became largely the domain of women, children, and slaves. It was their talk of constitutionalism that became the lingua franca for the entire movement. Throughout the war, even as Confederates insisted on independence, Jacksonian Democrats and other Copperheads believed that the war would end immediately if the North would give the South what it had wanted before it seceded, including an unalterable amendment to the Constitution protecting slavery. Share similar beliefs about the role and purpose of government. In Philadelphia, the Jeffersonian pleaded with him to stop this bloody hell-devised carnage. In other quarters, Peace Democrats focused on one of their favorite themes: race. had greater human resources, with a population of 22 million (400,000 of whom were enslaved blacks), waged a defensive war on their home turf Unlike the rest of the country, the Copperheads were practically gleeful. e. Texas and Arkansas. they lived in the North and openly sympathized with the Confederacy As the Civil War dragged on, Confederate President Jefferson Davis faced criticism because of food shortages and high prices Students also viewed Chapter 14 44 terms Cameron_Hardegree24 History Final Sickness and malnutrition spread. The riots seemed to break with the summer heat, but Lincoln and the Republicans continued to face serious political challenges on the homefront. Which statement MOST ACCURATELY describes the political situation of African-Americans in the period of Reconstruction? Identify how the Emancipation Proclamation affected the Militia Act and the composition of the Union's armed forces. Democrats were outraged, and Republicans were more than a little uncomfortable with an arrest that appeared to have taken place for little more than a prominent man exercising his free speech rights. the United States should expand and become a global power. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The better question is, What impact did Peace Democrats have in the political and military arenas? B. Public reaction on the Union side was swift and stunning. Democrats performed well in the off-year elections six weeks later, but Republicans held their own. He became known as Grant the Butcher. That he had nothing more than a siege to show for his costly efforts added to the fury at home. As southern states began to secede in 1860, the U.S. Congress focused on __________ to finance a potential war. The Detroit Free Press announced: Proclaim the old watch cries of Peace, and Union, the Constitution and Freedom. The Copperheads were not, as many people assume, Southern sympathizers. They called them Copperheads, after a stealthy, poisonous snake common in the American wilderness. Identify the congressional reforms passed to address the war's substantial cost for the Union. Draft riots broke out shortly thereafter in Boston; Portsmouth (New Hampshire); Rutland (Vermont); Troy (New York); and Wooster (Ohio). It also divided the Confederate States of America in half. If they stake their lives for us, they must be prompted by the strongest motiveeven the promise of freedom. Which of the following statements about Copperhead Democrats is accurate? b) California, Arizona, and New Mexico. __________ contended that the Second Great Awakening was intended to reform human society as well as promote individual salvation. He cannot be elected.[7], Peace Democrats stepped up their attacks on the president. By mid-July, support for the war was waning fast. The episode had the effect of propping up Lincoln and demoralizing the Peace Democrats, at least for the short term. The victory at Atlanta, followed by Sheridans successes in the Shenandoah Valley, redeemed Lincoln and saved emancipation. 1- Republicans and Democrats have similar opinions on all political issues with the exception of national security. Updates? These dangerous waves can move at speeds of up to 450 miles per hour! Most Whigs were states' rights advocates. Lincolns reelection was an impossibility, he said. It seems to myself like exaggeration when I find that in describing conflict after conflict in this energetic campaign, I am required always to say of the last one that it was the severest battle of the war, Secretary of State William Seward wrote.[3]. The bad news continued to flood in. Which of the following was a destabilizing factor in the U.S. economy in the mid-1830s despite a balanced federal budget? After the defeat at __________ the South had lost the war in the West. Its editors could not help but take a dig at the Democrats: What infamy it is that at such an hour croakers should be croaking, and Copperheads hissing, and men actually contemplating a disgraceful surrender to this thrice-accursed rebellion. Indeed, the victory at Atlanta made a mockery of everything the Democrats had said in their convention, especially of their platform, and the Republicans reveled in their opponents embarrassment. Confederate General Jubal Early romped almost unimpeded through southern Pennsylvania and western Maryland in July. They led the initiative to enact the Habeas Corpus Act of 1863. Hutter and Ray H. Abrams, Copperhead Newspapers and the Negro, Journal of Negro History 20 (1935): 149, 13134. D. communists had the support of the peasants. Forming secret societies, including the 'Knights of the Golden Circle,' Copperheads forged links to the Confederacy. -industrial development and infrastructure. In Virginia, Union troops were routed in a humiliating defeat at Chancellorsville, even though they had a 2-to-1 manpower advantage over the rebels. Assuming they would easily take the soldier vote was not the War Democrats only, or even biggest mistake. granted 160 acres of public land to settlers who would work the land for five years, law that allowed African American soldiers to serve in the Union military, resulted in the Treasury issuing $450 in paper currency, supported the teaching of agriculture and "mechanic arts" by providing federal aid to state-supported colleges and universities, created a federal agency to aid farmers and ensure the food supply. How was Carson's role similar Permissions: Copyright Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. This war is murder, & nothing else. The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the Confederacy and the four border states that never seceded. The Provost Marshal Generals Bureau was charged with administering and enforcing the draft. They and other opponents of the war often came to be called "Copperheads". All other questions, including emancipation, would be dealt with later. That is the wrong question. (4) The sudden impact of the tsunami obliterated entire towns. They said that Copperheads were few, and two of the three historians who studied them treated them as cranks. But most were not. (5) Buildings were left scattered and decomposing on the shores. A group of people who: 1. After the war President Andrew Johnson commuted the sentences to life imprisonment. [2], In six weeks, Grant lost 64,000 men and the support of many in the North. Plans to go to Mobile, Alabama, atrophied while his men spent the summer in New Orleans. While that description conjures images of daguerreotype photos of siblings as Johnny Reb and Billy Yank, it fails to convey the deep political divisions that existed in the North alone. They hoped to capitalize on antipathy toward African Americans, and the centerpiece of their campaign was asking why white men were dying for the black race. -raising taxes. It required citizens to help locate and return runaway slaves. Many of the opponents of the war were members of the "Peace" section of the Democratic Party. Northern civilians were dumbfounded by this latest blow. Copperheads had an enormous effect on the Democratic Party, nearly taking control of it in 1864. Republicans started calling antiwar Democrats "Copperheads", likening them to the venomous snake. 23Neely, Lincoln and the Democrats,155. In a rare display of concern, Lincoln confessed to a senator his fears about what he called the fire in the rear.. Confronted by Copperhead opposition and by dissension within his cabinet, U.S. Pres. NARRATOR: It is commonplace today to refer to the American Civil War as a struggle of brother against brother. Others ran straight into the crater rather than around it. The success of the southern "cotton kingdom" was the result of. Laborers feared that freedmen would take their jobs. They lived in the North and openly sympathized with the Confederacy. C. communists had more technologically advanced weapons Why did Jackson veto the Maysville Road Bill? Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the previous. The penny at the time was also called a copperhead, and Peace Democrats embraced the label because, with an image of Lady Liberty on one side, the copperhead reinforced the Peace Democrats' insistence . Information about dissidents was sent directly to Washington, D.C., to the Provost Marshal General. What was President Lincoln's primary motivation for directly attacking the institution of slavery? Northerners buzzed with hope that the war would be over before the end of the year. He also advocated assassination if Lincoln were reelected. answer choices. What did the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case do? In the West, Nathaniel Banks Red River campaign had been turned back outside of Shreveport, Louisiana, in April. Frederick Douglass. So is everybodys. It was the climactic assault on the Union lines during the Battle of Gettysburg. Identify ways by which the Civil War profoundly changed the South economically. His plan, as laid out to his generals in early April, seemed to validate Northerners hopes. Annexing Texas as a slave state would cause conflict between northern and southern Democrats. Lincoln had declared martial law in Maryland, in part as a way to protect Washington, D.C., from the Confederate sympathizers who lived mostly in the eastern part of the state. The spring continued to go poorly. -printing paper money The Union army recruited African Americans long before the Emancipation Proclamation. Slaves could not legally marry, but unofficial marriages were common. Union wins Battle at Antietam. Lincoln worried about the state of the nation. Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute. Commanders not directly involved in this enterprise were to tie down the rebels so that reinforcements could not be sent to the main armiesor, as Grant put it, borrowing a phrase from Lincoln, the armies not directly involved in the skinning can hold a leg.[1], Northerners were right to believe that Grant was a different kind of general. b. Sam Houston c. Jim Bowie. The War of the Rebellion: The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, ser. This study, taking its cue from the work of historian Arthur Shankman, defines a Copperhead as any virulent opponent of the Lincoln Administration and its war policy.7 Historians, immediately following the war and into the early twentieth century, essentially echoed the Republican view of a Democrat-Copperhead conspiracy. a. stained or ruined Lincoln signs Emancipation Proclamation. Students also viewed Milestone 4 Opposition to the war, to the administrations policies, and to the president himself waxed and waned, depending on how wellor poorlythe army was doing in the field. Under the Lincoln administration, abolitionists had far too much influence and were, claimed the Copperheads, running the government. Clement Vallandigham was a Democratic congressman from Ohio and leader of the Copperheads. [14], The convention and platform turned out to be among the worst timed in American political history. a) It was made up of all the southern slaveholding states. For the rest of the war he would be on the defensive; he did not have enough men to do otherwise. In some parts of the country, opposition to the draft was so intense that government agents dared not enter certain counties. Tensions were so high in the summer of 1862 that race riots broke out in Toledo and New York. This was an unprecedented intrusion on individuals lives, and the Provost Marshal Generals Bureau, without quite realizing what it was doing, became a domestic intelligence agency, one of the first in U.S. history. They included major politicians such as Abraham Lincoln. This was true; the Copperheads almost never acknowledged the cost to soldiers. Which of the following were attracted to the Democratic party during Jackson's administration? (a) Recall What role did Rachel Correct! In April 1866 the justices ruled that trying civilians in a military court was unconstitutional while civilian courts were open. The situation was grave enough in the summer of 1862 that the federal government began demanding that states meet manpower quotas for the army. The deadlock could break only on the battlefield or at the ballot box.[4]. 1, vol. Ray H. Abrams, The Jeffersonian, Copperhead Newspaper, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 57 (1933): 279; J.H. Lincolns terms were reunion and emancipation. Mayors in many parts of the North feared their cities would follow suit, especially in areas near New York City. d. erased totally. Although Morton claimed that he . Confirmed their worst suspicions of what they thought was the best-known Peace in! After the war he would be a relief to antiwar men because it their... Point on, irrevocably committed to a dual policy of unconditional surrender and Emancipation ( Pasadena: Historical,! To discredit Andrew Jackson against brother Harpers Weekly, the convention and platform turned out to be optimistic Lincolns... That he had his men torch Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Magazine of history Biography! It reduced their chances of reelection appeared to be called `` Copperheads.... Copyright Board of Trustees of the Confederacy and Ray H. Abrams, Copperhead and... Their nominee, and Union, the summer of 1862 that race riots out... 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