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blue mage spell learning

Shrapnel in Cutters Cry. Since Cannonball has a DEF modifier, this will boost your damage by a noticeable amount. So, if you need more accuracy, you can cast Warm-Up. They dont require any special equipment to cast to do damage (though you may want to slap on some extra HP equipment to get some extra damage from them). It is a ranged spell, similar to Cannonball. This is an excellent spell to use against HNMs as a BLU/THF. Deals earth damage with a potency of 130 to all nearby enemies. Can be used with Diffusion to grant the whole party the DEF buff. You get it from Whalaqee Totem that requires you to learn 10 Blue Magic Spells. Goblin Rush and Benethic Typhoon. It has a long cast and recast time (as do most breath spells), but it does even less damage than Hecatomb Wave. However, if you deck yourself out in full CHR gear, youll find you may not do as much damage as if you decked out in STR. Mind Blast is a high level thunder spell that can paralyze. Plus it's got a very very fast recast time. Makes the evasion bonus trait. I used Blue Mage Hunting Grounds while I was low level. Has the fragmentation SC property. This means you can't use it for some content, such as Duty Roulette or completing the main campaign, but it can be used in the open world and instanced content when using a pre-made party. lvl 16 - Helldive Physical Damage (Blunt) and Additional Effect: Knockback Another no thrills physical spell, but this does knock back, which has a possibility of interrupting spells cast by mage mobs. I don't know if it affects amnesia, but it CAN remove doom (but not a 100% chance though). Water Bomb can be used for Conserve MP. If you are in the open world and the mob has been tagged by someone who isnt in your party, you wont be able to learn any spells from it. lvl 63 - Spinal Cleave - Physical - Physical Damage (Slashing) - A physical DD spell that does one special thing, it ignores shadows (Utsusemi). Useful against anything resistant against physical damage, like NMs/HNMs/gods/Jailers. Powerleveling. lvl 60 - Dimensional Death - Physical - Physical Damage (Blunt) - Another spell that's good with Sneak Attack. In HNM cases, you would find yourself more useful to not skillchain at all, and use Chain Affinity + Sneak Attack + Cannonball (or Vertical Cleave, depending on whether the mob is kited or not and your gear set up). Just like a DD needs accuracy to hit a mob, a Blue Mage needs accuracy to insure not just their sword hits connect, but their spells connect too. lvl 97 - Gates of Hades - Magical - 156 MP - Cerberus (Beast) - Deals fire damage in an AoE: additional effect: Burn (Fire) - Unbridled Knowledge - A strong fire spell with STR and DEX modifiers. This leads new players to believe that they need to hold TP to see a damage or accuracy bonus. At level 99, post Adoulin, Job Points and Gifts were added. Useful for support situations in parties, though it draws in hate. Its worth having equipped for awhile. Apologies for the confusion! Very useful in case you don't have a RDM or BRD (or if the one you have is too busy to dispel at the moment, or he sucks). 3. level 2. This trait is shared by Vertical Cleave. The power of this spell is notably much weaker than Disseverment, Frenetic Rip, or Hysteric Barrage while costing more MP than any of them. The magic attack bonus increase is unknown though. lvl 70 - Cannonball - Physical - Physical Damage (Blunt) - This spell has some range to it, so you can cast it from afar, however, it still stacks with Sneak Attack (ranged attacks and ranged weapon skills like Sidewinder, don't stack with Sneak Attack). Also, another big problem with this spell is that it is hit or miss. You cannot learn a spell if you are dead when the mob that cast it dies! You're likely to have this trait on you anyway, because the spells that make it are nice. Unlike in your traditional FFXIV jobs, you learn new Blue Mage spells by defeating specific monsters in battle although others will be given to you after youve unlocked a specific number of spells. One early FFXIV dungeon still stumps newbies and veterans alike today, FFXIV 6.4 patch details and everything shown in Live Letter 76, Next FFXIV expansion not planned for 2023, Square Enix confirms, FFXIV patch notes - 6.38 update removes weekly Abyssos restrictions, Yoshi-P planning FFXIV jobs "brand new" to Final Fantasy, To stay "healthy", FFXIV devs are slowing the patch roadmap. It adds +20 magic attack for only 30 seconds, so make it count, that's probably enough to cast one or two good spells. Has no effect on enemies whose level is higher than your own. Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to all enemies in a straight line before you. You can learn many spells from open world mobs. Just like a DRK/THF doesnt use sneak attack with Guillotine, dont expect to use sneak attack with bludgeon and expect a HUGE damage increase, only the first hit of the spell will get the damage bonus. lvl 83 - Benthic Typhoon - Physical - 56MP - Murex - Conal Damage and Lowers target's defense and magic defense. lvl 99 - Wind Breath - Magical - 26 MP - Dragon (Dragons) - Deals wind breath damage in a cone-shaped AoE (Wind) - A weak, but cheap magical spell. Its good early on in your early levels, however, unlike the mob you get this spell from (Bees), this spell has a cap of 34 HP healed (there are ways to increase it, such as the Light Staff). Many spells have such a long cast time that it is too hard, or impossible to self-burst off your own skillchain (like 1000 Needles). However, learning all of these spells will take persistence, as you need to see the desired spell cast by the monster before you defeat it, and even then youll only have a slim chance of earning the spell youre after. The following spells can be used with Diffusion: Plenilune Embrace, Magic Fruit, and Wild Carrot do not work with Diffusion because they aren't self-targeting spells, they can target party members. Deals fire damage with a potency of 900 to all nearby enemies while incapacitating self. Who would want to be on the receiving end of their own Disseverment? lvl 78 - Cimicine Discharge - Magical - AoE Slow around the caster (Earth) - Those annoying gnats give us another slow move. Deals lightning damage with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a straight line before you. We know terror touch inflicts a 15% attack down effect. If you're self-skillchaining, you can get a nice damage boost with self-light or self-darkness. Oct 27, 2021 @ 3:25am Originally posted by . Only useable with unbridled learning/wisdom up. This WS would make this an even better skillchain to do than the Disseverment Distortion that most BLU/NINs do. lvl 66 - Frost Breath - Magical - Ice damage in a fan-shaped AoE with Additional Effect: Paralyze (Damage dependent on HP) - This is one of the best breath spells you can use. Dual wielding clubs with +magic damage on it, will greatly increase your elemental spells' effectiveness. lvl 99 - Nectarous Deluge - Magical (Water) - 97 MP - Snapweeds (Plantoids) - Deals water damage to enemies in range, additional effect: poison. Our spells and everyone else's WSs will produce more TP than this will be able to control. It's more expensive for a cure, but as you gain higher levels, you get higher cures and more HP. Its like rock-paper-scissors that goes on like this: Beasts beat Lizards which beat Vermin which beats Plantoids which beats Beasts, Aquan beats Amorpha beats Birds beats Aquan, Undead and Arcana oppose each other, Dragons and Demons oppose each other, Lumorian and Luminion (two types of creatures in sea) oppose each other, and Beastmen stand on their own. Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 80 to target and all enemies nearby it. attack: damage varies with TP: Additional effect Paralyze - Seems to do decent damage, Skillchains with CDC to do Darkness. Unlike other jobs that acquire new abilities when they level up, Blue Mages must learn their spells from enemies. First, it's worth noting that the. Continuum. You just had a cold streak when you farmed Bristle. Stronger than subduction, but very costly with a long recast timer. It's expensive in both MP and set points (4 points), is incredibly inaccurate, has a 60 second countdown, as opposed to the 10 count regular doom effect mobs give, and doesn't work against NMs. Not much special to say about it. For trial/raid/dungeon bosses, if you are unsynced, the learn rate is pretty low (approximately 10% IIRC), but if you are synced, the learn rate is 100%. Without further ado, heres where and how to unlock all Blue Mage spells in order of difficulty. You can learn spells during fights in the Masked Carnivale. It can last a decent time too, like two minutes when not resisted or broken prematurely. It also very useful because you can set both this spell and Plasma Charge in order to get a cheap Auto Refresh trait. Creates the Auto-Regen job trait with other spells. Why is this a physical spell instead of water? The damage this spell does isn't considerable, but the paralysis can come in handy. You have your Magical/Elemental spells, and those are divided into nukes that can do damage to enemies and sometimes have an additional effect like an enfeeble (Maelstrom for example gives a STR down effect to all mobs hit by the spell), you have plain magical enfeebles like Chaotic Eye's silence, you have magical buffs/enhancing that can be only self-cast (like Metallic Body or Pollen), and party cast (such as Wild Carrot and Magic Fruit), and then you have physical spells. It's a good Sneak Attack spell when you're BLU/THF. Gravity from subduction is more likely to hit. Learned from the bee wildkeeper reive or bee in delve. Also, summoner's magical (or Physical) blood pacts also don't get mimicked by Colibri. A short term crowd-control/interrupt/stun move. Took me forever to learn the most coveted Blue Mage spell, but I finally got Flying Sardine, fear me! Does NOT work on spell damage (unlike the stackable boost spell of Fantod). However, you'll be using a staff if you're nuking or just healing (/RDM gets convert, but little durability even with gimped skill phalanx and stoneskin, so physical spells on weaker things could get you killed), so this has use for /THF, but only if you have two stat boosting swords for cannonball (STR and VIT). Related: Final Fantasy 14: Guide To All Minions Found In Dungeons. Regurgitation is better when you get it at higher levels. It does a lot of damage, on par with Disseverment, if not more on higher defense mobs. However, some physical magic spells hit more than once. Many BLU depend on this spell in HNM as a dependable source of damage, since you don't need TP to use Chain Affinity, you don't need to melee at all. For example, Subduction has Gravity II as an additional effect, it'll slow down the enemy's movement speed greatly. This is a new trait, it makes spells burst for more damage. There is a rumor that having more Blue Mages in your unsync party improves the odds of getting the rare spells to drop. The amount of damage absorbed by this spell is computed by your level and blue magic skill. But it stuns all the targets it hits (unresisted). lvl 30 - Wild Carrot Magical Restores HP to one party member (Light) This is a VERY useful spell, and I wish I had it early on in my BLU career (it wasnt learnable when I started leveling BLU right after the Expansion came out). However, trick attack transfers the enmity (hate) gained from the WHOLE spell onto your trick attack partner, so it works with multi-hit spells like Bludgeon and Jet Stream. People make magic accuracy magian swords thinking it helps their spells, it'll help prevent resists from head butt stun or other additional effects of spells, it won't help the spell ITSELF to hit, just additional effects. However, it does have strong enmity generating ability, especially when combined with diffusion and nearby party members, a BLU can generate a lot of hate for tanking situations. Damage varies with TP - Probably going to see as much usage as self-destruct sees, which means, it'll likely never get used. This spell does generate a lot of hate, so it can be used as a hate tool. Needs to be cast with Unbridled Knowledge. We know the entire spellbook thanks to a leak from Redditor u/ZeroTheBardbarian, and where they can all be found thanks to diligent work from Aleu Lyehga and Atria Baanyu, so all credit to them. It is useful for links or emergencies. Most BLU/NIN prefer (due to the lack of SA) to use distortion, since disseverment is such a powerful spell in most cases, and the skillchain will do more damage than Light, surprisingly. It's silences, but it is a gaze attack, meaning you need to be facing the mob's face for the silence to stick, else it has no effect. Gives Max HP Boost trait on it's own. lvl 50 - Self-Destruct - Magical - AoE Fire Damage (dependent on HP) - You know that attack that bombs do? Blue mage functions independently of other classes and jobs, starting at level 1 with a maximum level of 70. This same person helped me out with getting it while unsynced in only 8 attempts. Two Blue Mages can make any skillchain in the game with their combination of sword/spell, club/spell (though most Blue Mages dont use clubs due to the poor choice of clubs available and lower skill in them), or spell/spell (with two Blue Mages both using chain affinity)! It also can be used for the auto-regen trait when combined with sheep song. Further more, it also cures the amount of HP less than a Cure II. If you get a link, perhaps while fighting undead, whip out sheep song, and all the mobs in a small AoE (centered around you) will fall asleep. Dark Knights' absorbs are mimicked back at their caster, so if a DRK tries to absorb-TP, if he's not fast enough, he'll get his TP absorbed back, Bard songs are affected so a BRD can get hit by his own lullabies or requiems, ninjutsu gets mimicked back at their casters. Here, we'll take a look at where you can learn every single Blue Mage spell. Set it for a nice bonus. Replace Refueling with this as soon as you can use it, it's a godsend. Blue mage is known as a limited job. Savage Blade > Final Sting > Light skillchain (and most likely certain death if your shadows go down), however, it's harder to SC with Final Sting than other spells, because it has a long cast time. The big example of this is 1000 Needles. Most voidwatch NMs don't require a dedicated paladin, since they can't keep hate with 17 other people spamming WSs, spells, and cures (and you have everyone with Fanatic's drinks up if everything is going well, making the need for a dedicated tank pointless). Also, while leveling as BLU/THF, you can use trick attack and Frenetic Rip to plant hate on the tank, since Trick Attack's enmity transfer will stack with all hits of a multihit spell. lvl 32 - Sound Blast - Magical - AoE INT Down (Fire) - Lowers INT, making enemy spells do slightly less damage, and decreasing magic defense (which is dependent on INT). It can be gained from many locations, but is probably easiest Solo from either Masked Carnivale . Can make the Dual wield trait with one of the two other spells that can make dual wield. Also, Bomb Toss is dependent on INT for damage. That is because it is modified at first by Strength, then by charisma. lvl 01 - Foot Kick Physical Damage (Blunt) No Thrills, basic low damage spell. Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep. There are currently 82 Blue Magic Spells available in the FFXIV Free Trial. lvl 79 - Battery Charge - Magical - Self-Targeting Refresh (Light) - A 3 hp/tick refresh only targetable on the caster, but can be combined with diffusion for an AoE refresh! It also boosts your magic attack and attack by an amount dependent on the moon phase. Deals fire damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it. This one is very strong when combined with Sneak Attack. lvl 85 - Quadratic Continuum - Physical - 91MP - Gorgers - Four hit damage: Damage Varies by TP (Piercing) - Could be a good addition to our bread and butter physical spells (the big 3 or 4 if you count Vertical Cleave). When you defeat an enemy after it has used that spell, you have a chance of learning it. It starts off rather low damage, but it gains in strength as you get higher level. Unlike a black magic nuke, which can be cast when youre at 1 HP, a breath spell needs to be cast while you have 100% HP to get the most out of it, else you will do less damage. There are triggers for voidwatch NMs, which are similar to abyssea NMs, but includes more WSs, Abilities, and Spells. We have Eyes on Me, which has CHR mods, though this spell has INT mods, but the only reason we use Eyes on Me now is for a trigger spell. See where I'm going with this? Not sure how potent the magic defense down effect is, but it can help a group cast stronger nukes on a mob. Tests show a 15 foot range. The Sturm Dolls in Alexander: Cuff of the Father (A2) also have it. It also looks funny, it's an actual frying pan being banged in front of you. Deals fire damage with a potency of 220 to all enemies at a designated location. Wear magic damage boosting clubs and other magic attack bonus gear when using. Deals wind damage with a potency of 180 to all enemies at a designated location. Mobs that are completely immune to stun can't be stunned by head butt (such as many high level NMs, NM bosses in campaign battle, etc.) It doesnt really seem worth using. I have gotten some large numbers in abyssea, due to cruor buffs. Though this CAN be useful later on, just when you want to spam a low damage spell just feed a mob TP so you can learn a spell. It is useful though for assaults where you face many very weak, Low HP mobs (like the Blitzkrieg). lvl 46 - Awful Eye - Magical - Gaze STR down (Water) - Very useful if you have a PLD tank, or if you're soloing. Create a free website or blog at Again, +HP gear can help squeeze some extra damage out of your breath spells (but you still need to be at full HP for it to count). It's got a distance like cannonball or regurgitation. BLU does not have any ability triggers, but our elemental spells are triggers. But it takes a lot of MND equipment to do decent damage, as well as magic attack bonus spells, equipment, and equipping spells for the trait Magic Attack Bonus (unless you sub BLM or RDM). Magical spells of one type can be resisted if used against a mob type that it is weak against. The Denizen of the Dark mob in Necrologos: The Liminal Ones has it. Move quickly to the specified location. The accuracy down effect doesn't seem to last as long as Sand Spin's. lvl 18 - Blastbomb Magical Fire damage and Additional Effect: Bind The damage isnt very good on this spell, but bind is always nice to have. More like this:Grind away in thebest MMOson PC. The Arch Demon final mob in the level 58 Ishgard levequest Necrologos: His Treasure Forhelen can drop this spell, though its not guaranteed and if he doesnt drop it youll have to truck all the way back to Ishgard and pick up the levequest again to redo it. However, it's self-targeting and works with Diffusion. Also here is a good link to show where and when to get your spells: Click here. Can be combined with other spells for the dual wield trait. However, it has a short duration, both the blind and silence last 1 min max I think. See the section below on Ways to Learn Blue Mage Spells for more info!). Often known as "The Immortals", they possess the ability to mimic enemy techniques. No cap has been determined for spells learned at level 60 or later. Well, if it's not resisted (which can be a problem sometimes, depending on your blue magic skill and level) the enemy is inflicted with -20 evasion. It's very unreliable, being it's a hit-or-miss spell. lvl 44 - Blitzstrahl - Magical - Damage (Thunder) and Additional Effect: Stun - It does low damage unless you stack up on INT and MND gear, slow casting and recast time, this isn't a suitable stunning spell, since when you want to stun something, you want to stun it fast, and this spell is anything but fast. Since Adoulin came out, elemental magic received a new stat: +Magic Damage. Despite these limitations, Blue Mage is a lot of fun and can scratch that collector's itch as you learn all the spells. Also, this spell is a MUST for when you use Cannonball. Some other nukes can be useful if the mobs are strong against wind (charged whisker, thermal pulse, etc.). Diffusion doesn't affect it because it's not a buff. However, its only a self-target spell, meaning you cant use it on anyone else. It's INT modified and heavily modified by magic attack. There are limits to this based on the level of the Blue Mage as seen in the table below. Blue Mage is not a regular DPS class like any of the other jobs in the game, and it is instead a "limited job". Too bad not too many people do skillchains anymore. Very costly light base fan-shaped nuke. With haste, you can spam this thing all day long on a very short cooldown. lvl 16 - Healing Breeze Magical Restores HP in AoE This is our equivalent to Curaga. Recovers X HP over time. However, they cost about the same amount of MP. It has a 3 minute recast so it doesn't always line up with chain affinity. earring, and ACP body/AMK head geared with fast cast, you can get 26% fast cast, which can help with /NIN Utsusemi: Ichi casting. Libations) - Magical (Darkness) - 164 MP - Dullahans (Undead) - AoE drain - A drain that is determined by your blue magic skill. Unbridled Knowledge - It's a long lasting stun (terror), stronger than Jettaura, and actually useful for delve I (Shark, T-Rex, and Bee) boss runs. Just be mindful of this fact. It might be a good time to start leveling your cooking skill. In order to learn a spell from a mob, you must have aggro on that mob either by yourself, or by being partied with someone who does and. It's free haste. But if you set this, you can do it whenever you want, without spending money on bolts. So you MUST set this spell and Plasma Charge, because it frees up spell points you'd otherwise be using for Auto Refresh. The first few abilities are pretty simple to get, but youre going to need some skills to get them from the monsters who level in the 50s. lvl 77 - Leafstorm - Magical - Damage in an AoE surrounding the caster (Wind) - From treants, we learn another spell. BUT magic accuracy WILL increase additional effects' chance of landing. A /NIN will find this spell useless because he's got the better utsusemi spells, but a /THF or anything else will find this spell very valuable. lvl 46 - Magnetite Cloud - Magical - Earth Damage and Additional Effect: Weight - it does more damage than Mysterious Light, since the damage is based off of your HP (like a breath spell), but it's expensive at 86 MP per cast with a long cast time. It was funny, though the group got hurt by me. But it does have a long range like cannonball. I was able to solo Stone Vigil (Hard) on a max level Blue to the second boss and pick up the spell with no problem but it was relatively slow. Not that useful due to broken magic accuracy (the magic accuracy is floored for anything worth a damn). Good for when you take hate, are tanking, or soloing. I love fast cast. The spell has no cast bar; it is the tank buster. Maybe with the next level increase . Its not a guaranteed drop, however. With auto refresh and relic/morrigan's body, you'll get 2 MP a tick, with blood of the vampyre, sigil, or sanction refresh, that increases to 3 MP a tick. Damage is one-third of your current HP. It doesn't work on the megabosses, but the other bosses you fight, like say, the chapuli NM, ARE able to be terrored, which will let your melee burn them down without fear of retaliation. The bind is ice based, while the spell is fire based damage. Blue Mages may learn special abilities used by the monsters that they, or their allies, defeat. Some spells can be learned solo by taking specific battle leves that spawn mobs who have the spell. lvl 67 - Enervation - Magical - AoE Defense down and Magic Defense down (Darkness) - This spell would be useful in HNM type instances where mobs can have a great amount of magic defense/resistance. So does Rusalka, a Rank A hunt mark in The Tempest. So, for example, you claim your NM on Earthsday. You can also get this spell from the Wamoura trash mobs in The Lost City of Amdapor if you prefer. Reduces damage taken by 40% while reducing damage dealt by 70% and increasing enmity generation. Works similarly to Paralyzing Triad in terms of damage: it doesn't seem to have a stat mod. In parties, though it draws in hate ;, they possess the ability mimic. This one is very strong when combined with other spells that can make dual wield trait as! Targets it hits ( unresisted ) 83 - Benthic Typhoon - Physical damage ( ). 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