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quaker families of north carolina

The Cross Index to Quaker meeting records found on FS Library microfilm 2148 is a list of surnames with the name of the monthly meetings where the surname occurs. This movement was encouraged by Henry, Jacob, and Joseph Lamb, who had arrived earlier. (3). Adult daughters accompanied their mothers in their travels. Both spouses had to substitute for their partners as needed. Young children, and sometimes older ones, were taught basic reading and writing at home. Nearly all of the main Quaker families from which we are descended are covered in books or articles in the North Carolina Friends Historical Collection at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. Many attended, when it was called New Garden Boarding . I would like to know more about the Hatteras Indian reservation and its location. Eight or nine children were not unusual. "Virtually a Quaker province." Many records are available only in selected archives, libraries, and other repositories. Women preached, taking on the persona of Old Testament prophets. For further information use these FamilySearch Wiki pages:,,, Society of Friends (Quakers) in the United States, Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library, Guilford Countys First 150 Years True Stories from Colonial North Carolina, Holmes Family Migrations from NC to Smyth County, Virginia & Lee County, Alabama, Fornes mentions in Craven County Court Minutes 1765-1785 & other items of interest, Craven County Record of Wills (Loose) - 1760-1890, NC GENEALOGY TREASURE TROVE 100% FREE at FamilySearch Learn to search the UNINDEXED CATALOG. After receiving the approval of a meeting, individuals embarked on journeys that could be long and dangerous. A husband, wife, and children were considered the basic unit of society. Site by. Meetings also required that when a widow wed, the children of a previous marriage would receive their due inheritance. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. This is a space created to supply information and links about meetings, burial grounds, and resources, in order to organize the data for Quakers in North Carolina. "The land of beautiful women," Perquimans County was once home to the Yeopim and Weapemeoc. Card-playing, dancing, and liquor were forbidden, and anger often repressed. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Is there any Thomas Dixon or Dickson family living there in the early 1700s. [1] In 1716, Governor Spotswood of Virginia began a campaign to settle the Shenandoah Valley, which inspired North Carolina governors to offer 50 acres to colonial settlers if they moved into the Piedmont area. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Volume I, North Carolina Yearly Meeting, No account of the early Quakers of Guilford County would be complete without mention of two families whose offspring reached the White House. Their speaking and writing used gender language in flexible and surprising ways. Limit 20 per day. North Carolina, Family Heritage Publishers, 2007. Families attempted to live their lives in daily obedience of God. This was a new settlement of Friends, and we were the first from Europe that had visited them, or traveled in these parts in the service of Truth. ). Can anyone figure out why that would be? April 11, 2023, 5:58 PM PDT. (6). To varying degrees, however, Quaker family life was tempered by the belief in the spiritual equality of all. FOOTNOTES Columbia S> (actually in Richland county near St ANdrews road. I might recommend that the page be entitled Early Quakers in North Carolina and detach James Brown from the title. In trying to find out where he came from a tax record states that he was a son of William Adams Sr. and lived on Williams plantation for a while. i am historical demographer living in Columbisa; I have some census training. Do not send money to anyone you don't know. Some of those families include Bond, Burcham, Hill, Hiatt, Horton, Love, Pinson, Jackson, Jessup, Simmons, Stanley and Taylor. Despite its importance, child-rearing took place amidst the other work of the household. Parents could not count on living until all their children were grown, and they expected relatives to be willing to help raise them if necessary. The final escape of this smoke was through the cracks between the shingles. However, there was a 1669 document that outlined the creation of palatine landgraves and casiques in the Carolina Colony when it was under the Lords Proprietor. Happy to see the Perrys and Slades of our family listed. (13). Cincinnati, Ohio: Thomas C. Hill, 1998, also available on FS Library microfilm 1750867 item 12. My Greatgrand father was suppose to be born there in 1774 his name was Henry. GREENSBORO - The North Carolina A&T men's tennis team made quick work of its Gate City brethren on Friday with a 7-0 win over the Guilford College Quakers at the Piedmont Indoor Center. As Lindley Butler writes, "Quakers, or the Religious Society of Friends, are the oldest organized Christian church in North Carolinathe Irish evangelist William Edmundson visited the Albemarle region in March 1672 for three days, holding the first religious services in the colony and laying a foundation that would result in North Carolinas becoming in its early years virtually a Quaker provinceWhen Edmundson returned to the colony in 1676, he reported that Friends were 'finely settled' The earliest Quaker meetings were at Perquimans and Pasquotank, both located in northeast North Carolina along Albemarle Sound. Motherhood was honored among Quakers and expanded beyond a womans biological children. Rev. 2-South shore of Albemarle Sound: Whitemarsh, Pollock[C], Buncomb[J], Frilie, Lee[S], Lee, Cooper, 1-Along the Meherrin and Chowan Rivers to Albemarle Sound:Allen [E], Pitman, Kirchin, Anderson, Jackson, Gee, Bryan, Nansemond, Dew, Powers, Williams [A],Bond [J], Jones, Cotton [J], Hill [B], Baker, Barfields, Baker [H], Williams, Hains, Forster [R], Maule [W],Winn [G], Boone, Bryan [F], Hill [J], Pollack [T], Lovick [J], Pollock [G], 2-Albemarle Sound [west shore] between Chowan and Roanoke Rivers:Duckinfield [N], laccuck, Lockart [J], Henderson [D], West [R]. The testimonies of Friends and a sense of Gods presence permeated Quaker families. Sometimes they chose men who were also ministers; the couple alternated which spouse traveled and which stayed at home. He was listed in the NC Census in 1764. I did see the name Jasper, listed also. The book lists all known monthly meetings in alphabetical order, with their locations, dates of existence, known records, and location of the records. by Blackwell P. Robinson of U.N.C.-G (to 1890) The earliest one I have found is David Cooper Sr born 1750 . This latter seems unlikely, because as late as 1833 a visiting friend from Rhode Island described their meeting house as standing in an old and majestic wilderness containing about fifty acres. He had a grist mill and sold lumber. From these states Quakers migrated in the mid- to late- 1700s to Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. Quaker women had authority from God, but power did not translate into personal autonomy. Much of the information in this section is taken from an earlier version of his profile biography. Many articles thou mentioned in thy letter is not so dear here as I managed to get molasses 2 dollars a gallon. Header Navigation Links . By the 19th century, middle-class people in the United States began to emphasize the ideals of the modern nuclear family. The collection is also available on microfiche beginning number 6051380. Then, to prevent their horses from straying during the extended silent meeting, they drove them into the open angle and closed it by a third log, thus forming a triangle. I am a descendant of Jesse Adams who settled in Lewis Fork on the Yadkin River. The North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program notes that: Hinshaw discusses Core Sound Meeting on pages 263-4 of his Encyclopedia, [8] with an index of names following. The earliest description of New Garden Meeting was by one of these visitors, Catherine Payton Phillips, an English Quaker, who wrote of her visit in 1753: We set out next morning [after spending the night in the woods] in hopes of reaching a settlement of Friends at New Garden that day; but we thought it best to stop at William Rinalds [Reynolds?] Quakerism in America was brought to Rhode Island in 1657 from Barbados and England. Men and women chose their own spouses, and parents could not force children into unions. In the late 1700s, meetings began to establish schools where their children could learn practical skills while continuing their religious training. Later, English colonists migrated south from Virginia, arriving in significant numbers by the 1660s. Friends believed that the wife and husband should be supportive of the others spiritual growth. . Like early Friends we can also acknowledge that women, like men, have their own callings, and we can find ways to ensure that a parents absence from home does not leave children without nurturing. Some early Quakers who moved to North Carolina arrived there from Pennsylvania. Some of those repositories are listed below. Elijah Coffin was born in 1793 in Guilford County, N.C., the son of Bethuel and Hannah Dicks Coffin. This was a new settlement of Friends, and we were the first from Europe that had visited them, or traveled in these parts in the service of Truth. She is buried in Franklinton Community Cemetery. Where? A New and Correct Map of the Province of North Carolina by Edward Moseley, late surveyor general of the said province ([London]: Sold at the Three Crowns, 1733). Use FS Library book 973 K22h 1998 At various libraries (WorldCat), Monthly Meetings in North America: a Quaker Index, 4th ed., Rev. Elders might visit couples, resolving differences and exhorting changes in behavior. After losing its first match of the season this week, the Aggies got back to their winning ways, improving to 14-1 on the season. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Choose the volume for your state and become familiar with the format of the book/microfilm. (12) Anon., Deep River Friends Meeting, n.p. As tenant farmers, this rent freed them to work on their own plots and such. Their petition stated: There is Thirty Families and upwards of Friends settled in them Parts and Desire still in behalf of themselves and their Friends to have a Monthly Meeting settled amongst them. Not surprisingly, the first piece of business to come before Cane Creek Monthly Meeting (October 7, 1751) was a request from Friends of New Garden for permission to hold a meeting for worship. Quaker founder George Fox also visited that same year. Looking for Chaplain/Chaplins in the Currituck Co. area. Demographers point out that singleness and late marriages for women first appeared among Quakers in England and North America in the 1700s. In the latter part of the century, in the 1580s, Sir Walter Raleigh attempted to establish two colonies on the coast, including the notorious Roanoke, but both failed. The serenity of Quaker life was soon shaken up by the approach of the War of the Regulation, which reached its climax in 1771, and, four years later, the American Revolution. Just trying to get more visibility to your good work! Have not been able to trace them further back, would love to find out where they originated from. It indexes many, but not all Monthly Meetings. The Plantation was originally called Mount Hope and the property remained in the Tripp Family until the 20th century. People came long distances to procure the products of their sawmills, grist mills, potteries, tanneries, hardware stores, and hat shops. In our family, we dont descend from any Paramores (that I know of), but I have come across them in my research in Pitt County, NC. WF. Core Sound, given its coastal location, is, unsurprisingly, one of the earliest Quaker meetings recorded in North Carolina. Later, Womens meetings would fill this need. Their speaking and writing used gender language in flexible and surprising ways. Who were the Palatine families referenced on the Moseley Map? Volume One According to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, "Early Quaker settlers found their way into North Carolinas Cape Fear River valley beginning in the 1730s. Im descended from Gidaon Moseley of Aiken SC. If there are no FS Library film numbers, skip to the section on contacting other repositories. Among them were the Borens, Coffins, Macys, Starbucks, Gardners, Worths, Beards, Swains, Barnards, Wickershams, Reeces, Russells, Bunkers, and Stantons. (13) John R. Brown, III, (staff assistant to President Nixon) to William F. Mendenhall, April 7, 1969. Quakers did not practice baptism. North Carolina Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends started around 1680 in northeastern North Carolina, and included monthly meetings (churches) in North and South Carolina, parts of Virginia, Georgia, and Tennessee in the nineteenth century. Childrens education was to be guarded, protecting them from non-Quaker influences. Thank you for your offer to help with the South Carolina census, however this site is focused on eastern North Carolina. With their radical message, the first Friends sought the support of those who shared their beliefs. In addition women welcomed ministers in their homes, held meetings there, and wrote letters to hold the community together. This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 02:11. See details for 4000 Quaker Court, North Wales, PA 19454, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Full/1 Half Bathrooms, 1826 . I also havent seen anything related to The Scorpion and most Scottish settlements with which Im familiar came decades later than the settling of the Neuse / Pamlico / Chowan River regions. (11) Ibid. Was he related to Samuel Willis circa 1700 ? By Anne L. McCarthy . Having been granted a Quarterly Meeting in 1787 and a Yearly Meeting in 1791, it was responsible for establishing other meetings in the area. 77-79. (7), Hockett was soon followed by other Pennsylvania Quakers in search of homesites John Bales, Richard Beeson, Peter Dix, and others. In the 1660s, however, Friends sought to establish order for their community while continuing to honor that of God within each person. Founded in England through the prophetic insights and evangelical ministry of George Fox, the sect expanded rapidly after the mid-seventeenth century. Her daughter, Martha Vickers, born March 27, 1786, married William Milhous on June 10, 1807. The latter, in turn, had been named for an earlier New Garden in County Carlow, Ireland. (2). Eighteenth-century North Carolina was also noteworthy for its large Quaker population. A complete list of the forty families of them parts cannot be made, but William Wade Hinshaw in the Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Volume I, North Carolina Yearly Meeting, lists the heads of seventeen families probably among the original forty as follows: Thomas Beals, Benjamin Beeson from Deep River, William Beeson, Abraham Cook, Daniel Dillon, Eleazer Hunt, William Hunt, Mordecai Mendenhall from Deep River; John Mills, Henry Mills, Hur Mills, Thomas Mills, Benjamin Rudduck, John Rudduck, Thomas Thornbrugh, Thomas Vestal, and Richard Williams. We raised about 320 bushels corn, 50 wheat, 100 oats and meat plenty. The family cemetery is located along the Pamlico. Women often viewed a religious journey as a sacrifice of the comforts of home and the love of family. North Carolina historian David Cecelski uses a map he found recently and other sources to explore the history of a largely forgotten group of Quaker settlements that flourished on the North Carolina coast more than 200 years ago. Join the Project, Adopt a Meeting and More, Categories: American Quakers | Quaker Meetings, North Carolina | Quaker Meetings, United States of America, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. I do have some Swiss ancestry as well as you. Those who crossed the ocean often spent a year or more on the other side. [D] EDENTON AREA between Chowan and Yaupin Rivers [north shore of Albemarle Sound]: Heath, Altin, Luten, Paget, Gale [E], Jones [H], Gale [C], Vaile [J], Moseley [E], Jones [F], Beabury,Beasly, Blount [J], Vaile, Porter [E], Pearce [T], Ward [J]. Once owned by Mr. Hugh Williamson Collins of Edenton (1863), Moseleys is said to be the first map of NC to be based mainly on actual exploration or surveys, rather than reports, according to the ECU Special Collections website. I found an Adams plantation on the map in the Beaufort area. YADKIN COUNTY, N.C. A family has been displaced after a car crashed on the roof of their home and ended up right in the middle of the house in the town of Yadkinville, North Carolina. It is known that the first meeting in a private dwelling was in the home of Thomas Beals in February 1752. Sisters might live with brothers, serving as their housekeeper and hostess, and they might join sisters to help at times of childbirth or illness. Search all monthly meetings in the state if you are not sure which monthly meeting your ancestor belonged to. History of Centre Friends Meeting, 1757-1954. My side of the family were from these same places. Gods call took priority over motherly attention to a child, at least until domesticity became popular in the 19th century. (12). Margaret Fell and others were known for the supportive roles they played during the Religious Societys early years. Below are the meetings mentioned in the biography of James Brown (Brown-2471), listed chronologically in order of their creation. Male ancestors do not appear in military records. Search them all for your familys surname(s). A complete list of the forty families of "them parts" cannot be made, but William Wade Hinshaw in the Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Volume I, North Carolina Yearly Meeting, lists the heads of seventeen families probably among the original forty as follows: Thomas Beals, Benjamin Beeson from Deep River, William Beeson, Abraham Cook, Indicative of their growth is the fact that in 1780 they built a larger meeting house, where the North Carolina Yearly Meeting was held in 1787 and again in 1789. The Family of Elisha Morris of Beaufort County, NC. My family line comes from James, brother to Samuel. Much of his life is a mystery. Their leader was Joseph Nichols, who originated this sect in Caroline County, Maryland. Without assistance from the outside world, they were responsible for retaining sharply defined gender roles, solving their own problems, and raising perfect children. When did they come to NC and from where. Names were Best and Sawyer and others. Ive got all of the links right here. I believe my family lived in Rutherford county and farms cotton, tobacco and rised cows there. Simon Dixon, a Quaker who migrated from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, came to the Cane Creek area and what is now known as Snow Camp, North Carolina during the late 1740s. According to "Our Quaker Friends of ye Olden Time," James Johnson and other Quakers from Chester County, Pennsylvania removed to North Carolina between 1751 and 1770. The 24th [December], we went to New Garden, and staid amongst Friends in that settlement till the 28th. However, after the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, they did aid in caring for the wounded, both American and British. ). (9) Ibid. 1.2 Quakers in North Carolina 2 Quaker Meetings 2.1 Core Sound (Carteret County) 2.2 Carver's Creek 2.3 Dunn's Creek 2.4 Cane Creek 2.5 New Garden 3 Sources 4 Additional resources Background Settlement of North Carolina North Carolina was one of the original Thirteen Colonies. Eventually 55 of that states 100 counties were formed from parts of Bladen County.[10]. I want to clarify that this map shows some of the Quaker families that resided between the Newport River and the . [F] PEQUIMANS PRECINCT between Pequimans and Little Rivers: Clare, Jessup[J], Sutton[C], Nixon, Forster [F], Whidby[R], Bateman, Sanderton, Swann [S], Parish,Bartlet, Hatch[A], Sanderton[A], Catchmaid. ), History of Centre Friends Meeting, 1757-1954. (10). George Fox was an English Dissenter and a founder of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the . Thank you so much for your comment. [G] PASQUOTANK PRECINCT between Little and Pasquotank Rivers: Hall, Nixon, Lowry, Evans, Salton, Boyd, Baily, Swann, Pritchard, Hague, Palin [J], Pendleton, Davis,Mabson [F], Reed [W]. This custom was in keeping with a, later admonition in their Discipline as revised in 1869. My Moms side comes from the Coopers of the south shore of Albermarle Sound and specifically the communities of Gum Neck, Frying Pan and Alligator in Tyrrell County. Looking for a Campbell that Campbells Creek off Goose Creek ITW across in Beaufort County is named for deed Dated 1735 referenced old Campbell house & Camels folley. Why was he not found? If they were here prior to the War of Independence, then it might be worthwhile to check the Moseley Map for their names, or at least their surnames. Says the Rt. I am Ken Reason : My Mothers side Patterson is from Scotland then Ireland and all many all over the globe. 2023 Friends Publishing Corporation. It's there where in 1813 they built a church called the Lick Creek Monthly Meeting. Once perfected by Christ, husband and wife could be equal helpmeets, he proclaimed in his writings and practiced in his marriage to Margaret Fell. Few of us want to recreate all the family patterns of early Quakers, but we can learn from them. The land the meeting house purportedly was on actually ended up in my family in 1750, sold to Thomas Thames by the Dunn family. 4-5: Southwestern Pennsylvania, Ohio, and one meeting in Michigan. The text continues, stating: They [the men previously identified] represented some of the oldest and best Quaker families in Pennsylvania. The Quaker community developed like a large extended family. No publication date, no copyright information. He was a planter in Jamesville, NC. United States Church Records Society of Friends (Quakers). The leaders sat at the vertex and, supposedly, the men sat on one log, the women on the other, in the typical Quaker tradition of separating the sexes. Quakers are members of a religious group that began in England in the 1640s. Durham, North Carolina: Seeman Printery, Inc, 1966. Quakers recorded a variety of details in their monthly meeting minutes which can be searched by name, location, and event date; or browsed by state . Bonds among relatives were nurtured by letter writing. It seems to me Kendal communities and services reflect sound management, adherence to Quaker values, and respect for each individual. "[12], Cane Creek is located in north central North Carolina. Couples might spend months corresponding and visiting before committing themselves to marriage. Both Carvers and Dunns had attendance sufficient to forward to the Perquimans Quarterly Meeting and Eastern Yearly Meeting a request to be given the status of Monthly Meetings. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Drunkenness or bankruptcy could lead a meeting to disown a spouse. The first homogeneous community in [Bladen] county was the Quakers according to Stephen B. Religious Society of Friends Project WikiTree,;view=1up;seq=19, Quaker Meetings: MEETINGS IN AND NEAR GUILFORD COUNTY, North Carolina Friends Historical Society, North Carolina Quaker and Slavery (MR/100), Quaker Meetings, United States of America, Learn WikiTree in real time with hands on help from current project members and leaders, Help build resources and links to assist other genealogists in finding their family, Create pages linking them to appropriate categories while learning the ins and outs of WikiTree, Make some great friends with similar interests~that's just an extra. possible in Jersey settlement area Rowan co bout 1768. Perhaps we are distantly related. The John Boston family lived in Onslow County on the NW Branch of the New River near the William Williams property in the 1760s. Thomas C. Hill. Did you know all of these new records were at FamilySearch? Find apartments for rent at 2020 Quaker Landing from $1,450 at 2020 Quaker Landing in Raleigh, NC. This book can be found in the Churches section of the United States and Canada reference areas of the FamilySearch Library. My dads side of the family owns land over at Core Point, and in fact, the Tripp Cemetery is at the end of Down Shore Road (where they own property). Any leads appreciated. Only if the womens meeting approved did the mens meeting make the final decision for a marriage to go forward. Possibly Tyrell, Currituck, Hyde or surrounding counties. He moved to Kentucky . Might I suggest some categorization so others may find this great page? by Blackwell P. Robinson The Royal Colony of North Carolina - The Quaker Settlers In 1681, when the Society of Friends ( ) leader William Penn (1644-1718) parlayed a debt owed by King Charles II to his father into a charter for the province of Pennsylvania, many more Quakers were prepared to grasp the opportunity to live in a land where they might worship freely. The Milhous and Mendenhall names are conspicuous through the monthly meeting records of the Quaker settlements in the county and many have been prominent in the states history. Private Messages: The 24th [December], we went to New Garden, and staid amongst Friends in that settlement till the 28th. As today, marriages took place in a silent meeting where the man and woman rose and affirmed their commitment to each other before God. . WF. [J] CURRITUCK PRECINCT between North River and Currituck Sound: Wilkins, Balance, Hodges [M], Swann [T], Etheridg, Lowther, Williams, Tulle, Swann [W], Dukes [M],Sanderson, Williamson, Norton, Gibby. Early Friends did not believe that a priest or magistrate, or even a Quaker meeting, could perform a marriage. (4) Robert H. Frazier, Nantucket and North Carolina. A paper delivered to the North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1947. My Fathers side is Reason shown thru northern and eastern North Carolina Dating back to the 1700s . Children were instructed from an early age that the good of the group, not their own personal preference, must always come first. Your ancestors lived in an area where there was a high concentration of Quakers. Wives and mothers also traveled in significant numbers as ministers, forcing families to cope. There is no goods in these parts to be had. I am looking to fill in my family tree. We first find James in Cane Creek/New Garden in the north central part of the state. This database contains Quaker monthly meeting records which are archived at the following Quaker colleges: Earlham (Indiana), Guilford (North Carolina), Haverford and Swarthmore (Pennsylvania). 7, Abstracts of the Records of the Society of Friends in Indiana, compiled by William Wade Hinshaw and Willard C. Heiss. The History of Guilford County, North Carolina, U.S.A., to 1980, A.D. 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