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a recent survey suggests that 85% of college students

Of the numbered slots, 18 are red, 18 are black, and 2the 0 and 00are green. She can safely receive blood transfusions from people with blood types O and B. Of online teens with a profile,76% have placed comments on a friends blog. Define event A: sum is 5. answer choices .776 .904 .859 .824 Question 16 120 seconds Suppose we select a college student at random. Universal blood donors People with type O-negative blood are universal donors. Although the Centers writers cant quantify all of the uncertainties when summarizing survey data, they seek to acknowledge them. You hardly need research to prove this, because this just becomes definitions of terms that everyone uses.. Facebook versus YouTube A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 73% use YouTube regularly, and 66% do both. (a) Who are the individuals? Academic Problems. Define events A: person has earned a collegedegree, and T: persons career is teaching. (c) Consider the event that the randomly selected college student has posted a profile on at least one of these two sites. The proportions who survive five years are 70% for those with a new kidney and 50% for those who return to dialysis. Each light has probability 0.02 of failing during a 3-year period. We canlearn which model is actually accurate for a particular die only by rolling the die many times. 73. Our 1-click surveys are different. The algorithms detect more nuanced and systematic differences in sentences than we humans are able to. But its a different matter for polling organizations like Pew Research Center. Posted one year ago Q: (d) Now you see the pattern. Choose a Canadian at random and ask, What is your mother tongue?. What percent of all teens are online, have a profile, andcomment on a friends blog? (3) I am not free to decide how my daily work is organized. Hereis a two-way table of the responses for three levels of education:240 Is there an association between level of education and freedom to organize ones work? MySpace versus Facebook A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 54% use MySpace regularly, and 42% do both. Many students forced online are displeased with the quality of their schooling and unhappy about their lives.. Justify your answer.$$P(A) \quad P(T) \qquad P(A | T) \qquad P(T | A)$$. Since (0.08)(0.30) = 0.024, can we conclude that about 2.4% of adults are college students 55 or older? A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 73% use YouTube regularly, and 66% do both. In addition, the pandemic appears to have robbed some students of their confidence that they could persist to the finish line and earn their degree. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax Other forms of survey completion incentives, such as discounts, freebies or preferential treatment, will also help to deliver great response rates. Therefore, it would be a fair characterization by our standards to say that a response of 54% or higher is a majority share of the population. A recent survey suggest that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 73% use You Tube regularly, and 66% do both. Spinning a quarter With your forefinger, hold a new quarter (with a state featured on the reverse) upright, on its edge, on a hard surface. Show your work. Still, the data are very clear that the pandemic has harmed students who signed up for an in-person experience and were given a very different product. Information was obtained on 414 infants $(208 \text { boys and } 206 \text { girls). (a) Draw a tree diagram that shows the sample space of this chance process. (a) Whats your estimate for the probability of heads? Life at work (1.1) The University of Chicagos General Social Survey asked a representative sampleof adults this question: Which of the following statements best describes how your daily work isorganized? Late shows Some TV shows begin after their scheduled times when earlier programs run late.According to a networks records, about 3% of its shows start late. Suppose we select a college student at random. 10 days ago, Posted in the table of the distribution. Despite the pandemic,72% of students studying for an associates degreeand76% of those pursuing a bachelors degreerated the quality of their education as excellent or very good. Only 5% of associates students and 6% of bachelors students rated their fall college experience as fair or poor. The remaining percentage rate their experience as good., On-line vs. in-person instruction. Going pro Only 5% of male high school basketball, baseball, and football players go on to play at thecollege level. )(b) What is the probability that you do not roll doubles on the first toss, but you do on the second toss? Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. MySpace versus Facebook A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 54% use MySpace regularly, and 42% do both. (d) In a survey, one hundred college students are asked what percentage of their total weekly spending is on alcoholic beverages. Ashley and Brianna each have two children. (b) Choose a college student at random and record gender and enrollment status: P(female full-time) = 0.56, P(male full-time) = 0.44, P(female part-time) = 0.24, P(male part-time) = 0.17. These probabilities are marked ??? We may request cookies to be set on your device. We call them our Lucky Sevens. According to a new national survey, college. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. By their nature, polls provide anestimateof what a large group of people say, since theyre based on a sample rather than the entire population. Online BMI calculators allow you to enter weight in pounds and height in inches. Likewise, 70% of students who were not the first in their family to attend college were aware of this kind of institutional support, compared to only 62% of first-generation-to-college students. Show your work. And those results are often not very surprising.This can for example tell us that people who like their job do not want to quit as often as people who do not like their job. Explain what this value means. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. The algorithms compare the questions in the surveys to see to what extent the questions have an overlapping meaning. In contrast, 1-click feedback offers a light-touch and fun way to measure customer feedback. The probabilityis 0.13 that the person chosen did not complete high school, 0.29 that the person has a high schooldiploma but no further education, and 0.30 that the person has at least a bachelors degree. A survey response rate of 50% or higher should be considered excellent in most circumstances. (a) What is the probability that the college student has posted a profile on Facebook or uses YouTube regularly? Surveys do not always answer our questions. A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 73% use YouTube regularly, and 66% do both. Snapsolve any problem by taking a picture. All rights reserved. (2) I can decide how my dailywork is organized, within certain limits. This basic reality can create challenges for writers who want to summarize poll findings in a precise way. Posted 4 months ago View Answer Q: Search engine survey. 8 In a national survey, college students who binge drank alcohol at least three times per week were roughly six times more likely to perform poorly on a test or project as a result of drinking (40% vs. 7%) than students who drank but . Are the events sumis 7 and green die shows a 4 independent? When we answer questions that are quite similar, the answers will often also be quite similar. A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 54% use Instagram regularly, and 42% do both. Fill er up Refer to Exercise 83. Refer to Exercise 49. Customer Thermometer customers find response rates from anywhere between 50 and 85%, after previously receiving little to no feedback on their old long form surveys. (a) Mean. Why or why not? Define events J: getting ajack, and R: getting a red card. a female who eats breakfast regularly? The lights are wired in series, so that if anylight fails the whole string will go dark. Languages in Canada Canada has two official languages, English and French. Get rich A survey of 4826 randomly selected young adults (aged 19 to 25) asked, What do you think are the chances you will have much more than a middle-class income at age 30? Businesses with little person-to-person contact with customers can expect response rates at the low end of this scale. (c) Describe the event B and E in words. A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 73% use YouTube regularly, and 66% do both. High BMI is a common but controversial indicator of overweight or obesity. Follow the four-step process. Often, two questions will be enough to guess the answer to a third question. It'll take all of us, working together, to ensure that more students get the support services they need to stay in school and complete their degrees.". The percentage of Myspace users is 54 percent. (c) Consider the event that the randomly selected student is a graduate student who uses a Mac. Thesenames account for 9.6% of all U.S. residents. Among associate degree students facing this shift, 40% said that the quality was slightly worse and 13% said it was much worse. Among baccalaureate students, 44% said quality was slightly worse, and 16% said it was much worse.. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA Suppose a candy maker offers a special Gump box with 20 chocolate candies thatlook the same. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. An inspector draws2 switches at random, one after the other. (b) If we select a U.S. senator at random, whats the probability that we choosea Democrat? b) Either one of the two sites but not both? Find the probability that this person is a graduate student. On the fifth toss? Inspecting switches A shipment contains 10,000 switches. The figure shows probabilities for a charity calling potential donors by telephone.21 Each person called is either a recent donor, a past donor, or a new prospect. An established relationship involves trust which influences survey response rates. Instead, you are left with a few numbers that mainly indicate how people use language. Privacy Policy. (a) List the sample space for rolling the die twice (spots showing on first and second rolls). Interpret this value in context. 94% of StudySmarter users get better grades. There are 9 authors in all. Brand Recognition: Surveys distributed by well-known, recognized brands tend to attract better response rates than those carried out by unknown organisations. Suppose we select a college student at random. Suppose we select a college student at random and learn that the student has a profile on Facebook. Despite the pandemic, 72% of students studying for an associate's degree and 76% of those pursuing a bachelor's degree rated the quality of their education as "excellent" or "very good . Define events T: person is over 6 feet tall,and B: person is a professional basketball player. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Give the general result: what is the probability that the first doubles occurs on the kth toss? MySpace versus Facebook A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 54% use MySpace regularly, and 42% do both. ponders, How can we keep necessary stability when everything is bound to change?, professor Jan Ketil, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour. Which of the following statements is appropriate for describing the 40% of people who went to the party? Show your work. Choose an Americanhousehold at random and count the number of people it contains. Students are devoting more time to academic preparation than they did over a decade ago. In order to present survey findings in an accurate and impartial manner in its reports, Pew Research Center has developed internal guidelines for using certain terms consistently. At the same time, many harbor doubts about the future . We actually need to ask ourselves whether the numerous employee surveys being conducted regularly actually measure what they claim to, says Arnulf. (a) Assuming that there are 20 million college students, make a two-way table for this chance process. Sampling senators The two-way table below describes the members of the U.S Senate in a recent year. (b) If we select a student from the school at random, what is the probability that we choosea female? This is the probability that the first doubles occurs on the third toss. A mayoral candidateanticipates attracting 30% of the white vote, 90% of the black vote, and 50% of the Hispanic vote. Show your work. (c) Consider the event that the randomly (b) Find $P(M | B) .$ Explain what this value means. Remember that a deckcontains 52 cards, 13 of each suit, and that when the deck is well shuffled, each card dealt is equally likely to be any of those that remain in the deck. Which are legitimate and which are not? Only 7.2% of the American population have O-negative blood. (Let F = got food poisoning and A = attended party. To strongly agree they feel like they belong at their institution (36% vs. 59%). Nonetheless, there are ample reasons for concern. Explain why this is the proper design. Find the probability that the student uses MySpace regularly. Here are probabilities based on four years of the Wimbledon Championship:18$$\begin{array}{c}{P(\text { lst serve in })=0.59 \quad P(\text { win point } | \text { lst serve in })=0.73} \\ {\qquad P(2 \text { nd serve in } | \text { lst serve out })=0.86} \\ {P(\text { win point } | \text { lst serve out and } 2 \text { nd serve in })=0.59}\end{array}$$(a) Make a tree diagram for the results of the two serves and the outcome (win or lose) of the point. Based upon the standard error and confidence level. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. Give graphical and numerical evidence to support your answer. These games use many different types of dice. The medical technicians who were reading the test results were unaware that they were subjects in an experiment. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. If not, give specific reasons for your answer. It is important to remember that there are several sources of uncertainty in survey estimates, some of which cant be quantified. Suppose we select a college student at random and learn that the student has a profile on Facebook. Was the final answer of the question wrong? \text { (b) } 0.32 \text { (c) 0.16. (a) You know that at least one of Ashleys children is a boy. (c) Consider the event that the randomly selected . And unfortunately, because response rates are influenced by a multitude of factors, its never easy to forecast. For example, the algorithm will show that today is Tuesday means the same thing as tomorrow will be Wednesday, although the sentences do not share a single word between them. Customer Thermometers 1-click survey will up your feedback game. How has Covid-19 changed the student experience? Together with colleagues Kai Rune Larsen, yvind L. Martinsen and Thore Egeland, Arnulf has also developed a method to see how "correctly" each person . (b) What is the probability that a Canadian's mother tongue is not English? Get 5 free video unlocks on our app with code GOMOBILE. The two-way table describes the 595 students who responded to a school surveyabout eating breakfast. There are many factors that influence survey response rates, with varying levels of impact: Distribution Method: Web-intercept surveys which use non-intrusive pop-ups to optimally present the survey when a potential respondent is engaged in brand-interaction (e.g. We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Who eats breakfast? Let's say our hypothetical survey asks a yes or no question about whether the economy should be the top concern of the country's political leaders. Find theprobability that at least one of them is classified as underweight. Overall, the survey suggests that most college students have been fairly resilient to the campus interruptions, disruptions, and confusion caused by the pandemic. (a) $8 / 275=0.03$(b) $20 / 275=0.07$(c) $8 / 20=0.4$(d) 0.5(e) 1, The casino game craps is based on rolling two dice. That is, they do not obey the rules. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Show your work. These differences are substantial. At the time of the census, 67% of the schools students were undergraduates. TestA has probability 0.9 of being positive if steroids have been used. Long form surveys are laborious and time-consuming for your customer, and can actually result in an almost 0% response rate. A Titanic disaster Refer to Exercise 64. Lost Internet sites Internet sites often vanish or move, so that references to them cant be followed.In fact, 13% of Internet sites referenced in major scientific journals are lost within two years afterpublication.19 If a paper contains seven Internet references, what is the probability that at least oneof them doesnt work two years later? (If you need review, the possible outcomes appear in Figure 5.2 (page 300). (a) We will concentrate on spades. (b) What is the conditional probability that a student is studying Spanish given that he or she is studyingsome language other than English? Here are some additional blog posts weve written on survey response rates recently. Sampling senators Refer to Exercise $50 .$(a) Construct a Venn diagram that models the chance process using events $R :$ is a Republican, and$F :$ is female. Teens online We saw in an earlier example (page 319) that 93% of teenagers are online andthat 55% of online teens have posted a profile on a social-networking site. students still found their college experiences during the pandemic to be worthwhile, but many now have doubts about whether they will finish their degree. Show your work. (a) Find $P(D | F) .$ Explain what this value means. Find the probability that the student uses YouTube regularly. Antibodies indicate the presence of the virus. Is it on the way out? Why? Rank the following probabilities from smallest to largest. Interpret this value in context. Find the probability that the student uses YouTube regularly. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Sampling senators The two-way table describes the members of the U.S. Senate in a recent year. Winning at tennis A player serving in tennis has two chances to get a serve into play. The percentage of people that use Facebook and Myspace is 42 percent. What is the probability that the first card dealt is a spade? But they are also used in many other contexts to map peoples attitudes regarding various topics. Suppose we select a college student at random. Mac or PC? (a) Make a two-way table for this chance process. This is called a natural. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. All were taking calcium supplements and receiving standard medical care. For many people, majority is a word so common that they rarely have to think twice about what it means. Survey response rates in the 5% to 30% range are far more typical. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Rolling dice Suppose you roll two fair, six-sided diceone red and one green. Moving from in-person to on-line instruction had several negative effects. in the distribution? Crawling age is given }$ in weeks, and average temperature (in 'F) is given for the month that is six months after the birth month.8 Analyze the relationship between average crawling age and average temperature. What is the probability that a randomly chosen black American can donate blood to Maria? (b) Find the probability that Morris will survive for five years. Send yourself an example: Who loves a long survey? Your body mass index (BMI) is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. (e) In a sample of one hundred recent college graduates, it is found that 85 percent expect to get a job within one year of their graduation date. A four-sided die has faces with 1, 2, 3, and 4 spots. Which rule of probabilitydid you use to find the answer? Based on the similarity in the questions, it is thus possible to guess what people will answer in reality, sometimes with a very high accuracy. Foreign-language study Choose a student in grades 9 to 12 at random and ask if he or she is studying alanguage other than English. In the same way, it is not surprising that people like a boss who is interested in them more than a boss who is not interested in them. and B=students have posted a profile on facebook. Standard error is equal to the standard deviation. (a) Technicians correctly identified 240 of the 250 patients with the condition. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, Majority of Canadians would boycott U.S. in response to trade war, A majority of travelers are picking destinations based on food, Majority of Americans approve of Trumps handling of the economy for the first time, How to access Pew Research Center survey data, APSA 2019 roundup: Research on political socialization, campaign spending and misinformation, How focus groups helped inform our survey about technology use in emerging economies, Video: The Research Lifecycle A Look Inside Pew Research Center, The challenges of using Facebook for research, In a Growing Share of U.S. Marriages, Husbands and Wives Earn About the Same, Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years, Key facts as India surpasses China as the worlds most populous country, Americans Are Critical of Chinas Global Role as Well as Its Relationship With Russia. Then find P(B and E). But where researchers have asked people what they think about their boss, about the working conditions and their perception of their job, this information is frequently filtered out in the most common methods that researchers use in management. Here is the distribution of the blood type of a randomly chosen black American:(a) What is the probability of type AB blood? Suppose we select a college student at random and learn that the student has a profile on Facebook. Suppose we select a student at random from among those who were part of the census and learn that the student mainly uses a Mac. In the census, 23% of respondents were graduate students who said that they used PCs as their main computers. The move from completely in-person to completely on-line instruction was associated with a number of adverse impacts. To what extent have changes caused by the pandemic affected the quality of the student experience? They conducted a survey, asking, Do you eat breakfast on a regular basis? Interpret this value in context. Which rule of probability did you use to find the answer? If a college student is randomly selected from this survey, what is the probability that the student has posted a profile on: a)At east one of these two sites? Rolling dice Suppose you roll two fair, six-sided diceone red and one green. (d) The probability of being dealt 5 hearts or 5 diamonds or 5 clubs is the same as the probability ofbeing dealt 5 spades. Refer to Exercise 68. (b) Continue to count the remaining cards to find the conditional probabilities of a spade on the third,the fourth, and the fifth card given in each case that all previous cards are spades. The standard deviation of the survey responses is a measure of the spread or range of scores. Show your work. This can be expressed symbolically as, P(Facebook Myspace), Probability =Number of favorable outcomesTotal possible outcomes, Total number of possible outcomes 20,000,000, Therefore, P(Facebook Myspace) =8,600,000+8,400,000+2,400,00020,000,000P(Facebook Myspace)=19,400,00020,000,000 =0.97. When creating and distributing a new survey, people often want to know what response rate they are likely to receive. If a college student is randomly selected from this survey, what is the probability that the student has posted a profile on: (Rate this solution on a scale of 1-5 below). Education among young adults Choose a young adult (aged 25 to 29) at random. Income tax returns Here is the distribution of the adjusted gross income (in thousands of dollars)reported on individual federal income tax returns in a recent year:(a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen return shows an adjusted gross income of $\$ 50,000$ or more? Late flights An airline reports that 85% of its flights arrive on time. But statistics show that the average starting salary for college graduates is . Respondent Robotics: Simulating responses to Likert-scale survey items. (c) Use your answers to (a) and (b) to determinewhether the events survived and second classare independent. Recognizing those effects, Courtney Brown, vice president of impact and planning at Lumina Foundation, said, The new Gallup poll offers an insightful and sobering glimpse into how the pandemic is disrupting students plans to stay in college, learn online, and earn their degrees. Facebook versus YouTube A recent survey suggests that $85 \%$ of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, $73 \%$ use YouTube regularly, and $66 \%$ do both. The transplant succeeds in 60% of those who survive, and the other 40% must return to kidney dialysis. But, by being aware of recent survey response rate metrics, along with key influencing factors, you can establish some realistic expectations. (b) What is the probability that a Canadians mother tongue is not English? The statistics do paradoxically not depend on how strongly people agree or disagree with the questions they have answered, he claims. Your body mass index (BMI) is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. (Hide this section if you want to rate later). Another potential source of error is nonresponse bias that is, when the people who respond to surveys differ in important ways from the people who dont respond. Industry: There can be significant differences in survey response rates from various industries. Get the real picture: Before using Customer Thermometer, if we ever In the case of the illegitimate models, explain what is wrong. Why? Get plagiarism-free solution within 48 hours. Today, we get around 5,000 feedback responses per month!, In the first 3 months of using Customer Thermometer, we had x6 the number of responses we hoped for. At the next stage, the person called either does or does not pledge to contribute, with conditional probabilities that depend on the donor class the person belongs to.Finally, those who make a pledge either do or dont actually make a contribution. All you are left with is semantic relationships, according to Arnulf. Suppose we select a college student at random. Box of chocolates According to Forrest Gump, Life is like a box of chocolates. Assume that the die is perfectly balanced. The response variables were measurements of bone density and counts of new fractures over three years. consider that, A= student use youtube regularly. If 51% of all respondents say "yes," we would estimate the true population value to fall between 48% and 54%. SummaryArnulf, J. K., Larsen, K. R., & Martinsen, . L. (2018). Real-time, actionable feedback from any email you send. (b) Find $P(F | D) .$ Explain what this value means. Common names The Census Bureau says that the 10 most common names in the United States are(in order) Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, Jones, Miller, Davis, Garcia, Rodriguez, and Wilson. The probability of a flush A poker player holds a flush when all 5 cards in the hand belong to thesame suit. Since surveys only question asample of a larger populationthat is being studied whether that population is a single city, an entire country or something else the margin of error describes the estimated range within which we would expect the exact answer to fall. Here are approximate probabilities of positive and negative EIA outcomes when the blood tested does and does not actually contain antibodies to HIV:22 Suppose that 1% of a large population carries anti- bodies to HIV in their blood. Here is the assignment of probabilities to the sum ofthe numbers on the up-faces when two dice are rolled: The most common bet in craps is the pass line. A pass line bettor wins immediately if either a 7 or an 11 comes up on the first roll. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Choose a customer at random. What is the probability that a randomly selected student uses YouTube regularly given that they have a Facebook profile. The lights fail independently of each other. MySpace versus Facebook A recent survey suggests that 85% of college students have posted a profile on Facebook, 54% use MySpace regularly, and 42% do both. Choose one of the vegetarians at random. About 40% of the athletes whocompete in college and then reach the pros have a career of more than 3 years.16 What is the probabilitythat a high school athlete who plays basketball, baseball, or football competes in college and thengoes on to have a pro career of more than 3 years? The rest mainly used PCs. Out of curiosity, you look at the authors of the textbooksfor your current courses. (d) Find the probability of the event described in (c). (a) What is the probability that the college student has posted. We will find the probability of a flush when 5 cards are dealt. What Survey Response Rate Should I Expect? Were the solution steps not detailed enough? With little person-to-person contact with customers can expect response rates recently posts weve written on response... Whats the probability of the U.S. Senate in a recent year they feel like belong. Light-Touch and fun way to measure customer feedback in grades 9 to at. On alcoholic beverages are 70 % for those with a new survey, people want. In contrast, 1-click feedback offers a light-touch and fun way to measure customer feedback List of stored on. An experiment mainly indicate how people use language { boys and } 206 \text { girls ). Explain. And 2the 0 and 00are green has two official languages, English French. 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