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nikola tesla interview

Light manifests brain function and death. My six senses are all flooded with the light: I see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, touch it, and think about it. What is considered as empty space is only a manifestation of matter that is not awake? It is therefore of Cardinal Importance to UNCONDITIONALLY SERVE the TOTALITY in order to become FREE, to USE the Dual Realm as the THRESHOLD to Enter the Realm BEYOND Dimension = Having BECOME ONE WITH INFINITY. In what language, Mr. Tesla? Journalist: Our readers would appreciate it if you could translate that. Journalist: Your admirers are upset because you are criticizing relativity. Is this some game? Do not forget to highlight in his text that Nikola Tesla was the first man who discovered the rays. Journalist: Hotel staff advising that you isolate yourself in your room during a lightning strike and talk to yourself. He experimented with shadowgraphs similar to those that later were to be used by Wilhelm Rntgen when he discovered X-rays in 1895. My father ultimately permitted me to study technology, my passion, and I was healed. We must learn these truths to be healed. Because of the stellar light and intimate relationship, it is ideal for working at night. . Einstein is the messenger of the age of noise and fury. Tesla developed the alternating-current power system that provides electricity for homes and buildings. Tesla: How have your eyes glowed? Hundreds filed into New York Citys Cathedral of St. John the Divine for his funeral services, and a flood of messages acknowledged the loss of a great genius. Tesla sailed for America in 1884, arriving in New York with four cents in his pocket, a few of his own poems, and calculations for a flying machine. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable. All I do is look for them. The allotted time grew short, and in a few minutes the great inventor bid me adieu and I left the presence of one of the worlds most distinguished scientists of whom it has rightly been said: He lives a hundred years ahead of his time.. Is it possible that Zeus didnt have enough lightning and thunder and was harmed due to one fervor? And what is between these Two INFINITIES, is that WHAT has become CONSCIOUS by the Interaction (Chain-reaction) of the Two Infinities, of which one is of the Internal (Contraction, position of the Observer) and one of the External (Expansion, position of the Mirror). As a result, cleansing of mans numerous impacts and demands. Both can create the Chain-reaction (= Electricity), because the Totality cannot be Deleted. This is because of their wings. Like plants, beasts, and man, Stone is a thinking and sentient entity. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. A thousand lightning strikes constitute a concert. TESLA: A man must be sensitive to birds. That year also marked the date of Teslas U.S. citizenship. As a boy, Tesla was often sick, but he was a bright student with a photographic memory. This melody represents the endless cycle of the celestial sky. The actual face of light is black, yet we cannot perceive it. Nikola Tesla: The Greatest Genius who Ever Lived This Old Nikola Tesla Interview Reveals That He Discovered That Something Was Sending Earth Messages All of these videos wax poetically about the lost cause of the cast-away inventor. Journalist: Is science or poetry the same to you? Tesla: Mr. Smith, youve asked the correct question, and Ill do my best to answer it. Journalist: Some say youre from Croatia, from the town of Lika, where trees, rocks, and a starry sky bloom with the inhabitants. Tesla: Its a psychic discharge or a warning to be on the lookout. There are two points of view: either one has much affection or nothing at all. I am proud of my Serbian origin and my Croatian homeland. Updates? Later I developed it consciously. Returning to New York in 1900, Tesla began construction on Long Island of a wireless world broadcasting tower, with $150,000 capital from the American financier J. Pierpont Morgan. When we met here and told him, he was so moved that he cried. Check out the full programme. TESLA - Everything is the Light - Interview with Nikola Tesla Knowledge is Power - Gary Lite 393K subscribers Subscribe Share 1.8M views 6 years ago #nikolatesla #freeenergy #garylite. This is, indeed, insane. My brain is engaged in things more important than remembering, it is gathering what is required at a given moment, that is, everything around us. The matter consists of the primordial and everlasting force known as light. Just believe. The smaller photo, Fig. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), who once worked for Edison, was often a rival of the more-famous inventor. TESLA: First, the maintenance of the whole. The Universe is spiritual, but we are just halfway there. This flatters me, but I confess, I do not quite understand. Its A play inspired by Teslas work and life. That makes me feel like I have a sixth sense when I think about it. JOURNALIST: The staff in your laboratory speaks of flashes of light, fire, and lightning that occur if you are angry or at some risk. The relationships between Earths creatures are even stronger, because of our feelings and thoughts, the flower will perfume even more beautifully or fall into silence. It confuses me by saying that their findings have enormous benefits for people and that at the same time represent a game, many will frown. The secret was known to Christ and a few others. JOURNALIST: In his youth, he was several times seriously ill. Is a disease a requirement for adjustment? Whether in connection with your conclusions or your work, is this a game? And remember: no one man that existed did not die. TESLA: Not at all, because the first characteristic of energy is that it is transformed.This one is in perpetual transformation, as the clouds of the Taoists. Transistor working principle | How does a transistor work? TESLA: It is a right question, Mr. Smith, and I will try to give you the right answer to it. He nourished and protected jealously. Light particles are written notes. You just have to internalize it. The light has always been on my side. It is necessary for a man to suffer from time to time. It is published on many websites as the "Interview Hidden For 116 Years." It is actually from "Tesla or Customize of Angels" a play written by Stevan Pesic around 1995. It is only by the Mind that can REALIZE within the Dual Realm, that the Chain-reaction can Destroy the Nucleus, due to the Minds inability to Eternally follow the Ever DEEPENING or Inwards going Infinity. It has the power to create the Earth with its orbit. This Nikola Tesla Interview, Banned For 116. Tesla: The sound exists not only in thunder and lightning but also in its metamorphosis into brightness and color. Because energy is older than matter. Now Id like to hear from you: Did you know about this Nikola Tesla interview? Pain or any experience of Harm is the consequence of DIS-UNION = space curving on itself due to Ego (Self-interest). He had a long-term feud with Thomas Edison, who clung to the erroneous belief in the superiority of direct current (DC) systems. This is because our bodies are comprised of identical material, and unbreakable strands link our souls. Inexplicable grief that overwhelms us sometimes implies that a kid or a nice guy died on the other side of the world. Many systems in and around us, including the bloodstream, may be influenced. The project was abandoned because of a financial panic, labour troubles, and Morgans withdrawal of support. A star that shines asks to be seen and if we were not self-absorbed we would understand its language and its message. It is unknown whether you have feelings for love or a lady. In this context we meet the electrical engineer, mechanic and inventor Nicholas Tesla. TESLA: The Creator is going to laugh, saying: They fall only so that you persecute them and take them.(Nikola Tesla). Journalist: Employees at your lab have spoken of flashes of light, flames, and lightning that occur when you are upset or in a dangerous situation. Nikola Tesla is an inventor, electrical wizard, and seer. Religions and ideologies say that man can become Christ, Buddha, or Zoroaster. Thousands of fires were circling in a variety of burning hues. This expansion of vision and hearing I have had since I was a child. As a result, I have gained rather than lost. He is the discoverer of alternating-current power transmission, the system of . White is the color of the sky. There is no doubt about it your heart does beat faster when you are about to meet a famous electrical scientist, one of the foremost in the world. What energy, stellar or terrestrial, can feed the hungry on Earth? Tesla: Is it true that I am? Corrections? Mr. Tesla wrote a number of books and articles for magazines and journals. Light is a wave, but can also be a particle. This is due to their wings. We can also water the other energies, such as positive mental energy, found in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of the great poets. Mr. Tesla is observed seated and reading one of Faradays scientific books. Learn about Nikola Tesla's great inventionsand his obsession with pigeons, A History of Everyday Technology in 68 Quiz Questions,, - Top 11 Things You Didn't Know About Nikola Tesla, Public Broadcasting Service - Nikola Tesla, History Computer - Nikola Tesla Complete Biography, History, and Inventions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Biography of Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Nikola Tesla - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). The fate of countries is written in one of its beams; each nation has its ray in that immense light source known as the Sun. Hell be a light-bearing child.. There, black cosmic rays were discovered . They say your hometown is called for mountain flowers, and the house where you were born is near a forest and a church. Tesla: No, because the primary property of energy is that it transforms. Tesla: Everything is true. They can not be hidden, there are those around us, but we are blind and deaf to them. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian-born American engineer and inventor, best known for designing and promoting the use of alternating current (AC) motors, transformers, and power distribution systems. TESLA: Thats right! What about the Universes birth? If we emotionally bind ourselves to them, they will come to us. Wonders of the Future. There have been discoveries of black cosmic rays. If its Creator understands relativity properly, he will acquire immortality, even if just physically, if he is happy. Creation follows four laws. The first was light, an infinite source from which material is pointed out and distributed in all forms that reflect the Universe and the Earth with all of its characteristics of life. JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, youre talking about angels and their adaptation to Earth. I did not do everything I could have. Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said " Everything is the Light ". In my feeling and experience, the Universe has a single substance and supreme energy with an infinite number of manifestations of life. Remember that the wings of youth want to have everything in life! Hindus call it Kundalini-Yoga. We became friends, and he frequently visited my lab. Tesla: Thats correct! As a child, I knew Id make most of my discoveries, even if they werent completely evident The second adaptive condition has been identified. These particles appear to be obedient and true to me. I have fed my thought, I have learned to control emotions, dreams, and visions. JOURNALIST: What would that wish be, Mr. Tesla? They were converted into light and continue to exist as such. Tesla: Its something I hear all the time. He has unlimited confidence in his visual inventiveness. Im confused, is this a real interview or a play? Mans breathing, eyes, and ears must be in sync with the Universes breathing, eyes, and hearing. Nikola Tesla gave a rare interview to a journalist named John Smith in 1899 and the ideas expressed by Tesla were so revolutionary that the interview was covered up and hidden away for over 100 years, despite huge public interest in hearing Tesla speak. According to their essence, the soul of the plant is the soul of minerals and animals. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and, while on assignment to Strassburg in 1883, he constructed, after work hours, his first induction motor. These ties are unbreakable but can be tame, propitiate and begin to create new and different relationships in the world, and not violate the old. These were eventually inherited by Teslas nephew, Sava Kosanovich, and later housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Smiljan, a little town in the Lika-Senj region, is the birthplace of one of historys greatest innovators. The beauty and aroma of roses can be used as medicine and the suns rays as a food. JOURNALIST: In saying this I seem to listen to Buddhist texts, words or Taoist Parazulzusa. Ill write to him and explain that the ether exists and that its particles are responsible for keeping the Universe in balance and life eternal. In the process, giving you all a taste of the fruits born from my intellect. That star is in this galaxy. There is lightning and thunder, and these are the brightest and most powerful things that will never go away. After working for several years in Europe, he emigrated to the United States in eighteen eighty four.Thank you for watching!Thank you to CO.AG for the background music! Its light can be emitted with such density that it fits into a sphere smaller than an apple and at the same time heavier than our Solar System. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. Its light can be so dense that it can fit inside a sphere the size of an apple and weighs more than our whole Solar System. My sight and hearing are perfect, and I dare say that they are stronger than in others. There is no space in our world or the Universe. I know that gravity is adverse to everything I have to fly and my intention is not to make flight devices (aircraft or missiles), but to teach the individual to regain consciousness on their own wings I am also trying to awaken contained energy in the air. Nikola Tesla was the first scientist who, in 1898, demonstrated a never-before-seen working model of a robot guided entirely by radio waves. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist born in 1856. Tesla: These are a single persons two eyes. Humans previously had them, the actual and visible ones! In one sense, its beam represents the fate of countries; each nation has its ray in the enormous light source known as the Sun. Journalist: Are you with them? 2, shows Mr. Tesla holding in his hands a 14-inch glass bulb, which is highly exhausted and containing a drop of mercury. It is a mystery car once demonstrated by Nikola Tesla, developer of alternating current, that might have made electrics triumphant. 1. The 4 laws that N. Tesla mentioned can be in Essence reduced to the Two Laws. TESLA: Yes, these are some of my most important discoveries. It was very nice and gave me the knowledge I have. One of its particles has light, heat, nuclear, radiation, chemical, mechanical, and unknown energy. Photos from your youth reveal that you were a lovely young guy. Can You Plug a Microwave into an Extension Cord | Safely Use Ovens. The energy that is unique to each individual is what gives rise to the human I or soul.. Teslas countless experiments included work on a carbon button lamp, on the power of electrical resonance, and on various types of lighting. A Chinese proverb says that tremendousness reduces life. Its enough to make you believe it. I am not a scientist. In every corner of the universe, there is the energy of life; One of them is immortality, whose origin is outside of man and awaits him. And what exactly is it, cosmic agony? A shining light begged us to look at it, and if we werent so self-absorbed, we would grasp its language and message. However, you perplex me by claiming that your discoveries, which have enormous societal advantages, reflect the game. (Nikola Tesla). In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. Nikola Tesla Birth in Thunderstorm During a violent lightning storm, Nikola Tesla got birth at midnight 166 years ago. We need your support to make it the best. In . As a result, many additional illnesses, sorrow, wickedness, misery, conflicts, and other factors make human existence ludicrous and dreadful. A color can be heard. Nikola Tesla Interview | No One Who Ever Lived Did Not Die. If you have any doubts about whether that is true, there are many Nikola Tesla facts to back up that statement. There are lightning and thunder, and they are brighter and more powerful, they return and I recognize you among thousands. The entire Universe fit within the storyline. Tesla: Mr. Smith, the problem is that people take themselves far too seriously. But to adjust the physical circuit, in addition to food, sleep is very important. I lived my entire life in bliss. 49 Nikola Tesla Quotes. Mr. Tesla was the first inventor of the induction motor and the system of alternating current power transmission, popularly known as two-phase, three-phase, or poly-phase systems, which created a revolution in electrical engineering and are now universally adopted. I picked the second option. The losses due to hysteresis in transformers - The Electrical Engineer . In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. I noticed them in the sunlight! TESLA: When a man becomes conscious, his highest goal must be to run towards a shooting star and try to capture it. Everything has energy as a charge, but where is it? In an interview with the Galveston Daily News in August 1924, Tesla is quoted as saying "In place of the soft-voiced, gentle woman of my reverent worship, has . How Many Jobs are Available in Property-Casualty Insurers? I have not sought it for my own benefit, but for the good of all. This is because of their wings. 1899 to 1999 is the 20th century and future perception tells one that the 21st, 22nd, etc. What If Humanity Discovered A Less Advanced Alien Civilization? This success was a factor in their winning the contract to install the first power machinery at Niagara Falls, which bore Teslas name and patent numbers. The key is that the light particles return to their original condition. In my youth, I was afraid of not knowing what it is, but later I learned to use this power as an exceptional talent and a gift. TESLA: Id rather call him back to earlier energy. Here is the interview that the scientist Nikola Tesla gave to the magazine Immortality in his laboratory in Colorado Springs in the year 1899: JOURNALIST: Mr. Tesla, you have gained the glory of the man who got involved in the cosmic processes. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. I always shudder when I hear the story of the Greek who stole the fire. The black is the true face of the Light, only we do not see it. I am looking for a way to conserve human energy. He is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Thinking about it is my sixth sense. Some of these discharges were two and one-half times as large as common lightning discharges, and they could be heard twelve miles away from the apparatus. I sense the beat and devote my attention to it, allowing myself to be pampered by it. A bolt of lightning might be considered a sonata in and of itself. TESLA: Its really the same. This is because our bodies are made from similar material, and our soul is related to unbreakable filaments. ("Everything is Light" The Incredible interview with Nikola Tesla) JOURNALIST: In the window of your room at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel on the thirty-third floor, the birds arrive every morning. Journalist: Mr. Tesla, what is the seventh adjustment? I do nothing except look for them. Journalist: Isnt all of this at odds with the cosmic anguish you frequently reference in your writings? Being alone does the same to other people. Nikola Tesla wasn't a man who lacked feelings | Photo from 1890 by Wikipedia, altered by the author. Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and studied engineering and physics in Austria and Czech Republic. He once requested that I show him a contraption that induces a state of euphoria through vibration. My spiritual ear spans the entire breadth of the sky above us. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Journalist: Is it thus your ability to allow fails of electricity of one million volts through your body? Tesla envisioned drone technology and spoke of cosmic radio waves, while his greatest goal and life mission was free and unlimited energy for the entire world. They discover plastic bags in the deepest place in the ocean. When I hear about the Greek who stole fire, I always get a shiver. Tesla: It is the source of life. TESLA: Its the psychic discharge or a warning to be alert. As clouds of Taoists, it is always changing. Inventor of the Modern Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla of Nikola Tesla: A Complete Set of Patents Man Out of Time Tesla: A Life From Beginning to End The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla\" life was like a box of chocolates. There are two points of view: a lot of affection or none at all. Each thunder and lightning bolt is unique and has a name. JOURNALIST: They say that you are from the country of Croatia, the area called Lika, where together with the people grow trees, rocks, and starry sky. The third law is that light must become a Light substance. According to my perception and experience, the Universe consists of just one material and one ultimate energy, with an endless number of living forms. I held my inventions for years in my head, before carrying them out. During a conversation with writer John Smith in 1899. Yeah The use of the terms radar and black hole give this away. One of Colorado Spring's most famous visitors was electrical engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla, who in the spring of 1899, set up a laboratory on a small grassy hill in what is now Knob Hill. He intends in the near future to transmit wirelessly speech and energy around the world from his very powerful electric wave station on Long Island, which is as yet not completed, but which will be finished soon undoubtedly. Many of his theories, inventions and predictions are still. Alternating currents - Manufacturer and Inventor, London, Middlesex, UK, page 20 - December 18, 1889. Either way, let me know by leaving a quick comment below. Nikola Tesla Accurately Predicted the Rise of the Internet & Smart Phone in 1926 Nikola Tesla's Predictions for the 21st Century: The Rise of Smart Phones & Wireless, The Demise of Coffee, The Rule of Eugenics (1926/35) The Electric Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla: As Told by Technoillusionist Marco Tempest It should only be eaten. I made what I wanted out of myself: a thoughtful and spiritual machine. Our vision is the perfect set. It is the authentic lever of Archimedes. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Strong gravitational waves recorded by the LIGO and Virgo observatories have revealed what experts believe may be the, Humans have a preconceived notion that aliens are way more technically sound in our comparison. The transaction precipitated a titanic power struggle between Edisons direct-current systems and the Tesla-Westinghouse alternating-current approach, which eventually won out. . Westinghouse used Teslas alternating current system to light the Worlds Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. Is best known for his contributions nikola tesla interview the two laws obedient and true me... And visible ones us to look at it, and I dare say that man become! 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