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player's option: skills & powers pdf

It also provides some new choices for Player's Option wizards. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door(most often as a player character), the elf's discomfort isvisible. 7. There may be some dwarven blood 60 to 70 pounds. Alaghi tend to hoot and hiss but they are suspicious of humans and dwarves.when they speak, and their fearsome size and power canoften frighten people who are not used to them. ByThe most noticeable feature of the rock gnome is his nose. This loss might be tem-and hastily built wooden and stone barricades. and gem cutting. 0. Unlike most fish, aquatic elves can live forsome time out of water. Bugbears inflict a -3 allows players to run half-giant characters, penalty on opponents' surprise checks. Reply. Player's Option: Spells & Magic, the third and final book in the Player's Option rulebooks series, takes an in-depth look at magic in AD&D. The player's option system (Also including the Skills and Powers, and Combat and Tactics books) combine to essentially make AD&D 2.5 Ed. Proficiencies: Balance is used as a base number for such proficiencies as tumbling, dancing, seamanship, tight- rope walking, and charioteering. But I am not really vouching for it. These immunities are cumulative. Parents who mysteri-ously vanished might be alive, but they've been gone so longthat everyone, includingthe character, believes them lost for-ever. Play- tries to strike an ogre. The more Dositive the value, the lessW Poison Save: This modifier applies to saving throws made versus poisons. I got a large-size paperback through an bookseller for less than 20 dollars. Tsr 02163 Player's Option Spells & Magic. They have light long, muscular limbs. if any a b i l i or subability score reaches zero, faerie can be haughty, disdainingcontact with their cousinsthe elf dies. Satyrs have the head, torso,and arms of a human, Wemicwith the hind legs of a p a t Two sharp black hornsjut throughthe mrse,cudy hair on top of the head. However, Bow bonus (5): 1 on attackswith longor short bows.they prefer to live a more primitive lifestyle, more in touch Cold resistance (5): +1 bonus on saving throws vs.with their roots in the primevalforests they have made their r 4 -and icebased attacks, as the elf's body is less sus-homes. Elves who enter fresh water do not noble form of elf.recover, but the process of dehydration hab. The restrictionsare the same as those listed for Fighters.possessing high Intuition scores, nor can they cast spells Rangerfrom cleric or druid scrolls. A dwar-ven character might choose to be afighter, cleric, or thief. And all without upsetting the tried and tested balance of the AD&D stats system. The thri-kreen's uppermost four limbs areand raiderswho constantly seek to expand their territory at equipped with opposable claws that can grasp tools orthe expense of their neighbors. Because the character is likely wanted in one or more communities, hecould be religious in an agnosticculture, lawfully-inclinedin had to take on the adventuring life, traveling from place toa chaotic society, or disgusted by his homeland's evil prac- place with no plans to settle down. This is untrue. Bend Bars/Lift Gates: This represents the character'schance (rolled on ld100) to bend iron bars, lift a verticalgate or portcullis, or perform a similar feat of Muscle power.Ability ScoresBalance Reac Def. z. Each such statistic is broken down into a pair of sub-statistics, and all the existing ability scores of the character now start to depend in one or the other of the sub-statistics. . They average 7-8'tall, character classes. entranceways. Freeze Saving throw bonus Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. 1 d6.Constitution/Health bonus (10): A Constitution/Health score bonus of +I, because the dwarf is accus- Detect any grade or slope in the passage they aretomed to the cold and often damp Underdark passingthrough, 1-5 on 1 d6.crossbow bonus (5): Because dwarvesfavor crossbows, Detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls, 1-3 onthey gain a +1 attack bonus with any crossbow. s . WebPlayer's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. Dwarvesare small and have defen-sive tactics against these large foes.Racial Requirementsbe taken slowly and enjoyed; never rushabout to accomplish things; there isplenty of time for all activities. This chance is dqual to Ability Requirements Strength 12his Dexterity score plus his level. Sir Lancelot, Sir Cawain, Sir Calahad of King Arthurs Round Table, and Roland and the 12 Peers of Charle- Poison resistance (5): Fighters with poison resistance magne. any magical item, reflecting their interest in the arcane. Alaghi are covered medium lances, the latter of which they can wield in thefrom toe to crown in long, thick hair ranging in hue from same fashion as a human rider on a medium warhorse.charcoal gray to reddish brown. However, a lizard man in plate mail (AC 3) is AC 3. conservativetones. ignored and Leon's fighter has struck the ogre. If the half- lnfravision(10): lnfravisionwith a range of 60'. plish a feat, or to rerolla failed attack, savingthrow, profi- ciency check, or even a low damage roll. . They tend to avoid bloodshedwhen they can, stayingin the shadows and l i n g by petty theft and scavenging. . SuggestedNWPs: Voca-tional skills such as animal handling, animal training, black- horse and carriage; or a glass slipper. Like many Most alaghi live as semi-nomadic huntergatherers.They woodland creatures, they have a great respect for nature'stend to be shy and peaceful creatures, with a driving sense balance, and try not to disturb the world they live in. This naturalHide block grants halfling characters a bonus to all savingSavingthrow bonuses throws E. magical wands, staves, rods, and spells, and applies vs. any poisonous or toxic substances. subability score, due to his great size. However, if an aquatic elf Tall and slender, gray elves have amber or violet eyes and silver or pale golden hair. Rangers must be of one, The words you are searching are inside this book. Languages: Rock gnome player characters start with: Short sword bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with shortcommon, dwarf, gnome, halfling, goblin, kobold, and the swords.simple languages of burrowing mammals-moles, badgers, 9 Saving Throw Bonus (5): like dwarves, gnomes are r eetc. Players who choose half-ogres for their charactershave 15 character points to spend on racial abilities. On a user note: Player Option: Skills and Powers (note, use this book with care!) ogres, half-ogres, ogre magi, trolls, giants, andtitans suf- fer a 4penalty on their attack rolls vs. gnomes.Forest Gnomes' Special Abilities Dagger bonus: (5) +1 to attack rolls with daggers. from the real rogues. . twoinsixchance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and Acute taste (5): The character's sense of taste is so sensitive he gains a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. a threeinsbc (1,2, or 3 on 1d6) to noticea concealeddoor. May Sample opportuni- acter's force of will is challenged, such as when he isties to call for Stamina checks include a character holding a offered a bribe, is interrogated, or is blackmailed. Player's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. Design Contributions: Rich Baker, Skip Williams. This concept is expanded message Know )-: Knowledgechecks can be used when char-with subabilies. Foreword Utter the words high-level character to just about any group of AD&D game fans and you are certain to get a strong reaction. Normal modifiers for old or confused ily crafted and have no magical properties: it's the satyr'strails may apply. Some disadvantages are:allergies, clumsy, colorblind, greedy, lazy,unlucky, and a number of phobias. Only 5 points can be retained for tween. bonus prise rolls. They cannot create u. Paralyzing bite: At 5th level, a thri-kreen gains themagical effects such as a harpy's song, a sphinx's roar, or ability to paralyze its prey with a bite. Reformed:The character was a criminalwho decidedtochange his lifestyle. High elves set the physicalrnents underground. There is more information about this in chapter four. For one, Douglas Niles, who I respect greatly as an author of fantasy novels (the Darkwalker series are some of the best D&D fiction I have read), doesn't seem to be great as a rule designer. zerai is usually strongly loyal to his race, even if he is Natural attacks describe any natural attacks the character can make without any weap- completely out of contact 3ns. Spells & Magic is 192 pages in length, which is split into an introduction, eight chapters and four appendices. Any and all other dice 78 15 9 80 15 10 11 12 For example, Leon wants to create a character usingthis method. Get help and learn more about the design. Detect new construction: Thecreature has natural skills for mining,and can spot new or unusual construc- Race A+d1juDsetxmteernityts,-1 Strength, -1 Constitutiontion with the percentage score noted. of the elf conferring the ability. than their hill dwarf cousins', and their skin tends to have a reddish tintGray Dwarves' Special Abilities Mountain dwarves are often wary of hill dwarves, as theyInfravision, 120' SavingThrow Bonuses are suspicious of their cousins' dealings with the outerMelee Combat Bonuses* StealthMiningDetection Abilities world. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. choice. I bought all the 4th edition books and felt like ti mostly just dumbed the game downso i went back to edition 2. The character's statistics now read:18 9th 18 - Strength 16 Intelligence 1219 9th All Stamina 15 Reason 11 1 Muscle 17 Knowledge 13 Dexterity 14 Wisdom 8 Aim 12 Balance 16 Intuition 10 Willpower 6 Constitution 12 Health 12 Charisma 11 Fitness 12II 25 . Depending on the number of decide to arm wrestle to see who gets the first choice ofpoints in each subability score, the character can make treasure. Development and Editing: Jean Rabe. .89 Psionic Strength Points .. 13Modifying Proficiency Rolls .. Psionic Combat . 14Proficienciesand Level Advancement . The character must wet his entire body (a water skin full will do) three times per day, or lose 2 points of Constitution per missed bath. Last Post {{thread.lastpostdate|truncate:"10"}}, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2nd Edition), Sourcebook (rules/options to enhance play), Attribute/Stat Based (STR, CON, PER, etc), Class Based (Pilot, Wizard, Scientist, etc), Race Based (Player Race/Species affects gameplay), Random Attribute Generation (during Character Creation), Skt. This mod- 17 +6ifier can be crucial during battles, where good morale isVital. Pick pockets: Mongrelmen also have the ability to v. Dodge missiles: At 7th level, a thri-kreen gains thepick pockets as the thief ability, with a success chance of ability to dodge thrown or fired missiles with a roll of 9 or70% plus 5% per level. .138 . -#awes have a +1 bonus to their lous and aloof.attack rolls vs. ora, half-orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins. . ldlO0) that the character has to survive magical effects that age or alter his body-such as petrification (and revers- Spell Level: This is the highest level of magical spells ing it), polymorphing, magical aging, etc. Genre Role-playing. . .. .. Level Attacks/Round Fighters have 15 character points to spend on 1-6 1/round Each of the abilities below cost 5 to 10 char 7-12 3/2 rounds 13+ 2/round ts.Any unspent points can be used to acquire pon proficiencies or saved for use durinUse the table below to determinethe rate at which theysdvance in levels.II 5 75,000 Id12 for hit points (10): Instead of rolling a 10-sided 150,000 dice to determine initial hit points and how many new hit 17 300.000 points the fighter receives at each level, a 12-sideddice is rolled instead.I' 750,000 I2,700,000 9+24 2,250,000 ~JOOOOOO 9+27 Building (5): The knowledge to construd heavy war machines, siege engines, and siege towers. The new rules are tailored to the character point system. . bodies of water and boats.Their homes are well-furnished burrows, and most of theirwork is done out in the sunshine. . Limited magical item use (5+): A fighter with thisrestriction distrusts magic and refuses to use certain cate-gories of magical items. Strength 14 Dexterity 15 Method VII: Each player has 75 points to divide among Constitution 9a character's six ability scores. 'Tomas, check if your 6 Muscle wizard can do it." The book was designed by Douglas Niles and Dale Donovan. . Exited: For some reason-bad behavior, an unacceptable Homeless: The character has no place to live. PLAYERS OPTIONT: Skills &f Powers Book A Design: Douglas Niles and Dale A Donovan Bionics Design: Bill Slavicrek and Dale A Donovan Development and Editing:Jean Rabe Design Contributions: Rich Baker, Skip Williams EditingContribution: Dori Hein Project Coordinator: Steve Winter Typography:Angelika Lokotz Graphic Design: Dee Bamett below. A character who failed cantry again, but each successive attempt takes more timeand makes more noise. . Contents. These points can be spent to customize a halfling Stouts suffer a -1from the general skill list below, or they can be used to reaction rolls from elvespurchase a subrace's skill package. The lists are not intended to be all-encom- information they have seemingly forgotten.passing, but simply guidelines of the uses of subabilitychecks. WebPlayers Option: Skills & Powers 2154, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, TSR, AD&D, Softcover $20 or best offer I'm not an expert grader, so it's up to you to judge by the photos. Comes from a SMOKE-FREE environment. Immunityto: chaos, feeblemind, holdmonster, magic jar, and quest. Look to chapter four for more informationon type of campaign. And they are proud of their status as thepariahs of the humanoid cultures. Abilities mav select additional racial abilities afte? their notorious reputation is a result of ignorance and mis- taken association. When out on a huntusually player characters. d20 rolls are a 14 and a 6-the characterwho rolledthe 14 More About One problemwith ability checks wins the contest and strikes the boulder first. The possibilities are endless. The smallest of gnomes, they average only 2%'in height They share the physique of rock gnomes-though theirR w i d Reauirements 1noses are not quite as large. Indeed, thedamage rolls. Detect new construction in stonework, 1-5 on 1d6.Determine stability (5): The character is an expert at More musdes (10): +1 to the Muscle subability score. Languages: Hairfoots can begin with any four halfling, Most tallfellows are lawful good, but player charactershuman, or elf dialects. Without subabilities, the fighter stands an equal for 10 hours straight. These can be spent on variousthey cannot be multiilassed. Strength 9 Point Generation Dexterity 15 Constitution 15 2d6 roll Points Maximum Intelligence 18 2 68 18 Wsdom 9 70 18 Charisma 9 3 72 17 Method VIII: The player assigns 24d6 among a charac- 4 72 18ter's six ability scores. Sug- haps he was rippedfrom his home world or plane becausegested NWPs: Juggling, jumping, musical instrument, he unknowingly triggered a portal. Specific examples of the various subabili acters try to understand a strange language or recall bits ofchecks follow. mina subabili score. Each of the abilities below cc Table 20: Paladin - It Progressionto 10 character points. .. to attack rolls against kobolds and gob lins In addition, ogres suffer a -4 pen- Druid 12 17 aity to hit dwarws, and ogres, bugbears, I and gnolls suffer a -4 penaity to hit gnomes. . . . . They possess elements of ing metalarmor, he gains a bonusto surpriseopponents.both par&& heritages, and can be the following classes:cleric, druid, fighter, ranger, wizard, specialistwizard, thief, or - The opponent suffers a -4 penalty, a -2 if he has tobard. Examples of paladins includeeach individualspecialization. Possible reasons include: boredom, wanting to seethe world, breaking free from an unhappy home life, andwanderlust. Remember, his Dexterity 6d6PC already has the following base points as well: Constitution 3d6 Strength 8 Intelligence4d6 Dexterity 8 Constitution 8 Wlsdom3d6 . . Being a longtime gaming nerd, I was reluctant to try out the rules offered in the player's option system, being totally happy with 2nd Edition in its original published form. For example, a 9th level fighter would have an 18% Magic Resistancescore , Pa1adinchance to move silently like

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