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tulsi devi and krishna

Babas eyes were fixed on Vrinda Devi, and when he could no longer see externally, his eyes were shining in ecstasy and focused on some other world. These mantras can be said before or while . nasagra-mukta-dyuti-dipitasye This is the celebration of the marriage ceremony of Srimati Tulsi Devi and Lord Sri Krishna. She cursed Vishnu that his wife, too, would be separated from him (Which happens when Sita is abducted by Ravana) and self-immolates, even as the deity attempts to stop her. 69-04-13. Will Krsna forgive me? NOW I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SEEDLINGS ARE COMING OUT, SO THE WHOLE SPOT IF POSSIBLE MAY BE COVERED BY SOME NET BECAUSE THE SEEDLING STAGE CREEPERS BEING VERY DELICATE ARE SOMETIMES EATEN UP BY THE SPARROWS, SO WE HAVE TO GIVE A LITTLE PROTECTION FROM ATTACK OF THE SPARROWS. 15) Undisturbed means what? padau hareh ksetra-padanusarpane One of Krishnas most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us with extraordinary fortune. No one cares for the deities in the temples anymore. Madhya 22.125 It is actually a criminal act on their part. The legend of the tulabharam is a folktale from Odisha, and is absent in the major scriptures pertaining to Krishna's life. So shall I take it from the soil near the water tank, and serve her and take her for serving krishna for bhoga and further offering or let it be there, letting it be there dosent seems nice. Letter: Vamanadeva Simply by watering Tulasi Devi, simply by offering her obeisances, even simply by seeing her, simply by reading Srila Prabhupadas books or hearing him through his lectures, etc. Krishna came and filled the room with His love and radiance, and Baba left with Him to eternally serve Vrinda Devi at her home in Vrinda Kunda. It is especially mentioned herein that Maharaja Pariksit took shelter of that particular river which is beautifully flowing, carrying the dust of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, mixed with tulasi leaves. Some people are very happy seeing Tulasi growing luxuriantly. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna. Simply by worshipping her faithfully, a devotee can get himself free of from all material miseries. Without their mercy, we would keep rotting in this hell of material world where there is only birth, death, old age and disease. The most important thing about the spiritual world is that there is no envy among the devotees there. In the Vedas, Tulasi ("matchless") is known as Vaishnavi ("belonging to Vishnu"), Vishnu Vallabha ("beloved of Vishnu"),[3] Haripriya ("beloved of Vishnu"), Vishnu Tulasi. I felt humbled and joyful that even in my ignorance I had been given an opportunity to serve him in this way. I believe it was his gift to us, Srila Prabhupadas generations of disciples. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. The picture of tulasi is especially indicative, BECAUSE IF TULASI GROWS LUXURIANTLY THAT PROVES THE SINCERE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE OF THE PLACE. The stream of water also conveys wishes for a good monsoon. Sri Krsna, who is very affectionate toward His devotees, SELLS HIMSELF to a devotee who offers merely a tulasi leaf and a palmful of water. The Supreme Lord is causelessly merciful upon His devotee, so much so that even the poorest of men can offer Him a little water and a flower in devotion and thus please Him. Tulasi Devi, Beloved of Krishna One of Krishna's most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us with extraordinary fortune. The gopis then began to address the tulasi plants: DEAR TULASI, YOU ARE MUCH BELOVED BY LORD KRSNA BECAUSE YOUR LEAVES ARE ALWAYS AT HIS LOTUS FEET. As I carefully put them back into their bag, I was mesmerized by their smooth touch and golden glow. It is believed that Tulsi is the incarnation of Goddess Laxmi in human form. Adi 3.107 Try to convince Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa to return to ISKCON and let us forget whatever has happened in the past. So just make the best arrangement you can to save the tulsi plants. One who sees or comes near a house or garden where the Tulasi plant is present gets rid of all his sinful reactions, including that of killing a brahmana. Personally I have always got Srila Prabhupadas and Krishnas guidance. visnubhaktiprade devi satyavatyai namo namah. I and 3-4 other members in my family water Tulasi plants in the morning and I try to water all of them even if I have to water them alone. TULASI DEVI NEVER GOES BACK TO GODHEAD, SHE IS ALWAYS WITH GODHEAD. MAY TULASI BE KIND UPON YOU AND INTRODUCE YOU TO KRISHNA, TO BE ONE OF THE ASSISTANT MAID-SERVANT GOPIS IN VRINDABAN. The Kapoor basil has different leaves, different manjaris, and a different scent. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! We must be very much thankful to our Govinda dasi. Please accept my blessings. pradakshinah pade pade, By the circumambulation of Srimati Tulasi Devi all the sins one may have committed are destroyed at every step, even the sin of killing a brahmana.. Please consider answering my questions in your free time, I will not mind the delays in replying. Tulasi Devi has come to the West to give us the opportunity to serve her for our benefit. It is like shouting in a persons ears when you want to make an important point. August 23, 2016. Tulasi wood (taken after a plant has fully dried naturally) can be used to carve worship paraphernalia, such as beads. Tulasi Devi can be used in many ways to please the Supreme Lord, but never for gratifying ones senses. 75-05-31 Letter: Kirtanananda Tulsi got its name from Tulasi Devi, who was one of Lord Krishna's eternal consorts. This very fallen and lowly servant of Krishna prays, May I always swim in the love of Sri Sri Radha and Govinda. , yani kani ca papani Tulasi is especially sacred in the worship of Vishnu and his forms Krishna and Vithoba and other related Vaishnava deities. Just now I have received the news that in Hawaii the tulsi plants are drying for want of watering. Im praying to Srila Prabhupada to please show me the way to engage in Krishna Consciousness. Srila Prabhupada had told us that Vrindavana is named after Vrinda Devi. [28] Water mixed with the tulasi leaves is given to the dying to raise their departing souls to heaven. TADIYA MEANS THE TULASI LEAVES, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. [7], Just as tulasi respect is rewarding, her contempt attracts the wrath of Vishnu. Jai Srila Prabhupada and Gauranga Mahaprabhu! I am the lead administrator for the Facebook Tulsi group. This article is very, very, very good. Every morning devotees should water and pray to Tulasi Devi and circumambulate her three times. (6) rasabhilasho vasatish ca vrinda- Actually it is not a forest as we ordinarily consider a forest because it is very thick with green vegetation. Do everything carefully. Upset, Shiva pursued Surya, who fled, finally seeking shelter with Vishnu. There are twelve such vanas in Vrndavana. There was a demon son of Lord Shiva whose name was Jalandhar. It is a great offense to cook or heat Tulasi, or to use her for mundane purposes, such as medicines and ointments. We have to make our own arrangements to worship the Lord. HOW ARE THEY FEELING? 73-01-04 Letter: Dhruvananda That is the way in the material world. siro hrsikesa-padabhivandane It is time for him to go back to Goloka getting himself released from the curse. 71-04-11. But, do not leave the Krsna consciousness movement, at any cost. Somehow, by the divine arrangement of the Lord, he ended up at ISKCONs Krishna-Balaram temple. THIS IS THE BEST SEASON FOR GROWING TULASI PLANTS. We need to keep on reading Srila Prabhupadas books. Srimati Radharani, the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, has made you the ruling monarch of Lord Krishnas opulent and auspicious abode of Vrindavana, which is the crest jewel of all the Vaikuntha planets. You are certainly very satisfied when Your devotees offer You prayers with faltering voices and in ecstasy bring You tulasi leaves, water, twigs bearing new leaves, and newly grown grass. On each bowl or plate there should be at lest one leaf. Tulsi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. In the Skanda Purana it is said: "Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Hare Krishna! Will the offence created by the person/s also touch me or Tulasi Devi will accept my service if I bring her? Prabhu, some people in my family including my father do not like a large number of Tulasi plants outside my house. rocih-pravaha-snapitayma- vrinde I spent much time at the research library of the University of Hawaiis East-West Center. The word vana means forest. VRNDAVANA IS THE NAME GIVEN TO THE FOREST WHERE SRIMATI VRNDADEVI (TULASIDEVI) GROWS PROFUSELY. Please accept my humble obeisances satyavatyai namo namah, I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrinda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava [Krishna]. Rituals involve watering the plant, cleaning the area near the plant with water and cow dung and making offerings of food, flowers, incense, Ganges water, etc. Letter: Jagadisa And you may sometimes have some difficulty, that is natural in the beginning. It makes for a wonderful read and is worth saving for future reading also (I\ve bookmarked the page). by mahesh-das | Full size image. The Deity of Lord Caitanya is very nicely done so there is no need to change the color. Although these four saintly persons were always absorbed in the thought of impersonal Brahman, FROM ASSOCIATION WITH THE LORD AND FROM SMELLING THE TULASI LEAVES THE HAIRS ON THEIR BODIES IMMEDIATELY STOOD UP. We are very much obliged, therefore, to our disciple Srimati Govinda Dasi because she has taken much care to grow tulasi plants from seeds, and she has been successful by the grace of Krishna. What may be fearful and horrible for others was for Baba a joyous reunion with his beloved Lord. Namaste. But you can tie back the branches obstructing the entrance., Even after tying back the branches, Tulasi kept growing, and the problem continued. In TheNectar of Devotion, Srila Prabhupada quotes from the Skanda Purana: Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. I have not read the whole page yet, will surely do so. They understand the situation we are in and they know our hearts. It gives the impression that you do not believe that the reader has the intelligence to get the message without your forcing into their attention. Collect leaves once in the morning for worshiping Krishna and for putting on the plates of food to be offered to Him. Some people in India think that the Kapoor is actually pujya Tulasi Maharani, but no sadhu does. 73-12-06 Letter: Kirtida Kanyaka He writes in a purport to the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.16.21): The goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, is sometimes envious of the tulasi leaves which are placed at the lotus feet of the Lord, for they remain fixed there and do not move, whereas Lakshmiji, although stationed by the chest of the Lord, sometimes has to please other devotees who pray for her favor. And we should not pluck the leaves on sundays. Tulasi malas are considered to be auspicious for the wearer, and believed to connect him with Vishnu or Krishna and confer the protection of the deity. He engaged his eyes in seeing the Deity of Krsna, Krsnas temples and Krsnas places like Mathura and Vrndavana, he engaged his sense of touch in touching the bodies of the Lords devotees, HE ENGAGED HIS SENSE OF SMELL IN SMELLING THE FRAGRANCE OF TULASI OFFERED TO THE LORD, and he engaged his tongue in tasting the Lords prasada. Only Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda wear crowns and nosepins. My second question is- When I take the the responsibility of serving Tulasi Devi, if someone commits any offence to Tulasi Devi and I am not able to prevent it will I also suffer the bad consequences and will it affect my devotional service? Being very dear to Lord Krishna, her leaves are an essential part of Krishna's worship. There is great spiritual merit accrued from caring for holy places. I buried them all under a hibiscus flower tree. It does not have to be such a big program like they do in the temples. The luster of your transcendental garments is the friend of the leandhilia flower. Dandavats So there are three mantras, one for bowing down, one for circumambulating,* and one for collecting the leaves. There are no days when we can not bring Srimati-Tulsi inside our homes for worshiping her. It is a plant which you can find in almost every Hindu house. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE TULASI LEAVES OFFERED TO LORD CAITANYAS LOTUS FEET. Vrinda Devi may be likened to a grand director or choreographer of the Vrindavana lila, and her parrots are her communication service. bandhuka-bandhu-dyuti-divya-vaso Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna and Tulsi. The Padma Purana declares a person who is cremated with tulasi twigs in his funeral pyre gains moksha and a place in Vishnu's abode Vaikuntha. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. You can make beads from them. I dont know what calamity will befall the person after this grievous offence! You have made just the exact replica of Vrinda Devi., I told him, Baba, because you are now unable to walk and go see your beloved deity, Vrinda Devi has arranged to come to see you.. [15][13], In Orissa, on the first day of the Hindu month Vaishakha (AprilMay), a small vessel with hole at the bottom is filled with water and suspended over the tulasi plant with a steady stream of water, for the entire month. He later told me that he had not seen Srila Prabhupada so light- hearted and happy in over a year. That Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa have sold the Temple in Hawaii and abandoned the beautiful Tulasi plants there is a great fall down on their parts. Then Prabhupada stopped short and became thoughtful. In this period, when a hot summer reigns, one who offers cool water to tulasi, or an umbrella to shelter it from the intense heat is believed to be cleansed of all sin. Yes, the leaves of Srimati Tulasi Devi MAY BE OFFERED TO ALL VISNU-TATTVA EXPANSIONS OF KRSNA, INCLUDING NITYANANDA AND BALARAMA. One who worships Lord Krishna daily with Tulasi leaves attains the results of all kinds of austerity, charity, and sacrifice. YOU SHOULD ALSO GO OUT FOR STREET SANKIRTANA AND DISTRIBUTE MY LITERATURE FOR THE CRIPPLE MINDED MASSES, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify. AND IN THIS ONE LIFE YOU ARE GOING BACK TO HOME, BACK TO GODHEAD. In the Nectar of Devotion I have given two verses from the Skanda Purana, one of which is: Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. And it is great benefit and blissful serving Tulasi Devi and having her around you. Kyo Devi Tulsi Ne Shree Krishna Ko Diya Shrap //Devi Tulsi #krishn #status #shorts. vicitra-ratnabharana-shriyadhye One who puts mud from the base of the Tulasi tree on his body and worships the Deity of Lord Krishna gets the results of one hundred days worship each day. Bestowing your mercy on him, you make him a resident of Vrindavana. Even if we try to explain the reason because they are mayavadis they will not accept and the priest is requesting What shall be done Hare Krishna. Yes, the prayer you have enclosed is bonafide. I know in ISKCON Melbourne they do not offer Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai grains on Ekadasi even. priyayai keshavasya ca Lord Krishna and all the demigods live in a house where mud from the base of the Tulasi tree is found. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THE TULASI PLANTS IN THE FOLLOWING WAY. 71-11-17 Letter: Patty Dorgan The devas invoke Prakriti, the personified force of nature, who offers them three seeds to be planted where Vishnu stays, which represent the sattva, rajas, and tamas gunas. Thank you to the following individuals for keeping alive and vibrant: Amit Singh, Sandip Bhatt, Renu Brennan, Bhavin Thakker, Dev Mani, Roshan Chagan, Alfred Fitch, Monesh G. Ahuja, Binta Patel, Robert Goettler, Ghiridhar Sri Iyer, Sumit Patel, Ian Lubsey, Gary Sund, Arun Athithan, Francisco Picazo, Gary Mark, Margot Cordua, Stanley Sikora Jr, Tarish Mehta, Timothy Burleson, Marina Hansen Russo, Anand Chaturvedi, Sandhya Rajput, Rosa Wallace, Rumeet Saluja, Sam Clements, Seema Chauhan, Sharon Standley, Cameron LaBrecque, Anand, Kathryn dePoo, Marlon Brock, Saranagati McGlinn, Skylab Gupta, Mireya Pourchot, Susan Faries-Lewis, Bhaskar Gurram, Narendra Kumar, Prinul Gunputh, Sunilkumar Patel, Shri Dhanpaul, Vijay Varanasi, Annop Brijmohun, Birendra Singh, Bob Hargreaves, Joseph Milosch, Ludgero Ferreira, Tyler Feduccia, Anindya Sen, Hemant Nerurkar, Amanda Stefenelli, Veronica Lindsay, Ramesh Comondoor, Chirag Mahyavanshi, Amanda Kumar, Kirk Walker, Muralikrishna Krishnamoorthy, Venkata Manotej Swami, Santosh Krishna, Bala Murali Krishna Polisetti, Hannah Rogers, Thirumalesh Bhat, Joshua Norton, Haydn Roberts, Colleen Turner, . I am so impressed with the way you are helping other devotees with all this information. My desire is that you will also grant me a residence in the pleasure groves of Sri Vrindavana-dhama. NOW TULASI PLANTS ARE GROWING IN ALMOST EVERY CENTER OF OUR MOVEMENT. tad-bhrtya-gatra-sparse nga-sangamam The house where Tulasi Devi had grown had been lying vacant for many years and now the rent house is occupied and the house members have uprooted all of them. But you have to at least offer Mangal-arotik every day, offer some water and foodstuffs a few times a day. Sorry for disturbing you again and again. You are always very dear to Lord Keshava. [9] Her chastity broken, Shiva prevails over Jalandhara. Pick with care and attention. Apart from this in many other ways people are using Tulasi leaves whis seems very disrespectful to Tulasi Devi like in toothpaste or handwash. TEND TULASI VERY NICELY AND YOUR DEVOTION TOWARDS KRISHNA WILL INCREASE. Never pick Tulasi leaves for any other purpose than to offer to the Lord. [17][7] Garlands made of 10000 Tulasi leaves, water mixed with Tulasi, food items sprinkled with Tulasi are offered in veneration to Vishnu or Krishna. Some real and some not. Tulasi Devi: She has an incomparable form. But one thing is that NO SPRAYS CAN BE USED, NOT AT ALL. Pick the leaves one at a time with your fingertips. UNLESS THERE IS BHAKTI, THIS TULASI PLANT WILL NOT GROW. She is extremely merciful and, by serving her, our devotional service to Krishna will grow. Star Bharat. SO THE SAME THINGDEITY WORSHIP AND WATERING THE TULASI PLANTS, CHANTING SIXTEEN ROUNDS AT LEAST, AND OBSERVING THE RULES AND REGULATION, REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE THEN YOUR LIFE IS SUCCESSFUL. whether we may prune the leaves of Tulasi, NO, THERE IS NO QUESTION OF PRUNING. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. Please guide me what should be done? By this time iva would have killed him and he would have gone to Goloka as Sudm. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. Please reply soon Prabhu, or the plants may be disposed off by someone. SB 1.19.6 THE TULASI, SHE WILL NOT GO TO LIVE WITH ANYONE NON-DEVOTEE, AND BECAUSE SHE IS GROWING SO PROFUSELY, THEREFORE SHE IS GIVING YOU HER BEST FAVOR BECAUSE YOU ARE BEST DEVOTEE, THAT IS TO BE UNDERSTOOD. I am very glad to hear that you are engaged in the service of tulsi devi. KRSNA IS VERY EAGER TO SEE HIS DEVOTEE SERVE TULASI, Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam. It signifies the traits of devotion and love in women, and is the only herb worshiped as a devi, or goddess. They are worn as a necklace or garland or held in the hand and used as a rosary. kesavarthi cinomi tvam barada bhava sobhine. U/A 13+. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda can be decorated with all kinds of jewelry. (8) bhaktya vihina aparadha-lakshaih These are nice plants and offerable, like roses, gardenias, etc. [21], A ceremony known as Tulasi Vivaha is performed by the Hindus between Prabodhini Ekadashi (eleventh lunar day of the waxing moon of Kartika) to Kartik Poornima (full moon in Kartika), usually on the eleventh or the twelfth lunar day. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Letter: Govinda So I can not give you the real authoritative answer to this Prabhu. In answer to your questions; 1) TULASI IS ONE DEVOTEE WHO APPEARS WHEREVER THERE IS DEVOTION TO KRSNA. Anyone who follows them will also fall down without a doubt. Each bowl or plate there should be at lest one leaf tree is found leaves on sundays Sri Gaura-Nitai. Will also fall down without a doubt leaves, the prayer you have enclosed is bonafide quotes! Nice plants and offerable, like roses, gardenias, etc Radha and Govinda thing is you... 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