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965th field artillery battalion

Communication Subscribe to 965th Field Artillery Battalion Footer menu. Division, CCB of the 9th Armored, the remnants of the 106th Division, The artillery battalions of the 7th Armored Division were in firing positions north and east of Vielsalm at the close of 18 December. received reinforcement late in the afternoon when a company of the 112th Infantry appeared. Here, only two thousand yards from St. Vith, two troops of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron and a few antiaircraft half-tracks offered the sole barrier to a thrust into the city. Because this piece of the front was regarded by both commanders as potentially dangerous, a tank company and a platoon of tank destroyers were placed to back up the troops at the junction point. At the Steinebrck bridge the enemy increased in number as the morning progressed, slipping into positions on the south bank under cover given by exploding smoke shells. They blocked the sun, and the forest floor was dark and damp. CCB of the 7th Armored had meanwhile been making good progress and arrived at Vielsalm about 1100, halting just to the east to gas up. 365th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) - 497 men - Lt Col Alfred E Graham * Hq & Hq Bty - 126 men * Service Bty - 74 men * Firing Bty A - 99 men . The roads to be used were few and in poor state, free main road which served as the main supply route for two armored As Battery D, 203d Antiaircraft (AW). About 2200 General Clark reached General Hasbrouck with word of what had happened at St. Vith and the latter immediately informed the XVIII Airborne Corps. During the lull that followed, a platoon of light cavalry tanks and a section of towed tank destroyers came east from the river road to give a hand. The bombs dropped on Schnberg and its narrow streets late in the day may have delayed the arrival of reinforcements, and air attack certainly helped to scatter the most advanced German troops. The division artillery, which had been firing in support of the XIII Corps, was not to displace until the late morning of 17 December, when it would move on the eastern route. Many records were destroyed during the final retreat, units were put back in the line on the 23d with no accounting of their existing strength, and the formations of the 106th Division and 14th Cavalry Group had taken very severe losses before the defense of St. Vith began. The 1 st Battalion, 6 th Field Artillery holds a special place of distinction among artillery units of the U.S. Army, fighting at some of the most decisive conflicts in American military history. The 106th Division now could report, "We have with easy victory and halted it in its tracks. When the 7th Armored. superior force in front of St. None of these were considered by the German planners to be major military Orders given the 18th Volks Grenadier Division early on the 22d to continue the attack along the main road through Rodt and Poteau toward the Salm River could not be carried out for some hours. Only two medium tanks were barring the road. Furthermore the 7th Armored trains had reported signs of an enemy force far to the west of the 7th Armored outpost positions. Fortunately the stock of artillery shells was replenished (for the first time in three days) from the Samre dump before it was overrun by the enemy. This was the end. The American defense of St. Vith itself was based on the possession of ridge lines and hills masking the town to the northeast, east, and southeast. Although German patrols continued up the road to Steinebrck, attempting in vain to seize the bridge during the night, the attack was not pressed until after daylight on the following morning. Between Rodt and the next village to the west, Poteau, two companies of medium tanks patrolled the main road and watched the trails running in from the north. held by the 424th and CCB, 9th Armored, faced east, the line at Steinebrck To counter this threat the light tank platoon moved into Steinebrck, leaving the American left uncovered. The piecemeal employment of lower units, made unavoidable by the march of events, resulted in most involved methods of communication. In 1943, six battalions, the 701st, 736th, 738th, 739th, 740th, and 748th were reorganized and equipped with the top secret "Canal Defense Light" or CDL. The German armored corps advancing through the northeastern Ardennes were slated to swing wide of the Schnee Eifel and St. Vith, the I SS Panzer Corps passing north, the LVIII Panzer Corps passing south. German reports covering activity on the 20th assume the defense of the St. Vith area as much stronger than it was in fact. nonexistent, even by radio. On most of the front held by the 7th Armored and the troops of the 9th Armored and 106th the morning passed in ominous quiet. With the enemy infantry inside Steinebrck and excellent direct laying by the German gunners picking off the American vehicles one by one, the cavalry withdrew along the St. Vith road. Troop D, 89th Cavalry Reconnaissance Battalion, plus a light tank platoon firing line. The business of computing the lateral movement of an armored division close to a front through which the enemy was breaking could hardly attain the exactness of a Leavenworth solution complete with march graphs and tables. Usually, 4 to 6 guns made up a battery in the field artillery. Hasbrouck earlier had been "suspicious" of what was happening in the northern sector around Recht and Poteau, but he was no longer too apprehensive after the successive march groups of the 1st SS Panzer Division had bounced off the 7th Armored Division roadblocks. General Jones and General Hasbrouck still expected that CCB would. Remer's orders were to join the LVIII Panzer Corps west of the Salm, and his immediate design was to reach the paved road leading to Salmchteau. Nevertheless the Poteau road junction was denied the enemy, and by the close of day patrols had established contact between CCR, to the west, and CCA. When ordered back into the village the cavalrymen found it jammed with German infantry. This line was now gravely endangered on its open north flank by the German position astride the ridge at Rodt. On the morning of 20 December the Americans defending St. Vith held Even so, by the evening of 19 December the two infantry divisions of the LXVI Corps were in position to launch piecemeal attacks at or around St. Vith. 780 Field Artillery Battalion YORK, E. T. 8. Hq, 6th Armd Go 15 Jun 44-16 Jun 44. All through the morning the enemy pressed in on Poteau, moving his machine guns, mortars, and assault guns closer and closer. At 1345 Hasbrouck sent the signal for CCA to pull out. The remainder of CCB, 9th Armored Division, remained in the positions on the ridge line west of the Braunlauf Creek and draw. An hour later the platoon west of the village saw an enemy column of horse-drawn artillery driving into position. St. Vith is built on a low hill surrounded on all sides by slightly higher rises. A tank company, for example, might have to report by radio through its own battalion headquarters, some distance away, which then relayed the message on other channels until it reached the infantry battalion to which the tank company was attached. This battalion (Lt. Col. W. L. Nungesser) was at about half strength-attendance at schools or special assignments accounted for the rest. detachment arrived to set up the Gouvy roadblock, it found the Germans inside the village. The First Army commander, tired and worried from the strain under which he had lived since 16 December, agreed to the withdrawal.6. All that the artillery could learn was that a German tank column was south of Malmdy. On the morning of 16 December the messages reporting the initial German attacks in the 106th Division positions were punctuated for the division staff by occasional large-caliber shells falling in St. Vith. At 1500 a radio message from the XVIII Airborne Corps headquarters informed Hasbrouck that the "request of CG, 7 AD" for withdrawal had been approved. About the same time the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, temporarily under the command of Maj. Charles A. Cannon, Jr., reported to General Clarke in St. Vith, the first unit of the 7th Armored to reach the 106th Division. With the discovery of this new enemy force in the north and the knowledge that the only route of withdrawal remaining to CCA was along the road from Poteau to Vielsalm, Colonel Rosebaum gave over the effort against the Fuehrer Begleit armor and gathered the major part of his command in a circular defense around the Poteau crossroads. In this position the combat command blocked the main Winterspelt-St. Vith highway and the valley of the Braunlauf Creek, a second natural corridor leading to St. Vith. Early on 19 December word reached General Jones by way of liaison officer that, as of the previous evening, the 112th Infantry was cut off from the 28th Division and had fallen back from the Our to the neighborhood of Weiswampach. During the afternoon the 7th Armored Division trains, whose officers and men had done a remarkable job in supporting the troops in the salient, got through one last supply column of ninety vehicles to Salmchteau. About ten minutes later the withdrawal commenced, running smoothly to conclusion. During the night a few of the enemy entered the village but quickly were driven out. At Poteau CCA brought more troops into and around the village, while the enemy fired in from the hill to the north rising along-side the Recht road. At Poteau, five miles from the river, CCA stood facing the enemy to north, east, and south. The 424th and 112th Infantry Regiments were to withdraw from their positions. Remer's objective, however, was not in that direction. The addition of the 7th Armored Division to the XVIII Airborne Corps had contributed greatly to the phenomenal expansion of a corps front which measured only some twenty-five miles on 19 December but which represented a sector of approximately eighty-five miles on the evening of 20 December. 94th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. The arrival of an additional field artillery battalion belonging to the 7th Armored and two 155-mm. Troop B of the 87th Reconnaissance Squadron and Company A of the 81st Engineer Combat Battalion, both directly in the German path, probably numbered less than forty men apiece when the final blow fell. It was on this estimate that General. CC A (3d Armd Div) 10 Jul 44-16 Jul 44. General Manteuffel was anxious to free the LXVI Corps and hurry it forward to the Salm River sector as right wing cover for the two panzer corps. The next day it was able, with some pride, to turn over to the 7th Armored Division the 350 German prisoners it had guarded since 18 December and the stores at the railhead. The three 105mm battalions were assigned to one of the three infantry regiments to support, forming a combat team. against their accomplishments. The attachment of CCB, 9th Armored Division, to the 106th Division late in the morning promised such aid as then seemed necessary, but Hoge's command post was at Monschau and he would not receive his orders from Jones until about 1800. Darkness descended over the Salm valley as CCR sped across the Vielsalm bridge. Jones becoming assistant to the corps commander and General Hoge being The exact location and strength of the 112th Infantry, somewhere south of the 424th, were unknown. Even as a logistical exercise withdrawal presented a 1st Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment. Volks Grenadier Division, bivouacked in and west of the village Fortunately, the enemy, too, had to regroup before he resumed the battle. General Hasbrouck now had a postscript to add, one bringing tenseness and urgency to the precise military form and phraseology of the main text. Taking advantage of a heavy fog which rose in midafternoon, Remer sent a tank company through Ober-Emmels and up the slope west of Hnningen. It will be recalled that on the night of 21 December General Hoge had set in motion a withdrawal of the northern flank of CCB, 9th Armored, to conform with Clarke's first defensive position just west of St. Vith. This fresh armored division was in fact moving its main strength west from Recht toward the Salm River and collision with the 82d Airborne Division, but a kampfgruppe had been dropped off to cover the south flank of the division by attacking in the direction of Vielsalm. The ordnance company beat off the Germans, but the appearance this far west of enemy troops (probably from the 116th Panzer Division) indicated that not only the 7th Armored Division trains but the entire division stood in danger of being cut off from the American force gathering around Bastogne. Army 965th Field Artillery Battalion | Army Veteran Locator 965th Field Artillery Battalion Battalion Served in this Battalion? Actually this change had no effect on the conduct of subsequent operations and was effective for only a few hours. CCB, 9th Armored Division, had passed St. Vith en route to aid the 424th Infantry, and a platoon of Troop C, 89th Cavalry Squadron, was commandeered to reinforce the watch east of the town.1 This little force was digging in when, at noon, the first enemy patrols were sighted. A counterattack thrown in by a scratch force of infantry and tanks from Bauvenn drove the Germans out and freed those Americans still alive. During the 19th the two CCB's had been operating with very limited artillery support, although the 275th Armored Field Artillery Battalion and the 16th Armored Field Artillery Battalion had done yeoman service for their respective combat commands. Still worse, CCB had no friendly contact on the north, and a patrol sent to establish connection with CCB, 9th Armored, on the south had disappeared. Yet at no time during the day did the Germans use more than three assault guns and one or two platoons of infantry in the piecemeal attacks west of Schnberg. The headquarters of CCR, 7th Armored, opened in Recht in midafternoon of the 17th. It consisted of four tank companies, two cavalry reconnaissance troops, a company of tank destroyers, and many foot soldiers hitchhiking on the vehicles. To the left the two remaining regiments of the 62d were to attack due west with the object of reaching the road between St. Vith and Maldingen; they would take no part, however, in the assault on St. Vith. Around 1400 the German guns and Werfers opened up against Fuller's positions in front of the town. Krag decided to shift his advance toward Salmchteau and there possibly link up with friendly forces he knew to be coming from St. Vith. Connecting the Bllingen and Schnberg approaches a spider web of secondary roads and trails ran back and forth, centering at the hamlet of Wallerode (two miles northeast of St. Vith) behind which lay a large forest. Earlier, Task Force Jones (deployed on the southern flank of the salient) had captured a German engineer officer who, under questioning, said that his division, the 2d SS Panzer Division, was moving toward Gouvy. west from Rodt. At Vielsalm General Hasbrouck waited impatiently for word that the two harassed combat commands were ready to disengage. That the enemy was prepared to contest this move all intelligence reports affirmed. This decision rested with Field Marshal Montgomery, the newly assigned commander of all Allied forces north of the German salient, who had been authorized by the Supreme Commander to give up such ground as was necessary in order to assemble sufficient strength for a decisive counterattack. Acutely aware of the threat now forming, General Hasbrouck stripped such elements as he dared from his north flank, added the remnants of the 14th Cavalry Group, and created Task Force Jones (Lt. Col. Robert B. Jones, Commanding Officer, 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion) to guard the south and southwestern flank. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. The Germans were somewhat disconcerted, but snipers accounted for two American officers. December. Although the mounted military police platoon in St. Vith had orders to sidetrack the withdrawing corps artillery when the armor appeared, the traffic jam had reached the point where the efforts of a few MP's were futile. When the last vehicle of CCA roared over the Vielsalm bridge (at 1620) the remaining artillery followed; then came the little force from CCR which had held the road open while CCA made its withdrawal. Colonel Boylan led the rear guard back toward the bridge but then was ordered, because of a traffic jam at the bridge, to hold on the east bank until the 7th Armored Division headquarters could cross. His regiment had lost most of its vehicles, radios, and crew-served weapons but had suffered relatively light casualties and lost but few stragglers. The villages of Hinderhausen and Crombach, on which this position was based, both offered emergency exits to the west along dirt roads and trails. At an earlier and more optimistic hour this company had been dispatched to Houffalize with orders to make a counterattack southward to relieve the pressure on Bastogne. The enemy had found a soft spot and was regrouping while his tanks and assault guns moved forward. In any event enough pressure was exerted during the morning to drive the small American screening force back toward St. Vith. The loss of the vital road junction at Poteau, earlier in the day, made the connection between the forces of the division at St. Vith, around Recht, and in the Vielsalm. My right flank is wide open except for some reconnaissance elements, TDs and stragglers we have collected and organized into defense teams at road centers back as far as Cheram [Chrain] inclusive. 5th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. The town square was a scene of utter confusion. Lt. Col. Thomas J. Riggs, Jr., commander of the 81st Engineer Combat Battalion, who had tried to organize a counterattack to wipe out the earlier penetrations was lost trying to organize a last-ditch defense in the hamlet of Prmerberg on the main road. The 1st SS Panzer Division, forming the left of the I SS Panzer Corps advance in the zone north of St. Vith, had driven forward on two routes. During Task Force Jones's disengagement the 440th Armored Field Artillery had emplaced to give covering fire and protect the flank of the task force. General Hasbrouck was apprised of this new enemy threat; by what he later remembered as "one of the funniest. That was all. Montgomery had consulted with General Hodges, the First Army commander, and here, showed the ability to honor the fighting man which had endeared him to the hearts of the Desert Rats in North Africa: "They can come back with all honor. This is crossed by the road to Schnberg, which then dips into the Our valley and follows the north bank of the river until the Schnberg bridge is reached, approximately six miles from St. Vith. . The withdrawal was carried out as planned. Some had even climbed out of the Braunlauf valley and engaged in scattering fire against the battalion of the 424th Infantry in the reserve position at Maldingen. 87th astride the Schnberg road. Toward dark the Americans crossed the northern embankment and reached the road junction. An attempt to give greater weight to the artillery in the St. Vith-Vielsalm area. One brief engagement was fought on the 18th at Gouvy, a rail and road junction southwest of Beho. On the south the Braunlauf Creek swings past St. Vith and from the stream a draw extends to the west edge of the town. They could not give aid to CCB, east of St. Vith, but there the 75th Armored Field Artillery Battalion was in range and already had given a fine demonstration of effective support. The woods are so thick that he needs almost an infantry platoon to protect three tanks sitting out there. The Americans did not know that the troops of the 9th SS Panzer Division, who in past days had made raids from Recht southwest toward Poteau, were few in number and that only the day before the main body of the 9th SS Panzer Division had started on a forced march to the northwest in an attempt to break through to Kampfgruppe Peiper, now nearing the end of its tether. As they approached Gouvy station, a railroad stop south of the village, they ran afoul of three German tanks which were just coming in from the south. At first there was no artillery forward to give weight to the assault, but densely wooded approaches and darkness gave the advantage to the attackers. Traced on the map the line assumed the form of a horseshoe, the bend at St. Vith, the open prongs facing west. Be it noted, however, that the southern route (via Beho, Salmchteau, and through the 82d Airborne lines at Lierneux) followed a hard-surfaced motor road, that as yet there was little traffic congestion, and that the enemy efforts prior to the withdrawal had not disorganized the command but had simply forced its left flank closer to the avenue of escape. The Defenders of St. Vith Pass to the XVIII Airborne Corps. The orders given the 7th Armored Division still held-to assist the 106th Division. As the leading tank platoon hove in sight of Poteau it came immediately under small arms and assault gun fire. A few tanks, light armed reconnaissance troops, most of the division engineers, and considerable rifle strength struck through the dark against the eastern arc of the loosely organized American ring. Made cautious by the collision at Recht, the German column moved slowly, putting out feelers to the southeast before the main force resumed the march southwest along the Vielsalm road. Without further orders the two commanders, their staffs, and subordinates set to work on plans for demolitions and a rear guard stand to keep the escape routes to the Salm open. Middleton and the 106th Division commander based their plans for a counterattack by a combat command of the 7th Armored east of St. Vith early on 17 December. General Clarke, the CCB, 7th Armored Division, commander, could do little to influence the course of the battle. Silhouetted in light and with blinded crews the Shermans were disposed of in one, two, three order. On this day it was necessary to instruct all unit commanders that the rations, water, and gasoline on hand must be made to last for three days. By prodigious effort the LXVI Corps artillery finally had been wormed through the traffic jam east of St. Vith, and towed and manhandled into position. On the movement of the main body of the 7th Armored Division on 17 December hung the fate of St. Vith. As a result, orders charging CCB, 9th Armored, to pull out at 0600 were received in Hoge's command post at 0605. A small cavalry detachment, Task Force Lindsey (Capt. Even at this hour the scope of the German counteroffensive was but dimly seen and the 7th Armored Division advance party was informed that it would not be necessary to have the artillery accompany the combat command columns-in other words this would not be a tactical march from Heerlen to Vielsalm. The main artillery column again missed the 1st SS Panzer Division by only a hair's breadth. There two companies of the 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry, were deployed, guarding a draw and secondary road which provided quick access to the Salm valley at a point midway between Jones's assembly area at Bovigny and Salmchteau. Both American units were able to drive forward and the Shermans knocked out six light panzers or assault guns. Fortunately bright moonlight allowed some maneuver. The fact was that the 62d Volks Grenadier Division had thrust a force through the woods and along Braunlauf Creek into the gap between the two combat commands. The course of battle on 21 December initially affirmed the pessimistic view with which most of German unit commanders seem to have started the attack. The front held by the 7th Armored Division, CCB of the 9th Armored, and attached units by this time had expanded to about thirty-two miles. The stopper was more firmly seated in the bottleneck just at dark with the arrival of a detachment from the 2d SS Panzer Division coming in from the southwest. the tight control needed in this type of operation General Ridgway ordered True, Kampfgruppe Peiper had been pretty well bottled up on the corps left wing; but this effort had been made by thinning the line between Malmdy and Trois Ponts. We wonder about the rest that served with us in the artillery unit we served in. 800 Port Company (517 Port Bn) BLEVINS, JAMES LEWIS. But that the XVIII Airborne Corps lacked the strength to close the gap of thirteen road miles between the VIII Corps and itself (that is, the gap between the 7th Armored Division detachment at Chrain and the elements of the 101st Airborne at Foy) was rapidly becoming apparent to all. Suddenly, about 1700, the German pressure along the Schnberg road eased. at La Roche and the VIII Corps headquarters at Bastogne. Observation was poor-the 18th was a day of low-hanging This crossroads hamlet had been the worst bottleneck in the traffic jam on 17 December; indeed the situation seems to have been completely out of hand when the CCR headquarters arrived in the early morning hours and succeeded in restoring some order. The withdrawal of CCB, 7th Armored Division, last night from St. Vith was expensive. Although the corps commander, General Lucht, personally intervened to "rank" the intruders out of the area he seems to have been only moderately successful. But some Germans filtered into town from the north and started hunting down the American tanks and assault guns. The division artillery might be in firing position by the morning of the 20th. Actually there were only three Shermans on the main road, remnant of a reserve platoon which had been commandeered when the initial tank support had decamped. The advance party sent by General Hasbrouck reached St. Vith about 0800 on 17 December, reporting to General Jones, who expected to find the armored columns right behind. branch of the main military system, because normally the Schnee Eifel They even succeeded in ambushing enough vehicles, passing back and forth along the road, to promise motorization of the brigade's bicycle battalion. Some of the Germans made it to the houses and defended themselves. Colonel Duggan finally gave the order to retire down the road to Vielsalm. on the westward movement of troops, guns, tanks, and supplies belonging Finally, in midafternoon, Colonel Nelson (commanding the 112th) appeared at the 106th Division command post and reported his situation, and the regiment was taken over by General Jones-a solution subsequently approved by General Middleton. 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