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Da Vinci Rider is a mix of an Arts AoE damage dealer with some supportive capacity. Fortunately for Siegfried, many Servants qualify as a Dragon Servants, notably all variants of Altria and Elisabeth. She has very low base stats, close to zero defensive skills and no strong offensive self-buffs whatsoever to make up for her stats. Overall, Leonidas is a valuable low rarity Servant who will prove his worth often in Challenge Quests or if some combination of defensive and offensive Buster support is necessary. However, what makes him truly valuable is his Guardian Knight skill - one of the best Taunt skills available. Their single target Buster NP post-upgrade at NP1 will outdamage even NP5 Servants of lower rarity, such as welfares, with its 3-turn DEF debuff that applies before damage. And, even at his full power, Fionn still requires a large amount of support to reach his full potential. What does more damage Buster chain or Brave chain? Nonetheless, her performance is still rather strong especially against any unfortunate Berserkers who see their 1.5x class advantage fall to a 0.5x class disadvantage against Abigail. Black Holy Grail. Servants in this tier are extremely enabling and drastically improve the performance for many teams, although their usage is slightly more restricted and less widely applicable, being slightly more specialized than those in EX tier. Aside from this, she has several self buffs, including ATK, Star Gather, an additional 1-turn delayed ATK buff, and the ability to charge her own NP Gauge by up to 40%. 15 posts, 4/13 6:03PM. With her first skill, she can increase the effectiveness of her second and third skills, which enhance NP Gauge for herself, number of Stars gained, and the severity of the DEF, Arts Resist Down, and Crit Rate Down debuffs she inflicts. Outside of his farming niche, Spartacus does find some use in harder content which features multiple enemies in a wave, thanks to his extremely low Party Cost. As an AoE Buster Rider, her NP gives her a Buster buff before damage, and also provides her with a sizable 1-turn 50% DEF buff. The only bad thing I see on this change is that because of Castoria, some Servants dropped on the tierlist, but not . Defensively, she comes with a hard defensive option with a 1-turn Evade. However, her kit struggles to form a coherent identity, at least until she finishes both her Interlude and her Rank-Up Quest. Her survivability is particularly lackluster, having no hard survivability tools to get out of dangerous situations. Although she may not always be the best offensive pick due to Moon Cancer class advantage being rare (only against Avengers / Berserkers), with Arts support she functions well enough as an all-around farmer. All in all, Fuuma has a very clear and distinct role and playstyle, and will not let you down if he is played to his strengths. Ibaraki-Douji (Lancer), a Lancer with a defense-ignoring ST Buster NP, comes in with devastating crits following her NP turns. In combination, on-hit effects and low HP bonuses make him an effective solo Servant for some scenarios as well, as greater access to his cards allow him to stack debuffs/buffs more quickly, and being the only target will allow him to more quickly take advantage of his low HP damage bonus. Beni-Enma is a Saber-class Servant with a single target Arts Noble Phantasm, and a plethora of utility and supportive effects. Her entire kit is focused around enhancing her own damage, with an added 1-time Evade for some survivability, and some critical star gather capability. In addition, their lack of defensive options is particularly troublesome for a kit with such a high risk / reward playstyle. She also provides party-wide invincibility for a turn, which can be used to absorb the damage from enemy NPs when the battle goes long. Defensively, he has an Evade skill, and can inflict a minor Crit Rate debuff on enemies. In addition, she is somewhat hampered by her Ruler class and middle-of-the-line ATK stat, leading to damage that might not be particularly impressive in most scenarios. Furthermore, Gawain is an AoE Saber with an innate NP Battery skill, which makes him a good farming Servant for daily and event quests with a Kaleidoscope. She has 1-turn self Arts and Star Gather buffs, party ATK/Crit Damage/Star Drop buffs, and a self 1-turn evade with an NP Gain buff built in. Despite fielding somewhat unimpressive damage numbers, Medusa is still quite useful for most Masters. Upon finishing these personal challenges, the great Irish hero does become noticeably better and occupies the rare niche of being an AoE Arts Lancer that is capable of performing in both farming and Challenge Quests. In fact, she is usually capable of spreading out her buffs and NP across two turns for back-to-back devastation. Arash often appears as a top farming recommendation for a reason. So with the new appmedia tier list with caster artoria being the triple s servant, first of her kind. Without her third skill up, her NP Gain is rather weak, while her AoE farming potential is hamstrung by her Instant Death capability indirectly reducing its hit count and thus refund potential. The twins, Dioscuri, are Saber-class single target Arts damage dealers with excellent cards and NP hit counts. Other than that: OG Arturia, the Servant with the most vanilla deck at the beginning, now on the same Tier as freakin Gilgamesh and Grand Lancer Romulus! His performance outside of his favored battlefield also isn't quite as potent as well, with about half of his additional supportive offensive capacity being locked to near-water / imaginary battlefields. The rate for 5 stars is 1%, please keep this in mind when rerolling / spending money on this game. Sure, their potential damage ceiling is impressive, but actually reaching said ceiling is rather impractical in most situations and team compositions. However, the selfishness of her skill set can be seen as a detriment, and her performance without support is very much in the middle of the pack for her class. Story-Locked (generally 3 star) Servants are assumed to be at NP1, 10/10/10 Skills. This sadistic Alter Ego is a classic case of how ones class can tremendously elevate or hinder a Servants potential. His ability to help the entire team survive enemy NPs via his Attack Down debuffs is a unique commodity that few Servants possess, let alone such a high damage Servant. Miyu Edelfelt enters the crowded non-damaging Arts-NP Caster archetype with a supportive NP of her own that is somewhat reminiscent of another rather infamous Caster Servant. Against the right opponents or with the right composition, their specializations will outperform higher tier Servants. A strong offensive ST Saber all around, Rama has a handful of niches to make himself useful in a team. The patch will be available . She does have decent staying power, having an HP Regen skill, a 1-time Evade, Debuff Immunity, and Damage Cut. Even without support, her performance is solid, and her wide applicability given her class are a boon. In addition, she packs rare targetable cooldown reduction and some Quick support for her allies, while her critical capability is rather decent given her passives. Infinity Ward will release the Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Season 3 update tonight. Nevertheless, her flexibility will generally allow her to patch up any hole in a Master's roster with little difficulty. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Vritra, the serpentine diety, manifests as an AoE Arts Lancer. Let her stick to mowing the lawn. On top of those, he also has a self ATK and Buster Star Gather buffs, both of which last three turns, which can further boost his damage output. Her kit is solid, and her uniqueness in class and utility combine to make her a solid Servant. He also has Lancer class star weight, which is easier to work with for critical compositions compared to other strong taunt Servants. See All Popular Servants Today 1 Katsushika Hokusai 2 Morgan 3 Assassin of Paraiso 4 Barghest 5 Melusine The charismatic pirate, Bartholomew Roberts, is available during the fourth Anniversary after his initial appearance at the Meihousou. But, as capricious as her personality, this Emperor of Roses performance is highly volatile. Altrias base skill set is rather vanilla, being quite similar to Iskander in terms of skills and stats, except her skills are all slightly worse value-wise. Her ability to instantly charge her NP bar also makes her fantastic at doing frontal burst damage, especially with her NP Upgrade Rank Up. Overall Saber Archer Lancer Rider Caster Assassin Berserker Ruler Avenger Alter Ego Foreigner Fate Grand Order tier list Outside of this straightforward but effective playstyle, Elisabeth suffers from a very problematic third skill. Her launch era competition has received massive upgrades (Charles Babbage for example) while many Berserker or Extra Servants can deal more damage than her. Sadly, this unrepentant man of action is lackluster at everything else other than firing off his Noble Phantasm, mainly due to his difficulty in getting a high NP level (story-locked) and lackluster base stats. EN Tier list JP Tier List Any of the 5 stars currently avaliable will get you very far into the game, and all of them can be used in some way shape or form. How much Saint Quartz is required to trigger the Pity Summon? Having a Quick AoE NP is also attractive for owners of Skadi, however he has trouble looping reliably without extra setup, and his card deck only has a single Quick card aside from his NP, making it somewhat more difficult to take full advantage of Quick support. His main features are his powerful single turn team-wide Buster buff and his targetable 20% NP charge. If it werent evident from her Berserker nature, self-stun and self-damage effects, Frankie is exceptionally squishy and has no tools to compensate for it. Brynhild is a good hybrid between damage dealer and support. Furthermore, 2 of the 3 components on her third skill are completely useless if she is not on the correct battlefield, which is the majority of the time. His own utility suffers similarly, lasting neither long nor accessible very often. Overall Asvatthaman is an extremely solid ST Archer, being a great choice as a primary Archer DPS. On their own, each of Caster Cus skills are good. Asagami Fujino is another strong entry into the Archer class, providing Buster-type ST damage with decent critical potential. I love how Myst is always preaching how Tamamo and Enkidu are the 2 Top ST Lancers in the game and how Brynhild cant compare to them. As good as her upsides are, Nursery Rhyme suffers from the fundamental flaw of every damage dealing Caster: her low Attack stat and weak Caster attack modifier. He is defined by his powerful single target Noble Phantasm, which when combined with his skill Tactics, strong Overcharge effect on his NP, and good base Attack can deliver devastating damage at max potential. His NP has the useful effect of removing defensive buffs (including Evade and Invincible) before dealing damage, while also providing himself with an NP Damage buff. With strong NP Damage from her various Quick boosts, Ishtar packs a strong NP5 welfare punch even amongst the crowded Rider Welfare Servant list. Ivan the Terrible is a highly solid AoE Rider option by all metrics. S. C0. It is usually not worthwhile trying to turn him into a pseudo-berserker through his Noble Phantasm when there are plenty of Servants around who can boost the performance of the entire team while still doing equivalent damage with their Noble Phantasms. She has the ability to charge her own NP Gauge by up to 50% on demand, an additional 10% Gauge per turn that must be absorbed from allies, both of which support her NP looping capabilities. Furthermore, he has one of the worst availabilities amongst 3* Servants due to his story-locked status and lack of rate-ups, meaning getting him to NP level 5 can be a huge challenge for any Master. Recommended for use on servants that can build up their NP quickly. Last but not least, Kid Gil has no powerful self-buffs to amplify his damage output, which may result in some less impressive numbers and clearing time. Otherwise, the rest of her abilities buff herself, including Buster, Arts, Crit Star Gather Rate, and Anti-[Demonic] special damage buffs, helping to increase her damage output. With her Avenger star weight salvaged from her Rank Up, Masters have far more freedom to equip certain stronger CEs to her. On his own, Gilgamesh is a solid AOE Caster, boasting reasonable damage output, high star generation and respectable NP gain. A somewhat specfic CE which provides both damage Divine servants an NP charge, which in combination is very good value. Mecha Eli-Chan combines a Buster-heavy kit with one extremely damaging Buster NP. Packing exceptional ST Noble Phantasm damage thanks to multiple steroids, strong teamwide offensive utility, and a kit well-suited for Critical teams, this dandy shooter is a versatile Archer that can work in different teams. Furthermore, her own damage and survival potential is not to be underestimated as she is quite capable of soloing her fair share of difficult Rider bosses. The Prince of Lan Ling, Saber class, primarily acts as an excellent damage and critical support Servant, with a support Arts type NP. She also comes with a self Arts buff, a 20% NP charge, and Guts as her defensive measure. His survivability is also laughable, competing with Berserker of El Dorado among who can die the fastest. He can operate well in most generic team compositions, and thrives in more specialized setups such as Critical-centric teams or stall teams. However, it should be noted that the support viability of this skill in most cases is not worth sacrificing a true support slot, as BB (Summer) has no other means of support aside from the card lock and Critical Star generation. Nonetheless, for any Masters looking for a strong damage dealer with high burst potential, Jaguar Warrior is the one. His damage output is thus simply outrageous, with a powerful Overcharge effect and naturally high NP level thanks to his welfare status. His NP provides him with Ignore Invincibility before damage as well, ensuring the damage will circumvent most defensive options. That his NP Damage isn't as high as some of his competitors is also far less of an issue when Astolfo is buffed by Skadi. Kijyo Koyo is an ST Buster Berserker with a split focus between damage and party support. The only thing Geronimo uniquely provides is an NP that heals the party and deals AoE damage at the same time. While he makes a great backup member for Challenge Quests, his uses outside of tough battles are very limited as he does not offer any form of team utility, high damage potential or farming capacity. Last but not least, the scarcity of Ruler bosses means that rarely will his class advantage be available, and even for those situations, most other Avengers offer more bang for their buck than Avenger of Shinjuku. Yet, her lack of just sheer Attack stats makes her a second best solution in a game where all-out offense is often more rewarding. Despite his unusual appearance for such a renowned hero, Caesar is a surprisingly effective Servant in his own right. Given his NP applies its 3-turn Buster Resist debuff before damage, the "debuffed" trait will almost always be applicable unless the enemy has Debuff Immunity / high debuff resist. He will generally be sidelined when farming or when more raw power is needed. However, having an NP charge skill with an AoE NP is still useful, even if it doesn't quite reach the full 50% threshold that makes it work more easily with many of the starting NP CEs. Craft Essence List. Masters who invest in her are cautioned not to be overly optimistic about her performance, although she will usually still be able to grant at least one enemy wave with a visit to the land of dreams. The demerit is not significant, but will definitely build up over time. Romulus (ROMAAAAA) has a vanilla skill set that does not perform particularly well in either Challenge Quests or in farming content. In addition, whenever using her Arts NP, she will grant 20% NP Gauge to all allies as well, making her an excellent asset in most any party. She also comes with a 1 time Debuff Immune skill, which can either help with offsetting undesirable debuffs from enemies, or to mitigate the delayed self Stun on her Guts skill. Unfortunately for the Great King of Persia, the AoE Berserker specialization is an incredibly crowded niche and there are quite a few low rarity Servants that achieve nearly the same result. Her damage is decent, although she suffers from Berserker fragility, lack of an NP charge skill, and somewhat niche supportive effects that perhaps would be more powerful on less fragile supports. Queen Medb (Saber) is an ST Arts Saber, with a rather fabulous NP that has a chance of stacking multiple defense debuffs. She can also gain up to 20% NP Gauge per turn across three turns, which also comes with a minor infusion of Critical Stars, further bolstering her looping capability. His inability to boost his Star Gather also hurts his performance as a critical damage dealer, however. A combination of Critical Star Gathering, Critical Damage, teamwide 50% Quick buff, instant 10 Critical Stars, good NP Gainand a powerful Single Target Noble Phantasm are all the burst ingredientsAtalanta (Alter) needs to demolish raids, short boss fights and powerful enemies. William Tell is another solid entry to the Archer class, complete with a high-tech crossbow and tactical camoflauge. Very importand if from start you chose good charecter , if anyone interested here is tier list of classes. His second skill is his most unique, being only usable when he is under half health, and providing him with an immense 1-time ATK and Crit Damage buff with the ability to remove Defensive Buffs when attacking, but also inflicting death on himself if he attacks. However, this smooth cowboy has some serious drawbacks to his game, namely his poor NP generation rate per hit and a reliance on others to bring the critical stars he needs to crit. He comes with a solid self Quick and Star Drop Rate buff, a self-Evade that also has a chance to increase Star Gather Rate and apply Ignore Invincible, and finally a Critical Strength and self ATK buff of humble values. I will continue update it as Events have their Re-run versions completed. The Queen of Heavens kit does have a couple of weak points, as her only survivability tool has but a 80% chance to proc, and her massive attack buff can be tricky to fully utilize for less experienced players. More often than not, Medusa is relegated to being a farm bot for daily or event quests where she can one shot a wave with her Bellerophon. Once transformed with his Noble Phantasm, Jekyll becomes a monster Damage Dealer with an outstanding HP pool to boot. They also are capable of debuffing an enemy's ATK with normal attacks. Nobukatsu is yet another bronze Servant in the roster whose NP results in their own death, which comes with its own benefits of making room for another Servant in the backline. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Caesars main problem is his very poor survivability, as he lacks defensive skills while also having relatively poor HP values. In most cases, running him for his NP is not worth it considering he mainly has access to a single useful skill. She can provide ATK buffs, HP recovery, NP Gauge-per-turn, and a few extra Stars on demand for the entire party. Worse yet, his generation stats are abysmal when his hit counts are considered. However, in most scenarios she is not the optimal pick damage-wise, dealing and receiving neutral damage in most scenarios due to her class typing. While she can also be used offensively, her lower NP damage and lack of critical absorption leaves her in an awkward spot, where her QQABB deck compromises her mainly supportive role. Xiang Yu is a Berserker-class Quick type AoE damage delaer, with a straightforward kit consisting of selfish Quick/Buster/Crit Strength buffs, the ability to Ignore Invincible and generate Stars per turn, and a 1-turn Evade with a further Crit Strength boost.

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