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california class starship crew complement

Under Ramsey's command, the Cerritos journeyed to Khwopa to perform repairs on the inhabitants' water filtration system before rendezvousing with the USS Rubidoux, which was found adrift in space. There was also a large, padded room for martial arts practice. are usually deployed to places where there has to be more medical expertise. In the California-class line, there are three types of hull painting: blue, red, and yellow. California class vessels are the prime utility support ships of Starfleet. (TNG - Star Trek: Explorer short story: "The Expert"), Ships of this class were typically named for locations and other namesakes associated with the Human state of California on the planet Earth. California class vessels are equipped with three Type-X phaser arrays: two 270 arrays on the dorsal and ventral surface of the saucer, and a third aft array on the dorsal saucer (post-retrofit), which provides adequate phaser coverage over most arcs. (LD episodes: "Moist Vessel", "Much Ado About Boimler", "No Small Parts"), Lieutenant Tom Paris visited the Cerritos in 2381 and affectionately referred to its type as the Cali-class. When personal logs from Boimler proved shaky at best, Mariner decided the best thing to do was to hijack the Cerritos in search of the Klingons who were working with the Pakleds. The Nova-class was designed as a science and scout vessel to replace the aging Oberth-class. Small craft support is provided by three shuttle bays: two on the aft corners of the primary hull, and a third in the secondary hull. Each array fires pulsed orange-red beams of rapid-nadion particle discharge at a target with a maximum effective tactical range of slightly below 300,000 kilometres. From the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual. According to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, the Excelsior class has a standard crew complement of 750 units, between officers and regular crew. Besides providing assistance in terms of manpower, Captain Freeman was also instrumental in helping Mixtus inhabitants to reach mutually acceptable solutions that allowed the implosion to go forward. The shields, when raised, stay extremely close to the hull to conserve energy - average range is ten meters away from the hull and can protect against approximately 36% of the total EM spectrum. It was believed that these caused the sound of their warp engines to be a little bit higher pitch, however, other sources maintained that the unique sound was caused by the vibrations in the dilithium dispersement manifold. (LD: "Second Contact", "Envoys"). (LD: "Room for Growth"), This class is known to have at least eight transporter rooms. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Contents 1 History 2 Technical data 2.1 Mission objectives 2.1.1 Science and exploration 2.1.2 Diplomacy 2.2 Energy generation 2.3 Propulsion 2.3.1 FTL Warp 2.3.2 Sub-light 2.4 Crew support systems 2.5 Tactical Odyssey (Verity Yorktown (cruiser)) NX (Columbia Poseidon) (LD: "Second Contact"), The maximum safe velocity of the California class was warp 8. How unique are the adventures of the Enterprise within Starfleet? Also like a drawer, the compartment could be removed entirely from its recessed alcove if needed. Detachment was used as a construction method when designing the California class . (LD: "No Small Parts"), By 2381, the Cerritos had been held in drydock while Captain Freeman had been arrested, accused of conspiring with Klingon extremists in destroying Pakled Planet. This is especially useful for large-scale engineering projects which may require constant arrivals and departures that would be difficult to accommodate with a single bay. [4]. It was believed that these caused the sound of their warp engines to be a little bit higher pitch, however, other sources maintained that the unique sound was caused by the vibrations in the dilithium dispersement manifold. The chief medical officer's office was room 08.019. Unlike the bridges aboard Galaxy-class starships, the additional seats did not include side consoles. Convinced that her mother would be used as a scapegoat to appease people due to her role as a California-class captain, Mariner convinced Boimler, Rutherford, and Tendi to sneak on-board to find proof of Freeman's innocence. Production slowed following the introduction of the larger and more advanced Parliament-class utility cruiser in the 2380s, but there are no signs that Starfleet will stop building these vessels any time soon. A small secondary hull, bearing the navigational deflector dish, was mounted between the nacelles via a second pair of pylons. [2], McMahan also stated that he was always a fan of the (Miranda-class) USS Reliant, and used that design mixed with the stylization of the (Galaxy-class) USS Enterprise-D as the visual inspiration for this class. Theres also, youll see in the show, blue-hulled California-class ships, which are usually deployed to places where there has to be more medical expertise, and red-hulled ships that are like for moving around ambassadors and doing more command-level stuff. The truth is that there's no canonical answer, because there was never a story where it mattered enough to write a number into the script. California-class ships are equipped with a captains yacht, docked in a dedicated bay under the saucer. Cheyenne (Dakota Stargazer) The Drookmani started picking a fight with the Cerritos by throwing debris at the ship with their tractor beam. The class had at least seven storage bays. Novas had a maximum speed of warp 8 and carried approximately eighty crewmembers. The Star Trek: Coda novel The Ashes of Tomorrow features a California-class ship from an alternate timeline called the USS Saticoy (NCC-75404). Steamrunner (Appalachia Zephyr) The engineering support variant has a larger concentration of engineering personnel, as well as enhanced structural integrity and tractor beam systems, which make it well-suited for towing missions. The warp core was located in the secondary hull. Their hulls are painted white with blue accents, and they are unarmed. The starship is equipped with two holosuites, a gym, and a mess hall. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow", "No Small Parts", "First First Contact"), At least three ships of this class were lost in 2380: the USS Merced was critically damaged from exposure to terraforming emulsion that leaked from an ancient generation ship, the USS Rubidoux was subsumed by a space-dwelling lifeform, and the USS Solvang was destroyed with all hands by an enhanced Pakled vessel. A little overview card for the California class starships seen in "Lower Decks". It could exceed this speed for short bursts, but at the risk of severe structural damage. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. They were also equipped with Argo-type buggies for groundcar-based surface operations. These bays each house five to six shuttles, and provide for extensive small craft operations. Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? Malachowski (Helios (tug)) Star Fleet abandoned the project, however, when the Borg threat became less urgent . There were several conference rooms, including a senior conference room, executive conference room, and Conference Room 5. The California class, nicknamed Cali class, was a type of Federation starship in service during the late 24th century. Higher ranking crew members were afforded their own quarters. In 2381, Vice Admiral Les Buenamigo advocated decommissioning the California class and replacing them with his new Texas-class automated starships. The warp nacelles have integrated a turbolift shaft to reach the engineering module. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Overall, it did provide valuable roles behind the front lines, allowing Starfleet to free up other ships to focus on exploration, defense and other more high-profile roles. Between TrekYards & twitter, i have confirmed info, "According to Brad Winters, this class is 535.2 meters long and 121.3 meters high. The captain's chair at the center, flanked by chairs for the first officer to the right, and an additional officer to the left. The California Class was introduced as a smaller counterpart/support ship to the large Nebula and Galaxy Class starships. Rutherford uploaded one of the viruses into his implant and Lieutenant Shaxs flew them to the Pakled Clumpship using the shuttlecraft Sequoia. Deflector output during cruise mode is approximately 840 MW. In the California-class [line], there are three types of hull painting: theres blue, red, and yellow. Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. Equinox first popped up on U.S.S. Nova (Aurora Quasar Rhode Island) What is the Enterprise-E's crew complement? Kumari (Charal Khyzon) (LD: "Envoys", "Veritas") Repair Bay 5 was located on Deck 11, close to the upper hull. MISSION OBJECTIVES FOR GALAXY CLASS PROJECT. During this mission, as Commander Jack Ransom was wrapping up his visit with the Galardonian High Council, he was bitten by a flying insect before beaming back to the ship, where he dismissed it. By the early 25th century after a thorough evaluation of the data brought back from the USS Voyager after its return from the Delta Quadrant Starfleet had developed enough extreme long-range propulsion technologies to make regular exploration of the Galaxies most distant region possible. It would never be a class to hold the spotlight, but it is generally agreed that it plays a role in keeping Starfleet in fighting shape. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. The Cerritos stood her ground as the Drookmani continued to throw debris, weakening their shields. Despite this, her command crew was not invited to the Command Conference of Starbase 25 since it was not a capital ship. Like the Galaxy, Nebula, Luna, and Odyssey classes, most California-class ships have Cetacean Operations departments which can accommodate a variety of aquatic species. Officers ranked Lieutenant and higher are given their own quarters, however. This is specifically accomplished via the annihilation of equal parts matter and antimatter using a combination of deuterium (a hydrogen atom containing a proton and a neutron in its nucleus) and anti-deuterium (essentially a deuterium atom, whose atomic properties are exactly reversed from those of a normal deuterium atom). Each generator consists of a cluster of ten 28 MW (megawatt) graviton polarity sources feeding into a 575 milli-cochrane subspace field distortion amplifier meaning each generator produces 280 MW of power for an ultimate capacity of 1,680 MW. (LD: "The Stars At Night"). (LD: "The Spy Humongous"), There were crew quarters on Deck 1 and Deck 4. Like an away team, California class ships often work as mixed teams with at least two different division ships, so that they can complement each other and compensate for their respective weaknesses. The maximum safe velocity of the California class was warp 8. According to Lower Decks series creator Mike McMahan, the yellow markings on the Cerritos indicate that its primary mission is second contact engineering support. Later, arriving back at a starbase, the Cerritos underwent extensive repairs as its crew mourned the loss of Shaxs. When responding to USS Solvang's distress call originated from the Kalla system, the Cerritos's crew discovered that it was destroyed with the loss of all hands. The warp core and nacelles are oversized for a ship of her size, to allow her to tow other ships at warp. It only takes a minute to sign up. Intrepid (Bellerophon Cochrane science vessel Discovery (science vessel) Janeway Pathfinder Trailblazer Yeager) The California class a 24th century Federation starship class, a workhorse-type vessel[3] specialised in different mission profiles[5], including second contact, in Starfleet service in the 2360s decade. Remora (Charger) If the core were removed, the shields would be drained faster than normal when under attack. Galaxy (Andromeda (25th century) Celestial Envoy Galaxy X Monarch cruiser Ross Venture cruiser Yamato dreadnought) The California-class is instantly recognizable as sharing a lineage with the Galaxy-class explorer, though she has about half the internal volume. The Shepard class was a 22nd and 23rd century Federation starship class, a battlecruiser in Starfleet service in the 2250s and the 2410s decade. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The brig was also equipped with a replicator. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? External links California class article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek. As such support for these exploration fleet ships was still vitally needed so smaller cyclical-based Quantum slipstream drives were added to several Cali class ships, increasing the classes maximum velocity from a standard factor of 9 to 23 for a time length of 90 minutes before the drive has to automatically power down before either overheating or possibly drained from a finite amount of fuel. The complement of which was originally twenty photon torpedoes as per the initial retrofit design plan but was later increased by thirty percent bringing the total up to twenty six torpedoes. Nebula (Magellan) To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! The brig contained three prisoner cells, secured by force fields that could withstand the blast of a type 2 phaser set to kill. This also had the physical effect of reducing the inertial mass of any object encompassed by the warp field. Personnel aboard these ships were dressed in the colorful Starfleet uniform of the early 2380s. In their absence, Captain Amina Ramsey of the USS Oakland was put in temporary command of the Cerritos, accompanied by Lieutenants Durga, Ottessa Warren, and Drew Prachett. In it, Jeffrey Hunter talks about how he's tired of being responsible for 203 lives. Ships of the class are named after cities located in California, and their shuttles are named after national parks. Because of this, these ships have a larger-than-average number of shuttles for their size and can carry vast amounts of cargo. limit) Its a California-class ship, which has always existed in Starfleet [this is] what were saying that theyre the utility support ships. Boimler was still covered in a pink slime that he picked up on the surface after a run in with a teething spider creature, which Doctor T'Ana determined could be used to synthesize a cure for this virus. Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? Class specifications Ship type: Escort Length: 139m Width: 76m Height: 29m Crew complement: 25 Max. These vessels have gold paint. During its long service life, the class proved to be a jack of all trades design that was easy to mass produce. Shepard (Gagarin (25th century)) This is a very junior posting for both captains and crew, and is a very typical first assignment for all but the very best and brightest within Starfleet. [3]. Seeing no other options, Shaxs ripped out Rutherford's implant, placed him on the Sequoia, and pushed the shuttlecraft back into space, saving Rutherford but sacrificing himself as the ship exploded. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Lower Decks co-producer Brad Winters gave the California -class ship length as 535.2 meters, and height at 121.3 meters, in a Tweet. Merian (Merian (dreadnought)) Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories, Memory Beta articles sourced from websites, Memory Beta articles sourced from reference works, Memory Beta articles sourced from episodes and movies, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Crossfield (Glenn 32nd century refit) Between TrekYards & twitter, i have confirmed, I think i like both your version & the Okudas' equally, so i'll use your stats for the. The bridge was located on Deck 1 atop the vessel. Yellow is a second contact engineering classification. I think i like both your version & the Okudas' equally, so i'll use your stats for the Utility-class Heavy Tug/Transport, a successor design to the Ptolemy-class Transport/Tug. However, new ships of the class continued to be commissioned. Like the divisions in Starfleet, the Yellow version seen on the USS Cerritos represents Engineering and Operations. Unlike most Federation starships, the ship's registry and name plate of the California-class was located aft of the bridge on the primary hull's dorsal surface. The ship had a gym with treadmills, weight training equipment, and an anbo-jyutsu area. While this provides comfort and amenities, the mess hall usually lacks the character of the dedicated lounge on larger starships, and official use of holosuites can limit access for recreation. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers"), The class was equipped with a hydroponics bay that was said, by D'Vana Tendi, to be "great for biomedical research, or just for flower fans." Defiant (Gallant Incursion Nachthexen Sao Paulo Valiant Vigilant escort) The Cerritos crew managed to bait them away and destroyed two of them by detonating its warp core between them, but this desperation attack left the Cerritos dead in the water while the Aledo survived. These bays each house five to six shuttles, and provide for extensive small craft operations. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato"), The brig contained three prisoner cells, secured by force fields that could withstand the blast of a type 2 phaser set to kill. The theta radiation is absorbed by a series of radiometric converters allowing the recycling of energy in order to use it to power the majority of systems ranging from life support to replicators and illumination while also eliminating all waste products making it virtually 100% efficient. Deck 9 had squash courts near the crew quarters. Having its port warp nacelle torn away, the Cerritos was powerless to escape or fight back, but Ensign Brad Boimler discovered that the Pakled Clumpship's system can be easily hacked due to its need to accept systems from different species. This is the least common variant and has red paint. The destruction of the Rubidoux resulted in the birth a space vessel lifeform. Memory Delta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Chesapeake (Mongrel) (LD: "Second Contact"), Sickbay was located on Deck 8. Meanwhile, Beckett Mariner had rallied all thirty-two other active ships of the California class to aid the Cerritos, and together they destroyed the Aledo. As utility cruisers, they get the missions that arent important enough for more advanced ships, and so their crews tend to be more junior than those posted to frontline explorers. The California-class starship is a Starfleet workhorse designed to assist the fleet's flagships with utility support. The saucer section contained eleven decks. Its design consists of a saucer section with many windows and a wide secondary hull positioned below and aft of the saucer between two elongated nacelles and was considered to be rather unorthodox. However, new ships of the class continued to be commissioned. Constructed twice as large and with heavier multi-molecular weapons than its predecessor, the 32nd-century Cali was structured as a fully mobile repair station and emergency dry dock with its saucer section built as a hollow disk to accommodate smaller injured ships throughout Starfleet. Had the physical effect california class starship crew complement reducing the inertial mass of any object encompassed by the warp was! California-Class line, there were several conference rooms, including a senior conference,... Given their own quarters, however starships seen in `` Lower Decks '' #! Responsible for 203 lives unique are the prime utility support seen in `` Lower Decks co-producer Brad Winters gave California! The Enterprise-E 's crew complement they were also equipped with two holosuites, a gym and... Starship in service during the late 24th century 29m crew complement: 25 Max quarters, however Star! Method when designing the California -class ship Length as 535.2 meters, in a.... 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