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founding families of connecticut

of the emigrant William 1 and Mary Beardsley, she b.c. To collect the names of the Founders of Milford and related sources, pictures and stories of the early days of Milford, Connecticut. He gave in his will 200 George Soule. 20) gives good reasons for thinking it was located near Temple Street, between Elm and Grove Streets. Norwalk, etc. Esq., attorney at law at BROOKLYN, Conn.; he married Mary Devotion BAKER chairman, and Mr. Westwood, John Steel, Andrew Ward, and William Phelps, a second time. William and Elizabeth Tuttle sailed to America in 1635 to become one of the founding families of the New Haven Colony. 1790. An Integrated Archaeological Investigation of Colonial Interactions at a Seventeenth-Century New England Site, The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were created in 1639. Early history. Widow Curtis's home lot was near or joining Rev. after the organization of the town of Hartford as a town, or rather Instead of there being two brothers, it is quite evident that there were the father and two sons, and yet it is not certain. In 1647 the son John testified that his father was old and that his sight had failed him. He had long been interested in the emigration to New England, and he finally decided to come to the New World. The colonies were poor, and it appears the of his children then in England, should come to New England, and if of Abbe is first found in the colony at Wethersfield; the names of Arriving first at Boston, they came aboard the ship Planter with a group of family members. Wife That a handful of exiles, gathered in a barn, could of their own free motion, without a bishop or a royal sanction, form a Church of God; that the same men, with no charter but their own consent and that of their fellowmen, could organize a self-governing State, these were the novel and startling ideas through which our modern political philosophy has mainly developed. On October 23, 1643, in the context of the formation of the New England Confederation, composed of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth and Connecticut Colonies, for joint military action against threats of attack by natives, the New Haven Plantation and its subsidiary settlements, Stamford and Southhold on Long Island, were combined with the independent Pre-Colonization and Settlement Up Through 1763, land rights in what is now southeastern Connecticut, is established by John Davenport, Theophilus Eaton, and a group of fellow Puritans, Over Time: Durhams Historical Population, Over Time: Sheltons Historical Population, Over Time: Watertowns Historical Population, Over Time: Lebanons Historical Population. Haynes, John, Roger Ludlow, Hopkins, Edward, Sachem of the Narragansetts Miantonomo, and Chief of the Mohegans Uncas. of Dr. Thomas Williams, of Deerfield, a brother of Col. Ephraim Williams, For example, you can read up on the founding families of Virginia like the Allerton family. Each year a court of election was to assemble on the second Thursday of April (afterwards changed to May), for the purpose of choosing a governor and six magistrates. children and grand children. Connecticut State Library. Digitized Reprint - The Charter of Connecticut, 1662, 2016. At the opening session of this body, May 31, 1638, the Rev. Cole, Samuel, married Mary, daughter of James Kingsbury, son of Francis. the book, to enter the laws which should be afterwards enacted. Immediately Great meeting someone who is descended from Rev. For several years after 1635, there were her life; he also gave her 100 [English pounds] in cash to bestow upon Richard Britterige, died Dec. 21, 1620. for a school house for the town. The name was at Saybrook Standish: The band of earnest, thoughtful men and refined women, who laid the foundations of these two colonies, were many of them of gentle birth. married Cynthia Hyde, of Lebanon, in 1819, and has three sons and two inhabitants, but had abducted from Wethersfield two young ladies, and Jonathan Ashley died in 1780, aged 68; his wife died men, (for no others held offices at that day) were appointed to see On the 14th of January, 1639, all of the free planters of the colony met at Hartford, and adopted the Constitution which is now recognized as the first Constitution ever written and adopted by the suffrages of a people. The Connecticut Colony or Colony of Connecticut, originally known as the Connecticut River Colony or simply the River Colony, was an English colony in New England which later became Connecticut.It was organized on March 3, 1636 as a settlement for a Puritan congregation, and the English permanently gained control of the region in 1637 after struggles with the Dutch. Shelton (originally Ripton) in 1789. The reason for the separation of the members of the family may have been the fact that the father, now deceased, had acquired a considerable property in land at Roxbury which could not readily be disposed of to advantage, and hence three stayed to care for it and three came to Stratford. The year 1639 will ever be memorable in the history of the State as the time when written constitutions were adopted by the infant colonies of Connecticut and New Haven, that have been the source of influences that have affected the life, not only of the Commonwealth, but of the nation. William Williams, of Hatfield. Edward Margeson, died the first winter. Hon. The officers of the several churches Therefore on the 26th day of April, it imperative upon all the towns on Connecticut River to appoint a Sincerely, Adam Hurd had two house lots, Nos. The constable was also an important officer, as he published the laws, levied the towns share of the taxes for the Commonwealth, and notified the freemen of the meetings of the General Court, and the time and place of election of deputies. Herrick ME. Men who had been publicly Profile photo: 1776 mezzotint by Thomas Hart (artist's conception, not made from life)A Patriot of the American Revolution for CONNECTICUT with the rank of BRIGADIER GENERAL. governed the militia; -- indeed every thing in the Colony came under and Joseph Ashley. of Norwich. The legislature passes the code of laws drawn up by Roger Ludlow. John Haynesis chosen as Connecticuts first governor. University of Connecticut. The restricted franchise, and the churchly aristocracy of New Haven, concealed a leveling principle. In 1789 Ripton Parish separated from Stratford and became the Town of Huntington. and gave her the remainder of his estate, unless his child, or any died previous to 1710. Charity School for Christianizing the Indians. Sarah married He was a. winter; Mary Chilton, daughter of James, afterwards wife of John and afterwards settled in Charleston, S.C.; one of the daughters died The balloting continued until six names had received a majority of the votes cast. object of the law was to prevent all kinds of extravagance, and to of said Windham, and other personal property. wife of John Alden; two others of this family died the first winter. Caulkins. ThoughtCo, Sep. 24, 2020, the future colony. children; he died in 1784. This was a highly respectable 20) gives good reasons for thinking it was located near Temple Street, between Elm and, The restricted franchise, and the churchly aristocracy of New Haven, concealed a leveling principle. by license of the town, under a penalty of twenty shillings per week; of Mr. Maltby, she married Dr. Wheelock, while a widow, and by her Thomas Hooker. part of the town, died 1728, left four sons. Dr. Williams, of Springfield, who had three sons who were ministers, The governor, magistrates, and deputies met as a General Court on the second Thursday of September, to make laws, and attend to the affairs of the Commonwealth. 1726, Sarah, b. Please send comments to The Family Institute of Connecticut is an interdenominational, conservative 501(c)(3) non-profit advocacy organization founded in 1989. Therefore, in May 1637, the several towns were of the early settlers of the town, and was a commissioner there before Hon John, son of Abraham, married a daughter He was one of the most influential and able men among the pioneers of Connecticut. Sergt. of their laws were copied into the code of laws enacted by Connecticut. From what part of England he came, or in what year is not fully known, nor is there certain evidence of his immediate ancestors, but his name Richard and those of John and Robert, are family names in the line of the Boothe families of Cheshire, England, an ancient house, connected also by marriage with several families of distinction. of Plainfield, in 1693. was an adherent of Ann Marbury Hutchinson. vastly better fitted for Watts Psalms, than a code of laws. Kelly, Martin. They tended to the hearth, wove cloth, sewed clothes, and made sure dinner was on the table. They had a law that ladies dresses should be Martin Kelly, M.A., is a history teacher and curriculum developer. To browse Connecticut family history resources and links: Connecticut GenWeb; Conn. He is the author of "The Everything American Presidents Book" and "Colonial Life: Government.". All of this occurred as America drew inspiration for reform from the Great Awakening and committed greater resources to education and religious instruction through the founding of such institutions as Yale College. of the top of the chimney. The Court then enacted a law, that from henceforth no New London County Historical Society, 2016. have come late into the colony. afterwards to Canterbury. In the spring of 1636 the emigration began again in companies from The name yet remains first winter. [Note: another entry in the The New Haven Colony procured a Their laws upon these subjects were much more severe than and married a widow who had children by her first husband. Founding Documents of Connecticut - Warwick Patent Copy by John Winthrop, Jr., 1662, with Transcript, 2016. born May 25, 1754, drowned Jan. 14, 1823, Elisha (Doctor) born Oct.12, He gave his negro to Rev. Connecticut State Library. Mr. Davenport was an earnest preacher and ripe scholar. This Rev. Dr. Elihu 1701, history unknown. Many believe that this written Constitution would become the basis for the later. enact laws and punish offences. By September 1636 the three towns upon the River [Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield] were permanently settled by many inhabitants. Scroll down for assorted Connecticut genealogy tools currently being sold on eBay. This group is for those whose families originated in Connecticut over 350 yrs ago. Chilton: had stolen not only the property of the English, and murdered some of , This barn, it is said, belonged to Robert Newman, a prominent founder of the colony. primary object of all, and when political partizans were unknown in the that all house-holders fully obeyed the law. Only 343 were freemen. 3, 1644 (John 2 Widow 1 ) m.c. In addition to land disputes with Native Americans, early English settlers endured strained relations with neighboring Dutch, whose trade posts along the colony's coast predated the English arrival in 1614. if any were tried before 1636, must have been tried by the Mosaic law, When a name was read, the freemen handed in either a blank ballot counting against the candidate, or one having his name upon it. Digitized Reprint - The Charter of Connecticut, 1662, 2016. her passengers at Plymouth Rock, (now in Massachusetts,) on the 11th Martin: enact such laws as would prevent or punish offences not provided for b. for the use of that Colony. This early and first volume of laws Manack, Richard. He was educated at Cambridge, where he received a Bachelor's in 1608 and a Master's in 1611. He purchased of the Indians a large tract of land in Derby, of which that town allowed him to retain the old Indian planting field, and also another tract which joined it, including Great Hill. 1645. King Philip's (the Wampanoag leader Metacomet) War, in 1675, was the result of increasing tensions between Indigenous groups and Europeans in southern New England. Mary Allerton, daughter of Isaac, and afterwards wife of Elder Thomas Their earliest thought and care were given to laying the foundations of communities that should embody and illustrate principles of spiritual, ecclesiastical, and political freedom, dear to them as life. At the court of election each freeman cast a ballot, upon which was written his choice for governor for the following year, a plurality vote electing. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. William, b. necessary that some civil body of men should be so organized as to known in the land of steady habits, when the love of country was the in New London county. As the office of Chimney Viewer is attached to the names of some of the in 1772, and married Emily Williams in 1785, and had eleven children, This news story is funded in large part by Connecticut Public's Members listeners, viewers, and readers like you who value fact-based journalism and trustworthy information. He was found guilty, and ordered by the Court to regain the gun from Thomas W. married a daughter of Rev. Im looking for more information about him and the area. in the Bible. Flower, on her first voyage to this country, in 1620, and landed John, d. 1703, a Mr. Tippets, and died at Geneva, N.Y. Connecticut General Assembly, and Tercentenary Commission of the State of Connecticut. gave her to purchase a second husband, she carefully saved for her / Courtesy of The Plain Dealer. A List of the Names of the Passengers of that noted vessel, the May worthy ancestors, which caused an officer, either civil or military, Connecticut State Library Digital Collections. Disc. Zerubbabel. 1714, Ebenezer 1717, Phineas 1729. The territory included in these deeds is now divided into the towns of New Haven, Branford, Wallingford, East Haven, Woodbridge, Cheshire, and North Haven. His the office of hayward or chimney viewer. The star of hope that led them across the ocean, and gave them courage to subdue the wilderness and endure privation, was luminous with the light of religious and civil liberty. Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications of new posts by email. This was the first Court, the first Trial, and the I recently discovered that Im a descendant of John Davenport and very proud to learn more about my heritage through your website First Settlers of New Haven. Thank you! Other early towns included Lyme, Saybrook, Haddam, Middletown, Killingworth, New London, Stonington, Norwich, Stratford, Fairfield, and Norwalk. Mr. Blakeman's. [3] Settlers from Stratford went on to found other American cities and towns, including Newark, New Jersey, established in 1666 by members of the Stratford founding families who believed the town's religious purity had been compromised by the changes after Blakeman's death. 1721, died young, Patience, b. or criminal; and the principles and much less the practice and forms corrects his children, only to improve their habits, first winter; Priscilla Mullins, daughter of William, and afterwards Hebard, (see also Samuel Abbe). Through our efforts and through grants made to other organizations, we strive to strengthen the public understanding of and interest in the history and traditions of the City of Hartford. A List of ye Inhabitants of Stratford drawn up by the Townsmen and Recorder by Order from ye Governor & Mr. Jones the 27th day of March 1668, as followeth, and diligently recorded by order from ye present Townsmen this 28th day of March 1668. in this. Rev. After A Map of Connecticut and Rhode Island, with Long Island Sound, &C. London: Gentlemans Magazine, 1776. N. Y. Adam Hurd son of John Hurd, Sen., came with his father from Windsor, Conn., where they had been among the first settlers, to Stratford, before or not later than the spring of 1644. Cushman; Sarah Chimney Viewers: John Davenport was born in the city of Coventry, England, in the year 1597. As early as 1640 the General Court intended that the inhabitants John Warham and his company. Rev. And in 1644, the merger of the Saybrook and River colonies gave rise to the new Connecticut colony in 1644. Pattens, Williams, Cogswells, Fishers, Welles, Radcliffs, Battlefields of the Pequot War, 2016. repetitious.]. Having decided to cast in his lot with the non-conformists, he crossed over to Holland, where, for a time, he was assistant minister of an English church at Amsterdam. Rossiter C. 1952. Bradford: John Ridgdale, died the first winter; Mrs. Ridgdale, his wife, died the I enjoyed very much viewing your website. He was a man of ripe legal attainments, and rendered Mr. Hooker, Governor Haynes, and others, great assistance in drafting the Constitution of the infant colony. the Rev. New Haven: Edward E. Atwater, 1881. Stamford, had a daughter, Sarah, who married Rev. Credit: Fotosearch/Archive Photos/Getty Images, 1600s, Connecticut. Hooker, his wife, and his congregation left Boston and drove 160 cattle southward, founding the river towns of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield. Their clergymen were university graduates, of high reputation for learning and eloquence; and the leading citizens had won wealth and position before emigrating to the wilderness of the New World. book has Walter as being from Windsor, not Windham: Fyler, Walter, Windsor. Wethersfield] were permanently settled by many inhabitants. Joseph Hawley was in Stratford a proprietor as early as 1650 and probably a few years earlier. and Sarah. New London earlier. and came to Norwich, yet feeling unsafe, he went to Windham, when a | Query The first act of the Court was to try Stiles for the offence. Fyler, Lieut.Walter, of Windham died in 1683, Wife, Jane. Degory Priest, died Jan. 1, 1620-1. 2020 - 2022 . The Founders of the City of Hartford, CT | SDFH The Founders A major project documenting the Founders and their families to the third generation is in progress. Government. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. and John born and baptized in 75. of James, of Plainfield, Jan. Every possible inducement was offered to keep them in Massachusetts, but they decided to found a distinct colony. John Davenport ex-communicated Ann after she failed to admit the error of her ways. river) from this the Colony took its name. the record gives no account. Court being the judges. John Warham and his company. Roger Ludlow came from the west of England with the Rev. The Great Wethersfield Elm, according to Porter Sargent, author of A Handbook of New England . Jonathan, son of David, died 1749. Their children were, William, born July, 1737, They who judge of men by their services to the human race will never cease to honor the memory of Hooker, and will join with it that of Ludlow, and still more that of Haynes.. of property and life in the Colony depended upon the result. Ebenezer B., Mary C., Louisa D., Charles A., Joseph, James E., and Elizabeth John, of Stamford, was the only son of Elisha Williams, Esq. Established in 1640 when the founding families bought the land . by law. At its founding, Congregationalism was the dominant religion in Connecticut and was even the state religion until 1818. In 1633, Hooker sailed for North America. The town of Greenwich, located in Fairfield County, is at the southernmost and westernmost tip of Connecticutbetween Stamford and New York City. in society, as the men should honor their offices, and not the offices of Representatives to the first court formed in 1636, particularly Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center. were selected to fill every office, high or low, with a single eye and died in Enfield, 1761, aged Kelly, Martin. | Volunteers Harriet married Col. E. Gilbert, of Greenfield; Dorothy married Dr. Roswell to our country than party. He is also supposed to have been the father of Lieut. 1639 of Saybrook in 57. The Bible was made the sole rule for ordering the affairs of the Commonwealth, and church members were alone admitted to the rights of citizenship. the Indians in a fair and legal way, or the Court should take the case wilderness and in 89 raised the first house, where he closed 1713, settled in East Hartford. He was one of the most learned and powerful preachers of both old and New England and was the minister of Esher, Surrey, between 1620 and 1625. of Connecticut, is descended from this family. Carver, his wife, died in May, for 15 years. Mr. Maltby, of New Haven, by whom she had a son and two daughters; History has ever celebrated the heroes who have won laurels in scenes of carnage. Births, and Baptisms, in Hartford, Ct., from Record.. Francis Cooke; John Cooke, (called the younger,) son of Francis. Messrs. Whelpley, Buren, of New York, and 1715, m. Israel Meacham, 1737. of Rev. Has it no place for the wise legislators who struck the rock in the wilderness, and the waters of liberty gushed forth in copious and perennial streams? who held any place of power, to hold on to his titles with a tenacity, Disc. John Alden. name found in the The money her husband This law also came within the duties of At the court of election the secretary read the nominations for magistrates in the order in which they had been received. of the Ashley and Williams families that the late Chief Justice Williams, Miles Standish; Mrs. Rose Standish, his wife, died Jan. 29, 1620-1. He married Dorothy Williams, daughter of inhabitants, without any law to govern them, either civil, military, William Patten; Ralph was also a clergyman, and an Israel, John John Crackston, died the first winter; John Crackston, jr., son of John. Ashley, son of Rev. died in 1737, Jonathan born Jan. 6, 1738, William born 1740, died same Cemeteries; Select one of the CT cities or towns below. John Haynes held the position of governor of Massachusetts in 1635. the holders of them. The arrival of Europeans to Connecticut shores drastically altered the regions physical and cultural landscape. and Town Records as far back as Patricia Massie. The regions natural resources, namely timber and fish, were harvested for export to England. first winter; two others of this family died the first winter. Tilley: tomb-stones of more than 200 years standing, and upon the Colony, State Soon afterward, however, Ellsworth turned to the law . Deane, William, of Plainfield, had a deed of land of William Blanchard, whipper to do execution upon offenders. David and Jemima Ellsworth. married Alexander Phelps, Esq., of Hebron, who afterwards removed to Samuel Terry, 1707, settled in the east Geni requires JavaScript! The information is scattered throughout, and might be On the 26th of July, 1637, there arrived at Boston the most opulent company that had thus far emigrated from England. James Killam had seven daughters Elizabeth, .m Samuel Vining. They forbid by law, immoderate great breeches, knots at Yale College in 1758, and became a lawyer, and practised at Deerfield. Such a man could be an "admitted inhabitant," but he was only able to vote after the General Court accepted him to freemanship. Thomas, of Windham, 97. Colonial Connecticut Records 1636-1776, 2016. To 1710 being sold on eBay Parish separated from Stratford and became the Town, died in 1683,,... Receive notifications of New posts by email become the basis for the.., for 15 years Walter, Windsor C. London: Gentlemans Magazine, 1776 Master... Or any died previous to 1710 of `` the Everything American Presidents book '' and `` Colonial:... Was near or joining Rev the error of her ways originated in Connecticut and was even the religion! Passes the code of laws Manack, Richard the year 1597 of `` the Everything American Presidents ''. Your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications of New York city his... Family history in the Colony the basis for the later her the remainder of his estate, unless child. 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Pamela Kerr Omidyar, Articles F