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is thieves oil safe for cats

Cats are more sensitive to essential oils compared to dogs due to the fact that they lack certain enzymes in their liver that prevents them from metabolizing them and ridding their bodies of certain toxins. "Effects such as gastrointestinal upset, central nervous . Is thieves oil safe to diffuse around cats? Yes, you can diffuse oils around your cat, provided they are safe. I use essential oils daily for more natural well-being in my life, and hope to provide you with many valuable resources, tips and reviews to help you do the same. Over time, while humans have enjoyed the beneficial results of oils in improving overall health, people also started using them on animals to see if they also create wonderful impacts on animals. There are few different types of diffusers available on the market, all of which release essential oils into the air in a different way. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I had 2 diffusers and two or three rolling ball bottles with a combination of 3 types of essential oils and the bottles themselves that I would use a drop or two for health or cleaning several times a day. Essential oils are very much unsafe for dogs and for any other type of pet and if you are not careful with thieves oil near your dog then you risk your dog to have several negative consequences upon the consumption of thieves essential oil. How Many Chickens in a 48 Coop? Moreover, cats especially dont have the necessary enzymes to metabolize thieves oils chemicals, therefore, it is best not to use thieves oil for fleas or ticks control. This list has been pooled from various sources and is not exhaustive (and it is not presented in any order of toxicity): Thieves oil offer many perceived benefits but what works for us (humans) may not always be the best for our feline friends. There is always further information to be examined before coming to a conclusion. Accordingly, the clove that is found within thieves oil is not good for rabbits however the lemon and eucalyptus that are found in thieves oil are considered safe for rabbits. You list several, but Im wondering about Neroli. This also prevents infection that can result in over scratching and over licking. Nevertheless, you should always be mindful to keep essential oils like thieves oil away so that negative consequences wont occur. You also need to make sure you dont spend any more time observing the symptoms that may indicate that your dog is having negative effects from the consumption of thieves oil rather the sooner you contact your veterinarian, the better it is for your dogs chances to survive. Not all plants produce essential oils, but in those that do, the oil can be extracted from various sections of the plant including the stem, roots, leaves and flowers or fruits. Cats are wired very differently from humans so what may be safe for you may impact your cat in a totally different way. So, watching for signs of discomfort is the only way to detect if your use harms or makes your pet uncomfortable. Shake well, and allow it to marinate overnight. 2) All it takes is 6/100th of a drop of lavender oil to calm pets down. I love Young Living and their Seed to Seal promise (I've also been to one of their farms!). I wanted to share some recipes with those who wish to diffuse their essential oils without fear of harming their cats or dogs. And researchers are investigating the effectiveness of the blend. What are the symptoms that would indicate that essential oils have poisoned your cat? Its from orange blossoms instead of the fruit, but I want to make sure before I use it in my room diffuser. However, compelling evidence has now demonstrated that essential oils can be toxic to cats, whether taken internally, applied to the skin, or simply inhaled. 4) Got a Norwegian Forest cat? This is what makes essential oils so amazing for use on the human body. Ive been using oils for a couple of years and have 2 cats & 1 dog but 1 of our cats has an autoimmune disease of the skin. If you are using the diffusion method, here are additional safety measures to consider: If applying directly to your cats coat, do not use the oils around their eyes, ears, nose, or genitals. Oils that should be avoided or used with caution areWintergreen, Basil, Clove, Oregano, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Thyme, Mountain Savory, Tea Tree, Laurus Nobilis, and Cinnamon Bark. Dr. Wooten says for the most part, essential oils shown to be toxic to dogs if ingested, inhaled, or used topically include: Pine oil Pennyroyal oil Tea tree oil Cinnamon oil Wintergreen oil Citrus oils Peppermint oil Ylang Ylang Sweet birch oil Eucalyptus oil Since ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure to the above oils can be toxic or deadly to cats, it is easy to see why you should avoid using thieves oil directly on your cat. Your first resource even states this, as do numerous other places. Cats have a "deficient" P450 cytochrome pathway, making it impossible for them to breakdown certain metabolites of some essential oils. In Australia, I love using Breeders Choice which is recycled paper. Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Thieves oil isnt really safe for dogs as dogs may go through allergic reaction, lethargy, drooling, vomiting, coughing, and so on from the exposure to thieves oil in any way or form therefore, it is best not to expose your dogs to the harmful blend of oils that are present within thieves oil. (Explained). Eliminating or minimizing the chemicals you have in your home will help you too. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia; Citrus Aurantium) Correspondingly, is thieves cleaner toxic? Or should I avoid it since its going to be entering the air through the use of a long burning handle in the room where the litter box is? Although hamsters dont really like the smell of thieves oil, you can still expose your hamster to a tiny amount of thieves oil usage but it shouldnt be a frequent exposure. Watch your cat's reaction to the oil. Therefore, take care to use diluted oil with less than 8% concentration of phenols and 20% of ketones. Toxic buildup can occur in cats through inhalation as well. A hydrosol is a 100% non-alcoholic aroma that comes from steam-distilling or hydro-distilling plant matter. Therefore, you should not take them on your own. Phenol is an organic compound that is present in drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen . Young Living Essential Oils January 10, 2018 at 1:10 pm - Reply Hi Crystal! Use just a drop of this diluted oil and apply to your cat from ear to tail. With Litteroma, we mimic what happens in the wild, by exposing kitty to small quantities of essential oils in their litter tray. These are highly sensitive and even highly diluted oils can cause irritation in these areas. Thieves oil is not really the best to be kept around your pet cats and this is because thieves oil is usually a mix of other essential oils like cinnamon, clove, and lemon which are bad for cats. It has a rich, spicy aroma and is commonly used as a home remedy for common colds and coughs. She noticed that one of her cats was drawn to the diffuser, even laying right next to it daily. The secret is in the right concentration! Finally, there is risk of your cat getting access to the thieves oil however careful you try to store the diffuser. It is very important to dilute essential oils if you are planning to use them topically to best avoid any adverse reactions. Site Map. Talking of topical application, both clove oil and cinnamon (ingredients in thieves oil) are known to be potential skin irritants. But Dr. Shelton cautions that because cat physiology is different from other animals, improper essential oil use could have devastating health effects. How would I dilute them to make them non toxic? When captured, they gave up their secret recipe. I still read articles about this because people just dont know. One concern is the use of Eucaluptys as I just read on another site that it was ok to use on cats. For cat owners, its important to consider where your best healthy practices may conflict with those of your pet. It is also used for domestic purposes like house cleaning. Dr. Shelton believes that a lot of the information about the use of essential oils around cats is a result of misinformation and essential oil misuse. Can Puppies Eat Oatmeal? When trying an oil for the first time, make sure to keep an eye on your cat for any negative reactions. Essential oils are advertised for a variety of uses, including aromatherapy, beauty care and natural medicine. Allowing the cat to choose will avoid possible dehydration or accidents outside the litter box. I wanted to share that with family and friends. As long as your cat has a way to escape the room, I wouldnt worry about him or her in the same room. When using thieves oils in your home, taking a cautious approach is highly recommended. Scanning through testimonies and research studies, science elaborates on the possible effects of several essential oils to the feline species. If they clearly don't like an oil even after trying higher dilution and different application methods, then find a different oil to use for your purpose. We feel that we have a responsibility to provide honest and factual information regarding the use of essential oils on and around cats. Now, today, Young Livings propriety Thieves Oil blend is derived of clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus, blended to offer the same kind of defense. When you water diffuse essential oils, if they are pure and of good quality, it is safe in a ventilated and open room. When you water diffuse essential oils, if they are pure and of good quality, it is safe in a ventilated and open room. Is this true of thieves oil? When your dog eats, smells, or inhales thieves oil, then chances are that your pet dog will be exposed to different types of bodily changes including changes in behavior or nature, respiratory problems, liver problems, and central nervous system problems. Now that you've ready some safety guidelines check out my top 6 oils to use with cats. Clove (Syzgium aromaticum) Use high quality therapeutic grade Essential oils. Cats have stronger senses than humans and their nose is way more sensitive than ours, so its definitely possible that scents you might find calming and wonderful, can be extremely strong and overwhelming for your cat. While it is true that there are some essential oils that cats could tolerate and in fact help fight several health conditions, some oils likewise affect cats by showing signs of toxicity, leading you to the veterinarian most of the time. A carrier oil dilutes the essential oil and protects your pet's skin from possible skin irritation. Mustard Allow your cat the freedom to leave the room immediately he expresses agitation, tremors, or drooling. Plus, it may kill adult fleas, which will help you get rid of these horrible creatures without using chemicals. Do your research and find an oil company you trust. And, every pet and household is different. Toxicity is a result of applying highly concentrated essential oils, but diluted oils used in small quantities are usually harmless for your furry friend. Beth Turner is a veterinarian with over 20 years of experience. Thieves is a blend of multiple oils. Annie Walther. Lime oils (Citrus aurantifolia) If your cat is healthy and well, and has a way out of the room youre in with your tea tree oil applied, you should be ok. Over time, while humans have enjoyed the beneficial results of oils in improving overall health, people also started using them on animals to see if they also create wonderful impacts on animals. All rights reserved. I have read such conflicting information regarding essential oil in cats. The first question that always comes to mind when using essential oils oncats is in regards to the safety of using them on your pet. Your email address will not be published. 2023 Preventive Vet. Plant Therapy vs Young Living: Scared to Switch? That is something that should be left to the discretion of you and your veterinarian. In most cases though cats need a 75% to 90% dilution. Some of the most popular are: Some essential oils are highly beneficial for cats as a remedy. I urge all pet owners to become familiar with their own breed of pet and what that species is or is not sensitive to. Can thieves oil help with my cat's hairballs? Safe Essential Oil Recipes for Homes with Pets. Make sure that you store essential oils properly and unreachable by your cat. Toxicity has been reported due to exposure to certain home cleaning products, as well as direct exposure to essential oils.. We earn a commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(ASPCA), Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association (CVMA), How Much Do Kittens Sleep? If your cat was exposed to any odor she found unpleasant, she would undoubtedly exit the area. Move your cat to fresh air immediately you suspect that he is in distress. Japanese yew (Taxus spp.) Oral application is generally not given because of cats strong taste aversion, but can be used when needed in extreme cases. If you want to learn more about essential oils and pets, here are two helpful links: I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do. Never diffuse poor-grade oils, especially around cats. Dilute at a ratio of 50:1 which means you dilute a drop of your essential oil to 50 drops of dilution oil. A Michigan woman's online account of her family cat's brush with eucalyptus oil used in a diffuser spurred concern among fellow pet . I still accidentally see the symptoms fatal for cats from essential oils and it breaks my heart because she had each one and I wonder what other symptoms she had that arent listed simply because we dont know. You can do this by taking your cat to a health professional first just to make sure there are no other underlying illnesses. (Read This First! Are you thinking of using thieves oil on or around your pets? Hi, what about Jasmine essential oils in a diffuser. Essential oils can pose a toxic risk to household pets, especially to cats. The high levels of concentration, however, can be too much for your cats system to handle. However, cats with underlying respiratory issues may be more sensitive to strong fragrances, especially if used in a poorly ventilated area. Which essential oils are toxic to dogs? Cats digest and metabolize differently; therefore the use of diffusing and applying essential oils topically is the safest method. This means your need to avoid using blends with these oils (like thieves) on your cat. Some adverse reactions to look out for are: Even natural and 100% pure essential oils need to be diluted before using them on felines. Its constituent oils are toxic to dogs whether ingested or applied on the skin. Thyme is in the mixture, will the smell harm my cat? In the brain, the areas that process smells, memories, and emotions are very closely intertwined. Due to its heightened sense of smell, even the faintest scent of essential oil might be akin to sitting next to someone with dizzying perfume. It is important to note that animals cannot tell us if something is working or not, so it is our duty to exercise due caution and approach using oils on animals safely and responsibly. (Answered). Everyday household cleaners that the animals areexposed to or accidentally get into can cause skin irritations, allergies and accidental poisoning. The water can hold on to residual matter from the plants that can be toxic if ingested or even inhaled. Some essential oil manufacturers even claim that their products are effective pesticides, so you may be wondering if essential oils are safe to use on your pets for flea and tick control. A cats liver lacks the P450 cytochrome metabolic pathway. Sprinkle a small amount of this litteroma mix into one of the kitty litter trays, and mix well. So far no issues with my cat. Before we dive in, I must point out some crucial precautions. It is very important that you only use therapeutic grade essential oils as many of the problems arise when you buy products marketed with high prices but low quality and use them on your cat. The saying "a little goes a long way" applies here. Research reports thatcats lack a liver enzyme that is responsible for assisting the liver to absorb and filter nutrients. In fact, eucalyptus oil, which is a component of thieves oil, can be toxic when ingested. 3 drops Geranium3 drops of Lemon2 drops Orange, 3 drops Geranium3 drops Lavender4 drops Lime, 4 drops Tangerine3 drops Lavender2 drops Lime, 3 drops Peace & Calming2 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Gentle Baby2 drops Stress Away1 drop Lavender, 4 drops Stress Away5 drops Frankincense3 drops Copaiba, 5 drops Lavender3 drops Cedarwood3 drops Rosemary2 drops Eucalyptus, 3 drops Frankincense3 drops Lavender3 drops Cypress, 4 drops Clary Sage3 drops Bergamot2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Wild Orange (or regular Orange)1 drop Rosemary1 drop Eucalyptus1 drop Cinnamon Bark, 4 drops Lemon3 drops Lavender2 drops Rosemary, 5 drops Lavender4 drops Tea Tree3 drops Lemon. She has either met or spoken to thousands of people who use essential oils successfully, and only a few that have had major problems with them. Using essential oils through the diffusionmethod has been one effective way to do so. After many months of testing, she found no adverse effects and became more comfortable with diffusing essential oils around the rest of her cats. Dr. Shelton has created a full line of essential oils that are made specifically for use on animals for ailments from arthritis to stress. Cedar-wood essential oil - Since it does not contain phenols, this oil is safe for your cat. Allowing the cat to choose will avoid possible dehydration or accidents outside the litter box. Because essential oils are naturally derived, people often mistakenly think they are safer alternatives to standard medicines such as antibiotics and antiseptics. Wondering what essential oils are safe to diffuse around cats? If using 100% pure essential oils in the proper manner, there is significant data that they can be used safely. Though many veterinarians have been using various essential oils in a variety of applications on cats and other animals for many years with no adverse effects, some cat owners have voiced concerns over what is deemed safe usage and what can be seen as toxic. Remember that kitties are great at getting onto high surfaces. Nevertheless, science has provided research on the potential benefits of several essential oils on our cats if used with caution and in adequate dosages. I see that tea tree oil is deadly to cats. 3 drops Lemon. If you have a cat and use essential oils I would tell you to pick one and get rid of the other because its not worth the risk. Always remember that difficulty in breathing is characterized by cat crouching low on the ground accompanied by little abdominal movement and no hairball expulsion. That comes from steam-distilling or hydro-distilling plant matter Choice which is recycled paper 100 % pure essential are... 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