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real life assassin organizations

Marco Polo claimed it came from Hashishi, or the Hashish users as the Hashshashin reputedly used the drug before committing their murders. Most hits were along the East Coast, and most were done with an ice pick, and most targets were either gangsters more trouble than they were worth or ordinary citizens who had the misfortune of witnessing a crime.[8]. Becoming A Government Operative. The estimated date of the capture of Lambsar varies between 1096 and 1102. The assassins also had to be both young and in their physical prime, in order to stealthily and quickly perform physical actions on their missions. [121] Scholars including Vladimir Ivanov purport that the assassinations of key figures including Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk likely provided encouraging impetus to others in the community who sought to secure the Nizaris' protection from political aggression. In retaliation, Monhke sent his brother Hulagu to break the group. [20] Their attack on Alamut Castle and surrounding areas was canceled upon the death of the sultan. source Posts You May Like Hyper-realistic Sculptural Portraits by Sam Jinks 38 Funny Pictures of Cats with Captions The Red Jenny comparison is accurate. The count claimed to have the most powerful army and at any moment he claimed he could defeat the Hashashin, because his army was 10 times larger. The original tyrannicides were Harmodius and Aristogeiton, a pair of lovers who murdered the brother of Athenian tyrant Hippias. However, many Samurai also chose to become Ronin as a form of resistance against the Tokugawa shogunate. It was thought that the real target may have Toghtekin, but the attackers were discovered to be Assassins, likely after Ahmad-Il, the foster brother of sultan. However, the discord and disunity fermenting in the city weakened Jewish unity and helped the Romans to retake Jerusalem in 70 AD. During an attack on the Lebanese valley of Wadi al-Taym, Bahram captured and tortured to death a local chieftain named Baraq ibn Jandal. Another significant success was the assassination of the son of Mahmud II, Da'ud, who ruled in Azerbaijan and Jibal. [109] So went the tale of the "Old Man in the Mountain", assembled by Marco Polo and accepted by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, an 18th-century Austrian orientalist writer responsible for much of the spread of this legend. Led by militia commander Sid ibn Bad, the attack resulted in the execution of Abu Tahir al-Saigh and the brother of al-Hakim al-Munajjim, with 200 other Assassins killed or imprisoned, some thrown from the top of the citadel. With that, the assembled took part in a ritual violation of Sharia, a banquet with wine, in violation of the Ramadan fast, with their backs turned towards Medina. Some fell into the category of the assassin by default: by becoming Ronin. He was murdered by three Assassins at the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Homs. Not so lucky were Ubayd Allah al-Khatib, qadi of Isfahan, and a qadi of Nishapur, both of whom succumbed to the Assassins' blade. [59] [citation needed] The term hashashin was (and still is) used to describe absent minded criminals and is used derogatorily in all the Muslim sources referring to the Nizaris as such. It was Isma'ili doctrine that he kept Nizar's lineage intact through the so-called "concealed Imams". [22], The Assassins seized Persian castles of Rudkhan and Gerdkuh in 1096, before turning to Syria. Using the Sacred Band and similar tactics, the Thebans were able to defeat the Spartans again in 371 BC at the battle of Leuctra. Khwarezm had collapsed under the Mongols, but many of the Kwarezmians still operated as mercenaries in northern Iraq. While it's true that the Crusaders targeted Hassan-i Sabbah and his Order, they never managed to defeat it though the Crusaders were also engaged in war with other Islamic groups across the Holy Lands. [41], The Isma'ili response to the Seljuk invasion of 1126 was multi-faceted. Surprised, the count immediately recognized that Rashid's army was indeed the strongest, because it did everything at his command, and Rashid further gained the count's respect.[126]. The first Assassin's Creed protagonist, Altar, is tasked with killing nine people. It is uncertain whether "Khudawand Muhammad" refers to Muhammad Shah b. Mu'min Shah of the Muhammad Shahi line of Nizari Imams, or Islam Shah b. Qasim Shah of the Qasim Shahi line. Though secret societies likely make people think of old men sitting . It is unlikely that the austere Hassan-i Sabbah indulged personally in drug taking there is no mention of that drug hashish in connection with the Persian Assassins especially in the library of Alamut ("the secret archives"). The Ronin kept the residence of Kira under surveillance. The Order of Assassins, or just the Assassins, were a state of Nizari Ismaili, a sect of Sha Islam, from the 11th to 13th centuries CE. The ronin then laid his head on Asano Naganoris tomb. History of Yesterday Why Did the Black Hand of Serbia Want to Kill Franz Ferdinand? However, even this anti-Ismaili historian makes no mention of the gardens on the Alamut grounds. Windows Central is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. He then marched to Jerusalem to join Eleazar, the leader of the rebellion. Sinn wrote to Leopold V absolving Richard I of complicity in the plot. Sabbah's father was a Qahtanite Arab, said to be a descendant of Himyaritic kings,[13] having emigrated to Qom from Kufa. [61] He abrogated the exoteric practice of Sharia and stressed on the esoteric (batini) side of the laws. This term of abuse was picked up locally in Syria by the Crusaders and European travelers and adopted as the designation of the Nizari Ismailis. Amalric had du Mesnil kidnapped and imprisoned at Tyre. Sabbah is reputed to have remarked, "the killing of this devil is the beginning of bliss" on hearing to the death of Nizam. Alternately, the king could pay the tribute the Assassins paid the Templars and Hospitallers. The great Assassin Rashid ad-Din Sinan, the Old Man of the Mountain, died in 1193, the same year that claimed Saladin. Marco Polo recounts the following method how the Hashashin were recruited for jihad and assassinations on behalf of their master in Alamut: He was named Aloeddin, and his religion was that of Mahomet. Later, he returned and captured the city for Antioch, as the town's residents overwhelmingly approved of Frankish rule. Heres how it works. Shams ad-Din was arrested in the plot, but released when his father argued his case. One group entered at the front, the other at the back. The Knights Templar The first seal of the Knights. Assassins disguised as Christian monks had infiltrated the bishopric of Tyre, gaining the confidence of both the archbishop Joscius and Conrad of Montferrat. Many took refuge with the Banu Munqidh at Shaizar. The Hashshashin concluded that Mongke had gone too far. This was the beginning of the Nizari Isma'ili State and the Assassins. The chief thereupon addressing them, said: We have the assurances of our prophet that he who defends his lord shall inherit Paradise, and if you show yourselves devoted to the obedience of my orders, that happy lot awaits you. Animated to enthusiasm by words of this nature, all deemed themselves happy to receive the commands of their master, and were forward to die in his service. [128] Having destroyed a number of texts in the library's collection, deemed by Juvayni to be heretical, it would be expected that he would pay significant attention to the Nizari gardens, particularly if they were the site of drug use and temptation. Although some took up other careers in commerce and farming, others became mercenaries. The Sacred Band fought the Spartans at Tegyra in 375 BC, vanquishing an army that was at least three times its size. But a handful of groups have recruited enough of these individuals to assemble into entire organizationsmade up of those willing to kill for what they believe in. The most famous was the assassination of Franz Oppenhoff, appointed head of Aachen. Hassan-i Sabbah was not a direct descendant of Nizar and so a da'i rather than an Imam. 120", "Who is Ahmad al-Hassan al-Yamani, and why do so many Shas think he is the promised messiah? [2] Contemporaneous historians include Arabs ibn al-Qalanisi and Ali ibn al-Athir, and the Persian Ata-Malik Juvayni. He was succeeded by his 9-year-old son Imam 'Al ad-Din Muhammad, known as Muhammad III, and was the penultimate Isma'ili ruler of Alamut before the Mongol conquest. The legends developed in stages from the time of Sinan and throughout the thirteenth century. 129, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFBritannica2002 (, the 19 Angels that guard Hell in the Islamic faith, "Isma'ili History: Nezri Isma'ilism of the Alamut Period, in Encyclopedia Iranica", "Nezri Isma'ilism of the Alamut Period. Abbes body was dumped in the Gulf of Mexico and was never recovered, and the prison sentences handed out to society members were enough to lead to the organizations downfall. ThoughtCo Hashshashin: The Assassins of Persia, Haaretz The Historic Mixup That Made People Fear Hashish, India TV News How The Word Assassin Originated From Hashshashin Of Persia. In the late sixteenth century, the warlord Oda Nobunaga curtailed Ninja activities. However, as they expected to awake in paradise, this did not trouble them. [28], The Assassins wreaked havoc on the Syrian rulers, with their first major kill being that of Mawdud, atabeg of Mosul, in 1113. Officially called Operation Carnival, the assassins disguised themselves as downed German pilots to get close enough to Aachens mayor to shoot and kill him. The next year, after taking Azaz, Assassins again struck, wounding Saladin. The strangler sects were stopped by the Umayyads; the Assassins would not be by the later caliphates. Agca has never officially said why he attempted the assassination, but he was known to have links to far-right paramilitary groups like the fascist Grey Wolves. He captured the port of Damietta from the aging al-Salih Ayyub which he refused to turn over to Conrad II, who had inherited the throne of Jerusalem from his parents Frederick II and Isabella II. The Alamuts had a previous history with al-Nasir, supplying Assassins to attack a Kwarezm representative of shah Ala ad-Din Tekish, but that was more of an action of convenience than formal alliance. [3][4], The Nizari Isma'ili State, later known as the Assassins, was founded by Hassan-i Sabbah. This was a common occurrence during the early Edo period of the seventeenth century. [16] No interactions between the Christian forces of the First Crusade and the Assassins have been noted, with the latter concentrating on the Muslim enemies of the former. 108-109, A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred Years, pgs. Some of these groups had no affiliations or allegiances, making them wholly neutral and socially independent, even if they had a governing agenda. He had committed to prosecuting the Sixth Crusade and married the heiress to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Isabella II. Alarmed, he kept the matter a secret. He narrowly survived poisoning from the blade of the Assassin. After that, Josephus tells us that: many were slain every day, while the fear men were in of being so served was afflicting. Assassin's Creed: Origins takes a leap of faith onto shelves on October 27th, 2017, and will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. After that time, Assassins never allowed their women to be at their fortresses during military campaigns, both for protection and secrecy. These fictitious accounts focused on the sinister objectives, immoral doctrines and libertine practices[120] of the Ismaili communities in Syria and Persia and aimed to discredit their devotion to Islam and their connections to Imam Ali through his marriage to Fatima. The spread of the term was further facilitated through military encounters between the Nizaris and the Crusaders, whose chroniclers adopted the term and disseminated it across Europe. [48], The reign of Buzurg Ummid ended with his death in 1138, showing a relatively small list of assassinations. The son and successor of the last high-profile victim of the Assassins, al-Mustarshid, was ar-Rashid. Most were dismantled afterwards, while those at Masyaf and Ulayqa were later rebuilt. The Damascenes turned on the Assassins leaving "dogs yelping and quarreling over their limbs and corpses." While he assembled the accounts of many Western travellers, the author failed to explain the etymology of the term Assassin. In the end, Frederick did not complete that trip to the Holy Land due to illness, being excommunicated in 1227. Some killed for their beliefs or country while others did it for the money. [67][68] Saladin then turned his attention back to the Assassins, besieging Masyaf in 1176. Real-world organized crime is all about money, but as in Wick, it also functions like a kind of killer fraternity. Defiant to the last, the Sicarii had chosen suicide to crucifixion or enslavement. Originally referring to the methods of political control exercised by the Assasiyuun, one can see how it became "assassin" in several languages to describe similar activities anywhere. TOP 5 REAL ASSASSINS CAUGHT ON CAMERA & SPOTTED IN REAL LIFE! [91], The Assassins suffered a significant blow at the hands of the Mongol Empire during the well-documented invasion of Khwarazm. 119, A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred Years, pg. Indeed, while the upcoming tale of Bayek and his journey through Egypt will tell us the origins of the Assassins in Ubisoft's universe, the Assassin Order itself was based on this real-world organization of spies and (unsurprisingly) assassins. The Isma'ili leaders were eventually implicated and agreed to surrender their castles and live at Baibars' court. G.P. At this time, the Shia were a minority ruled over by a Sunni caliphate. 10 Despicably Hateful Organizations Currently, 10 Deadliest Serial Killer Couples By Kill Count, 10 Coincidences That Helped Shape US History, 10 Amazing Artworks from The Mysterious Etruscans, Top 10 Completely Pointless but Still Controversial Arguments for Couples, 10 Dark Facts of the Korean War They Dont Teach You in School, 10 Times Famous Directors Made Unexpected Surprising Films, 10 Unsettling Unsolved Mysteries from the Old West, 10 Times Live Theatre Went Spectacularly Wrong, 10 Rare and Horrifying Neurological Disorders, Top 10 Interesting Facts about the Great Wall of China, Ten Real Reasons Behind Crazy Nautical Myths, 10 Obscure Farewell Albums Recorded by Dying Musicians. 127, A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred Years, pg. Brendan Lowry is a Windows Central writer and Oakland University graduate with a burning passion for video games, of which he's been an avid fan since childhood. The alliance was first shown in the assassination in 1103 of Janah ad-Dawla, emir of Homs and a key opponent of Ridwan. [15], Shortly after establishing their headquarters at Alamut Castle, the sect captured Lambsar Castle, to be the largest of the Isma'ili fortresses and confirming the Assassins' power in northern Persia. Cataloguing a number of Ismaili texts, Ivanov provided the ground for great strides in modern Isma'ili scholarship.[127]. Even though they failed to kill their target, their actions were glorified by Athenian history, and their motivation was elevated to an Athenian ideal. He formed the Sacred Band into a single dense unit, the cavalry behind them and sent them to the Spartans- not to attack the whole force but to pick off the leaders and best fighters. [96], The last known victim of the Assassins was Philip of Montfort, lord of Tyre, long an enemy of Baibars. [115] There is evidence to suggest that the Nizar Ismaili fidaiis may have killed fewer than five Frankish personalities during the entire period of the Crusaders presence at Outremer[116] which is the name known for the Crusader States of the Levant that lasted from 1098-1291 AD. By the 14th century, European scholarship on the topic had not advanced much beyond the work and tales from the Crusaders. Assassins are also said to have been adept in furusiyya, or the Islamic warrior code, where they were trained in combat, disguises, and equestrianism. 8 The Band of Thebes There are assassins for hire in history, but a global organization of assassins is not only contrived but also impractical especially in terms of communication pre-modern times. The new sultan Barkiyaruq, son of Malik-Shah I, did not continue the direct attack on Alamut, concentrating on securing his position against rivals, including his half-brother Muhammad I Tapar, who eventually settled for a smaller role, becoming malik (translated as "king") in Armenia and Azerbaijan. Free of any oaths of loyalty, they could group with other Ronin to act against the regime covertly and without endangering the honor of their Lord. The name Visha Kanya comes from the Sanskrit for poison girl or poison damsel a literal description of the role of the Visha Kanya who were female assassins who killed with poison. Assassination was a form of covert war, and to that end, the King needed to retain operatives who could deal with specific targets. However, the Templars have become a huge corporation that creates weird memory technology that allows you to experience your ancestors' lives and gain their skills because video games are, if nothing else, super weird. Khwaja was murdered by Abu-Muhammad's nephew Abu Mansur, causing Alamut to reassert control. The more senior assassins help put together teams that maximize the chance for success in every mission. Each Hashshashin knew that his death would follow a hit. 1. Then Menahem alienated rebels and civilians alike by claiming to be the Messiah. Many records, such as The Templars and the Assassins5, indicate that the Hashashins made use of small, concealable daggers. [51][52], The decades after the assassination of al-Mustarshid showed an expansion of Assassin castles in Jabal Bahr', to the northwest of their Syrian fortresses in Jabal as-Summaq. The intricate network of treaties between the various European states meant that more and more countries were drawn into the conflict, resulting in a war that went far beyond the Balkans: the First World War. However, after that, the outcome was not quite as the gang had planned. The name Sicarii is the plural of the Latin Sicarius or dagger man. Because of the Jewish assassins, the term also later became synonymous with an assassin or murderer. [9] Prominent Assassin leaders operating in Syria included al-Hakim al-Munajjim, the physician-astrologer (d. 1103), Abu Tahir al-Saigh, the goldsmith (d. 1113), Bahram al-Da'i (d. 1127), and Rashid ad-Din Sinan, renowned as the greatest Assassin chief (d. 1193). Furthermore, Willey points out that a courtier of Hulagu Khan, Juvayni, surveyed the Alamut castle just before the Mongol invasion. In 1124, Hassan-i Sabbah died, leaving a legacy that reverberated throughout the Middle East for centuries. The end of Assassin influence in Aleppo ended in 1124 when they were expelled by Belek Ghazi, a successor to Ilghazi. The training of a Vishakanya began as a child. While not proven, there are very legitimate theories that the KGB or its Bulgarian counterpart were behind the attempt on the pope's life. [2] Nowell, Charles. After a while, you can see if you qualify for a sniper position. October 2, 2020. So their ally became a target. He then sold the fortress to the Assassins in 1133. Ridwan, the emir of Aleppo, was in search of allies and worked closely with al-Hakim leading to speculation that Ridwan himself was a Nizari. At this point, the Assassins were an integral part of Syrian politics. However, Pelopidas did not despair. Other than a mention of Tancred's 1106 taking of Apamea (see below) in Gesta Tancredi,[17] Western Europe likely first learned of the Assassins from the chronicles of William of Tyre, A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, published much later. [123][124], The tales of the fida'is' training collected from anti-Ismaili historians and orientalist writers were compounded and compiled in Marco Polo's account, in which he described a "secret garden of paradise". Click here to watch "Secret Societies" on HISTORY Vault 1. The sultan threatened Bohemond VI, and the Assassins attacked future king Edward I of England unsuccessfully. The group was known as followers of Judas of Galilee, and their goal was a simple one: incite rebellion against Rome. [75], Conrad was Sinn's last assassination. [98] Without actually accusing the group of using the hashish drug, the caliph used the term in a pejorative manner. In Rudbar, a new and powerful fortress was built at Maymundiz and new territories acquired. The Knights Hospitaller were not as accommodating as Alamut, demanding their share of the tribute. If the leader has committed atrocities against his people and the common good, if the death will advance the common good, and if the act is a last resort, it can be justifiedand those who commit the assassination are the tyrannicides. Officially called Operation Carnival, the assassins disguised themselves as downed German pilots to get close enough to Aachen's mayor to shoot and kill him. The Assassins were finally linked by the 19th-century orientalist Silvestre de Sacy to the Arabic word hashish using their variant names assassin and assissini in the 19th century. So in a last-ditch attempt to turn things around, Henrich Himmler came up with a plan. This practice, known as Mithridatism was designed to render the future assassin immune to the poison they would use on their targets. [38], At the same time, in Syria, a Persian named Bahram al-Da'i, the successor to Abu Tahir al-Saigh who had been executed in Aleppo in 1113, appeared in Damascus reflecting cooperation between the Assassins and Toghtekin, including a joint operation against the Crusaders. In 1097, Barkiyaruq associate Bursuq was killed by Assassins.[24]. There you have it: the real-world history behind Assassin's Creed. However, the unit was also unique in another way. Murder, Inc. was a branch of the National Crime Syndicate, responsible for 4001,000 assassinations during the 1930s and 1940s. When Sabbah fell ill and died in 1124 (he had lived 90 years - an exceptionally long life for a man in the medieval times! According to Saladin and The Fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem1, The Hashashins (Arabic and Persian for "assassins") originated in 1094 in Syria (and what is now northern Iran) under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah, a popular and well-respected Shia Muslim, in order to topple his enemies amidst the religious and political unrest in the Holy Lands. The Hashashin frequently appeared in the art and literature of the Middle Ages, sometimes, they were portrayed as one of the knight's archenemies and they were also portrayed as a quintessential villain during the crusades. [112] From then on, the Ismailis maintained limited autonomy over those former strongholds as loyal subjects of the Mamluks.[113]. In this process, the westerners, who in the Crusaders times had a high disposition towards imaginative and romantic eastern tales, were greatly influenced by the biases and the general hostility of the non-Ismaili Muslims towards the Ismailis, hostility which had earlier given rise to the anti-Ismaili black legend of the Sunni polemicists as well as some popular misconceptions about the Ismailis. [96], The last of the Assassin strongholds was al-Kahf in 1273. Left in his tent studying the Quran, he was murdered by a large group of Assassins. The term "assassin" likely has roots in hashshshn ("hashish smokers or users"), a mispronunciation of the original Assiyyn, but not a mispronunciation of Assasiyeen (pronounced "Assiyyeen", the plural of "Asasi"). The Hashashins managed to capture and control several similar fortresses along Syria's mountain ranges, and as a result their influence and size continued to grow. When the Great Jewish revolt began in 66AD, the Sicarii started their part of the campaign by capturing the Roman fortress at Masada. (1930) Hassan-i-Sabbah and the Assassins. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. Assassin's Creed has in-depth lore and most of it is adapted from real-life history. The Werwolves were hastily trained up in covert activities. The Hashshashin were not the first covert group in history. No official records exist from here on, though it was rumored that many surviving Hashashins became mercenaries. 10901275 Nizari Shia sect of Persia and Syria, A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred Years, pgs. [1] She would then be sent into an enemy camp or tasked with getting close to a rival king, administering poison to him while eating and drinking from the same vessels to allay suspicion. [64] After seven years at al-Kahf, Sinn assumed that role, operating independently of and feared by Alamut, relocating the capital to Masyaf. West of Alamut in the Shahrud Valley, the major fortress of Lambsar served as just one example of such a retreat. Originally, his arrest came with a 14-year sentence on drug charges, and his execution came amid conspiracy theories about just who he had killed and who he was really connected to. Other assassins were very much part of society. The group has included influential figures such as George Washington, Ben Franklin, J. Edgar Hoover, Benedict Arnold, and more. They also began to take out critical official targets in Allied-held towns. They also included women. "Hidden in plain sight" would be the best way to work for The Creed in the modern world. Ill-prepared, poorly trained and too young and inexperienced, they were little more than a last-minute desperate measure by a failing regime. So he set up squads of young assassins that were sent beyond enemy lines into former German-held territories to erode the Allies authority. For about two centuries, the Assassins specialized in assassinating their religious and political enemies. [119] Sunni polemic texts known as black legends adopted the terms Hashishiya and malahida to describe their supposed devotion to this drug and their status heretics according to many Sunni Muslim medieval scholars. There are, nevertheless, no recorded instances of Assassin activity after the later 13th century. This tactic sent the Spartans into disarray, and they dispersed. [7] There is little evidence hashish was used to motivate the Assassins, contrary to the beliefs of their Medieval enemies. When four or five days had thus been passed, they were thrown once more into a state of somnolency, and carried out of the garden. In order that none without his licence might find their way into this delicious valley, he caused a strong and inexpugnable castle to be erected at the opening of it, through which the entry was by a secret passage. The latter was applied by other Muslims to Nizaris in the pejorative sense of low-class rabble or people of lax morality, without any derivative explanation reflecting any special connection between the Nizaris and hashish,[citation needed] a product of cannabis. For the most part, the Assassins maintained full control over these fortresses until 12701273 when the Mamluk sultan Baibars annexed them. According to Plutarch, this was because since the lovers, ashamed to be base in sight of their beloved, and the beloved before their lovers, willingly rush into danger for the relief of one another. (Life of Pelopidas). They also learned unarmed combat, including how to strangle a target with a piece of string. [30][31], The Assassins struck again in Damascus in 1116. Given these successes, they began expanding their operations into Syria. Regarded as one of the most fearful of all secret societies, the Hashashin, the Assassins, seemed capable of penetrating any security, of striking down any victim regardless of the body of men who might guard him.They moved as if they were deadly shadows and struck with a fury that shattered the nerves and the resolve of their most stalwart foes. All were specialized killers, trained to take out specific religious or political targets quickly and cleanly without widespread bloodshed. New York, That prompted an Assassin attack on Qazvin, resulting in the loss of 400 lives in addition to a Turkish emir. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, 120-121, A History of the Crusades: The First Hundred Years, pgs. In the context of their political uprising, the various spaces of Isma'ili military presence took on the name dar al-hijra ( ; land of migration, place of refuge). The rulers of the Nizari Isma'ili State were religious leaders, at first da'i and later Imams.

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