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Here, several thousand White Scars engaged the enclave's defenders, several hundred warriors clad in huge and ponderous battle-plate, studded with heavybore cannon and beam arrays, each more like a small tank than a normal warrior. There they awaited judgement, guarded by the Khagan's own retinue. When the ordeal was over, Horus emerged changed by the visions he had experienced, and incorporated such lodges into his own legion, spreading the taint even further. Afterward, Mortarion swore to serve the Emperor, and took command of the XIV Legion, the Death Guard. Jaghatai, even as a young child, was the greatest warrior of the tribe and gathered Talaskar troops to avenge the death of his father. The Alpha Legion formation reacted just as a blockade ought to react, maintaining a rigid web across the widest area of space, each node backed up by a second rank of warships held in reserve. The Khagan chose the lawless worlds of the Kolarne Circle for his initiation campaign. Everything had changed so quickly, garbled in a flurry of contradictory astropathy and secure comm-bursts: Russ of the Space Wolves had gone rogue; or the Warmaster had, taking several Legions with him; the White Scars were ordered to reinforce the Alpha Legion at the Alaxxes Nebula; Ferrus Manus had killed the peacock Fulgrim; Mars and the Mechanicum was in open revolt against the Emperor. Blurry pict-feeds flickered into life, clarifying rapidly as Servitors adjusted the image gain logic engines. He promised the White Scars that his master would do everything in his power to treat Arvida's condition, for the Sigillite had long been awaiting his arrival at Terra. White Scars vessels dropped formation, protecting their own flanks and leaving holes in the offensive wall. Their pauldrons were olive-green and the links between the plates were cold iron. White Scars. The bridge fell silent. His nomadic people had no wish to rule these new, settled lands, only to carry on living in their old ways. Warhammer 40k Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The best Imperial naval officers could not have performed such a manoeuvre in less than five solar minutes, and it would have required hundreds of course-correction warnings and solar hours of preparation to bring off. He was hated by the other tribes because of his ability to see beyond the constant warfare on the steppes to a vision of unity for all the downtrodden peoples of the Empty Quarter. He would also earn the distinction of being the one Primarch who could form a friendship with Konrad Curze. The Noyan-Khan did not understand why the flotilla of newly arrived Traitor vessels did not make contact. The glowing exoskeleton of one of the creatures hardened, solidifying like freezing ice, allowing Qin Xa to strike the vile creature with his Power Sword. After the battle was clearly lost, he took the time to bombard the walls one last time just to penetrate them. Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 29 The Siege, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 30 Imperium Invictus, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 31 The Age of Rebirth. But this was merely a feint, as it was actually Keshig Master Qin Xa, wearing the Khagan's armour. If Magnus had not already made up his mind on which side of the conflict he would be on, then he soon would, and then Mortarion would be surrounded. By the latter years of the 800s.M30, the Vth Legion had earned itself a reputation for the types of operation for which it would later become most well-known, but not all of its wars were fought in isolation. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The website with some good insight on lore and also just funny in general. The cumbersome plate of his foes was proof against much of the White Scars' lighter weaponry, no doubt a relic of some lost technology of the by-gone Dark Age, but these forgotten cousins of Terra could not match the White Scars' speed. He and Vulkan shared enmity for their differences in ideology. Kicking the retros at the last moment, the voidbikes skidded around in zero-gravity then powered into the Swordstorm's inertia bubble. He also has a suit of unpainted power armor worn by Malacador's Knight-Errant. Horus was able to lure fully half of the Space Marine Legions and large elements of the Imperial Army and Adeptus Mechanicus to his cause, thus setting into motion the Horus Heresy, the most terrible conflict in galactic history. Cookie Notice The warriors of the Vth Legion were to maintain perimeter integrity and not to permit Alpha Legion spacecraft to penetrate within range of the core White Scars fleet. According to the writings about the Great Khan found in the White Scars' fortress-monastery of Quan Zhou, the White Scars learned upon their return to Chogoris following the end of the Heresy that their homeworld and its people had been the target of numerous raids by the Drukhari to seize thousands of Chogorians as slaves. The frail woman explained to him that it was she that had opened the docking bay doors. It was the chance to mould the White Scars Legion into what it should have been -- a shock-attack force to rival the vaunted speartip of the Sons of Horus, only shackled to a greater, more generous mind than that of the mighty Khan. His brother had tasted the fruits of treachery and found them bitter. The chance to run ahead of the storm, to exult in the unknown and the sheer joy of the destruction that follows was fading, leaving only the dull work of governance. Improve this listing. The other choice, no less invidious, was to remain true to their oaths and bound to a slow diminishment. It turned out to be the ruin the Crimson King had worked for centuries to avoid, but their father was not the forgiving sort. Though the White Scars were not "executioners" like the Space Wolves or "world eaters" like Angron's berserk XIIth Legion's warriors or "the perfect" Astartes like Fulgrim's Emperor's Children, the White Scars were what they were. His lone eye did not focus -- in the past, its focus had been remorseless. Up close, their fleet-markings were now easily identifiable -- they were XIVth Legion, the Death Guard, not warships from the Sons of Horus. It was known Yesugei asked after the fate of his friend Ahzek Ahriman, whom he had hoped to see again, but Arvida could give him no guidance. The citizens of the Imperium at large were taught that humanity had moved beyond religion and superstition. These conquests were complete but slow, and the Emperor harshly rebuked the Word Bearers for their unwanted worship, destroying the temple-city of Monarchia, forcing Lorgar and his soldiers to kneel in its ashes, and ordering them to follow the Ultramarines' more secular example. Wracked by pain and festering with corruption, Mortarion's superhuman resilience left him unable to die, and in agony he promised his legion's soul to any who would deliver him. He delibarely had his legion decimate itself with no real rhyme or reason to the process. The Vth Legion returned to the Great Crusade not as the Pioneer Companies of old, but as the White Scars, united as a true Legion. There were many victories claimed by the Great Crusade that would not have been possible without the depredations caused by these warriors. The Great Crusade commenced again, though this time with a Warmaster at its apex, not an Emperor. All but one -- a grey-haired woman wearing a rumpled and torn Imperial Army general's uniform. The Khan turned to Arvida and ordered him to get him off of Prospero. Led by the esteemed Hasik Noyan-Khan, the Warrior Lodge members declared their allegiance to Horus. For an instant his mind was filled with visions of lashing out further, of bringing punishment down on the entirety of his errant gene-progeny like some vengeful god of the forgotten past. It died upon his blade, but the explosion of aetheric force unleashed was very nearly his end too. He scanned over to the command throne, where the fighting was heaviest. The Alpha Legion most likely had never witnessed such ship mastery. Overhead loomed an archway of the quivering, still-living flesh of what must surely have once been a man. The results were not encouraging -- no Vox signals were detected and there were no transports nor energy-trails. Dorn was furious at the action and tried to convince the painter to redo the work, but said painter seemed to have got the message and declined to do so. But before his friend Qin Xa died, he told Arvida to do everything in his power to find a cure for the Flesh-Change. During a campaign involving the Iron Warriors, the Imperial Fists, and the Blood Angels, Dorn was widely lauded in the aftermath of the conflict and presented with a medal, while Perturabo was offered nothing. The Khan bowed his head. The Khan never agreed with this obfuscation of the truth, especially the Emperor's refusal to explain to His people the dangers of Chaos, and father and son had often argued over the matter. For all that, the individual engagements were muted, probing, restrained. Halfway up a staircase, on a colonnaded landing area, a line of White Scars waited. They were also constantly being stalked and harangued by Traitor ships from a combined Traitor taskforce comprised of both the Death Guard and the Emperor's Children, led by Lord Commander Eidolon himself. When the end finally came, when Horus died at the hands of the Emperor aboard his Battle Barge Vengeful Spirit in orbit above Mankind's homeworld, the White Scars emerged from the fires of galactic civil war bloodied, but alive. The Alpha Legion, for some unknown reason, wanted the White Scars to return to Terra and aid in its defence from whomever the real Traitors were. As Angron himself generates two Blood Tithe points when he is killed, and a minimum of one is generated any time, In-story, an effect of the Great Rift and the circumstances of his most recent summoning into the Materium have "anchored" him into realspace, making permanently banishing him nigh-impossible. Seven Terran years after the end of the Horus Heresy, during the period called the Time of Rebirth the Imperium was largely guided by the Ultramarines Primarch and Lord Commander of the Imperium Roboute Guilliman, the White Scars adopted Guilliman's Codex Astartes and the Vth Legion allowed itself to be grudgingly divided into several different Successor Chapters. They were ruined things, twisted and hunched, though still twice the size of the Terminators before them. Why the silence? Inspired by this success, the Loyalists also tried to seize the Eternity Wall Spaceport, but were driven back by the Chaos forces without difficulty, as they had reinforced their garrison following the loss of the Lion's Gate. There were dozens, sliding up out of the ground like unquiet shades rising from the grave. From among those of his warriors who had acquitted themselves well in the battle, Jaghatai Khan chose three to act as his ambassadors to the enclave's ruler, exemplars of the Primarch's Legion and fitting to carry his words, a symbol of both his respect for a worthy foe and of the strength which backed his pledge. No one could have accused him of being a sorcerer. The young Khan's first reaction was to shove her aside and get to the enemy. The Khan ordered his troops to reactivate the spaceport's Defence Lasers to prevent the Traitor fleet from bringing down any more troops and equipment and form a defensive perimeter to hold their newly reconquered territory. Two were quite well known within the official historical records; Magnus of the Thousand Sons and the angelic Sanguinius of the Blood Angels. The two Primarchs circled one another, prepared to finally engage in a deadly duel that would decide one another's fate -- speed against implacability. He did not attend because he was sent away to the Chondax System, just as the Council was preparing to meet at Nikaea. The eyes of the occupants were unfocused and vacant, every mouth slack and drooling. He would fight once again for unity and in secret revelled in the new challenge before him, at last able to slip the bonds of duty that had kept him busy with the mundane realities of governorship on Chogoris. The Keshig prepared to face the ghostly insects, knowing full well their weapons were useless against the Warp-spawned creatures. Mortarion brushed off the Khan's reasoning, but Jaghatai pressed him. The force that finally assembled in the skies above Chogoris in those early years of Jaghatai's command was not a unified Legion. Of course, all of this could be nothing more than Alpha Legion propaganda and misinformation TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. There were also conflicting reports received from the Imperial Fists Legion's Primarch Rogal Dorn that urged the White Scars to return to Terra to help defend the Throneworld alongside Dorn and Leman Russ, supposedly now a Traitor, as soon as possible. The forces were even now, each carrying devastating amounts of firepower. The Khan turned back, and caught sight of the Thousand Sons Legionary among the others. No torpedoes were launched, no gunship wings were unleashed. Such was the way of the old plains: grievances would be heard, penance would be meted, bonds restored. Despite this, the proliferation of these Warrior Lodges quickly spread amongst the other Legions -- even into the White Scars Legion. They were clad in pale, thick-slabbed Terminator Armour and carried huge Power Scythes known as Manreapers. Many Space Marine Chapters have existed for millennia, with those of the First Founding having their roots in the original Legions created to prosecute the conquests of the Emperor's Great Crusade. It was at Chondax that they first received the news of the Space Wolves Legion's actions during the Burning of Prospero. For more information, please see our The silent Deathshroud were just as implacable as their master, as they fought the White ScarsKeshig amidst the wreckage. Though Arvida seriously contemplated becoming a part of a Legion once more, he eventually refused -- he would would remain, always and forever, a Son of Magnus and a loyal servant of the Emperor. Torghun, like many of his erstwhile lodge brothers, had made their choice a long time ago, years back when the first stirrings of the lodges had come to their ears. The Emperor's judgement at the Council of Nikaea proved severe, largely as a result of His anger at Magnus for delving into forbidden sorcery in contravention of the Emperor's explicit warnings to him decades before. There was no benefit to it whatsoever, he just wanted to spite Dorn for being picked over him to build the Palace by proving he could break whatever Dorn built. Appointments 216.444.5725. Horus and Jaghatai had always seen things the same way. His improvements in technology and efficiency reversed Chemos' decline so that it finally produced more than it consumed, allowing a renaissance of arts and culture. The White Wolf Wiki started in May 2004, and currently has 22,437 articles. Most historical accounts indicate that Jaghatai was overawed by the Emperor of Mankind and submitted without question, but his own journals and writings show a more pragmatic reasoning behind the submission. Things were now moving very quickly. It was a fertile world with wide, open, green plains and tall, white mountains and blue seas. Some took their own lives rather than endure the shame of surrender, though most recognised the authority of the Khagan and offered up their blades in contrition. The Noyan-Khan replied that he had only wished for his Primarch and Horus to be reunited once more. The Khan remained still. The world's wind howled in their empty wake, the ash stirred, the lightning forked. The Legion had turned upon itself, as the hidden divisions were suddenly exposed everywhere at once. He held his dao poised, waiting for his enemy to move. Jaghatai's refusal in later years to amend the practises of his Legion to more closely fit the Imperial Truth were yet another source of conflict between the Great Khan and some of his brothers, notably Lorgar and Roboute Guilliman. The Primarchs were sorely tested, for while such as they could scarcely know fear, each soon bore a dozen and more hurts. Warriors remained in position, their weapons still poised. He's also THE philosopher for the Ecclesiarchy. Swirls of drifting cloud, as thick and dark as those that swept across Ullanor, covered the ravaged planet. As a result of their Primarch's disappearance, the White Scars hold a particularly savage grudge against the Drukhari and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon those sadistic aliens. The offensive wall Arvida and ordered him to get him off of Prospero the quivering, flesh! To bombard the walls one last time just to penetrate them enemy to move drifting,... Commenced again, though still twice the size of the Thousand Sons Legionary among the others Warmaster... Poised, waiting for his initiation campaign he would also earn the distinction of being the one Primarch who form... Had opened the docking bay doors afterward, Mortarion swore to serve the Emperor, caught... 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