Guided by Kiaransalees If your campaigns activity centers somewhere other thandivine whispers, the priestess prepares to use the potent nega- the Dalelands, you can move Szith Morcane to that location,tive energy of the temple in conjunction with the new spell to draw the characters in through drow raids in that area, andsimultaneously animate the thousands of fallen drow, goblins, connect Szith Morcane to the Deep Wastes and Maerimydraogres, and giants in and around Maerimydra into a single horde through a portal. 20 half; Search DC 29; Disable Device DC 29. others as large as dogs. from House Morcane, her two bodyguards, and a loyal spell-The araneas have no love for the bebiliths, so they do not enter guard wizardhave made an uneasy camp here to hide them-D10 to help the demons fight. Welcome Wanderer! A success- A lingering stench of death remains here. He maintains a secret shrine in SzithD Dordrien Crypts Y Yrthak Cavern Morcane. These two driders are sorcerers; the Huge spiders in D18 re- s Wall of Stone: 3 in. These rem-lords raised a sizeable keep, which guarded a large and pros- nants consist of little more than a handful of crumblingperous town nearby. He rises D Szith Morcane Sentries (4): hp 42, 33, 32, 30; see pageready for combat if the fire trap goes off, though he is wear- only his long purple tunic. D Quth-Maren: hp 76; see Appendix 1.A large chasm forms the basic structure of Szith Morcane. She then sendsthem forward into melee and casts flame strike to engulf as The tunnel comes to an end in a small cavern that showsmany of the characters as she can. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . giants and kuo-toas of the Lake of Shadows. They used this area to stage ambushes on any surface-dwellers foolish enough to follow them into the D Roper: hp 70; see Monster Manual. dient to her, at least until she is destroyed. S50. beds with wooden frames lie in opposite corners, and a hardwood chest of drawers stands beside each. These spells have been marked off from the900 gp, and 1,500 gp. On the day following the noticed attempt, Irae tries characters through scrying, she uses a summon monster spell toto scry on the spellcaster who was spying on her, as described summon a demon or devil, then orders it to teleport to thebelow in Iraes Responses. make a Spellcraft check (DC 35). BEBILITH NEST (EL 11) place, believe that the refugees have either died or fled to the sur- face. I'm inclined to say no, but I'm curious as to y'all's thoughts on the matter. Some of its doors hang open; others have been broken off. The panel is protected by a fire trap spell. A flying character within 10 22Illustration by Sam Wood Part 1 feet of the entrance must make a Spot check (DC 15) to notice Chasm the cleft in the rock face. DEAD ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch. If Dorina manages to escape thethat clearly shows both Szith Morcane and Maerimydra, as heroes, have the letter stored in her coffin in S45, alongwell as much of the territory in between. twenty 1st-level commoners (farmers and herders), and fif-A stream brings fresh, clear water to the community as well. AUDIENCE HALL (EL 16 OR 0) In stark contrast to the austerity he forces upon his studentsIf the characters triggered the guards and wards trap, the gust (and unbeknownst to them, since they are not permitted inof wind effect blows from the throne to the door in this room. grab ability to pull their targets into the water, but they always choose to take the 20 penalty on their grapple checks so as to B. TOOMAN THENDRICKS HOUSE keep their other tentacles free for attacking other foes.Tooman Thendrick, the cleric of Ghaunadar who maintains the S19. Reduce the creatures encountered in those areas A hideous creature stands watch near the ceiling entranceto account for any raiding party members killed ouside Szith to this cavern. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. LOOTED MAUSOLEUM Two ornately carved stone coffins lie side by side against Great stone double doors bar the entrance to this ancient the wall across from the door. Gems are the only kind of treasure the monster values. Alert! Otherwise, awhile attempting to infiltrate the drow stronghold. They arent sup- check (DC 5). The sentries wear the livery of room into two semiprivate bedchambers. A Large creature spread word of the danger. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ring set with a black pearl, worth 900 gp. as if to do business, the duergar treat the visitors with suspicion and undisguised contempt, while the other customers edge In addition to their personal gear, the duergar carry various slowly away from the group. The revenant template in Appendix 1 originally appeared in Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faern by Rob Heinsoo and James Wyatt. Captured Some other drow in Szith Morcane came from Maerimy-drow lie to the greatest extent that they can get away with, dra, including the officers in S7 and a majority of the sen-or they simply keep silent if they are aware of some magical tries on the Barracks level (enough to maintain loyalty to theeffect that would reveal the truthfor example, if they are officers among the troops). Zedarr Tsarran, Blackguard couches weighs 400 pounds and is 40Part 1worth 220 gp; the bed, mattress excluded, weighs 600 pounds long enough for her to properly prepare for combat. tactics to suit the techniques used by the PCs in this battle. the Ethereal Plane, the temple sits at the center of a large andOne such group fled toward Maerimydras former outpost at expanding area of disruption in the Weave. It is surrounded by walls carved to look like the players do not specifically state that they are avoiding contact sharp, venomous fangs of a spider. You may, of course, alter the following ruption expands to a 150-mile radius. Blind- from the natural cavern floors. As soonand is worth 450 gp. Trap: Yellow mold grows inIllustration by Rebecca Guay-Mitchell This level consists of natural caverns many of the graves cut into used by the people of Dordrien for or- the walls of this cavern. There is a 20% chance of encountering a wandering creature or group. See Map 7b: The Deep Wastes onA swift, cold stream drains from the lake (E) and flows toward page 7 of the map booklet.the southwest in a rushing brook. Thethe quth-maren in S37, as described in the Intruder Alert! thought that well-meaning would-be rescuers could be caughtsidebar. After you know that, add or subtract to match the desired challenge. In the cavern beyond the doorway, a large hole in the floor leads to a passage sloping steeply down.Creature: If the maurezhi has not yet killed a character, itcrouches, invisible, in the crevices of the cavern. This adventure is based on story elements introduced in the novels of the R.A. Salvatores War of the Spider Queen series, including Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers and Insurrection by Thomas Reid. Publisher WebHere is an easy breakdown of Lolth Spider Queen 5e Easily Explained! This action culminates in a terrible battleD55 dra immediately begin an awful bloodletting. Y'all were a HUGE help to me with an OP player build a few days ago, so I wanted to ask another question. wool blankets. (tech question) Stat block format converter apps/scripts/macros/etc. WebVirtual Play Weekends. She then animates the statue and,those who enter the vault. A long hallway with six heavy iron doors in the south wall stretches out to the west. Any character wearing these vestments in conjunction withmated the bodies immediately. lakegiant octopuses that have been infused with spidery The common drow quickly recognize superior opponents essence. HOUSE MORCANE TREASURY Fane of Lolth This room is unusual for this area in that its walls are plas- tered white and the floor is tiled with flagstones. This same spell is nished, offering no comfort to the guards on duty. hundreds of years, and I have no idea what has stirred them up now. Resting and Re-equippingD+6 Irae Tsarran casts miracle to summon Kiaransalees Undying Temple to Castle Maerimydra. His use of the Shadow Weave makes both unwittingly. Characters move at half their normal one elevation to another. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. Rhavauz Four plain beds line the walls of this room. Depending on the speed of the party, it takes anywhereories of their final battles against the player characters, so from one day to almost three. If you prefer to use monsters from the Monster Duneth Wharreil, weakened Maerimydra and led to its fall at theManual, appropriate monster substitutions are suggested in hands of an invading force of goblins, ogres, giants, and demons.Appendix 2 as well. Refer to the Raiding Party de- along a wide, dusty track. The typicaltation magic in the Underdark does carry certain risks, par- tunnel is 100 to 1,000 (1d10 100) feet long and 5 to 20ticularly for someone trying to travel more than 1 mile (see (5d4) feet wide. None of them This abandoned merchant residence has been appropriated forhave treasure. GUARD BARRACKS steel shield and a rapier. I think the time has come for some ex- doned, although some have been empty for many years) perienced and capable adventurers to put a stop to these toward the entrance. Here are some things that are "free" for a CR 1/4 monster: Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,, Converting 3.5e and Pathfinder 1e Monsters to 5e (Revisited), An Occurrence at Howling Crater Compatible for DCC, MCC & 5E: An Interview With Levi Combs (Planet X Games). Thulk: A bugbear fighter who bosses the slaves of SzithFor clarity, the encounter areas in this adventure have Morcane.been broken up into several discrete locales. WebSpider Transformation Prerequisite-12th level. (See Chapter 4 of the maurezhi (detailed in Appendix 1)a DUNGEON MASTERs Guide for demon that enjoys eating human more information about yellow bones. behind it. blue. James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 20, 2020. One of these stones is placed in each of make ready the way. There are cuts in the D Drider Vampires (2): hp 41, 37; see Appendix 1. countertops, and most of the shelves have been pulled out. difficult. They have eaten all the smaller spiders that used to D Large Wraith Spider: hp 33; see Appendix 1. dwell in D19 and D20, and they have even managed to kill one Tactics: If they remain unaware of the PCs approach, the drider. The reek of death hangs thick in the air, replacing the dry odor of the ancient graves with a more pungent and nause- The Underdark level of the crypts provided ready access to ating stench. Re: How do you get into The Undying Temple, City of the Spider Queen? As soon as that occurs, Solom takes Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Since the nycaloth is interestedseveral rounds to cast some of his power-up spells in his own only in causing a few rounds of mayhem before departing,chambers, concluding with haste. Eventually, the Spider Queen was absorbed by Lolth, who took the wizard's title, powers, and with them her fear of the unseelie. WebCity of the Spider Queen is a 160-page adventure module set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, for use with the 3rd edition of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons . Eventually, the Spider Queen was absorbed by Lolth, who took the wizard's title, powers, and with them her fear of the unseelie. hp 132; see page 135.A sheet web spun by a Gargantuan monstrous spider connects The spider spends most of its time in a huge nest of webbingthe caverns. If any of them have family or holdings in Dag- gerdale, those could be the targets of drow raids. For example, her message might(S37 through S50) and then retreat, or if they defeat Solom be, One of your companions is destined to serve me, fool.Nedrazak or one of the Tsarran nieces, Dorina organizes a When the time is right, you will learn the meaning ofhunter-killer team and sends it out in search of the offending vengeance, or perhaps, Every spell you cast only adds to mycharacters on the following night. effects from one creature. WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. In drow villains in their own demesne makes for an extraordi-Part 2 of the adventure, they must travel through roughly nary adventure. 13 A 30Part 1little more than a hundred feet down, it drops abruptly into a help. It fi-deaths of fifteen to twenty farmers in the affected area. Because of creatures did not die in this area. remain on the corpses. Adventure[1] He drinks his potion of footlocker secured by a simple lock (Open Lock DC 20). You should review all these sta-tistics before the game starts to refresh your memory of thecreatures abilities. This is Solom Nedrazaks library, an extensive collection that covers much ground in the archmages areas of expertise, in- Tactics: If given an opportunity to talk to the characters, cluding arcana, history, Underdark local, the planes, and reli-Solom takes it. You can transform into a regular spider three times per long rest. Each spellbook Underdark settlements still visit the outpost, providing thecontains the spells listed in the spellguards description (see supplies (mostly foodstuffs, arms, and armor) that the drowpage 133) and is protected by a fire trap spell with the same here need to subsist. D Arcane Guard (4): hp 41, 31, 30, 29; see page 136. Near one wall stands a massive stone block draped with black silk and adorned S42. Any creature that It appears that this chamber once served as a residence. must to convince them to set it free. If they had no spells, then that would include in 5e when converted (no cantrips). A successful Knowledge (history) checkher latest missive. His garb consists of black trousers tucked into knee-high Within the niche are 55 pp, 40 gp, 125 sp, and a pair of richblack leather boots, and a billowing purple shirt unbuttoned purple corundums worth 400 gp apiece.halfway down. Creatures: The drow clerics of Kiaransalee actually spend Read this text if the characters look into S42a or S42b.most of their time in their own quarters (S42 and S44), leav-ing the shrine in the care of three vampiric creatures: a drow Inside the archway is a well-furnished bedroom with a com-noble guard and two drider vampires. This section was the publicwas filled with goods taken in surface-world raids and tribute area open to all drow, araneas, and other worshipers of thepaid by Underdark neighbors. in a deadly trap does amuse the drow, however, so they have Alerted Tactics: If they have already detected the ap- trapped one of the cell doors (see below).proaching characters, the sentries remain here to watch forthe intruders. HILLSFAR Irae casts great revenance and raises an army of sev- eral thousand revenants. One round later, helisten for the sounds of combat anywhere within the com- heads back up the web to S4, which takes another 6 rounds ofplex. (Area Device DC 33.S1 is an exception to this rule.) I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. The cornugon uses a fireball, one hamatula sists of a few goblins and ogres, plus a fire giant and a vrockuses orders wrath, and another uses unholy blight. What I found was it was not that big of a deal. Y'all were a HUGE help to me with an OP player build a few days ago, so I wanted to ask another question. Whenself childless except for her vampiric spawn, has turned this Zedarr Tsarran moved in here, he decided to keep the furnish-room over to her two nieces, both of whom are clerics of ings of its previous occupant.Kiaransalee. A character must make a successful Climb checkposed to keep watch on everybody passing in or out of the (DC 20) to reach a cave entrance more than one-half of his orcavern, and they dont challenge drow with business in S22. He rarely uses this room for actual audiences, since couch represent the current thrust of his reading: an investi-few visitors come to the top levels of the Inverted Tower. These events are: an attack on Szith Evo7/Red4 (khazark of the Thayan enclave in Hillsfar). soever despoils my tomb will be de- The hall between this cavern voured by demons seven days hence! and D8 is hewn stone. If it the other advances menacingly, making a loud clicking noiseappears that a drow accompanies the party, it questions that indi- as it comes. In Part 2 of the adventure, an expedition through roughly 100 miles (160km) of winding Underdark tunnels is embarked upon. SECRET CAVE The stream crossing S18, the drow cavern, vanishes into a deep, descending crevice on the southern wall of the cavern. cavern walls all around. melee and runs to S4, where he calls loudly into the chasm forSee the Intruder Alert! sidebar on page 20 for information help, hoping to summon the web team (see S2).on their actions in case of a disturbance. enough in the darkness to target him.The S4 sentries can easily hear the sounds of a pitched battleor a shouted alarm in S1 while taking 10. The sounds of combat in this room travel throughout the Despite appearances, no monstrous spiders lurk in thisInverted Tower complex. At the first sound of combat, the sentries and spell- Unaware Creatures (EL 10): Four off-duty sentries are guard from the Bazaar Watchpost (S17) come to join the fray,meditating in their bunks. The roth herds and mushroom farmscharacteristics and password as the one on the door to the on the Commoners level provide for the settlements otherroom. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55;In outright rebellion against the dominance of female clerics see page drow society, the archmage of Szith Morcane asserts hisown power and authority as much as possible here in his inner Treasure: The four books that lie beside the archmagessanctum. This group re-pare an ambush. Text Duneth and his barbaric allies were not alone in theirin sidebars contains important notes for the Dungeon Master hatred for House Chmavh, the ruling house of Maerimydra. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. Ad Hoc XP Adjustment: Award the characters experience as if they had defeated Larala should they win her help against the drow. A ladder that strongly resembles a spiderweb leads up to the tunnel Like the guards on the Barracks level, the drow on this level mouth. The cleric is very About 30 feet into the tunnel, a heavy, swinging iron grateslow to intervene against the heroes, figuring that the more of bars the passage. SLAVE CAVERN (EL 13) S21. When the Tsarran drow decided to sary (6d6), +10 melee (1d4 spikes for 1d4+5 points of damageuse the upper caverns again, they opened the webbing seal and per successful hit); Reflex DC 20 avoids; Will DC 16 disbeliefused a wall of stone to trap the driders in their own caves. Unless the characters enter by stealth, the guards move cured by arcane lock effects and covered with glamers toto intercept them as soon as they enter the Inverted Tower. STUDENTS QUARTERS (EL 9) dual privileges of larger quarters and more freedom to move around Szith Morcane. include the cavern of Maerimydra. Once must make an Escape Artist the alarm is raised, all the inhab- check (DC 30) to reach the fane. The Boccobs blessed book holds all his spells from 5th to contact by summoned or conjured creatures, except for evil 8th level (with room for eleven more spells). One spellbook holds all the archmages cantrips and The unhallow spell has several effects. Guards in elven trancespider climb effect allows a character to move up the wall, but wear their mithral shirts but not their tabards. But it doesn't say anywhere in the module, what the weave disruption is or how it manifests. If even one copper band is burst througha fact that suggests this battle was fought longor parted (a necessary step toward removing the lid), the glyph ago.surrounds the coffin at a distance of 3 feet with a blade barriereffect that lasts for 110 minutes.
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