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extra credits controversy

), The Oxford Handbook of Undergraduate Psychology Education (in The Oxford Library of Psychology Series). Evaluating our medium is why I watch, and will continue to watch, Extra Credits. In the video they criticize games that portray mental health institutions as. The indie fund would ultimately be created under Extra Credits LLC, which was started on November 18, 2011, and holds the show's unregistered IP rights. Each extra credit assignment gives students the opportunity to earn five points, but if they do not write a strong enough paper, they cannot earn all five points. No, they said that we shouldn't treat them as moral equivalent, as "just another side of a conflict". The purpose of this channel is to provide a place for the team to post more casual, less-scripted videos that wouldn't fit on Extra Credits. Teachers employ extra credit for a variety of reasons. [27] The forum was independently spun off as Bonus Points, while a semi-official Discord server was established to fill the community gap and a new official website was launched in late 2017. That Extra Credits video in a nutshell. Perhaps it is because male students might feel more confident, or even entitled, about their grades over all, particularly with female professors. "God Does Not Play Dice". Social Media is run by Kat Rider. Higher Education News, Opinion and Careers | Weekdays, Quick Summary of the Week's Higher Ed News | Fridays, Admissions and Enrollment News, Opinion and Careers | Mondays, Diversity News, Opinion and Career Advice | Tuesdays, Student Success News, Ideas, Advice and Inspiration | Weekdays, GWU Students Protest Arming Campus Police, A Fresh Look at What It Means to Be a Manager. I also take the liberty to assign points beyond five if the paper is exceptional. I used to believe all that, too. The first videos officially released since then were a previously broadcast live Q&A video and the episode "The Good We Do". In the first episode detailing Justinian and Theodora for Extra History, Dan is shown sheepishly looking at a picture of the emperor with hearts around his head, and X's and O's on the picture. Don't treat Nazis and terrorists like they are just one of several morally equivalent character skins for players to try on. It's called New Frame Plus. 90K 1.5M views 3 years ago Extra Credits came out with a pretty garbage video, asserting the same principles that video games cause violence. Just us on Twitch for live talk shows, interesting and unusual games, and a chance to hang out with Will and the rest of the EC crew! The Overgard post could have been far more professional. It was relaunched in 2017 with the hiring of professional streamer Will Overgard to be production lead for the channel. (Really?) Extra Credits is a Canadian and American video lesson series currently run by Matthew Krol and Geoffrey Zatkin, narrated by Matthew Krol, with artists Scott DeWitt, Nick DeWitt, David "D" Hueso, and Ali R. Thome and Jordan Martin and writers Robert Rath, R. Kevin Doyle and other staff members. The series of videos discusses topics pertinent to video game development and game studies, addressing the legitimacy of video games as art, and creating intellectual discourse on important issues in gaming culture.[1]. But that offer was never acknowledged. All we really have to go on for this is Sorayas word, as well as some people who jumped in as character witnesses claiming they had had negative experiences with James (I dont find these to be the strongest evidence, but I can dig them all up and compile all the links if anyone wants them). [16], On October 30, 2019, however, in the episode "The Perfect Horror Protagonist - Writing a Character for Fun & Terror", Krol mentioned that James Portnow, the only member of the original lineup, was leaving Extra Credits after 10 years of being the show's writer, even though his scripts would be used for future episodes. In ten years, I see myself living in a world without job interviews. The only videos to not follow this format are the pre-Escapist videos, which are exclusively held by Floyd but have each been eventually replaced by updated official episodes. Our myths define us. The whole thing is bashing Will for being a bad person/employee. It was to the point that at the end of 2022 they announced that they would primarily focus on using the Extra Credits channel for posting history videos and migrate the gaming videos to a secondary channel. If Dr. Hamilton were teaching political science, the experience of registering to vote might (might!) Is the extra credit opportunity available to all students? Note the stress on the female investigator, and the lack of information on the HR firm itself. A seemingly small matter like extra credit is likely to remain a big controversy among educators, so the more ideas and approaches for handling it, the better. Floyd also started an unnamed series of videos discussing animation in video games, which has since been named Extra Frames and moved to Extra Credits on May 5, 2016. Following publishers at a time when backlash against the scandal caused by ''VideoGame/StarWarsBattlefrontII2017'''s infamous loot box progression, Extra Credits released several videos defending the inclusion of loot boxes and freemium economies in $60 games, claiming that they provide player agency and support developers. Then Wills statement comes in. What if lots of students in Dr. Hamiltons class have already registered to vote, or are not eligible to register, or are busy on election day? Before I saw this response I thought it could easily just be a mutually bad breakup, but this was where the red flags began for me. This runs counter to that message. [2] Later that same day, Russ Pitts, a former editor for The Escapist, publicly stated he believed Soraya's claims because "this is exactly how he treated me. The exact nature of this violation is disputed. Ugly Cute: Different People seem to have different specific issues with the video, some are even taking issue with the way Extra Credits staff handled the backlash. And yes, at times, I have even assigned no points. Since Floyd had started working at Pixar Canada at the time, Portnow also enlisted colleague Allison Theus to handle the art. On August 6, 2018 Extra Credits announced their first game jam hosted on, running from August 16 - August 18. Extra Sci-Fi engages with science fiction as literature, tracing its historical roots and exploring the ideas it lays out before us. You have /5 articles left.Sign up for a free account or log in. What's needed, experts say, is to reform the credit system so it delivers actual carbon reductions. Students completing extra credit from Category 1 can earn between 0.5 and 1% added to their total grade. The show has its own dedicated staff, including art by David Hueso, Lilienne Chan, and Nick DeWitt, and music by Dean and Sean Kiner. Various gameplay and discussion streams have since been aired by Echo Diaz, David Hueso, James Portnow, and Matt Krol. For more information, please see our This article is about the video lesson series. Met a few socialists whom also think the video is bad to be fair lol. On 2017 the show's Twitch channel was relaunched, with nightly hosts including Echo Diaz and Will Overgard. 1, in particular, I think would be incredibly fucked up if true. Lord knows if it's in any way accurate. A new series began in late 2017 titled Extra Sci-Fi, which examines works of science-fiction and their cultural impact. I also ask that they address the relevance that the event had for them personally and to demonstrate what was the most powerful and memorable aspect of it that they experienced. Occasionally, guest artists have been invited during production droughts and spin-off series, most notably webcomic artist Erin Siegel, who had made repeated appearances. Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About 12:53 Can a Remade Game Ever be as Good? I see it as a way to contribute to expanding students curiosity and cultural capital while exposing them to the joys and rewards of lifelong learning. Ibn Battuta's horrendous and fickle misfortune gets so intense it becomes funny. For example, researchers have found that giving extra-credit pop quizzes helps students learn better (Fuad & Jones, 2012). If their goal was to provide evidence that they were not holding Wills paycheck over his head, they could have simply provided that. It is simply an extra gift, a token, a gesture, a possibility. "[19], On June 9, 2018, former media director Soraya Een Hajji went public on Twitter about leaving the show due to growing tensions with Portnow after their romantic relationship had ended. This lead to rampant speculation and some hate directed his way. He reacted in a way that reflects badly on him as a person independent of the claims. 2015 by Mitchell M. Handelsman. The biggest claim in all of this is that James harassed Soraya, and displayed a pattern of emotional abuse throughout their relationship. Finally, James released this personal response to Sorayas claims, and Extra Credits Responded to Will not long after. Floyd was also responsible for editing videos, but later assigned these duties to his wife, Carrie. | Belinda's name is the only one attached specifically to the EC post in the by line, --the Extra Credits team, c/o community manager Belinda Zoller. We don't know what's going on in the EC office. Blood,sweat and trivia: Faculty ratings of extra-credit opportunities. A large proportion of psychology studies rely on participants recruited from WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) groups. In both of these cases, extra credit can promote differentiated instruction by factoring in optional work in the assessment of student performance. Portnow wanted Dan to continue using his original created format of videos with animated Dan giving lectures at the podium about articles that would be written by Portnow. Credit Scores: $20 value. Again and again, it is by and large women students who take the most advantage of any extra credit opportunities I offer. 2017 - 2022 by Extra Credits, LLC. The first episode, "Bad Writing", debuted on July 28 and would since be on The Escapist for the next year. My opinion: Thats not the casethe extra credit or requirement exists primarily for the benefit of the researchers. Extra credit should be about more than sitting in the back of the room and scrolling on a cellphone. If hed owned up to that simple fact he would have looked stronger. My best-performing student in that class attended, loved it and chose not to do the paper. What's not fine is contradicting the main point you spent two whole videos arguing. My evidence for this opinion? A Personal Perspective: Should we be lenient about late assignments? Extra Credits talks about the art, industry, community and design of video games in a way that engages industry enthusiasts and professionals alike. The move to decrease race rewards was controversial because GT7 has a combination of relatively meager race rewards, extremely expensive in-game "Legend" cars, and microtransactions selling. For example, it clearly would be wrong to give extra credit only to students who vote in a certain way. It reads like a hit piece. Cookie Notice I dont think I need to explain why that seems crazy. First and foremost, he could have provided info on the HR investigation, and denied the claim that Soraya was not involved. [10][11] The video gained over 10,000 likes and 73,000 dislikes in three days. To the extent that Dr. Hamilton is advancing his personal/political agenda at the expense of his students education, he has a clear conflict of interest. Ending songs vary between episodes, but are typically sourced from OverClocked ReMix, where Floyd was a former contributor. Horrifying? In a blog post following the jam, Extra Credits indicated they would like to host more events like the jam and "By hosting more opportunities in the future for people to creatively collaborate, we hope that more people are enabled to make cooler things--because learning matters. It references the aftermath of his termination, which involved Extra Credits announcing publicly that he had breached community guidelines. The activity should have educational value or benefit. He's got another channel he runs now, which you might like since he goes over game animation. College students this year might be a bit more politically divided, pessimistic about the world, anxious, and overconfident than they have been. Portnow also brought in colleague Dan Emmons to run Design Club, a series supplemented by live streams in which Emmons discusses the merits of design as they pertain to specific games or levels. On May 23, 2018, in the episode "Choice Paralysis - Too Much Of A Good Thing", Daniel Floyd announced that he and Carrie would be leaving Extra Credits, and that Matt Krol would take over as new narrator and showrunner. You explain not only your position, but calmly stated why people might think it's complete bullshit. [2] In addition, the episodes have been syndicated on many websites, including ScrewAttack. Standardized tests can only identify weaknesses, not strength. #1 Stop Normalizing Nazis - Socially Conscious Game Design - Extra Credits Watch on Historical and current political context matters in game design. Also now were admitting to it to get a juicy hit on Will. be OK, but probably not in intro psychology. Meant for PAX East 2012, a tribute video to Extra Credits was also made featuring some fans and colleagues of the crew. The crew, overwhelmed at the response, decided to start an independent game publisher with the excess profits. "[21], Soraya later admitted that James had never harassed or abused her, claiming that her statements had been "misinterpreted" and that she made them as a reaction to going through "a difficult breakup".[22]. If they're not the primary writer, that's disingenuous as fuck. After Extra Credits had established its home on YouTube, on January 12, 2016, plans were announced to shut down the official website, including the Extra Curricular forum. In my syllabus, I explain that to earn extra credit, students must not only attend the event but they must also write a two-page analytical reflection paper connecting what they learned at the event to their class materials. Teaching of Psychology, 20(4), 209-213. A new survey shows that students notice, and may appreciate, the efforts faculty have made during the pandemic. "[30], Starting February 2021, Extra Credits started posting their videos ad-free on Nebula Streaming Service as part of the Standard Creator Community,[31] with some exclusive and extended cut videos on the service.[32]. Literature gives us the opportunity to experience lives, perspectives, and worlds different from our own. Emmons departed within a few years, and the channel went dormant. A blog maintained by creator Floyd for the videos used the secondary title "Talking About These", and certain videos also went by "Game Design Corner". She makes her argument well and I don't have anything to add really. At a campus with fewer regular evening activities that are intellectually stimulating, and at one that is more remote and rural, students who attend these say it helps them to feel more a part of the campus community and connects them in important ways to their peers, professors and other resources for their professional and personal growth. Overseeing a meeting with thousands of people is a daunting task, writes Sheldon H. Subscribe for free to Inside Higher Eds newsletters, featuring the latest news, opinion and great new careers in higher education delivered to your inbox. This trend is only bucked when a particular Extra Credits episode handles more controversial or recent topics. The by line reads: --the Extra Credits team, c/o community manager Belinda Zoller3. I dont think anyone has really been doing this. [7] The video received over 323,000 views in three days (shown below). Extra Credits and Extra History are registered trademarks of Extra Credits, LLC in the USA and other countries. His "Will To Live", drawn as a balloon that flies away, makes it icing on the cake. Even though I believe the new video makes terrible arguments for their conclusion, holding games to scrutiny has always been part of Extra Credits and that doesn't change with this video. One finding is that professors are more likely to use extra credit assignments when they see educational value in them. Probably not the primary author, either, given that they felt the need to add a post of their own. The thing is that this EC statement is ostensibly written by Belinda, not James. I should clarify: Will would have looked bad if the defense made sense. On October 20 last year, French oil giant Total docked a tanker . and Tea & Hearthstone. The regicide of the Roman Emperors during the Crisis of the Third Century? To offer extra credit or not to offer extra credit? Author Julia G. Thompson refers to extra credit as "a controversial topic for teachers. Students who take advantage of these opportunities tend to see both the value and meaning of the event they attended and the value added to their final grade. "No one on this show wants every game to try to be gaming's Ulysses or even gaming's Blood Meridian. The short version? The video is more concerned with telling you its ideals and core message as opposed to debating the topic and the consequences surrounding their debate. Micro-Transactions Raptor: represents an arguably ugly practice of the industry but still, it's a cute little blue feathered raptor! Guess I'll just stick to their older history videos then. A concept that terrifies many people who consider it, but it's so cute. An interesting issue about extra credit is that some people attend an event and consciously decide not to write about it. The other group of students most likely to complete extra credit assignments is already doing above average but not superior work in my class; theyre the ones who show at every turn the willingness and earnestness to improve. Literally Media Ltd. Extra Credits has spent years standing up for gaming and free speech, but in recent times, they've abandoned their original values for political correctness.. It started out as a mini-series requested by Creative Assembly to deal with the Punic Wars, in which their video game Total War: Rome II was set. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Understandably, professors are all over the map on the issue of extra credit. Basically they released a new video about how they think we should find a way to reframe the discussion about Nazis in video games so that we don't start to think of them as morally equivalent to the allies. Theres also this chain of Tweets from a while ago that is almost certainly (but not confirmed to be) referencing James in light of the newer tweets (and its far more specific about the whole abuse aspect). A seemingly small matter like extra credit is likely to remain a big controversy among educators, so the more ideas and approaches for handling it, the better. "[2] In California, during late 2006, there was controversy when students were offered extra credits simply for buying course books in an effort to overcome a lack of resources. James is charismatic and manipulative, according to them, and it can easy be easy to get roped into siding with him either through his threats or his ability to sway people in the moment. Over 600 stores in the Netherlands let customers buy on credit through "buy-now-pay-later" services, NOS reports based on the customer overviews of Klarma and Riverty, the two largest providers of these credit services. Is it ethical for Dr. Hamilton to make this offer? Id love to hear your views about these issues. Mitchell M. Handelsman, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. Een Hajji also began writing Extra History in 2017 to assist Portnow in scheduling. During the show's run, the creators have been occasionally requested to create game-specific mini-series based on Extra Credits. Id even be willing to offer extra credit. While Extra Credits discusses new topics every week as they apply to video games, there are some topics which are more frequently addressed than others, including: poor narrative creation, level design, gamification, tangential learning, sexuality and gender discrimination both within games and in the gaming community, and diversity in games (including gender, sexuality, and racial diversity). Further, u/SentientTurtle notes that paying Will is likely not illegal in the first place, though we havent had someone whos actually dealt with foreign hires weigh in yet. Extra Credits May 2018 - Present5 years Greater New York City Area Post Producer: "Wild 'N Out" MTV Oct 2017 - Present5 years 7 months Greater New York City Area - Overseeing all aspects of. It's not the greatest look, but if the post doesn't come from James it's just drama. Extra Frames is a series of videos produced by Floyd in which he discusses video game animation, which has since rebranded to New Frames Plus[34](see PlayFrame below). One controversy in and out of the woodwork arrive people telling how they foresaw a consistent decrease in quality or change of tune. With that in mind, the most general consensus is that the arguments were terribly and condescendingly made. In my experience, I've never seen a department create research participation experiences for students when faculty members do not need participants. Ive spent this entire time going over whats wrong with the EC responses up to this point, so I want to touch for a moment on what James could have done if you assume that hes a good guy caught between a bad breakup and a problem employee. 3) He makes it clear that he believes all of the people leaving EC lately are related to everyone feeling uncomfortable about the Soraya situation and ensuing investigation. Overgard frequently streamed video games on the channel until his removal in April 2018. Belinda's post insinuates a defense of James here "I've upheld our responsibility to act in good faith, a responsibility which has been supported by our managers and coworkers", but doesn't outright state their support for him either. All we really know is what's been said about James, and how he's reacted. This may, for example, increase the numerator of the fraction used in computing an overall percentage, while leaving the denominator unchanged. Rent Reporting: $10 value. Some professors argue that offering extra credit is likely to reinforce students laziness and belief that whatever they miss they can make up. We leverage game design and entertainment industry principles to create shows that educate as they entertain, and encourage people both to explore new subjects and think critically about topics they care about. Since leaving Extra Credits, Floyd took personal ownership of the channel (as well as Extra Frames series, see Mini-series and spin-offs above) and renamed it PlayFrame,[35] with new content based on "Let's Play"-style videos with regular contributions by Carrie Floyd and Dan Jones. [7] The video received over 323,000 views in three days (shown below). (1993). The Authority for Financial Markets (AFM) wants more legislation on these services, which aren't considered consumer credit under current law, to ensure they follow the . Here's a breakdown of about how much the ExtraCredit services would typically cost on their own: Basic Credit Repair: $25 value. This can lead to grade percentages that exceed 100% unless the policy used for grade computations caps a grade at a maximum value. They tried to claim that candy crush is brilliant and deep and has a lot of thought put into it and encouraged us to "think like designers" by asking . Extra Credits had posted my full name and their 'violating community guidelines' statement, and the internet being the creature it is latched onto this incredibly vague yet targeted statement. After moving to YouTube, the team decided to make use of their space to expand their channel with new series running on different days of the week. Ignoring the more extreme portions that many fans pointed out, many people found the video to have an incredibly flawed premise backed by weak arguments that seem hypocritical given Extra Credits' previous work criticizing video game censorship and desensitization. Extra Credits launched a sister channel called Extra Play on December 14, 2014, but it did not become active until October 2015, when Side Quest, a Let's Play series of Dark Souls with Floyd and Portnow, was moved from the main channel to Extra Play. I think James is a piece of dirt at this point, but I dont want us to become an echo chamber. He could have appeared more in the right by admitting where he was in the wrong. While he was still there, they attempted to address this with spotlight episodes focusing on nations with less-mainstream gaming culture and development, and after his departure, many of the guest writers have come from different countries and cultural backgrounds to provide a broader perspective. The fact that he hasnt, even though thats a major talking point, leads us to believe Wills story here. On the surface, it almost feels embarrassing to admit. Extra Credits @extracredits 75.6K subscribers Subscribe Join us on Patreon! Those who do not endorse extra credit also tend to assume that the students most likely to ask for it tend to be those who arent working very hard in the first place. Basically every right winger in the west is a borderline neo-nazi at this point so this did not go over well. Tiffany Romn (2018 - Present), This page was last edited on 8 April 2023, at 05:29. Mitch is also the co-author (with Sharon Anderson) of Ethics for Psychotherapists and Counselors: A Proactive Approach (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), and an associate editor of the two-volume APA Handbook of Ethics in Psychology (American Psychological Association, 2012). Using extra credit to facilitate extra learning in students. How Much Does Education Really Boost Intelligence? This was the basis for an independent testimonial program.[26]. That was Dan, and I thought he was a good narrator. Certain states explicitly exclude mental health conditions from qualifying as a health risk that allows access to abortion. Extra Credits is a YouTube channel with over 2 million subscribers that has created more than a thousand original short-form animated videos discussing subjects from video games to world history, all of which may or may not involve a cat! Its also a chance to demonstrate to students that I have done my part to meet them halfway and that the rest is their responsibility. I didn't think all the video was great and some of the arguments were downright terrible ("What if someone lost a loved one to the Nazis/ in a terrorist attack?") [24] Extra Credits is also a big proponent of independent developers, although it has been frequently stated that they don't want to see only "art house" games either. Since October 2014, episodes have been split between Dan Jones and DeWitt. Also, when I say that the post assassinating Will is unprofessional, I don't mean to direct undue hate at Belinda if they did, in fact, write this. No one should put on a costume of an ideology they find abhorrent without actually opting into it in your game.

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