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hfy classics

I have to think that you, as a contributor, have more sway than a random internet plebe theyve already decided to shit on. Kevin Jenkins had clearly been one of their victims. A few rogue factions cropped up, piracy and smuggling saw a rebirth in this new space age, and mankind went on as it always had. But the other blinked at me and his mouth curled upwards at the corners. We spent a lot of time monitoring the political situation at first. Begins as a joke discussion about redheads being part fire-elemental. Motherfucking PREY 3. I'm just sort of curious whether the reference is intentional or even a reference at all. Of course we should. ), Do the empties next. Unarmed, you single-handedly defeated three of the most feared aliens in known space, and you tell us you are neither a trained warrior nor a physically exceptional specimen of your kind. Hope I didn't let them down. We appear to have crashed the web page! Years of study later showed that the reptile-like race had taken nearly ten times as long as we did to reach the industrial age, and had not gotten very far beyond that. He picked up a second bag, and strolledstrolled! I slapped the shield emitter to the power dock on my harness. The fox is in the henhouse. He chuckled. He's relatively green, having only served one tour with the ARTN 8th Fleet, along with, Quet "Bug" Yous, one of the few Dreeden space superiority fighter pilots. I can't wait to see it come together! I enjoyed watching their movies, and Jenkins and I spent nearly a full diurnal watching first a series of enjoyable fantasies called Star Wars, then a trilogy called The Lord of the Rings which I then discovered had originally been a book and read. Our only hope was the magazine of nervejam grenades which, I realised with a falling sensation of failure, I had left in the locker. I had not finished gathering my thoughts when there was a sudden violent lurch that knocked me from my feet. David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens. He never told me why he asked to have his social implant removed, and why he went back to Earth. Might want to see if that can be fixed. Hostile, vicious and forever primordial. You killed it, any kinda timeline for the next update or is it gonna be another surprise? I dont know how that translates.. All around us, fleeing and panicking immigrants were being smashed to the ground by Hunter firepower. Jenkins popped his head above the countertop and ducked again as a volley of shots targeted him. 1700 B.C.E.) Mounted on a trio of boom arms well out from the main body of the station, it provided the higher gravity their species was used to, as well as a warmer, denser, more humid atmosphere. New to HFY? Dude, not a single word of this let us down, this was amazing. New to HFY? You had to, didn't you? I just saw that Spellgun was on as a top read fiction earlier today. ; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. My arm, meanwhile, had needed amputating, and I was still adjusting to the plastic and carbon fibre prosthetic that had replaced it. Tell medid either of your species ever have something called Religion?, We gave it a moments thought. This story is so poignant to me so I really wanted to narrate it.Originally by /u/AssHatVik, i got the post fr. I just caught up in the Legend of Randidly Ghosthound (excellent) a few weeks back. Humans, it seemed, had for most of their sentient era preferred to invent explanations for the world around them rather than admit a lack of knowledge. Propably broke this rule, since he only posted the link alone. I had to go to civilian law enforcement before most of my property was returned. The commander tried to keep a disaster from occurring and ordered his ships not to open fire. The formatting was good too seeing as how you didn't have to continue the story in the comments like on reddit. You're a phenomenal writer, and I can't begin to tell you how much I'm looking forward to whatever you choose to write next! The issue? They didnt evolve to merely overcome adversitythey evolved to thrive on it. Unethical, but the species as a whole could not be prosecuted for the actions of a few and so the sale of the implants went ahead anyway. The music in the background is a slowed track by goodfriends of mine, Celeste by Darcho \u0026 186. All units, this is Specialist Teelm. This is the only thing Ive seen over the course of this series, and only pulled the suspension of disbelief for me as it would for a firefighter watching/reading a fiction about firefighting and seeing something off. Surrounded on all sides by an ecosystem saturated with toxic microfauna and parasitic nano-organisms, by vicious predators, hardy prey and an explosively unstable tectonic world, they sacrificed their own peace of mind on the altar of evolution. You have those nervejam grenade things. he pointed out. By how easily they broke. Interestingly, these two first stories spawned a series of stories written on this very subreddit, to which I'll link at the end of the last part. I was part of the security force that flew Jenkins to Capitol Station to be interviewed by a special committee. That isdeeply troubling information, Purveyor Jenkins. Vedreg said, eventually. I only looked up when the machine flashed a message I had never seen before: ERROR: Unknown Species. He did that shrug thing again, this time wobbling his head apologetically. They need to have something to aspire to, something they think is bigger than they are. A human ambassador reaches out to the all powerful Alliance! Then I started on Everyone Loved Large Chests (also excellent as long as you don't mind, or can forgive, the sexualization, but not caught up yet). The Formatting Guide has some helpful pointers on using Markdown. Commands the dreadnought Flashing Hooves. This is going to make waiting for the fourth even harder. I say you have a talent for worrying in vain. . Any race within this sector of space would slowly but surely go insane. Some previously un-archived screencaps, a bit of OC, discussion. What is it?, Our greatest weakness, Jenkins said. And I just happen to arrive on the very day that the sub is spoiled with the long-awaited third installment? The medical report from the team that provided care to Jenkins after the battle said that his blood stream contained a powerful combat drug, though I was certain he hadnt ingested, inhaled or injected any during the fight. It would show up on the record and negatively impact my next performance evaluation. Update was totally worth the wait. Wow, I'm super surprised that the author of Spellgun or royalroad is also the author of an HFY I started reading 2 years ago on reddit. Ho-leee shit!! The second thing it prompted was the declaration of a surveillance and research mission to Earth. ;), This was fantastic like always. I gestured that this was true for me also. Aliens can be surprisingly strange at the best of times, but I was beginning to suspect that humans may be weirder than most. The League's Fleet has policed known space for millennia, backed by mighty dreadnoughts that crushed any force that opposed them. The classic tale of first contact. Glad you liked it! What's not to love? YES! They were barely beyond the Stone Age, farming and agriculture still in its early days. Lets hope you dont have to wait for another part as long as I did. Because if you dont, you wont be ready for us. He said. Constructed with our most advanced technology, to the point where systems were updated during construction, and having a length of nearly seven miles, it was the mightiest ship we had ever created. Harpers Ferry (Amtrak station code; Harpers Ferry, WV) HFY. I had to gently ask the scientists to stop gambling on the outcome of human contests of physical skill and endurance, or to at least exercise some moderation. We'll get a Rashan POV eventually, but it's planned for WAY down the road in my outline. Used as a general reference to copypastas that feature humanity being portrayed in a favorable light, normally in-comparison to other (alien) races. Gonna deliver the Rashan some good ol' fashioned freedom, one BRRRRRRT at a time. You guys and your consistently excellent fiction are ruining my life in all right right ways. I had no reason to believe I was being lied to, so I accepted it. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Click here to subscribe to /u/paradigmblue and receive a message every time they post. It was only when I encountered the idea of the tortured poet that things started to fall into place. Just finished reading it all! I filed this away as a rebuttal for the next officer to approach me on the subject. Jenkins didnt seem especially frightened by the news, but then I realised he had almost certainly never heard of the only carnivorous species in the galaxy that preferred the meat of fellow sentients. Narrating Reddit HFY - CLASSIC Series - Chronicles of Clint Stone Book 2 Chapter 14 - YouTube Original Story : You. Maybe theres even a POW camp where all the races are together? Eagerly looking forward to more, no matter how long it takes, and will certainly check out Spellgun. Profanity A comedy. This is the most fun I've had reading fiction in a very, very long time. Jenkins thought about it. Patricia Davies is the Admiral of the Associated Republics of Terra's 13th Expeditionary Fleet, assisted by, Jim Wexler, Admiral Davie's Flag Lieutenant. No story just yet, but ill be refreshing every couple of seconds, Ah my b took your comment as saying you didnt see the link before removal. I meant by the standards of your own species. Vedreg clarified. Kirk Krrkktnkk Aktnnzziktk, Memoirs. A setting where the PCs are fantasy B.J. When this popped up on my PMs I almost squeed, and it was sooo worth the wait! Without a challenge, I think they very swiftly get depressed. I assure you officer, I am not mocking the immigration system. They are something far more than that. Instead something black, blue and brown hurtled into the flank of one of the alien warriors with a crunch and a hiss of pain. These ones were wearing full military combat harnessmy own light security harness was no match. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHGAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. The all-clear alarm sounded just before I reached him, and he moved in response to it. I feel like Superman., Uhfiction. The full discussion they had is still posted somewhere, I think the Arkmuse VoM page has a link to it. This is here. Free shipping for many products! Yea, but that part isn't really canon anyway. As soon as what might have at the time been the largest spaceship in the galaxy appeared on top of them, the race known as the Kondar were sent to the edge of panic. Jenkins just kept hitting it, again and again, snarling and shouting, ordering it to die and declaring improbable things about its parentage before finally he stopped and stepped away from the broken thing he had made, gulping down great shuddering breaths of what, to him, must have been very thin and dry air. Why! Youre wearing the symbol of thisthis masochism on your arm and you dont know why your people believe it?, I know why I believed it, Jenkins said. Blazcowickz fighting against the magitech cult of Zarus. Good ol' veil of madness. Let me tell you why you need to try, Jenkins said, quietly. The team is rounded out by. Ex. The character writing and the world-building are fantastic, the plot and battle descriptions maybe even more so. Haven't come across it yet, but when I find it I'll certainly post it. Can we please start with the official stuff? There was the sound of pulse-gun fire and a squealing being galloped into the customs area before being caught from behind by a kinetic pulse that hurled it to the ground, broken and dying. r/EDM 1 mo. But theyd work. Some, more skittish species, were beating a hasty retreat to the shuttles airlock, while others waited for instructions. We might be referring to different things. His skin went bumpy and raised his sparse body fur. That was amazing. Woke up, searched for this, and just finished it. So excited! A civilian fleet set out to make contact with Earth in the hopes of peacefully talking them down from this religion. Classics; Must Read; Previously Featured; Old School Text Posts; Library of Published Works The story of Lablonnamedadon is one of the classic HFY storie. Jenkins received no such luxury from the chairs, but seemed comfortable enough anyway. HFY, Humanity Fuck Yeah, good thread, OC, writefaggotry, Drake MacDougal, 2012-10-26: 22 : January 2013: 22759329: Clarke's Third Law /tg/ talks about science and gawks at each other's cool shit. David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep. There's a reason this universe you've created is the second-highest ranking post in the entire subreddit. Doesn't matter how long it takes, we just love to read your stuff! Kevin Jenkins did. I'm so glad I found this post before it was archived. Whenever Jenkins was with me, I noticed that he had a habit of focusing on the worst aspects. On six legs, they were extremely stable, and their forelimbs were cybernetically fused into their heavy pulse guns, making disarming them impossible. Surprising as this was, I then decided to write a sequel, and from there the clamor for more has picked me up and swept me along. The area of inquiry spans more than two thousand years, from the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean Bronze Age (ca. Woohoo! I'm now going to be anxiously waiting for the next part! I cant believe it lives! The station displaced into the Earth system five eight-diurnals after the mission was announced, using the bulk of a large ringed gas world known as Saturn to mask the neutrino burst of its arrival. David takes care of some pirates, recruits a cabinboy, a robot and the best girl. He was completely unable to pronounce my name, so had taken to approximating the first syllable, with my permission. I'm a month late to this party but I never thought I'd see a post titled "Prey III." You will find documentary verification of that fact on this data storage.. The wiki includes author and reader resources, guides, story listings, and author/series pages. Read the FAQ, read the Subreddit Rules, and check out our Wiki. P.s. My name is indeed a reference; Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the list of forbidden books kept by the Vatican. When Ploel and Teelm are entering the Bonthan security room, you have Ploel's race as 'kethkhan', but the previous mention was 'kethkan'. Was 9 days late to the party. Having originally opened as the United Artists Theatre in 1927, the lovingly restored 1,600-seater retains much of the charm and charisma instilled by its iconic founders, namely Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin. But if that's what it takes then I guess that's whats it takes. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The remaining passengers from the shuttle that we had been processing were responding with varying degrees of calmness. Whatever else it was, Earth was a rich source of artistic exports. Passed out around 4. I am adapting to it. "but the Arokone admiral had refused" extra o. I must have died and gone to heaven. Seems it already exists here, but with a less than optimal title:,,, (Still upvoting this one though. While judging any species by the aesthetic values of your own species doesnt make a lot of sense, Hunters were ugly. A lot of OC for you HFY guys out there. David licks his wounds, interacts with the crew and does some cooking. He seemed embarrassed by the fact. Prepare to be disappointed. HFY. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible. One of the first hfy I ever read. The whole system is far too rigid to accommodate me and mine., I caught myself nodding my agreement and shut the gesture down. If you enjoy the LitRPG genre, you may also enjoy my in-progress web serial Spellgun. You can see why the administration on station 442 kicked me out. he said. I didnt have time to explain. I'd just reread Prey I last week. The Corti abducted you, didnt they?. Civilian trade station 591 Outlook on Forever, Customs and Immigration Officer Krrkktnkk aktnnzziktk interviewing immigrant pre-Contact abductee. It was suicide. Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations was seen as a deception. Time well spent. The Supremacy blew away a single craft to secure its escape victor; a sad but necessary tactic. I nodded. I nodded, fighting back the urge to excrete in my terror. ThePoshFart 5 5h40m. He was still yet to explain why he had found it so amusing to call me that. Take it or leave it, as it is an extremely minor thing that has absolutely no affect on the story whatsoever. I was linked to hfy by writingprompts though. This will probably gonna get buried in the comments and I dont know how much you are using modern military stuff for inspiration for the combat scenes but there is one part I would recommend a change. It staggered, collided with its comrade and fell. He dropped the bags and they landed with a solid, dense noise that told me they were exactly as heavy as they looked. Heh, it was a fun challenge. The story of Lablonnamedadon is one of the classic HFY stories that got the sub noticed. Prey's back, Round Three!! A second later there was a flare of light and shrieking, but it was not enough. Los Angeles Classic Car Restoration. Lots of monsters are also designed. This, and quarantine, both of which I found elsewhere, led me to HFY. If I didnt have any experience, I wouldnt have even noticed. Then a third, and a fourth, and though every single one was on target, Jenkins just kept going, apparently completely impervious to impacts that would have pulped any other species. It has arrived!!! Also stationed on the Flashing Hooves is, Moktep, an ambitious Bonthan Vice-Admiral. (The Salvation War, #1) by Stuart Slade (shelved 3 times as hfy) Absolutely amazing, really love how youve developed the story from the original. I was actually driving back from talking with my lawyer about fighting for the right to have contact with my own offspring when I was abducted., He looked me in the eye. And what it means for their war. As far as I know the original author never wrote anything else in the universe and never even identified him/herself which is why the author is always listed as anonymous. I remember that one, i believe its somewhere in the must read section. Pretty sure Ill be leaving this station before long, too.. "EDM is probably one of the styles of music that I hate the most. Its crazy! He complained to me, in private. We studied the creatures on many worlds, although none bore intelligent life. In hindsight, I really should have expected that Jenkins would have attracted a journalists attention. I was taught this thing from a very young age as if it was true. Up until that point, I had been struggling to reconcile the artistic power of these beings, and the nobility of their heroic visions of themselves, with the relentless delusion and grinding unpleasantness enacted in its name that played out before me. For nearly seven hundred years, mankind grew and expanded. ago u/mishdaddy. Human words started to slip into the languages of the stations crew, filling gaps in our philosophical vocabulary. From my homeworld. It's better than my writing projects by far. This, along with all the other HFY classics is what got me into this sub. Long-term observation showed that after hatching the individual would slowly but surely go insane, to the point where none reached old age. Two royalty free songs from Kevin Macleod have been used, albeit slightly edited to loop them.Man Down by Kevin MacLeod. Also, brief writefaggotry featuring telepathic Churchill vs. psychic Hitler. My arm dangled useless by my side and every slight movement was agony, but I had to know if he was alive. I only read through I and II like 2 weeks back as well. They gave me a splitting headache from across the room.. Looking back, it's actually worked out in our favour. Interview begins, interstellar convenient standard date/time 1196-5-24.4. I want to keep reading it (hell I would pay for a book, and I mean like the 'whole LotR trilogy together' size book). Theyre both products of the same religious root anyway!. Prey is what introduced me to HFY and I have reread 1 and 2 this morning because God damn it is feels like my first girlfriend just texted me. Then a moment that would change our history came. Had to do a double take when I saw the notification. Read the whole series for the first time, and when I got to the retreat screened by the Associated Republics, I couldn't stop thinking of this mv in particular:, What we need, Admiral, are fighter craft that are more heavily armored than the Bearcat and Tigercat, that can engage more hostiles before having to re-arm, that can survive multiple hits from the Rashans laser turrets, and that can also take on the larger combatants that the Rashan field along with their fighters, their destroyers, and cruisers..

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