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i feel alive scoreganics

i also get alot of left rib pain - and over the last couple of years it's radiated to my back as well. I wish you the best too, let me know if you need to talk. I just turned 53 and have been post-menopausal for almost 2 years. Every day I feel like either the end is near or that I will be committedit's just insane. Perhaps her ideas were sought as well as the other persons and together they made a plan. Meticulously curated television underscore. just awaiting on results from a biopsys that was took from left breast yesterday , get results next tuesday , but praying and asking God for good result , thanx for reply , nobody quite understands as the out of things that can come from menapause. Read our editorial policy. i am 45 and feel like im losing my mind periods come very regular but the past theee months i had one hospital stay because of racing heart that comes and goes, vertigo, hot flashes the stomach wrenching anxiety full ear head feeling periods are a nightmare. I feel terrible live a very healthy lifestyle and have been completely taken back by this every single day for three months. Doesn't really make me feel better as it's easy to think something was growing and wasn't yet visible to themthe mind gamesmy only ray of hope is that it has been less noticeable sometimes so i figure that wouldn't happen if it was a progressive disease. hello, wow you seem to have a lot of the same problems I have I think theyre digestive anyway theyre in my stomach and in my back and on my sides and they move around a lot but it really hurts mainly on my right side the most and Im really scared theres something wrong!!! earlier this year I had a terrible panic attack. Mahmoodi A, Bahrami B, Mehring C. Reciprocity of social influence. YES, I am postmenopausal too, been a year and a half since my last period. When i had bloodwork again in August, 2019 i found out it was elevated. Perhaps the other person would start giving examples of how they do let her say what she wants to do, start complaining that they always do what she wants to do, or even complain back that she never asks what they want to do. The doctors didnt have an answer as to why so thats what got me googling which led to my health anxiety. and one day was gone..For me the anxiety is the worst! im desperately searching for a good dr that specializes in perimenopause - menopause. Don't really bother me but do any of you ladies have this awful nausea? We are in this together ladies! Then once I've calm down I drive myself back home. Youre right: googling is dangerous! This of course made me very cranky. it started jan 2016 but past 3 months have beem horrible. feel better and welcome to write anytime you like xoxo. Its so scary. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. It just feels like its never going to end! It feels as im constantly running to the bathroom even at home and not much comes out. hi i really feel the same .somedays the meno symptoms come back with a vengance constant nausea tiredness aches and pains . I am in California. How is taking proprabolol ? i just got home from the er where all my tests were normal. I also get rib pain on my left side only, comes and goes. How are you doing? I have always been bubbly and positive. Anyway she says to throw away the applicator to the vaginal estrogen. I dont have IC though, thank You, Jesus! Praying this is just another lovely menopause symptom and not cancer. Maybe you could that, give the natural route a go and if you are not satisfied with the results you could then weigh up taking antibiotics. NO appetite, food sits at top of stomach, can just nibble, losing a lb. Another way to say I Feel? Using feeling statements can help people assert themselves while reducing hostility. Let's face it, when you're feeling like a loser you don't feel anything else. I also have been fighting migraines, so painful they cause vomiting. Right before meno hit I had a 2 month period that seemed endless and I honestly thought I was gonna die. Registered in England and Wales. And always scared of everything. i have not had a period in three months and since december ive had a feeling of inflamation and pain on my right flank. I get reflux and then I take a tums and then it stops the reflux but causes me to have a pulling nagging pain between breast and shoulder blades. I have to force myself to move then I do feel better after awhile. 2018;6:e4831. Health anxiety is the worst. I found that what helped was Probiotic Pearls for women's vaginal and digestive health. Did your nausea come in waves. And now that anxiety is UP UP UP, my pills are struggling to work. Are you totally cured from sibo and feel totally healthy ? These Drs truly dont listen heck the emts mentioned menopause. I honestly didn't see it coming. Just a suggestion. I have had this deep ache and almost burning type sensation right on top of my pubic bone. Because of terrible hot flashes I went on HRT about six years after menopause and after a bit the urinary problems returned. Hi Vicky. I am there with you. dissapointed on the ulcer however as thought would be/provide remedy for resolve. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. at times i will feel the ache in my left side. My doctors think stress/anxiety are causing my symptoms. How are you doing present day? Very light. I just want to feel better and stay well. I just feel OFF (not really dizzy) just head foggy! Panicking with every single new symptom and the pandemic is not helping. Today I felt normal! Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek with anyone else but it's like I told my doctor I felt like I had the flu and my throat just kept hurting off and on and was red , and they all chalked it up to post nasal drip , I asked if my hormones and menopause could be causing it told her I had read on this site that a lot of women were having the same issues she looked at me like I was stupid , and the rapid std test that shows results in 20 min was negative thank you Jesus , my sons are like mom you need to stop freaking out you've been checked you don't have anything but Google told me I was dying moreless and possibly had a horrible std even though my Dr's tell me if I did have I would be a lot sicker but this has all just suddenly hit me all at once within the last 6 months with the head aches and feeling moreless like flu symptoms and crap bundled all in one , I went to the er over it because my left under arm was hurting they did x-rays and said my lymph glands wasn't swelled and my blood work was fine , and I was like well why Is my throat red and why does it hurt but not hurt when I swallow and why is my armpit hurting and my upper chest off and on and why does my throat feel like it's going dry , simply it's allergies, pulled muscle , your fine just take musinex or a sinus med but here's the kicker since all of this started I'm having allergic reactions to a lot of stuff that I never had before , and my question is why does these doctors act like they've never heard of these symptoms with menopause well I'm apparently perimenopause, just turned 48 the 23 rd , so in short I wish someone would of kicked that snack in the ass and eve to for eating that stupid apple she cursed us all because she didn't listen to God's commandments , but I guess I cant be mad at her when I fell him daily to , I'm just so over all of this ughh , hope you feel better soon . Hi Sian, i also had endometrial polyps. I feel like I'm on another planet , the skin zapping! The nauseau and anxiety are just awful. i feel alive scoreganics | 50827. post-template-default,single,single-post,postid-50827,single-format-standard,theme-capri,qode-core-2.1.1,select-core-2.1.1,woocommerce-no-js,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,,capri-ver-3.3, vertical_menu_with_scroll,smooth_scroll,fade_push_text_top,paspartu_enabled,woocommerce_installed,blog_installed,wpb-js-composer . but i have had every fear under the sun. While it can be a bit challenging at first, you may find that this approach becomes more natural over time. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are When people talk about feelings, they often have a tendency to assign blame first while downplaying the feeling. All of a sudden I had almost every one of the perimenapause symptoms. I am so thankful to know i am not alone. I have been taking extra menopause supplements, I think they may be helping a bit. 'I feel' statements are a way of communicating the speaker's feelings or beliefs. Dr. ruled out ear infection. Got a call from the DR to get bloods done on liver all fine. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Yes, I take all the supplements I need, I drink plenty of water and I'm now on the Fodmap diet for Sibo. If you ever need to talk, I am here. Rocking sensation, like I'm swaying. I read a lots try to keep my mind occupied till I get tired and I fall asleep.. Loss of appetite, feelings of doom. But it's one of the perimenopause symptoms some of us experience as I speak to other women going thru perimenopause and some have talked about this kind of symptoms. Feeling statements are often used in therapy and many mental health professionals encourage their use in everyday communication. x, Hi, my periods are very irregular, I won't have a period for 3-4 months, then I'll have one every 18 days a few times, the 5 months withoutI've had quite a lot of tests, bloods, been to 2 neurologists, gynae, gastro docs, all okish, except for Sibo and low in vit d and iron. Its Feb 5 now and on April 15 it will be my one full year without a period. Treatment such as creams and pessaries are often very effective in helping the symptoms. A 2018 study found that the use of "I" language was the most effective strategy to use during conflict. I pray that we all stay strong and do what we have to be overcome this and progress to enjoying this change of life. Have you received any diagnosis for what causes these symptoms? The health anxiety I have developed is almost paralysing. Im scared at nights as well, I had a panic attack the other night, I was so scared!! I don't understand how hormones can do this to a person. All rights reserved. I've had this for the last 3 months. I've done that too a few times. I am always telling my husband i don't want to be alone. ya the sore throat really started freaking me out , I've read where everyone said do avoid sweets , dairy , and caffeine, so I have been and have started eating spinach and vegetables and trying to get to a healthier weight , and wasn't feeling to bad today so I thought I'd try a diet coke to see if it actually did effect my symptoms and sure enough it did not even a hr after drinking it my throat has started hurting , feel like I have a vice script on my head moreless pressure , and right lower rib started hurting again , so needless to say there will be no more caffeine in my future , I've went as far as going to cvs and buying a rapid std test because my doctors and everyone says that I'm fine even though I was checked 3 yrs ago and haven't bee. Thanks! my doctor told me to make a will too and that this would help. Always seems to be one thing after the other, water infections a few months back were awfulI also fall into the trap of googling.. i've had numerous tests done as well, but I still get all these aches and pains, which lead me to think the worse. Thank you for your response , The gastro advises me after taking the antibiotics for Sibo then do food map diet and take one of the PPI omeprazole along probiotic and see if it gets better then if not they will ck my acid level by inserting a tube as you said sometimes we have low acid . One reason "I feel" statements might help defuse conflict is a phenomenon known as the norm of reciprocity. This was my first perimenopause symptom. I just constantly feel like I'm going to drop dead in front of my 12 year old daughter. I was OK with my single life. For instance, people often say, "You make me so mad," which typically causes a defensive reaction from the other person at the first word. Take Care. My husband and I work very closely in our jobs ,and so we can navigate times when I need to flop, however , sometimes we are called to try and carry on because of who we are in our jobs. I don't have any other "bad" symptoms like bloating, bleeding, heart burn, weight gain just this pressure down. It allows the speaker to express control and ownership of their emotions without directly accusing the other person of being at fault. Just want a sprinkle of myself back so I can enjoy life (which is hard to do with this COVID political mess) again ya know? Hugs. please let me know . oh yes absolutely, i have about 100 symptoms, my heart rate was 140 this morning x, Mmmm sorry to hear that, it's horrible!! My main concern right now is this bladder pressure. Doctors didnt have a clue so i googled and next thing i had all these weird, crazy diseases.. It's hard to explain. I too feel like I'm slowly dying. I last bled in December and FSH test came out at 76. Many articles say to get checked out for serious causes from this, but I've had 2 CT scans for it over the years an I'm sure something would have been found. Thank you for your testimony! It felt strange when I breathe, like there's candyfloss in my lungs.. Lol.. Not sure if i mentioned it earlier but one of my worse symptoms is the bladder pressure. I've had it all my life, but it's really flared up now with the perimenopause. My biggest things now (and some days are almost debilitating) are extreme exhaustion and the other thing I am having a REALLY hard time with is the nausea. as being in breach of those terms. Does this sound familiar. Also having anxiety attacks joint pain and stomach issues and ear pain that not caused from infection. I know exactly how you feel, anxiety is putting so much strain on my life, I don't sleep well as I get panic attacks, fear that I'm dying, I live alone and it makes it worse as I fear something will happen and I have no one to help me. We sound like sisters from another mister (lol). So weak nausea and feel like dying. I'm praying every day. shari. Other researchers have found that couples that utilize "you" language during conflict discussions have less effective interactions. doi:10.7717/peerj.4831, Biesen JN, Schooler DE, Smith DA. Worst day of my life. My doctors say they fodt worry about my levels unless it was 3 times higher. Insomnia. I'm new to this site and I'm so grateful I've stumbled upon this forum. The GP says my eustachian tubes are retracted but no matter how much steroid nasal spray I use, the pressure is there. My period also stopped last July, I felt alot better those months without a period, then it came back in January until March and my symptoms started again but not so bad first and second period, in March I started to get hot flashes and a period too. I think in part He is what led me to the menopause boards!. NOW, the bladder! By using "I feel" statements, couples can focus their communication on what they are feeling rather than assigning blame and making their arguments worse. Im 55; will be 56 in August. I started the Premarin last night and only use a pea size amt on the outside and near the opening. It started a month ago. I am having the same thing. I wondered how you were doing as this sounds a lot like me right now hope you see doing well. While there is no guarantee that the other person will respond in a receptive way, using feeling statements can minimize the risk that the conversation will devolve into hostility and argumentativeness. i have severe nausea, ear ringing, and every other horrible symptom. A feeling statement keeps the focus on the feeling of the speaker which is less likely to elicit a defensive reaction and more likely to promote effective communication.

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