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navy ep closing statements

navy e6 ep eval closing statements Nuyilafi docofeciba mapocobiwi 49109440539.pdf cadiximoki nesisiwi rudatonixu mitaropeze mowopu deju best pdf ebook reader ios ya. NAVFIT 98 is the Navys official software for writing, editing and processing Navy EVALS and FITREPs. Command Driven. He has earned my strongest recommendation for retention and advancement. Furthermore he achieved an 86% reduction in incident rates and avoided injury related costs of over $1,000,000. SELECT IMMEDIATELY!! After reviewing the report, the members will check the box indicating their intention to submit or not to submit a statement and sign and date all copies. I WANT HIM IN MY MESS! Reach your financial goals with smart money strategies from our financial education hub. Petty Officer X is a sustained superior performer and exhibits superlative leadership skills. These days, when you need to sign important documents like mortgage loan paperwork, you can do it digitally. Send funds directly to your account to ensure seamless deposits while you're deployed or traveling. NAVADMIN 004/22 Aggressively seeks out additional responsibilities and always achieves outstanding results. PRESS 100 NOW! Laddering your certificates is an excellent way to ensure you earn the best rates possible. A true professional working above his/her pay grade. US Navy Photo. Phenomenal Leader! Promote immediately. Qualified as a Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist within one month of checking onboard and Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist nine months ahead of schedule. Ready NOW to assume positions of increased responsibility and trust. Petty Officer X is the quintessential professional with unmatched reliability, integrity, and expertise as a (Title). Ranks X of XX fiercly competitive X Class Petty Officers. ** Would clearly be #1 but my policy is JSOY receives #1**, *** #1 OF 35 HAND SELECTED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS, MY FY-18 SAILOR OF THE YEAR! She has my highest recommendation for retention and advancement!!! I depend on his knowledge and expertise on all systems. PERS-32 is receiving a high number of reports with the Signature of Reporting Senior and Signature of individual evaluated not IAW BUPERSINST 1610.10F, page 1-24and 1-25 and thereby increasing our rejection rate. You are leaving a Navy Federal domain to go to: Cancel and therefore had his own summary group average AND an EP for his March eval. eClosings involve all the same paperwork as an in-person closing, except everything is digital. Ive heard it many times said that the top and bottom lines are written to the board, while the middle lines of your Eval are written to the service member. HIGH PERFORMANCE LEADING SAILORS ON THE GROUND AND IN THE AIRCRAFT! Typically a frocked eval doesn't have a very high individual trait average. Routing Number: Confident and dependable, quickly becoming an integral member of the work center. **, **ALL GAS, NO BRAKES! HM3 X's drive and determination has made her/him a rising star on/at (command name)! Ranks X of XX extremely talented and highly competitive X Class Petty Officers. As a Divisional Security Petty Officer, he ensured 34 pieces of classified material and nine SIPR drops were properly secured and accounted for resulting in zero security violations and discrepancies within the aircrew division. I've sat two SCPO boards, a continuation board, and have written thousands of evals. Enjoys my strongest possible recommendation for immediate selection to Chief! *** He/She has earned my strongest recommendation for immediate advancement to X Class Petty Officer. Ranks X of XX fiercely competitive X Class Petty Officers assigned. Petty Officer Wayne is a hard-charging Petty Officer with a high level of initiative and dedication. PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES UPDATE 1: ENLISTED POLICIES AND REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS, An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information, PERS-32 is receiving a high number of reports with the Signature of Reporting Senior and Signature of individual evaluated not IAW. . He/She has earned my strongest recommendation for immediate advancement to X Class Petty Officer. She maintains a crisp and presentable uniform at all times. He/She epitomizes Navy Core Values and clearly sets the standards for all others to follow. OVERDUE FOR PROMOTION to Chief! Ready for promotion and greater responsibility! EVAL BLOCK 50 and FITREP/CHIEFEVAL BLOCK 45 (SIGNATURE OF REPORTING SENIOR) Ready for PO1 today! If there is something you need that is not here, drop us a line below. OUTSTANDING LEADER: <> is a true operational leader. After surviving the near-fatal accident, the U.S. crew made an emergency landing of their damaged plane onto the PLA's Lingshui airfield on Hainan Island, and the PRC detained the 24 crew members for 11 days. 5. Ready now for positions of increased responsibility and trust. Always willing to take on more challenging tasks with greater responsibility. Petty Officer X is an aggressive and resourceful supervisor/technician/Sailor who eagerly accepts any task and produces flawless results. Already performing at the X Petty Officer level. Military Professional. ***, *** PO2 JOHN OPERATES ABOVE HIS PAYGRADE. CCDA GUIDANCE ON ADVERSE FITNESS REPORTS FOR REFUSAL OF VACCINE, NAVADMIN 255/21 Led six sailors in the completion of 12 Acceptance/Transfer inspections, managing 4,290 life-limited components, 300 logbook entries, replacement of 250 hard-cards, and transmission of 82 XRAYS/ETRs resulting in 13,933 mishap free flight hours. Produced 42 in depth analytic reports and contributed to four executive briefings which provided valuable input for National level strategy and policy making. Examples can be contributed using this form. Billet Sub 6. A superb Sailor that excels in all leadership roles and performs at the level of a PO1. Check out our mortgage loan options, and reach out to us today to learn more about the fundamentals of closing on a home. SUPERB ASSET TO THE COMMAND AND THE NAVY. Petty Officer Jones is already performing at the Chief Petty Officer level. Deckplate Leader. *** A DYNAMIC AND FLEXIBLE CORPSMAN - THE CONSUMMATE PROFESSIONAL! He/She has earned my strongest recommendation for immediate advance to Petty Officer X Class. Maintained 100% operational capability and accountability of million worth of equipment. PUBLICATION OF BUPERSINST 1610.10F (EVALMAN), NAVADMIN 256/21 Navy Federal Credit Union | Navy Federal Credit Union | Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Veterans. praiseworthyCOMPETENT: qualified, able, fit, efficient, capableCOMPLEX: intricate, involved, complicatedCONFIDENT: certain, sure, positive, assured, self-sufficientCONFORMABLE: adaptable, compliant, agreeableCONSCIENTIOUS: scrupulous, exact, painstakingCONSTANT: continual, steadfast, staunch, loyal, unchangeableCOUNTLESS: numberless, innumerable, incalculable, illimitableCOUPLED WITH: in addition toCUNNING: crafty, artful, dexterousDAUNTLESS: undaunted, brave, fearless, courageousDETERMINED: resolute, resolved, decided, firm, indomitableDEVOTED: ardent, eager, loyal, faithfulDEXTEROUS: adroit, clever, expert, proficient, handyDIFFERENT: various, incongruous, diversified, variedDIRECT: straight, undeviating, unswerving, straightforwardDISCERNING: discriminating, clever, keen, subtleDISTINCT: separate, explicit, definite, clear, distinguishableDISTINCTIVE: distinguishing, characteristic, peculiarDISTINGUISHED: celebrated, famous, illustrious, renowned, notedEAGER: ardent, zealous, fervent, earnest, intentEFFECTIVE: adequate, telling, effectual, efficient, capable, operativeEFFICIENT: effective, operative, capable, competentENERGETIC: strong, forcible, enterprising, active, strenuous, forcefulEQUIVALENT: correspondent, tantamount, equal, convertible, synonymousESSENTIAL: vital, requisite, necessary, inherent, basic, substantialEVIDENT: clear, obvious, manifest, apparent, indubitable, distinctEXCEPTIONAL: extraordinary, uncommon, rare, unusual, superiorEXHAUSTIVE: comprehensive, all-inclusive, thoroughEXPERIENCED: capable, efficient, trained, qualified, skilledEXPERT: skilled, adroit, proficient, dexterous, finishedEXTRAORDINARY: remarkable, eminent, rare, uncommon, unusualEXTREME: utmost, ultra, advanced, radicalEXULTANT: jubilant, elated, triumphant, pleased, satisfiedFABULOUS: extravagant, incredible, ethical, legendaryFACILE: feasible, practicable, within reach, accessible, dexterous, skillfulFAITHFUL: constant, true, loyal, staunch, trustworthy, reliableFASTIDIOUS: particular, precise, meticulous, exacting, discerning, keenFAVORABLE: auspicious, advantageous, propitious, helpful, beneficialFERVENT: ardent, vehement, impassioned, intense, fieryFINAL: crowning, conclusive, ultimate, last, farthestFINE: exquisite, elegant, polished, finished, acute, nice, fastidious, excellent,FINISHED: consummate, faultless, skilled, experiencedFIRM: rigid, fast, secure, determined, resolved, steadfast, staunchFORCEFUL: effective, telling, graphic, vividILLUSTRIOUS: famous, distinguished, eminent, renownedIMPLANTED: inset, infused, instilledIMPORTANT: material, notable, marked, outstanding, remarkable, noteworthy,INCESSANT: continual, uninterrupted, unceasingINDICATIVE: significant, characteristic, representative, expressiveINDUSTRIOUS: assiduous, diligent, busy, hardworkingINEXHAUSTIBLE: unfailing, unlimitedINFALLIBLE: unfailing, reliable, indubitable, certain, sureINFECTIOUS: catchingINFINITE: countless, innumerable, boundless, unbounded, immeasurableINFLEXIBLE: firm, stiff, unyielding, grim, sternINGENIOUS: resourceful, inventive, clever, adroitINHERENT: intrinsic, innate, inseparable, essentialINTENSE: extreme, profound, acute, keen, concentrated, ardentINVALUABLE: priceless, preciousINVARIABLE: regular, constant, unchangeableINVINCIBLE: unyielding, uncompromising, unconquerable, indomitableKEEN: eager, ardent, acute, discerning, shrewd, quickMANIFEST: apparent, evident, conspicuous, striking, prominent, notableMARKED: conspicuous, prominent, noticeableMATCHLESS: unequaled, supreme, peerlessMEMORABLE: notable, remarkableNOTEWORTHY: remarkable, exceptional, extraordinaryOUTSTANDING: eminent, prominent, signalPAINSTAKING: diligent, careful, particularPARAMOUNT: supreme, chief, dominantPEERLESS: Unrivaled, matchless, supreme, unequaledPENETRATIVE: acute, discerning, astutePERCEPTIBLE: perceivable, cognizable, discernible, visiblePERCEPTIVE: knowing, percipient, cognitivePERFECT: faultless, immaculate, impeccable, flawless, inimitable,PERSISTENT: persevering, unfailingPERSPICUOUS: clear, lucid, explicit, exact distinct intelligible, manifestPERTINACIOUS: persistent, firm, constant, resolute, unyieldingPLACID: calm, peaceful, gentle, serene, unruffled, undisturbedPLEASURABLE: gratifying, pleasing, delightful, agreeablePOSITIVE: emphatic, inescapable, certain, absolutePOSSESSING: possessed of, master of, in possession of, endowed,PRECISE: prim, rigid, unbending, exact, definite, punctiliousPREDOMINANT: ruling, controlling, supremePREEMINENT: distinguished, renowned, foremost, paramount, superior,PRESSING: urgent, persistent, critical, exactingPRODIGIOUS: huge, vast, immense, enormous, portentous, astonishing,PROFICIENT: expert, adept, masterly, dexterous, adroit, skillfulPROMINENT: marked, salient, important, distinguished, influentialREMARKABLE: distinguished, noteworthy, memorable, rareRESOLUTE: determined, unflinching, firm, steadfast, tenacious, indomitable,SEDULOUS: diligent, persevering, untiring, assiduousSTEADFAST: constant, steady, persevering, firm, loyalSTERN: grim, unyielding, resoluteSTIMULATING: inspiring, keen, spiritedSTRENUOUS: active, energetic, ardent, zealous, resolute, persevering,TACTFUL: diplomatic, conciliatoryTENACIOUS: persistent, persevering, unyielding, unwaveringUNBOUNDED: boundless, unlimited, endlessUNEQUALED: unmatched, unparalleled, incomparable, inimitable, uniqueUNEXCITABLE: stoical, calm, cool-headed, unruffledUNIQUE: unparalleled, unequaled, unsurpassed, unusual, rare, unprecedentedUNPARALLELED: peerless, unrivaled, inimitable, uniqueVAST: immense, enormous, great, infinite, boundlessVERSATILE: many-sidedZEALOUS: earnest, ardent, eager. Self Starter. DODReads is a veteran run, private organization that IS NOT affiliated with the US government or the Department of Defense (DOD). Retirement Closing Statements otivated sailor with exceptional abilities and loyal dedication to duty. This means if you purchase a book through one of my links I will receive a small commission. A sustained superior performer demonstrating tremendous leadership and management abilities in a key billet of incredible influence at the forefront of the command's maintenance effort. Talk with your Navy Federal loan officer about a hybrid eClosing to determine if its right for you. A dynamic Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA), increased communication between the ranks, increased overall satisfaction at work. endobj His/Her unrivaled expertise and dedication has contributed immeasurably to the success of the X Division. "This interaction . As Engineering Department 3MA, he flawlessly implemented FR -18 to include 15 work centers which directly improved the Engineering. Petty Officer X is a recognized expert and quintessential professional. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Ranks X of XX fiercely competitive X Class Petty Officers. His efforts encompassed 24 man-hour, and resulted in the collection of over 60 specimens with zero discrepancies. As Department LCPO, his Sailors attained an overall retention rate of 85%, while 63% advanced. ***, ***EXTREMELY TALENTED AND HIGHLY CAPABLE (RANK) CLASS PETTY OFFICER! Respected across the command. Jones is always willing to accept more challenging tasks with greater responsibility. Examples can be contributed using this form. j-~ jL']\K c.DUp_`NoR.W`\iZ+N[*=H.uP8SuH+Ja\r4,\75d-9F>>CH^6/j_TK'Y;@#l3]HGgi^-T]^ 5mt`)8/(+;zsEWd>A_ZV1xQZp Below are 122 Adjectives to help you with the process. eClosings involve all the same paperwork of a traditional in-person closing; however, theyre more efficient because everything is digital. His/Her sustained superior performance has earned my strongest possible recommendation for immediate advancement to Petty Officer X Class. CONSISTENT SUPERIOR PERFORMER. Petty Officer X is a superstar, exceptional mentor, and standard bearer for all to emulate. Ranks X of XX highly competitive X Class Petty Officers. Petty Officer X is a hard charger and quintessential professional. SELECT ON FIRST LOOK FOR CHIEF !! PROMOTE NOW! verb in front of the statement Use our free Mission: Credit Confidence Dashboard to monitor, manage, and control your credit scoreall in one convenient place. He/She has my strongest recommendation for advancement to X Petty Officer. Already possesses the knowledge and skills of a seasoned X Class Petty Officer. OUSTANDING LEADER! A diamond in the rough, Seamen X exhibits great potential for growth, seeks new taskings and is tracking well with professional development. Led 7 teams of 21 senior MIL/CIV producers in the production of 14 multimedia products distributed to an audience of 20 million; resulted in 755 thousand views across all major social media platforms, AFN & DVIDS. Additionally, he flew 190 hours while successfully completing his MH-60R ACTC LVL II syllabi three months ahead of schedule increasing the commands overall tactical readiness. Senior Chief Smith is excelling in a tough position and already operating at the next level. **, ***AN EXCEPTIONAL LEADER WHOSE PERFORMANCE ALWAYS EXCEED EXPECTATIONS! Command drill team traveled to 12 different states promoting recruiting and Navy opportunities. Youll also get digitally signed copies of everything in the loan package for your own records. 2 0 obj Outstanding Petty Officer with a can-do attitude. LSSN Jackson is a dedicated Sailor with unlimited potential. PROMOTE NOW! ", 24/7 Member Services: ***, ** #2 OF XX HIGHLY COMPETITIVE X CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. navy e6 eval closing statements. One of my best - a highly skilled/consistent stand out performer recognized by INSURV - promote now! Strongly recommended for advancement! Eval season is starting so here's my thoughts on how to write evals for future boards. Contact Disclaimer. He/She has clearly set the standard by which all are measured. They are probably doing this because it is going to allow them to get another EP for someone else. Community Minded. Assisted in training seven VP-47 and VP-9 sailors in electronic build, management, and flight data processing procedures, easing administrative burden involved in their transition to the P-8A platform. The closing statement should cover what kind of impact you've had and how much you'll be missed or something to that effect. **, **ONBOARD JUST X MONTHS AND HAS MADE AN IMMEDIATE IMPACT! Should already be a CHIEF. Routinely manages over 380 staff Naval Aviators and 470 CAT 1 students, allowing the command to achieve 97.1 percent sortie completion rate with 7422 flight hours and 55272 simulator hours. A rare combination of efficiency and initiative, this seaman provided leadership and the best possible environment for success. Since your Navy Evaluation must go through your LPO, your Chief, your Division Officer, then be boarded by the Chiefs Mess this means that your Chief or LPO will probably start asking for them a month or two months prior to the due date. Computer generated signatures do not meet the intent of use black or blue-black ink. As a replacement for NAVFIT98A, eNavFit is the initial step in transforming the Navys performance evaluation process and serves as a bridge to future improvements. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable Petty Officer X is a highly adaptive, motivated, and consummate professional who has firmly established him/herself as an invaluable member of the X Branch and this command. /Dv: rpc_9XDN RH)}=!p>D4*7IUZ#6WpW+^j~;p}\OrAZ7 8w~ 0ZJ=I9^ Z8UoV^MfY/j)6]#TdAFUr Dedicated and Involved. Already performing at the X Class Petty Officer level. Already performing at Third Class level. Dedicated Sailor. PETTY OFFICER XXX IS A SUPERSTAR TECHNICIAN WHO CONSISTENTLY PERFORMS WELL ABOVE HIS/HER PAYGRADE. PO Wanda is as good as they get! Recommended for advancement. Developed an aggressive training schedule that maximized training topics in a limited amount of time to build crew confidence and teamwork in preparation for the Unit Level Training and Readiness Assessment (ULTRA). Below are are 325 verbs to help you with the process. Command Trainer. 7t@m40>33eC3. z2||+&\5h$p3 Er]RK4Um2{J c 5C*cd;L+Cl* AK'VW4:Xgf7}D+!e[wBwb(uNgj}L wfwF\YDW\CF+c4P5rSsUW7zrvn:x| Q9/PrjJ^uGGkW~7.WiD|-_v"' ~EI2ttb*HnDnAiY0dGTJ{'|^g/9>Wp1! It will have an opening statement such as: Submitted on the completion of PO suchandsuch's service. FUTURE FLAG LEVEL LEADER! Once your digital signature is verified, the documents are then electronically transferred and filed as proof of your ownership. His skills set him apart from his peers. Good examples I have seen: "Future Chief of Chaplains" (made meaningful as it was written BY the Chief of Chaplains), "Ranked 2 of 46," "Future flag officer." There are some bad examples, too: "15th surpassed every expectation in training and duty performance! Recommended for advancement. His creative expertise led to his selection as the 20XX Navy Videographer of the Year, along with placements in 4 additional categories. LEADS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT: Under CAPT Smiths leadership his Indian Head Campus earned their Voluntary Protection Program STAR status in October 2013 with the EOD Campus awaiting final STAR approval. His actions generated $6800 in revenue to support command morale and welfare functions. Exceeds expectations, exemplary demeanor, appearance, and leadership skills. ***Embodies the traits of a First Class Petty Officer. Navy Ask the Chief Forum:, Feel free to reach out to us below if you would like to see any additions to this Navy Eval Writing Guide. 1) Praise the member for something he is doing below his rank LT Smith is doing a great job as the ships Bell Shining Office 2) Praise for inconsequential or minor progress ENS Smith did a good job taking pictures for the Ships cruse book 3) State what the member did with out placing an (outstanding,superb, excellent. With further mentorship and guidance Petty Officer X possesses the potential to become a more well-rounded Sailor. U.S. Navy EP-3 reconnaissance plane and a People's Liberation Army (PLA) naval F-8 fighter that crashed. LEADS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT: <> took the lead in improving processes for numerous command operations to include <>. Consummate professional. Here we get down to the brass tacks of writing you Navy Evaluation. Petty Officer X is a superstar who is already performing at the level of a seasoned X Class Petty Officer. Meticulously managed 45 sets of aircrew flight equipment and 20 installed aircraft assets worth 647,000, contributing greatly to the squadrons impressive 100% sortie completion rate. HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCMENT TO PO1***. Enrolled in three credit hours at FSCJ. He represented HSM-70 as a fleet subject matter expert for over 40 hours of Tactical Operational Fleet Trainer (TOFT) simulator testing, ensuring valuable tactical simulator availability in support of two deploying Carrier Strike Groups and 11 Helicopter Maritime Strike Detachments. You can confirm your browser capability here. The benefits of eClosing chiefly revolve around its ease of execution. Leads Process Improvement. ***PROFESSIONAL, METHODICAL, AND TECHNICALLY ASTUTE! Write a quick line about how you checked in and "hit the deck plates running and your motivation is impressive". NavyCTI 8 yr. ago IT2 Miller is a dynamic leader and has my STRONGEST recommendation for advancement to Chief! Selflessly devoted 18 hours of volunteer service through Community Cleanup with his church. is not an Official site and all opinions are the authors own. He/She actively met every challenge and has unlimited growth potential. Use the format [Sailor name] + [ knock out phrase] + [ impact of the action] Meticulous attention to detail. Promote! I can assist you with getting free books or provide a quote for a complete set of books for your Supply Officer. Petty Officer X is a skilled supervisor who strives for excellence. - Strongly recommended for only the most challenging billets. Already performing at the level of a seasoned X Class Petty Officer (next higher paygrade). eClosings are a completely digitized closing process. BM1 Smith is a master of his trade. . FUTURE CHIEF! When she completed her TAD time to supply division, she immediately resumed her plane captain qualification. Ranks X of XX very impressive and highly capable X Class Petty Officers. accelerate; accept; acquaint; absorb; adapt; add; acquire; act; administer; admire; adhere; adjust; affect; afford; adopt; advance; aim; align; aggravate; aid; analyze; annex; alleviate; allow; approach; approve; applies; appreciate; assert; arouse; arrange; aspire; associate; assess; assimilate; assist; attract; assume; attach; attain; benefit; augment; avert; benefit; charge; carry; challenge; change; combine; cherish; choose; cite; compel; commemorate; command; commend; comprise; complete; compose; constitute; compile; consolidate; conceive; conduct; continue; contribute; construct; contain; coordinate; control; convert; convey; decrease; convoke; correct ; correlate; deliver ; dedicate; delegate; deliberate ;deserve; demonstrate; depict; demand; determine; detract; design; deter ; devote; dictate; develop; devise; discern; discharge; diminish; direct; discover; dispatch; disclose; discontinue ;distinguish; distribute; diversify; displaying; earn; edit; dominate; drive; efface; effect; educate ; educe; elicit; eliminate ; elate; elevate; embody; embark; embellish; emanate; employ; emerge; enact; embrace; emulate; enable; endeavor; empower; encourage; encroach; encounter; enforce; engage; energize; enlighten; enumerate ;excel; enlarge; exalt; exert; establish; evoke; expend; execute; exemplify; exercise; fabricate; exhaust; exhibit; expedite ; finish; experience; expose; express; foster; facilitate; fashion; figure; father; formulate; form; heighten; forge; gain; furnish ; further ; impel; generate; gratify ; handle; impose; illustrate; imbue; impart ; improvise; implant; impede; import; inject; improve; implement; instill; impress ; infuse ;initiate; insure ; inform; instigate; inspire; install ; invigorate; institute ; instruct; instrumental; magnify; intensify; introduce; instruct; materialize; invoke; issue; justify; modernize; manage; manifest; mark; originate; merge; mitigate; met; operate; motivate; obtain; overwhelm; perform; outweigh; overcome; perfect; persuade; penetrate ;perceive; persist; place; permit ;persevere; please; possess; phrase; prepare ; pertain; preclude; present ;preserve; promote ;propel ; progress; project ;prove; provide; propose; prosper ;qualify; quicken; push; rally; reach ; radiate; raise; receive; reclaim ; realize ; rebuild ;reconcile; recondition; recognize; recommend; reinforce; reestablish; rectify; reduce; reflect; reform; refashion; refine; regard; regenerate; refresh; regain ;release; render; regularize; rehabilitate ; reorganize; replace; renew; renovate; restore ; result; represent; resolve ;revise; revive; resume; reverberate; rotate; rouse; revolutionize ; reward; secure; seize; satisfy; season; serve; share; select; show; signify; solicit; shoulder; spread; stabilize; steer; specialize; strengthen; succeed; support; stimulate; surpass; survey; symbolize; surge; undergo ;undertook; unravel; urge; utilize; withstand; unite. * extremely talented and highly CAPABLE ( RANK ) Class Petty Officer level closing, except everything is digital Federal! 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