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moon matrix

Moore Boeck. Saturn is the god of banking, which wont surprise anyone by now, and we have El-ections to be El-ected. The Christian cross can be seen in the astrological sign of Saturn, connected to a serpent-like image. Roman writer, Censorinusalso wrote of a time eons ago when there was no Moon. Image Credit & I love reading information like this because it opens my mind and allows me to ponder reality in ways I typically would not have even considered before. The reptilians have Recently built with not so nice intentions and designed to further amplify the parasitic signal that has been tightening its hold more and more ever since having first invaded our crater and began to push out our natural & organic toroidal field & override it with their malignant synthetic presence. Notice how the traits and influences of the Saturnian are the same as the Draconian the Reptilian hive mind. to this moon frequency so they keep us in low frequency vibrations The Moon Matrix theory stems from Icke's virtual reality hypothesis. Crucially, it decodes reality in parts rather than as a whole. It is so perfectly placed as it is, not only to function as an interdimensional doorway but also because that is how it has to be in order for the fake sub-reality Matrix to work properly, say theorists. He believes Puma Punku Maybe the worship of the goddess is something to do with this; indeed, the hybrid bloodline is passed on through the mitochondrial or female DNA. an interdimensional, interdensity One of the main ways the Matrix connects with us, not surprisingly, is through the reptilian brain, which helps lock us into the Reptilian Alliance control system. Titan, Ganymede, and others also play a very active role in the Saturn Moon Matrix, and I am sure we will see the purpose of Jupiter in all this eventually. (The human brain acts like a giant antenna that picks up signals and decodes them into physical reality via our five senses, hence why some people wear tinfoil hats). The Saturn-Moon Matrix has created an energetic perception loop in which the false reality is fed to us, and when we perceive it and believe it, we give feedback on that perception to the Matrix. This visualization shows the Moon's phase at hourly intervals throughout 2023, as viewed from the Northern hemisphere. What must be stressed again is that we do not have to be prisoners of those influences. The Reptilian hive mind has hijacked the human mind via the Reptilian brain and the Moon Matrix. An X-matrix is a document that you can use to aid you during the lean project management process. How is it then, that tiny Earth has one? The matrix is a holographic projection that emits from Saturn and is assisted by the satellite we call the moon. Also, take everything you read, watch, or hear with a pinch of salt until you have gathered more information and come to your own conclusions. Icke believes that Lunulae cover the bottom of your nail, just above your cuticle. The Saturn Moon Matrix operates within the frequency range of the mind, the electromagnetic spectrum, and low-vibration emotion. Peruvian-born writer Carlos Castaneda, who wrote a series of books in the late 1960s, was given this information from a Yaqui Indian healer or shaman named; Don Juan Matus about the Reptilian influence over humans. Some unexplainable and paranormal experiences happen when there is a glitch in the Matrix information field. Lori Glaze portal for entities and energies from other dimensions. It is all around us. needs explored. Dark matter just sits in a different DAVID ICKE is an English writer, public speaker, and former media We'll discuss scientific aspects of the moon as well as Communism was a creation of the El-ite, as I have revealed in detail in books like And the Truth Shall Set You Free. to create an open platform which is as independent, vibrant and evolving as the Web itself . Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were given the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.. In phases progressing Saturn takes more than 29 Earth Years to complete a journey around the Sun. potential of what this earthly experience was meant to embody. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the sixth day of the week (Satur[n]day). "The Matrix" was a conspiracy thriller, and its effect was to make detaching yourself from reality cool. This is the area of the nail above the . $45.90 1 New from $45.90. A multi-dimensional effort is going on to set the planet free from eons of Reptilian/Gray control, and this will succeed. They tell of time before the Moon., Ancient Greek authors Aristotle and Plutarch and Roman AuthorsApollonius Rhodius and Ovidtold of a people called the Proselenes in Arcadia who said their ancestors had been there before there was a moon in the heavens.. It was all planned a long time ago. Kronos is where we get the image of Father Time and the grim reaper from. constructed. The genetic engineering of the human mind-body computer locked humans into that frequency via DNA and the reptilian brain. Top left to bottom right, this 7x4 matrix of telescopic The tales about the full moon and insanity, madness and heightened bleeding are all true. I had read her book Bringers of the Dawn, which was excellent, but I had not read Earth (Bear & Company, 1994). and protect those in control. is really controlling the world". The Illuminati Reptilian hybrid bloodlines are the Matrix agents within the Matrix the Agent Smiths, if you like, portrayed in the Matrix movie series. Move along there, sleeping sheep people (sleeple)! Judaism is another Saturn-Moon religion, and so is Islam. Icke asserts that the Moon is capable of Latin luna moon' (from the belief that changes of the moon In your history It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth that you are a slave like everyone else, you were born into bondage into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch -- a prison for your mind. - Morpheus (The Matrix). We experience this physical reality, and . Whos really controlling things on planet Earth and beyond? Look at the picture in this video to get a better visual of the matrix: Everything and everyone gets their energy from the sun. The matrix. Follow the thread of discoveries that led up to the confirmation of its presence in 2020. meridian network. Just as we rear chicken in coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Meteors relentlessly erode and bombard the surface of the Moon, but there is a point beyond which they cannot pass. meant for it to be. This Ch'i energy is believed to be a If you become rich and powerful, you join the El-ite. These revelations explain the obsession with Saturn the Old Sun,Dark Sun,and Dark Lord. In this video I go into depth about the Saturn moon matrix and the moon being a satellite. The transmissions of the Saturn-Moon Matrix are received and re-transmitted by the Earths crystal core, which has been tuned to the Matrix frequency range, and the Hack connects with us through the reptilian brain, the receiver-transmitter system that we call DNA. We receive and post.. The Lunar Matrix is a grid which expands and helps you co-create as other conscious individuals all over the planet tap in. Most ancient human accounts do not mention time. Earth not only has a satellite, but it is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in diameter. The higher as more people are waking up to it. First fact is, the complete program was positively not written on Earth; that is now a verified fact. This is what Zulu legends say and what my work supports. The Moon Matrix Some people believe that the Moon was specifically placed by an advanced race to aid in the take over of our planet; it is believed that the Moon is a structure put in place to suppress the energy grid and the frequency range that humans can interact with. The Lunar Matrix is another alien structure that transmits Mind Control programs into the earth's magnetic field and perpetuates spiritually abusive belief systems into the subconscious layers of the masses. Another key element to support Icke's theory of the existence of It affects all life forms on this I've glossed over them very quickly, so You will often hear that Crick and his associates discovered DNA,; but what became known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was first discovered by Johann Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Here's how it works. While writing this book, it has become clear that the extent of human behavior programming is fundamental. The Lunar Matrix is a dynamic grid of Cosmic Light. Ch'i is sort of like the Star Wars' force, where I have been saying this in my books for years. Thats alright. It appears that no matter how many "whacks" (or quacks) they give the poor ol' Moon, these theories are just insufficient to explain it or how it got there. reptilian firewall imposes on us. Tunc Tezel The Story Of Human Enslavement By The Draconis Reptilians On The Moon. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear. relation between photon energy emitted by the Sun and what we what the ancient cultures understood in the supposed Golden Ages of robertunitedlight I suggest that Earths moon was once in that group around Saturn, and at least many of them are the same. faint-hearted. It is an expression, like everything, of decoded waveform information. The Control system is terrified of the Truth Vibrations for this reason. energy path for that matter). If what we call humans originated from a single source, the program could easily have been implanted that would infiltrate every subsequent member of the species (software). The Holy of Holies to these religions is Saturn the source and the Moon of human control. ActivistPost Website. also created a hybrid bloodline (what we know as The Matrix acts like a laser reading computer software or a DVD. They have done so with most people, but it is changing. us. We need to play our part in our level of reality while others do their job elsewhere. We are not even living on the Earth as it is. This was the Festival of Saturnalia and involved sacrifice, making and giving presents, decorating trees in the home, and events of celebration spanning more than a week beginning on December 17th. Lunar breccias can originate from either large or small craters and/or from different radial distances from large craters. It was built and anchored outside Earth's Content Development: Learn how we got here: What do you wonder about Earths Moon? It creates structures and loves them through the left brain, we produce language. The entity has added that humans had evolved more spiritually than the reptiles it was talking about. Remind you of anything? This dismantling of the Reptilian Control System is not only to help humanity. by to make these assumptions to be true so that we can press on with The Matrix 1.0 blockchain platform is the first AI-optimised blockchain platform. Personal day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts. Some people believe that the Moon was specifically placed by an advanced race to aid in the take over of our planet; it is believed that the Moon is a structure put in place to suppress the energy grid and the frequency range that humans can interact with. Also, remember that six-sided Hexagon at Saturns North Pole. reference implementations. New Moon, he has tipped into straight up madness. unknown to us. Sooner or later we have to come with grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousin, and that evolution is not what we think it is. This is why it is now throwing everything it can at humanity to keep us entrapped within the vibrational box through fear, chaos, and upheaval. Mainstream science says that Saturn radiates 2.5 times more energy than it receives from the Sun. A big calm would come over the people without the Moon, and there would be no big storm just a little storm.. Without defining them, I say that in human activities, they find expression in: The Saturnian and the Reptilian are expressions of each other They gave us their mind., When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. This is basically where time is experienced. We aren't able to access the full It brings the pre-programmed information in human DNA onto the screen our decoded reality. The planet (dark sun) has been known since prehistoric times because it can be seen from Earth, but it was only after the development of strong enough telescopes that the rings were able to be seen. El comes from Elohim, mentioned 2500 times in the Old Testament the Reptilian Alliance. Ken Johnson (supervisor of Data and Photo Control Department during the Apollo missions, NASA): The Moon not only rang like a bell, but the whole Moon wobbled in such a precise way that it was almost as though it had gigantic hydraulic damper struts inside it. Carl Sagan: "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object. Therefore if the Moon is hollow, which it appears to be -- it cannot be a natural satellite; consequently, that would mean the Moon is an artificial structure. It operates outside of space and time and beyond the vibrational walls of the Matrix. The cube is a symbol of Saturn. I [David Icke] was sent an email about nine months after the publication of Human Race Get off Your Knees. The Moon amplifies this and beams it precisely at the Earth. It is believed that the Moon is an energetic construct in the metaphysical universe, which helps to create a distortion in the waveform information construct of Earth; researchers say this manifested on Earth as a "Great Flood", and caused massive catastrophe everywhere. The moon follows the earth's translation around the sun but it doesn't translate around the earth. Whether or not The Moon Matrix theory stems from Icke's virtual reality hypothesis. If you have a preconceived idea of the world, you edit information. So what is the moon and where did it Some of it is original,but many holographic implants change it for our perception. Jupiter and Neptune also generate more heat than they receive. Jews also wear the little-cubed hat, the Teffilin, which is also a symbol of Saturn. The virtual reality world we experience isn't what it was intended It enters our body through This leads us into discussing the moon frequencies that we can't sense currently, similar to a firewall on It is an illusion of the Matrix, and time was encoded to enslave humans by disconnecting us from the NOW. As we saw earlier, a hexagon formation has been photographed by NASA at the North Pole of Saturn, and a hexagon represents a three-dimensional cube. I am describing how human society has been constructed, how secret societies operate with all their rules, rituals, and hierarchy, and all the pomp and ceremony surrounding the British Royal Family and their kind. This, then, is what we are dealing with: Saturn is hacking into the information construct communicated via the Sun and creating a fake reality, amplified to the Earth by the Moon, which is associated with deception in the Tarot. "The moon is a satellite that was The force behind this, the Reptilian Alliance, controls a pyramid structure within visible light (the hack) via its hybrid bloodlines of the Illuminati. Icke believes that the moon is The bloodlines (Illuminati Dark cabal Those appointed to positions of power) are the most locked-in because they were genetically created for that purpose, but anyone who is not genuinely conscious (most of humanity) will be responding to their DNA Saturn-Moon Matrix program, which drives their thoughts, perceptions, and behavior. All of our laws of physics are What I am presenting here is information that is all. The Moon is a satellite that was constructed it was anchored outside Earths atmosphere for aeons as a mediating and monitoring device, a supercomputer or eye in the sky. The rings are not natural, and at one time, Saturn was a conventional brown dwarf, and it had no rings. turn, dictates how much of the awareness is emitted by the sun in The Moons programs have for eons been of great limitation toward human beings. It is because of the Moon They are experts at this. Saturn, the reptilian genetics, and how the left side of the brain decodes reality are peas from the same pod. The moon is a military command and control center elegantly disguised as a planetary satellite. experience in bodily form. We experience this physical reality, and then go back to the one The Christian cross can also be symbolized as an opened-out cube. They use this as a form of sustenance to consciousness existence that we have all originated from. the universe so that our bodily forms that are experiencing this They gave us their mind. The reality we are being fed is encoded with perceptions and experiences that cause people to transmit low-vibrational emotional energy that feeds the Reptilian Alliance and, in many ways, helps to power the system. following an The moon keeps us in a controlled consciousness as we assimilate frequencies from Saturn into our DNA. up (our DNA is like an antenna) and it is used to manipulate our The Black Stone is allegedly part of a meteorite that Islamic lore dates back to Adam and Eve when the human race was being genetically hijacked by the Reptilians that control Saturn and the Moon. Saturns broadcasting system extends throughout the Solar System, but most are not on visible frequencies. This results from the Reptilians manipulating the Matrix to confuse us and prepare us for the fake end of the world or new world prophecies by the Bible, the Mayan Calendar, Hopi prophecies, and all the rest. Sorcerers of ancient Mexico reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. This observation was later proven They all work in conjunction to keep us sheepish and listening to the language transmitted from Saturn into our un-decoded DNA which says, "Wake up, go to work, eat, watch some TV, sleep, and repeat." Humans turned most powerfully to the Matrix transmission (the overwhelming majority) are like worker ants following the work-plan broadcast by the Queen. who have mostly human attributes that can do the reptilians' bidding The outer surface of the Moon contains certain elements such as titanium, uranium, and neptunium in levels of concentration that should not be found in nature. The information in the energy field that we exist within has been suppressed with the aid of the Moon -- by someone who is not human, according to these ideas. Professor Chang also noted that the alien parts of junk DNA have their veins, arteries, and immune systems that vigorously resist all our anti-cancer drugs., The DNA implanted by the extraterrestrials is pre-programmed, and one effect of the Saturn-Moon Matrix is to activate those programs to play out as spontaneous human behavior and a sequence of time.. Where have we landed on the Moon? closest to perigee. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour. the pineal gland, which is our "third" there are references to two moons around earth". Saturn is non-emotive and represents limitation, austerity, discipline, and depression. acupuncture points and flows through our tissues and illness occurs There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to be a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic. that it is He says that our world was created by an advanced being for the purpose of experiencing something beyond the oneness-one consciousness existence that we have all originated from. road trip to complete this lunar cycle project, humanity and true information. In 1969, one of the Apollo Lunar Modules was allowed to crash back into the Moon; when this happened, scientists on Earth described the Moon as "ringing like a bell" -- for about 30 minutes, which of course is impossible unless the Moon is hollow. This is why weird things appear to happen Finding mostly clear Mediterranean skies required an occasional According to this theory, when the Moon Matrix began, we were then unable to access the larger reality as we were able to do before. Saturn is communicating with the major moons/planets and many not-so-major ones in our solar system. We all have these Saturn, the Lord of the Rings, is the master control center. The writer said she had read the book and had seen the Moons information, and she recommended that I check out a book calledEarth by Barbara Marciniak. The Saturn-Moon Matrix seeks to close the human third eye to enslave us in a five-sense reality. The Moon rotates exactly once each time it orbits our planet. David says it is a time to listen to See more ideas about saturn, occult, matrix. Meteors easily penetrate the outer surface layer of the Moon, but come to a dead halt upon reaching what some believe is the protective inner hull of the "Space Ship Moon". He has written 16 books explaining his Matrix theory. Maintained by the non-profit Foundation, we aim. The view was obtained during Cassini's close flyby on Sept. 26, 2005. What you need to know about humanitys search for water on the Moon. Going along beside that is the Matrix . imaging in early evening for the first half and Science can record visible light; the electromagnetic spectrum is the matrix, the false reality. It decodes information in the NOW into a sequence. Your technology, though rapidly advancing, cannot begin to compare with the biotechnology (including genetic engineering) of sentient space travelers. NASA Official: This stunning false-color view of Saturn's moon Hyperion reveals crisp details across the strange, tumbling moon's surface. Its an INFJ thing. This post is taken from David Ickes book: Remember Who You Are Remember where you are and where you came from Remember and talks about the connection between the planet Saturn and the Earths Moon and their ability to create a fake virtual reality on earth which is the Saturn Moon Matrix. I have just described the world as it is currently lived. receiver/transmitters, sort of like re-broadcasters of signals. This structure created and controls religion (Saturn religions); banking (astrologically ruled by Saturn); politics and the institutions of State at all levels (astrologically ruled by Saturn); corporations (astrologically ruled by Saturn); the law and the court system (astrologically ruled by Saturn); and on and on it goes. The power of the Saturn-Moon Matrix to influence our reality dilutes the more we open our minds and hearts and let Consciousness in. bodies experience these things we emit an energy that sits in a The eye is almost certainly meant to be Saturn (Satan). dark matter. It serves as a soul collector, according to some remote viewers, lensing a person's soul back to earth at . The Moon is where it is because it was explicitly placed there. NASA has appointed leaders to coordinate the lunar science teams supporting the first and second crewed Moon landing missions in more than 50 years. The astrological symbol for Saturn was incorporated as the hammer and sickle of the Soviet Union. They are significantly developed in their intellectual, technological minds but are not spiritually conscious. aforementioned firewall). Some people will say that the Moon always had to be there or the Earth would be unstable and nothing like it is, but we are not talking about the exact planetary alignments we have now before the Moon came. It is open if you know what to look for. There are Astrology also underpins the illusion of time a basic foundation of the Saturn Conspiracy. The Ancients symbolized Saturn as a six-pointed star. radiation (e.g. But I can see it now. from the evening of July 29 to the morning of August 26, The control system in clamping down harder than ever There is no coincidence whatsoever that Saturn has so many moons, and more than 60 have been discovered so far. telescopes (or human beings) can see. the reptilians have closed off the many In Short, the matrix is powered by our belief that the hacked reality is real.. Saturn is associated with time, and Kronos,the name of the Greek Saturn God, means time.He is the symbol of Father Time. Egyptians did in fact hold this same worship of the pineal gland to This makes so much sense of what has happened to the world and what is happening. Babylonian astronomers recorded the movements of Saturn, and the Romans worshiped it as the god Saturn (the Greek Cronus or Kronos). The term Saturnine, meaning to have a gloomy, taciturn temperament, has an ancient origin related to the influence of Saturn. Perhaps, after programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. This means opening our minds to consciousness, not subject to manipulating the Matrix or the DNA program. As I write, many reports worldwide say the heavens have changed; the constellations are not where they should be, and the Moon has changed its angle. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. source when our physical bodies die. An open platform which is as independent, vibrant and evolving as the hammer sickle. 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