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romans 8 bible study

Grace is the first-fruits of glory, it is glory begun. It shall then be rescued from the power of death and the grave, and the bondage of corruption; and, though a vile body, yet it shall be refined and beautified, and made like that glorious body of Christ, Phil 3 21; 1 Cor 15 42. If God is for us, who can be against us() 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus Genealogy? Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. To this he subjoins a general rule of trial: If any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. The former comes to the ear only, but this to the heart. Why, if ever Paul rode in a triumphant chariot on this side of heaven, here it was: with such a holy height and bravery of spirit, with such a fluency and copiousness of expression, does he here comfort himself and all the people of God, upon the consideration of these privileges. The complaint he takes to himself, but humbly transfers the comfort with himself to all true believers, who are all interested in it. To understand and apply this verse, we need to think through four truths: 1. A daring challenge to all the enemies of the saints to separate them, if they could, from the love of Christ. This the whole creation looks and longs for; and it may serve as a reason why now a good man should be merciful to his beast. Now this intercession which the Spirit makes is, (1.) Why, by enquiring whether the Spirit of God dwell in us. That salvation has been provided by God through Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross. They are in Christ Jesus, as in their city of refuge, and so are protected from the avenger of blood. 1. The bodies of the saints are the temples of the Holy Ghost, 1 Cor 3 16; 6 19. He dwells in the heart by faith, Eph 3 17. (4.) Our weakness in prayer: We know not what we should pray for as we ought. We have here from the apostle. III. The Spirit witnesses to none the privileges of children who have not the nature and disposition of children. 2. It is not only the alienation of the soul from God, but the opposition of the soul against God; it rebels against his authority, thwarts his design, opposes his interest, spits in his face, spurns at his bowels. What would we have? While God is for us, and we keep in his love, we may with a holy boldness defy all the powers of darkness. All these troubles are very consistent with the strong and constant love of the Lord Jesus. 26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. In Christ, God does not only not condemn them, but is well pleased with them, Matt 17 5. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. He will establish that word unto his servants on which he has caused them to hope (Ps 119 49), and heaven is therefore sweet; for, if hope deferred makes the heart sick, surely when the desire comes it will be a tree of life, Prov 13 12. 8 But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, worked in me all kinds of evil desires for apart from Torah, sin is dead. [2.] When we can but cry, Abba, Father, and refer ourselves to him with a holy humble boldness, this is the work of the Spirit. It was great condescension that he who was God should be made in the likeness of flesh; but much greater that he who was holy should be made in the likeness of sinful flesh. Not, whom he did foreknow to be holy those he predestinated to be so. (2.) Some attempt the law made towards these blessed ends, but, alas! We cannot without God, and he will not without us. Let Satan do his worst, he is chained; let the world do its worst, it is conquered: principalities and powers are spoiled and disarmed, and triumphed over, in the cross of Christ. Their property: They are led by the Spirit of God, as a scholar in his learning is led by his tutor, as a traveller in his journey is led by his guide, as a soldier in his engagements is led by his captain; not driven as beasts, but led as rational creatures, drawn with the cords of a man and the bands of love. 1. [2.] The Spirit of adoption is another privilege belonging to those that are in Christ Jesus, v. 14-16. There is a general outcry of the whole creation against the sin of man: the stone crieth out of the wall (Hab 2 11), the land cries, Job 31 38. The whole species of creatures is designed for, and is hastening to, a total dissolution by fire. 31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? But those two come much to one; for all that are actuated by the Spirit of God as their rule are conformable to the spirit of Christ as their pattern. "Now," said he, "is my finger upon them?" Now we are here told what becomes of the bodies and souls of those in whom Christ is. It is a We need 2 cookies to store this setting. 33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosenIt is God who justifies. Romans 8:18 - Suffering and Glory p.13 9. (2.) [2.] That the creature, that is now thus burdened, shall, at the time of the restitution of all things, be delivered from this bondage into the glorious liberty of the children of God (v. 21)they shall no more be subject to vanity and corruption, and the other fruits of the curse; but, on the contrary, this lower world shall be renewed: when there will be new heavens there will be a new earth (2 Pet 3 13; Rev 21 1); and there shall be a glory conferred upon all the creatures, which shall be (in the proportion of their natures) as suitable and as great an advancement as the glory of the children of God shall be to them. phronousi ta tes sarkosthey savour the things of the flesh; so the word is rendered, Matt 16 23. We are like foolish children, that are ready to cry for fruit before it is ripe and fit for them; see Luke 9 54, 55. 1. WebA. These studies focus on what the Bible says, and what it means. What is the conclusion as to the reason for the corruptness of man found in Romans 3:18? How shall he not? It is an effectual call from self and earth to God, and Christ, and heaven, as our endfrom sin and vanity to grace, and holiness, and seriousness as our way. Nor height, nor depthneither the height of prosperity and preferment, nor the depth of adversity and disgrace; nothing from heaven above, no storms, no tempests; nothing on earth below, no rocks, no seas, no dungeons. The Lord is for the body; and though at death it is cast aside as a despised broken vessel, a vessel in which is no pleasure, yet God will have a desire to the work of his hands (Job 14 15), will remember his covenant with the dust, and will not lose a grain of it; but the body shall be reunited to the soul, and clothed with a glory agreeable to it. It is life and peace in the other world, as well as in this. The creatures are often abused to the dishonour of their Creator, the hurt of his children, or the service of his enemies. [2.] Work together. By the creature here we understand, not as some do the Gentile world, and their expectation of Christ and the gospel, which is an exposition very foreign and forced, but the whole frame of nature, especially that of this lower worldthe whole creation, the compages of inanimate and sensible creatures, which, because of their harmony and mutual dependence, and because they all constitute and make up one world, are spoken of in the singular number as the creature. Praying is here called crying, which is not only an earnest, but a natural expression of desire; children that cannot speak vent their desires by crying. (10-17) Their hopeful prospects under tribulations. The Argument from Contingency: A Proof for God, 6 Verses to Cling to When You Are Overwhelmed. These precious privileges are conveyed to us by the charter of the covenant, but they are founded in the counsel of God, which infallibly secures the event. He that hath laid the foundation will build upon it, and the top-stone will at length be brought forth with shoutings, and it will be our eternal work to cry, Grace, grace to it. Is the devil, the accuser of the brethren, accusing them before our God day and night? They work together, as several ingredients in a medicine concur to answer the intention. 103. Those that love God make the best of all he does, and take all in good part. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Christ, as Mediator, is said to be the heir of all things (Heb 1 2), and true believers, by virtue of their union with him, shall inherit all things, Rev 21 7. WebBut what does it say? Shall we put this question to our own hearts, Who dwells, who rules, who keeps house, here? WebRomans 8 English Standard Version Life in the Spirit 8 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. When Abraham was dead, yet God was the God of Abraham, for even then his spirit was life, Matt 22 31, 32. Death to the saints is but the freeing of the heaven-born spirit from the clog and load of this body, that it may be fit to partake of eternal life. And who would be afraid then to suffer for Christ, who as he is before-hand with us in suffering, so he will not be behind-hand with us in recompence? Those that are in a carnal unregenerate state, under the reigning power of sin, cannot do the things that please God, wanting grace, the pleasing principle, and an interest in Christ, the pleasing Mediator. It is the adoption manifested before all the world, angels and men. He did not spare his own Son that served him, that he might spare us, though we have done him so much disservice. How may we know whether we are after the flesh or after the Spirit? And it is not the least part of their vanity and bondage that they are used, or abused rather, by men as instruments of sin. It is a great matter what our savour is, what truths, what tidings, what comforts, we do most relish, and are most agreeable to us. WebChrist is the firstborn with respect to all creatures in general; he was begotten of the Father before all creatures were; he is the first cause of them all, the governor, basis, and support of them: and he is the firstborn with respect to the saints; who are of the same nature with him, are made partakers of the divine nature, are sons in the The goal of the mind is The apostle speaks of this in the first person: We know not. Or, We groan among ourselves. 9 I was once alive outside the framework of Torah. All the saints have flesh and spirit in them; but to be in the flesh and to be in the Spirit are contrary. Who can cut off our streams, while we have a fountain to go to? Whom he justified those he also glorified. 9 I was once alive outside the framework of Torah. By no means, but the contrary. That the creature doth therefore earnestly expect and wait for the manifestation of the children of God, v. 19. We groan within ourselves, which denotes the strength and secrecy of these desires; not making a loud noise, as the hypocrites howling upon the bed for corn and wine, but with silent groans, which pierce heaven soonest of all. WebRomans 8 Commentary Chapter 8 The freedom of believers from condemnation. WebBut what does it say? The idols were a burden to the weary beast, Isa 46 1. 2018 David Guzik No distribution beyond personal use without permission. We cannot say but that the body is dead; it is a frail, mortal, dying body, and it will be dead shortly; it is a house of clay, whose foundation is in the dust. I reckon, as an arithmetician that is balancing an account. He first sums up what is disbursed for Christ in the sufferings of this present time, and finds they come to very little; he then sums up what is secured to us by Christ in the glory that shall be revealed, and this he finds to be an infinite sum, transcending all conception, the disbursement abundantly made up and the losses infinitely countervailed. [2.] When the world was drowned, and almost all the creatures in it, surely then it was subject to vanity indeed. They may be chastened of the Lord, but not condemned with the world. The covenant of grace made with us in Christ is a treasury of merit and grace, and thence we receive pardon and a new nature, are freed from the law of sin and death, that is, both from the guilt and power of sinfrom the course of the law, and the dominion of the flesh. We are conquerors by virtue of our interest in Christ's victory. III. There is a life reserved too for the poor body at last: He shall also quicken your mortal bodies, v. 11. Here is the Spirit interceding with groans that cannot be uttered. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. The enemies have sometimes confessed themselves baffled and overcome by the invincible courage and constancy of the martyrs, who thus overcame the most victorious princes by not loving their lives to the death, Rev 12 11. The Spirit visits many that are unregenerate with his motions, which they resist and quench; but in all that are sanctified he dwells; there he resides and rules. [2.] Let not our life be after the wills and motions of the flesh. Either directly or indirectly, every providence has a tendency to the spiritual good of those that love God, breaking them off from sin, bringing them nearer to God, weaning them from the world, fitting them for heaven. And this not willingly, not of their own choice. How Christ appeared: In the likeness of sinful flesh. Freely givefreely, without reluctancy; he is ready to give, meets us with his favours;and freely, without recompence, without money, and without price. (3.) Web35 min Romans 13:8-14 - Verse by Verse Bible Study Scripture Studies in Romans - A Verse-by-Verse Bible Study Christianity A verse-by-verse Bible study class. This observation in these verses has some difficulty in it, which puzzles interpreters a little; and the more because it is a remark not made in any other scripture, with which it might be compared. "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," so runs our commission, Isa 40 1. Christ doth not, will not, love us the less for all this. It is spiritual death, the certain way to eternal death. But you have received the Spirit of adoption. Observe, It is spoken of as a thing done: He glorified, because of the certainty of it; he hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling. It is not from any specific quality in the providences themselves, but from the power and grace of God working in, with, and by, these providences. Now, that suffering saints may have strong supports and consolations from their hopes of heaven, he holds the balance (v. 18), in a comparison between the two, which is observable. -- Love as the fulfillment of the law -- The two greatest commandment The death even of the bodies of the saints is a remaining token of God's displeasure against sin. We do with patience wait. 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The sufferings are small and short, and concern the body only; but the glory is rich and great, and concerns the soul, and is eternal. III. Now the great question is whether we are in the flesh or in the Spirit; and how may we come to know it? Hope supposes desire, and that desire offered up to God is prayer; we groan. 18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. This is enough to answer all those accusations, It is God that justifieth. It is the death of the soul; for it is its alienation from God, in union and communion with whom the life of the soul consists. 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. The state of the church in this world always is, but was then especially, an afflicted state; to be a Christian was certainly to be a sufferer. There are three things in this chapter: I. whether are we more wise for the world or for our souls? Observe, If the Spirit be in us, Christ is in us. The vision of God and the fruition of God make up the inheritance the saints are heirs to. 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