The omoplata is one of the coolest moves in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. With this submission you use your hips to attack your opponent’s shoulder, using one of the most powerful areas of your body against a much weaker part of theirs. When executed perfectly, the Omoplata uses pure body mechanics and does not require you to be stronger than your opponent, which is one of the fundamentals of BJJ.
The omoplata from guard is also very fun because you spin around and look like a ninja.
Start: Closed guard
Step 1: Get an overhook with one arm over one of opponent’s arms
Step 2: Move onto opposite hip and step that foot onto opponent’s hip so that arm with overhook is higher
Step 3: Reach top-side leg up and grab it with free hand
Step 4: Slide top-side leg over and in front of opponent’s head
Step 5: Figure-four legs to trap shoulder and grab opponent’s belt to prevent them rolling out of the submission
Step 6: Use grip on belt to sit up and hug across opponent’s back/hips
Step 7: Stretch legs out to flatten opponent down to mat
Step 8: Post outside free leg and push hips towards opponent
End: Submission via omoplata