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How To Do a Hook Removal Mount Escape in BJJ

In BJJ, MMA, and in street fights, being mounted is one of if not the worst position you can be in. When mounted, your opponent is using their weight to control all of your movements while leaving their hands and feet free to stop any escape attempts or mount their own attacks. Being mounted in BJJ only gets worse when someone grapevines you and hooks their heels under your legs, stretching you out until you can’t bridge or upa.

With no ability to post either of their feet, the grapevined BJJ fighter is stuck with no chance to create space between their body and the top player’s hips. To get back to a position they could upa from, the bottom fighter would need to leg curl with enough strength to overpower their opponent’s extension. Unless the bottom fighter is built like elastigirl, that’s a losing battle.

The BJJ hook removal mount escape is an essential Jiu-Jitsu mount escape, so critical that it is part of the Gracie BJJ Blue Belt test guide

Start: Mounted and grapevined

Step 1: Kick one leg out to the side to strip opponent’s grapevine and then circle inside

Step 2: Use free foot to peel opponent’s other grapevine off and kick the trapped leg straight

Step 3: Frame a hand on opponent’s knee to stop its movement

Step 4: Slide the frame-side knee through in front of opponent’s knee

Step 5: Step free foot over opponent’s leg to trap it and switch onto you opposite hip

Step 6: Frame against opponent’s other leg and slide that knee through

Finish: Guard via Hook Removal Mount Escape

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How To Do A Headlock Trap and Roll Escape

Being fully mounted in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an awful position. With no opportunities to attack your opponent, your only goal when mounted is to escape from the mount and recover your guard or switch to the top where you have a chance to break your opponent’s guard and pass to an advantageous position. In MMA or a street fight, the mount is an even worse position. That is why escaping from mount is a crucial tool to have in BJJ and is included in the How To Get A Blue Belt guide

A common position when the bottom fighter is strong or very active trying to escape is the cross-face or headlock, where the top fighter will reach their arm under the bottom fighter’s head and through so that their elbow is against the bottom person’s neck. This locks them down onto the bottom fighter and sets up attacks like the Ezekiel choke.

The headlock trap and roll escape in BJJ allows you to sweep your opponent off of their position mounted on top of you even when they have you in a headlock, an even worse position! The headlock that secures the mount can be used by the bottom fighter to trap the top fighter and turn their attack against them as they are swept to their back.

Start: Mounted with a headlock or cross-face

Step 1: Grab arm with headlock and make your head heavy to trap in place

Step 2: Step foot on same side as headlock over opponent’s foot to trap it

Step 3: Wrap other arm around opponent’s back in a body hug

Step 4: Bridge hips up

Step 5: Reach body hug arm across towards other side

Step 6: Switch hip to follow opponent over

Finish: Opponent’s guard via headlock trap and roll escape

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How To Do A Punch Block Trap and Roll Mount Escape in BJJ

The punch block trap and roll mount escape is a simple, basic, effective mount escape. This variation is based on the idea of blocking a punch, so it is definitely essential for a street fight or MMA, but it is so essential for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that it is a part of the Gracie BJJ How To Get a Blue Belt guide.

This mount sweep relies on one of the fundamental ideas in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu when thinking about sweeping or escaping from your opponent: remove one of the legs of the table. Think of an opponent’s limbs as the legs of a table (since they have four of them and usually use all four to support themselves when they’re in a top position), and then think of what would happen if you were to take one of the legs away from a table (it would fall over, if not immediately then definitely if you bumped it towards the missing leg). This is a fundamental rule when escaping or sweeping an opponent. In the punch block trap and roll escape, you take away one of the table legs (the opponent’s arm) and then set up a block on their leg to stop them from changing from a normal table into a tripod. This allows you to simply visualize the trap and roll mount escape shown in the video below.

Start: Mounted with opponent posturing up to punch

Step 1: Sit up and hug opponent’s midsection to reduce space

Step 2: Bridge hips to push opponent forward and force them to post their hands on the floor

Step 3: Reach hands up and onto opponent’s shoulders from behind and climb up opponent’s body with legs
Step 4: Trap opponent’s arm on the rolling side with a whizzer-style over-elbow arm wrap

Step 5: Post rolling-side foot on the outside of opponent’s leg to trap it

Step 6: Bridge up and to rolling side and reach other-side arm up to roll opponent onto their back

Finish: Opponent’s guard via punch block trap and roll escape

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How To Do an Elbow Escape From Mount in BJJ

Being mounted in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu stinks. You’re stuck on the floor with someone who might be bigger, stronger, better at BJJ, or just lucky sitting on your stomach making every breath you take feel like it’s underwater. And then they start attacking you with submissions! The mount in BJJ is bad, but in MMA or a street fight, it is a very bad place to be.

That’s why having a good, reliable escape from mount is a basic self defense staple and essential to progress in Jiu Jitsu. The elbow escape is a standard escape from mount that anyone practicing BJJ should know and one that you can see used in the highest levels of grappling because it is effective at all levels of grappling. This technique is part of the requirements for how to get a blue belt in BJJ through the Gracie system.

Start: Mounted

Step 1: Frame one forearm against opponent’s hip and one against their thigh with one palm on opponent’s hip and the other on the back of that hand with arms at a 90 degree angle

Step 2: Turn 45 degrees to the side of your frame, maintaining the frame

Step 3: Keeping your leg flat to the mat, slide frame-side leg under his leg towards the outside, pushing on his thigh to help create space if necessary

End: Half-guard

This video also includes good method for removing your opponent’s hooks when they are mounted on you and a good transition from half-guard to full guard, which is one of the most powerful positions in BJJ.

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How To Execute a Trap and Roll Mount Escape in BJJ

In BJJ, the worst position to be in is fully mounted by your opponent. When fully mounted, your opponent has a full array of options to submit you while you are forced to carry their weight. It’s an unpleasant place to be, but there is a very simple escape from mount that will land you in your opponent’s guard. Being in someone’s guard is not ideal, they are still in control, but it is much better than being mounted.

In a fist fight or an MMA match, being fully mounted is even worse, and escaping is even more essential. In fact, in a fist fight this escape is more of a game changer. Unless your opponent is an MMA fighter or skilled in BJJ, being inside someone’s guard is a good place to be in a fist fight (because then you can create space easily, make them carry your weight, and have more of a chance to run away!)  

This is a simple BJJ mount escape that can save you when you find yourself mounted and is a part of the Gracie BJJ Blue Belt Requirements

This is a great video from Gracie NEPA that shows the simple escape and then goes into extensive detail of the nuances of the trap and roll escape.

Start: Full mount on bottom

Step 1: Grip opponent’s right wrist with your right hand 

Step 2: Grip opponent’s right elbow with your left hand

Step 3: Step both feet together to outside of opponent’s right leg

Step 4: Bridge up and turn into opponent

End: Inside Opponent’s full guard