Half guard is a powerful position in BJJ. Because your legs are intertwined with your opponent’s, half guard opens up a lot of options for sweeps and submissions. On the other hand, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu half guard doesn’t provide the same ability to control your opponent’s hips as the full guard or mount does, so it can be a tougher position to work from than those and is easier for your opponent to escape from.
The half guard lockdown in BJJ offers an option to stop your opponent from moving their trapped leg while in your half guard, stopping them from escaping. The lockdown wraps both of your feet around your opponent’s leg, preventing them from moving anywhere without dragging you with them in exactly the same position (and just tiring themselves out in the process).
Start: Half guard
Step 1: Step outside foot over opponent’s leg to inside their legs
Step 2: Lace outside foot under inside calf
Step 3: Weave inside foot under opponent’s shin
Step 4: Extend outside leg to inside ankle and press into opponent’s shin
Finish: Half guard lockdown